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Messages - Kit12

Pages: 1 ... 128 129 130 131 132
Silver Screen / Ned
« on: February 01, 2009, 12:00:24 AM »
Yeah, I don't watch Nickelodeon much anymore since the shows got weird, but I did always stop when this one came on, I like it.

Them and their janitor who was on the kid's side more than the teachers and principal

Silver Screen / Camp Lazlo
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:58:42 PM »
Kinda really random, but I recently re-discovered how much I like this show, "Camp Lazlo" when I watched one episode (Where's Clam) and then had to buy episodes from Seasons 1,2,3, and 4 for my I-pod!

Just seeing if anyone else out there likes this show.

I don't know who I like more, Raj or Clam  :DD

Favorite quotes from episodes I bought (just some)

Raj: Can't we just lick socks instead (not wanting to learn to swim, the socks thing was a dare Lazlo took up on teaching him to swim)


Lazlo: Let's check around front (or something like that)
Raj: Let's check your sanity instead!


Lazlo: The first rule of collecting firewood is to make sure you're collecting firewood

*Samson's standing there holding pinecones*

The Welcome Center / Hola!!!
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:51:26 PM »
Welcome! Wow, I'm not good at any of your interests so I'm in awe :DD The dance I mean, I read too

Random Role Play / New Surroundings
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:48:18 PM »
Ducky giggled but not unkindly to Longtail, "Yes we still plan to do that, we do" she answered the fleyr.

"Yeah I heard that too" Kit replied to Chomper with a smile. She turned her smile over to Petrie to find her cousin all but frowning. "Petrie...?" she asked. The flyer let out a sigh and shrugged, "That...not go so well, me fall in sinking sands pool and she not even notice, Littlefoot and other even have to save me".

"Oh..." Kit frowned a bit, "Maybe that's why she never mentioned it. Gee speaking of Cera I wonder if she's around too?".

"Well perhaps our first thing to do should see if we can't find her" Littlefoot said, "Her and Spike, Come on guys if they are around we shouldn't leave them all alone wherever they are". With this Littlefoot began to lead at least the kids out much like he always did.


Henry smiled, "Oh that's quite alright sir" he bent to help the Park's runner pick up the items. Peter, on the other hand, just stood there, "Wow..." he breathed, "Y-your Mr. actually here! Wow I knew I'd meet you working with Uncle Henry and all's honor, sir".

Henry looked both a bit embarrassed and amused, "Um meet my nephew Peter McIntire, Mr. Hammond" he pointed out, "he's interning down in the incubator room, getting a bit better of an education than one more year of High School's likely to provide".

Peter snapped out of his admiration a bit and now bent to hand Hammond his clipboard back, "Uh...yeah, plus considering my scientific discussions paper on trying to prove a Raptor's maternal instincts was deemed poorly researched I don't think I'm missing much" he chuckled a bit.

Role Play Discussion / New Surroundings discussion
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:27:50 PM »
Yeah, for everyone else here they might think that was a spontaneous request grant, but I have role played with you elsewhere ;) enough to know you will.

The Welcome Center / Hey gang!
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:21:34 PM »
Well I'm completely late and just repeating, but welcome from a fellow Newbie, or so I still feel despite my status being up to Junior now  :DD

I've still only been here what...four days?

Random Role Play / New Surroundings
« on: January 31, 2009, 12:00:07 PM »
"Ah right" Peter said, "the anything that can happen then...I guess I'm doomed".

Henry chuckled a bit, "Don't worry Pete, keeping your mother from killing me is another reason I'll watch real carefully to make sure nothing happen like what did to Mr. Anderson here.

"Well we must be getting back to the lab" Henry went on, "Unless you have to stay specifically at your post I suppose you can come along". Just stop freaking out my nephew he thought but didn't say that part as the group (with or without Frank as he chooses) made their way back towards the lab.

"Hey do you think we'll bump into Mr. Hammond?" Peter asked, sounding every bit the star struck kid, he'd only seen the man busily bustling about every now and then. Henry laughed, "Don't worry Peter, you have to bump into him eventually, he runs everything here".


"Yes, that could be it" Ducky admitted. "So...if that's the case...we're in another Great Valley?" Cory asked, trying to figure out what what Chomper said might mean.

Land Before Time RPG / Sharptooth Valley RP.
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:43:15 AM »
Kit frowned a bit at Cera's snickering, "Well..." she tried to come up with some defense of Longtail's fainting that would make it better...but there wasn't much that wouldn't just come out wrong so she let it drop.

"Nevermind". She instead pondered on the game question. She thought of something but wasn't sure how far into explaining where she'd got the idea she should go.

" time..." she began hesitantly, "I was watching some of the flatteeth flyers play..." Kit's voice got really hesitant after admitting this part of where the idea came from, "and they uh...were playing a spotting game of one spotting something and the others guessing what it was...we wouldn't have to run around if we did something like that..." she suggested, seeing how tired Spike was.

Role Play Discussion / New Surroundings discussion
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:27:17 AM »
Well we would need John Hammond wouldn't we  :lol

Yeah, sure, the great John Hammond is now taken.

The Party Room / The Corrupt a Wish Game.
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:22:42 AM »
Granted, but now you can't remember all the important school stuff like 2+2...oh well I guess the bowling fame and trophy are enough, right  :DD

I wish I didn't have to work today  :lol

The Party Room / LBT: Hurt & Heal
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:20:05 AM »
Petrie(13) (+1)
Littlefoot's Mother(12)
Littlefoot's Grandparents(12)
Mo(7) (-1)

Land Before Time RPG / The Land Before Time: Sharpteeth Adventures
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:59:32 AM »
"Ok" Misty nodded and as Rita moved off, she snuck closer to the nest herself. She peered back a few times to make sure Vayne was still nearby, she was starting to like the idea of his being around to protect her, it was awfully nice of him to do such again after so long.

Content he was there, she turned forward once more and crept closer to the nest with a bit more confidence, peering over the edge. "Oh..." she quickly spotted an egg nearest the edge and hopping over into the nest proceeded to push to get it first up and out of the nest before she could then push it off to a less spottable sight.

She hadn't drawn any of the little hatchlings milling about's attention, but she knew Rita probably soon would and she pushed to try and get the egg out of the nest before she was in the way for Rita's own hunting.

It was soon out and Misty pushed the egg slowly but steadily along the ground back towards where she'd come.

Random Role Play / New Surroundings
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:52:21 AM »
Kit smiled, both at more Great Valley residents showing up and the idea that maybe they were just lost outside the Valley, just as Ducky now rushed up and hugged Diver really tight happy to see her sister again.

"Hmm...could be" Cory admitted to Chomper's idea, "and now that I think about it that big wall I saw didn't look anything like the Great Valley wall, I think we gotta look elsewhere".

"Yeah, if we all stick together we should avoid sharpteeth pretty easily, he smiled to Ducky and Petrie, just like five of us did before". Ducky and Petrie smiled back.

Kit frowned, "Yeah, when you guys got all the fun going to the Great Valley on your on while we were babysat while the grown-ed ups had meetings all the time on the way" she whispered to herself about how the trip to the Great Valley with the adults didn't seem as fun as Littlefoot, Petrie, Ducky and the others made their trip sound.

"Yeah, you're probably right" Cory said, "even if I haven't seen any sharpteeth except for Chomper here since I been here".


Peter jumped a bit at the sight of Frank's tail and then smiled, "Uh...yeah, I'll remember to be careful around the chemicals" the teen said.

Henry just gave a not fully pleased smile at this security personel freaking his nephew out, but the sooner Peter got use to the personel around here the best if he was to work here, Henry figured.

"Well that's why we're taking really big precautions now" Henry replied.

Peter shook his head, getting over the tail thing, "I'm seeing it and I"m still stunned Mr. Hammond, with folks like my Uncle Henry's help, is managing to bring dinosaurs to life! It's like...probably the biggest scientific discovery ever!".

The Party Room / The Corrupt a Wish Game.
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:36:16 AM »
Granted but you hiccup and morph in your favorite car and now...your favorite car doesn't exist anymore

I wish everyone would leave the natural order of the world alone in their wishes  :DD (not really, it's fun to read, but corrupt that! Hehe

Land Before Time RPG / Sharptooth Valley RP.
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:12:46 PM »
Cory gave a bit of a smile, ", no I'm fine..." he said, "guess it might be my fault too, I wasn't paying attention either...uh, I'm Cory by the way, uh nice to meet you" he tried to give a bigger smile, but it didn't really work.


Kit let Longtail go so he could answer the question. She thought Sharptooth probably did apologize but wouldn't know for sure until Longtail answered.

Land Before Time RPG / The Land Before Time: Sharpteeth Adventures
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:08:33 PM »
Misty skipped ahead, and sniffed once more, "Hey...I think I can pick the scent up!" she said. She moved off but not too fast so as to out walk Rita, she didn't want to face parents all alone or anything.

Soon the nest came in view. " I rush in and grab some?" she asked Rita, "that's what I've always tried because there's no other option, there a safer way?", it felt weird asking a sharptooth these questions but really Misty wasn't sure why it should, she hunted just like them, it's just her target's never ran away, their caretakers just tried to pummel you.

Random Role Play / New Surroundings
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:05:26 PM »
(Oh, ok)

Dropping Cory, quite literally given the speed of her twirling, Ducky rushed over to where Longtail had fallen. "Oh...he does not feel good I don't think" she said looking up at Littlefoot with a sad frown.

Littlefoot smiled and as Kit flapped off his head, she and Ducky helped move Longtail onto Littlefoot's back for easy transport and not having to wake him.

"Ok then, let's go" Cory said, beginning to walk off.

"Go..." Kit looked confused, "Where?".

"To the wall of course" Cory said, "from the most we all know the Great Valley is behind a wall and there's only one around here that I've found so far, so that's gotta be a good starting place, so come on" he said, for once leading the way and forgetting to ask of Littlefoot wanted to do that.

Kit hopped along to follow a bit, but then glanced back to the others with a frown of if they should or not, she just had this bad feeling. There were shrugs to show no one's really knew either.

"Maybe they want to come too" Cory pointed to the swimmers (?) Mim and Diver off just a way away. "Hey!" he called out as he rushed over, "We're gonna go to the wall since that might be the Great Valley, wanna come?" the young one asked.


(Here's my human, his bio's in the discussion thread)

The youth struggled to not breath to deeply as he kept his gaze fixed on the Parasauralophus right infront of him. Slowly he raised his camera, intent to click the button as quietly as possible and not startle the creature.

He did and then smiled and watched as the dinosaur moved off to drink. Only once the huge dinosaur had left and there was no risk of startling him did the voice sounds, "Quite done yet?".

Peter turned back to the adult behind him, "Oh...hi Uncle Henry" his voice was flat. Henry gently but firmly hauled his seventeen year old nephew up by his shirt sleeve, "Like Iv'e told you a hundred times, you're suppose to be helping us make these dinosaurs, not taking pictures of them".

"Yeah I know..." Peter tried to explain, "but I was just...".

"Peter" his uncle turned to him, "you're only here because I promised your mother I could make you a scientists, if you don't do that I'm going to have to explain why I wasted your final years of High School for nothing and then...".

"It was just one little break, I'm paying attention to the science stuff, honest, it's just...there are dinosaurs just back there!" the youth pointed like an excited child, "you're not a bit excited about that!".

Henry smiled, "I guess I was when I was first here, but let's get you back to work so my loving sister doesn't yell at me again" he steered Peter towards where the buildings of Jurassic Park stood once more.

Peter smiled, "That was only because you called Aunt Zelda a...well something I'm not suppose to repeat" he laughed.

Role Play Discussion / New Surroundings discussion
« on: January 30, 2009, 11:57:12 AM »
Ok, I'm brining in a human character only here, so here's his bio

Name: Peter McIntire
Age: 17
Gender: male
Appearance: Brown hair and blue eyes, polo shirt that sags a bit since it's a size too big for comforts sake and khakis with normal tennis shoes.
Personality: An eager young intern for his Uncle Henry who's one of the scientists, he has a problem with trying to get too close to the dinosaurs.

Role Play Discussion / New Surroundings discussion
« on: January 30, 2009, 11:45:20 AM »
Ok, had the wrong person who wanted him but had the right idea, anyway, Chomper's taken and that's it so far :)

The Party Room / The Corrupt a Wish Game.
« on: January 30, 2009, 11:43:04 AM »
Granted but it comes to life and talks endlessly driving you insane

I wish I got to babysit Littlefoot and the others

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