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Messages - Kit12

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Role Play Discussion / New Surroundings discussion
« on: January 30, 2009, 02:24:43 AM »
Oh, also, to cut confusion with use of fc's. Since we seem to be half claimed half unclaimed. fc's that are taken by a specific player I'll keep track of on the first post and unclaimed fan characters can just be used as wanted.

No one has to claim anyone I'm just making it easier, or attempting. So far I think Chomper's the only claimed one since you brought him in and I'm assuming want to use him, brekclub85?

Land Before Time RPG / Sharptooth Valley RP.
« on: January 30, 2009, 02:05:26 AM »
Kit gasped along with the others. "Gosh...well I'm very glad he didn't eat you, Longtail" she said giving the other sharptoothed flyer (or sort of I guess) a hug despite him being bigger than her (?) "You're too much fun, even if you do get worried all the time...uh that came out wrong" she admitted after having said this and realizing what and how she said it.

Random Role Play / New Surroundings
« on: January 30, 2009, 01:59:39 AM »
(Ok, Cory's coming in here too and I wasn't even trying for that! Somehow I'm not surprised he's not leaving me alone though ;) Oh and I'm guessing Frank's a scientist? Ok, bring him on in)

Petrie turned to Longtail with the biggest look of shock on his face. He didn't remember the Great Valley?! " not remember Great Valley?!" he asked. "", that's when Petrie noticed his own words of desciption fail him.

He could see it...well...a blurred imagine of and water and a wall, was home. He knew this, but he found that as he tried to describe it beyond this one thought he couldn't. He didn't recall why it had been different than what surrounded them excpet that it was somewhere else and...

"It like that" Petrie pointed to the field where the longnecks were and tired, " got a wall 'cause...something about separating sharpteeth...I...I think".

"Separating sharpteeth?" a voice asked and soon a young crested swimmer climbed the hill. He stared like he was trying to face faces as well with names. It was coming slow though. Cory'd been in this weird place without a clue as to where his mother was for about five bright circles already, and having always been an explorer, he'd traveled far enough to glimpse the huge wall from which the sharpteeth growls came, but he hadn't been over.

"Well that's always a good thing" he answered these others he though he knew, "and the huge wall that does such is that way" he pointed in the general direction.

"Oh...maybe that Great Valley..." Petrie tried to think.

Ducky had been staring, head tilted, at Cory for a while and suddenly her eyes went wide. "Cory!" she cried, recognizing the other swimmer. She hugged him tightly, spinning around. "Oh you are ok too, I am glad, yep yep yep!".


While this had been going on, Kit had been really productive and when she returned back to the others, she was riding on Littlefoot's head and beaming brightly. "Look who I found!" she said. Littlefoot laughed, "Hey guys...uh Longtail you ok?" he asked, the poor flyer looked like he was about to be sick.

Land Before Time RPG / Sharptooth Valley RP.
« on: January 30, 2009, 01:44:04 AM »
(I'm going to also bring in my swimmer character who's a Corythasauraus crested swimmer, so I guess he'd be a swimming sharptooth with a cute little ridge on his head  :DD Darn my none-drawing skills to show you guys the picture in my head)

Off in one of Sharptooth Valley's watering holes with a connection out to the Big Water (?) a yellow colored young swimming sharptooth suddenly popped up from the water, did a flip in mid-air, along with a cry of joy, and then pointed his nose to land into the water on his way down once more.

He popped up spitting water and laughed to himself...until the snickering reached his ears. Oh great, some of the other little swimming sharpteeth had seen him...again.

"Hey look, Cory thinks he's a swimmer" (they mean whatever Mo is) one of the most bold one's said and then laughed. His posse soon joined in. Cory frowned deeply, "Nothing saying we can't have fun too" he shot back.

"What chasing the water and ground swimmers not enough for ya?" one of the other kids asked.

"Oh, go bite your momma's!" Cory shot out agitated, trying to hide how embarrassed and now annoyed their teasing was making him feel. He turned his back to them swiftly, splashing them a bit in the process on purpose.

The others just laughed and dove down to swim off and do more exciting things.

"Stupid...them" Cory sighed to himself, not even able to think up a good insult on the spur of the moment.

Land Before Time RPG / The Land Before Time: Sharpteeth Adventures
« on: January 30, 2009, 01:33:20 AM »
Misty smiled and followed Rita out. Despite the sharptooth being the one leading, the egg snatcher couldn't help sniffing a bit herself to try and guess at where this nest might be.

"So, which way?" she asked.

Role Play Discussion / New Surroundings discussion
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:49:18 AM »
The movie. While I have read the book and it was great, I remember the movie more and, I don't know, just going with the movie :)

The Party Room / The Corrupt a Wish Game.
« on: January 29, 2009, 11:27:51 PM » can do this you threw a curve in...but...

No one corrupts the wish because that is how you would corrupt a wish for a wish to be corrupted...wait but by typing this didn't I just corrupted the...

Ok, Granted



Now then, I wish for my brain to heal after doing that  :DD

The Party Room / LBT: Hurt & Heal
« on: January 29, 2009, 11:22:14 PM »
I have nothing against Cera, it's just she can take a hit and...I don't wanna kill be a main contributor to killing Mr.Threehorn...this time anyway ;)

Cera(15) (-1)
Ducky(21) (+1)
Littlefoot's Mother(11)
Littlefoot's Grandparents(10)
Mr. Threehorn(3)

Land Before Time RPG / The Land Before Time: Sharpteeth Adventures
« on: January 29, 2009, 11:17:51 PM »
Misty grinned, "You know it!" she answered, "I've been living off of crawlers since their parents aren't a hundred times bigger and don't try to kill you". She frowned a bit, "but...I'd feel bad if you had to face angry parents to get them for me in addition to what your hunting" she told Aster.

"I'd appreciate a few, but don't worry I'm also gonna be independent and take up you guys on semi-hunting my own swimmer eggs that you help me find" she smiled to Chomper and Rita.

Random Role Play / New Surroundings
« on: January 29, 2009, 09:58:30 PM »
"We trying to figure that out" Petrie answered Chomper's question on where were they. "Oh...good point" Kit realized on Chomper saying he should stay back. "Ok, I guess since I suggested it I'll go ask...wish me luck" she wasn't sure why she said this, yet as Kit flapped over apparently she had had the right idea because the leader of the longnecks frowned as Kit flapped in front of him.

"Um...excuse me Sir" Kit said, "would you happen to know where...".

"Beat it kid, we don't have time to talk to some dumb flyer" the leader said, snubbing his nose up a bit and ducking his head to walk past. Apparently he hadn't been near the Great Valley ever, Kit thought.

She frowned, "I was just gonna ask if you knew where we were! Is it anywhere near the Great Valley? That's where we gotta get".


From where they watched, Ducky frowned, "I do not think it is going well, I don't, I don't" she said. She noticed what looked like some others walking up and turned as they got closer.

Role Play Discussion / New Surroundings discussion
« on: January 29, 2009, 09:42:01 PM »
I have thought about where are they. How do you all feel about the Park, in the first one. They never showed where if any spot they kept the Pteradactyls and such there so I just improved.

We don't have to follow movie just because were there, I just thought there with humans wandering back and forth and the possible mystery of the sharpteeth all being trapped could provide more options and we can span into the Park closing and dinos just roaming free if we want to open them up.

Options that aren't there with Site B, though if someone wants to make a case for Site B, go ahead. I'm asking opinions with that one.

Um, I'm allowing humans and dinosaurs, even pondering on my own scientist characters who I might bring in. I'll put their bios here since they're only relevant in this role play.

That's another thing for any of the scientists we want to use, I guess it would be best to put the bios here since they will be used for this role play, unless they are being pulled in from elsewhere or something.

Hmm...characters that might not fit...If it's found in your general dinosaur list from either LBT or JP It's fine and you could even make a case for rare just discovered types of dinosaurs. All I can think that would be out of place would be a dragon or something but if your wondering about it just ask.

Now, assuming everyone's ok with going with the we want to have it be that Hammon was allowed to open the park and visitors are about or pre-opening days when they're getting their dinosaur itinerary together and there would be only scientists about?

Land Before Time RPG / Sharptooth Valley RP.
« on: January 29, 2009, 09:32:11 PM »
Kit was pushing her hardest against the seed...trying to move it, and it wasn't moving since she was so tired. she slid down the seed to next be laying on the ground.

"Uh...yeah...I don't think I can move the seed anymore so maybe it is break time" she said.

Land Before Time RPG / The Land Before Time: Sharpteeth Adventures
« on: January 29, 2009, 09:28:18 PM »
Misty thought really hard on what Vayne said, trying to recall. Surely being almost killed by a longneck would stick out in her mind if she was that young and going after eggs...

"Oh!" she recalled, smiling genuinely now, "Yes, the one with three eggs and I wanted to make my parents proud by brining back a lot of eggs...only it was too slow. I was really lucky you showed up" she realized.

"Sorry Vayne isn't it?", she hugged his leg, not something she did with sharpteeth a lot if ever.

"Unfortunately I've gotten better at running, being on my own now and all like I said". Misty thought of something, "Say, I was too young to ask last time, how come you can talk like the leave eaters and even us egg snatchers do and not just in the sharptooth growls?" she asked Vayne.

EDIT: She was more confused when the other hatchling spoke to. "Oh...apparently it's a talent around here..." she said. She then smiled at their being so nice to do that. "Really? Hey yeah that might also help with the parents too to have more than just me there...thanks!"

The Party Room / LBT: Hurt & Heal
« on: January 29, 2009, 09:21:43 PM »
Petrie(13) (+1)
Littlefoot's Mother(12)
Littlefoot's Grandparents(10)
Mr. Three Horn(5) (-1)

Land Before Time RPG / Sharptooth Valley RP.
« on: January 29, 2009, 09:55:30 AM »
...tripped over Spike as the belldragger rushed over and then punted the pinecone through with his tail into the goal.

Wow, Spike got really good at this game Kit thought but didn't say it incase she'd hurt the young belldragger's feelings. She flapped over to push the seed back to the middle of the playing ground.

"Are you going to get tried of doing that?" Ruby asked her. Kit giggled and shook her head though, "Nah, it's kinda fun".

Role Play Discussion / New Surroundings discussion
« on: January 29, 2009, 09:42:09 AM »
Ok, I'm going to go ahead and make this group for anything that might come up concerning my group.


John Hammond


Random Role Play / New Surroundings
« on: January 29, 2009, 09:40:22 AM »
(Yeah I thought of that. PM's are fine for now but I may also created a thread too, eitherway, yeah Chomper's more than fine, something tells me it's more than possible for a little baby T-rex to wander out of those cages ;))

As the two girls first noticed Longtail's voice, Ducky and Kit both looked shocked and then promptly rushed over to where he was.

"Longtail! Oh you are alright, you are, you are!" Ducky said happily.

Kit helped him up, "Are you alright? Gosh I thought all that sky fire was gonna burn the whole Valley or something".

"You remember it too?" Ducky sounded surprised. She glanced around, " seems to be over now, it does".

Petrie also heard both Longtail and Chomper's call and smiled that more familiar faces were about. He flapped over to give Chomper a hug that was half out of fear and half a normal hug, "Chomper....Petrie very glad you here, everyone else too" he said with a bright smile.

Ducky laughed, "Oh Petrie you were not scared, were you?". The flyer looked like he didn't want to answer.

Off on the field, still visible but far off, a herd of what the children would all call longnecks were moving off. The one up front, one Kit definitely didn't recognize, sighed, "Are the old one's and their young boy keeping up?" he asked impatiently once more.

"Maybe they know were we are?" Kit threw out to the others, "should we ask?".

LBT Fanfiction / 15 Ways to Annoy the LBT cast
« on: January 29, 2009, 01:38:02 AM »
Quote from: The Great Valley Guardian,Jan 29 2009 on  12:33 AM
:smile but that's the whole point! :DD It would start ringing, and he would have NO idea how to make it stop...until he decided to step on it! :lol [/QUOTE]
  :smile Ah, I get the prank now...yes that would be fun. And somehow Topsy's more fun to mess with. One of the small enough young one's could also tie pretty flowers and treestars on his frill from his back and I'm not sure if he could stop them...

Wait...maybe he could...that sounds too dangerous for the young ones  :DD

LBT Fanfiction / 15 Ways to Annoy the LBT cast
« on: January 29, 2009, 01:26:09 AM »
Quote from: The Great Valley Guardian,Jan 29 2009 on  12:17 AM
I've got one...give Topsy a cellular phone! :lol
Um...why? Since without hands he can't use it? :lol

I'm noticing how evil a lot of these suggestions are! :)


On that note of being could also tell Petrie they outlawed flying and watch him freak out as he believes you  :DD Then try to climb down from his nest and...ok I'm pitying the poor guy... "Petrie it's not true!"

LBT Fanfiction / 15 Ways to Annoy the LBT cast
« on: January 29, 2009, 01:22:10 AM »
Quote from: Noname,Jan 28 2009 on  11:34 PM
Has anyone else noticed that all of these ways of annoying the characters involve their family somehow?
I thought that was the quickest way to get annoyed was what your family could do  :DD They have always held that power...or maybe that's just my family  :lol

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