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Messages - F-14 Ace

Pages: 1 ... 131 132 133 134 135 ... 139
The Welcome Center / Welcome Sister
« on: January 04, 2006, 06:27:06 PM »
Welcome to the Gang of Five.  I hope you enjoy it here.  There are lots of things to talk about.

Brain Food / Fact or Crap!
« on: January 04, 2006, 05:59:49 PM »
You are correct, Malte.  The book is called Futility.  It came out in 1898.

Brain Food / Fact or Crap!
« on: January 04, 2006, 12:24:01 AM »
Fact or crap...
Here is an interesting one.  Okey, someone wrote a story about a ship callet the Titan.  It was to be the largest ship ever built and was said to be unsinkible.  While on its first voyage, in the month of April in the North Atlantic, the ship struck an ice burg and sank.  Hundreds of people died as there were not enough lifeboats for everyone.  This was in a novel written 14 years before the Titanic sank so basically, someone predicted the Titanic disaster.  Fact or crap?

The Fridge / Great Maritime disasters
« on: January 04, 2006, 12:00:27 AM »
I have also heard of the Andrea Doria, the Italian passenger ship that sank off Nantucket Island.  It took 11 hours to sink and is one of the most well-documented shipwrecks in history.  An airplane frying around it took a serries of photos as the ship went down, capturing its final moments on film.

1988 Theatrical Release / Your friends and your Interest in LBT
« on: January 03, 2006, 06:45:21 PM »
There is that idiot at my school that thinks LBT and all who enjoy it will find a place in hell with their name on it.

Silver Screen / What are you favorite 15 films?
« on: January 03, 2006, 12:35:55 AM »
1. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back,
2. origional Star Wars
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Land Before Time
5. Bambi
6. Independance Day.  I have always liked that movie.  I like the way that black fighter pilot guy reacts when the alien fighter shoots at him.  He may have cussed but I actually think the way he reacted to the situation was funny.  He said, "Oh, I know you just did not shoot that green *beep* at me!"  The way he said it was kinda funny.  Pardon the bad word there.  
7. Treasure Planet
8. Lion King
9. Disney's Atlantas
10. War of the Worlds (origional one.  Considering that it came out in the 1950s, the origional had great special effects even by today's standards.)
I can't think of any more right now but I may update this later.

Brain Food / Fact or Crap!
« on: January 02, 2006, 05:44:09 PM »
Crap!  I do believe the 22nd amendment was made after WWII, 1951 to be exact.  Before that, presidents could run as mant times as they wanted as far as I know.  I could be wrong so please correct me if I am.  Actually, I just looked it up.  I am not sure if that is cheating but anyway, the following text came from Wikipedia on the 22nd amendment: Prior to the adoption of the amendment, the constitution set no limit on the number of presidential terms. The United States Congress proposed the amendment on March 21, 1947. It was ratified by the requisite number of states on February 27, 1951.  The link is

The Fridge / Great Maritime disasters
« on: January 02, 2006, 04:10:35 PM »
I got this whole story from the following website. Here is the link if anybody wants to see it.  also, there is a picture of the Empress of Ireland attached.  I just think that it is very sad that this great disaster has been forgotten the way it has.  It was a part of history and I think people should know more about it.  By the way, I have heard of those other ships you all mentioned.  I read a lot of books.  The next ship I will disguess will be the HMHS Brittanic.  I may have spelled that wrong.

EDIT: removed the (long) quote since you provided the link to it ~RR

Brain Food / Fact or Crap!
« on: January 02, 2006, 03:40:38 PM »
You are correct.  But tornados and hurricanes are two different things.  A hurricane covers a large area and can last weeks.  Tornados on the other hand usually spawn from thunderstorms (although thet can form at any time) and rarely last more than a few minutes and are usually pretty weak.  THe tir-state tornato was one unusual exception.  It lasted for houres and now some people believe it might have been several tornados.  This has yet to be proven though.   :yes
Alright, I know what to do now.  Earlier, the "File attachment" bar was not showing up.  It is now, though.  It won't give me that option when I am editing a post thoigh.  Why is this?

Brain Food / Fact or Crap!
« on: January 02, 2006, 12:58:47 PM »
Fact or crap:
The worst tornado in US history was the tri-state tornado in 1925 that tore across three states.  By the way, whoever responds to this, please tell me how to post pictures.  Please.

The Fridge / Strange Weather
« on: January 02, 2006, 12:52:24 PM »
Well, like I said, Alabama's weather can change in the blink on an eye.  We did get a small thunderstorm but that was it.  Now it is a bright, sunny day but a bit windy.  There are still some dark clouds but that is all. :)

The Fridge / Great Maritime disasters
« on: January 02, 2006, 05:04:40 AM »
Alright, this has nothing to do with LBT.  I just want to know if any of you know of any great shipwrecks (other than the Titanic.  We all know the story of that.)  I will list some that I have heard of and how they sank.
Empress of Ireland- Collision with another ship in the St. Lawrence River on May 29, 1914.  This ship has sadly almost been completely forgotten.  It sank only weeks before the outbreak of WWI and was never a popular news story.  1,012 people died.  Intresting fact: Of the 1500 people who died on the Titanic, 832 were passengers.  Of the 1,012 people who died on the Empress of Ireland, 840 were passengers.  This means 8 more passengers died on this ship than on the Titanic.

Lusitania- British passenger ship torpedoed by German u-boat off the coast of Ireland on May 7, 1915.  1125 people died.

Britannic- Brittish hospital ship sunk by explotion of unknown origion of the coast of Italy.  Only 30 people died.  Some people believe the ship was torpedoed by a u-boat but it is unlikly though because u-boats usually didn't fire upon hospitally ships.  It was more likly a mine that sank the Brittanic.  Intresting fact: The Britannic was the sister ship of the Titanic.  She was to be bigger nd more luxurious than the Titanic but was taken by the Royal Navy as a hospital ship.  The ship is also the biggest ship ever to sink.  Her wreck is almost completely intact and relatively untouched.  Looters don't salvage hospital ships because they don't carry anything of value except sick and wounded people.  Another intresting fact:  The Titanic's other sister, the Olympic was the only one to have a successful career.  She was, however, scrapped in 1935.  Today though, parts of her first class lounge and the ship's grand staircase (not sure if that should be capitalized or not) can be found at a hotel in England.  I will post pistures of these ships except I forgot how.  Someone please tell me how.  I will get more in detail on these ships later on.  ust thought I would share some of my knowledge of maritime desasters with you.  It can be quite intresting at times.  If any of you have ever hard of any of these ships or know of any others, please share your knowledge.  I get my scources from books, tv, and the internet.  I love learning stuff.  Now, I can post pics.  The one here is a picture of the Britannic, sister of the Titanic.

Brain Food / Fact or Crap!
« on: January 01, 2006, 11:40:13 PM »
Fact.  I believe it was called the armonica.  I was going to post a picture of it but I forgot how to post images.  Can someone remind me, please?  Speaking of crap, that is what the weather has been doind sinse thursday.  We have had a tornado outbreak and everything.  Not uncommon for this time of year.  See Strange Weather that I posted in th fridge.

The Fridge / Strange Weather
« on: January 01, 2006, 06:50:59 PM »
We are having even more strange weather today.  It is foggy and there is thunder and the sky is all yellow looking.  Wierd. <_<

LBT Fanfiction / new fanfic I am planning
« on: December 31, 2005, 04:10:48 AM »
I didn't want this to turn into a discussion about spammers but that a-hole somehow got my e-mail address and keeps spamming me that way.  He probably looked it up on  I think it should be optional wether to show your e-mail address on there or not for this very reson.

General Land Before Time / Weired land before time plushes
« on: December 30, 2005, 07:02:51 PM »
Hey, does anybody have a picture of the origional LBT movie cover?  Just wondering.

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Characters
« on: December 30, 2005, 06:58:03 PM »
Oh, I was just wondering.  Well, I managed to survive that tornado we had yesterday.  I talked about it in the Frige section unter Strange Weather.  Anyway, I would like for Ali to come back along with all the other guest stars.

Silver Screen / Now that you've named your best...
« on: December 29, 2005, 02:39:30 AM »
That day, we had a substatute.  She didn't hand ut any of the work the teacher left for us.  I have no clue why she made us watchBarbi of all things.  I mean, it has no educational value whatsoever.  She was also mean.  She was, um, what is that technical term I'm looking for, um, a bitch.  (parden the use of dialog there.)  Hey, how can Barbi have so many jobs?  I mean, there is swim team barbi, Dentist barbi, you name it, they've got it.  Why don't they have a terrorist or suicide bomber barbi?

The Fridge / Strange Weather
« on: December 28, 2005, 07:42:32 PM »
Man it is storming.  I am about to tae shelter.  the tornado sirens just went off.  Crap!

The Fridge / Strange Weather
« on: December 28, 2005, 05:14:41 PM »
I was just out riding my bike when all hell broke loose!  In Alabama, we do not get snow in the winter.  We get rain.  However,it has been unusually warm today.  It still gets cold this time of year and it is 80 degrees right now!  Usually tornado weather!  It is normally 40* F here but it is 82*.  Plus, we have been having very, and I mean VERY heavy thunderstorms all day.  The sky did clear up for a bit and I thought the storm was gone.  I was riding my bike and the sky was clear.  then, the sky got black and iI mean black clouds and, a huge thunderstorm came out of nowhere.  I peddeled home as fast as I could.  It started pouring like crazy right after I got in the house.  Man, it is dark and scarry outside.  Behold, Alabama's wierd weather.  It can be clear one minute and two seconds later there can be a raging thunderstorm like the one raging outside even as I type.  Two years ago, we were whitewater rafting in Pratville, Alabama on a clear day.  As soon as we got out of the water, a thunderstorm popped up.  Of course, it was summer so a sudden thunderstorm was not unusual but four people,(we didn't know),  were hit by lightning at some river event.  Last Easter, we had a huge tornado outbreak. :huh:  :o  :(  :unsure:  :blink:  :cry2

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