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Messages - Mama's Girl

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Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 30, 2011, 11:48:43 PM »
(I am sort of assuming stuff about movies that have already transpired and all, but hopefully it still meets up :))

"Well help ya out too, Fury" Harper said as they followed Pterano over to this forest, "we know just how to find ground crawlers from when we helped another glider friend of ours, Guido, find some".
Petrie nodded, "Yeah, him help me fly better for Day of the Flyers" the hatchling smiled before his smile fell to a frown as he brought this up. "Me still wish you could have been there for our Day of the Flyers" he told Pterano.

The Welcome Center / Hi there!
« on: May 29, 2011, 11:35:25 PM »
Hey Shari, I'm new myself, Welcome :)

Role Play Discussion / "Flyers...Beyond" Discussion thread
« on: May 29, 2011, 03:37:47 PM »
Hey, not sure if I'll get this to you before you go, but here's the info anyway. Yeah, I modeled Harper after this one that I spotted :) Oh, yeah and have fun! :D

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 29, 2011, 10:57:22 AM »
Harper at first looked shocked as Fury rushed over and hugged her, but then she smiled hugging her new friend back, "You're welcome" she said.

As Pterano smiled back at her and laid a hand on her shoulder, Harper glanced down but smiled at the praise. She knew that she counted her mom being proud of her as the most important thing ever, but she never would have imagined that Pterano saying he was proud of her would make her feel so good either.

"Yeah, where that come from?" Petrie asked his sister.

"Oh hush" Harper gave him a small playful push.

LBT Fanfiction / One of a Kind
« on: May 28, 2011, 09:50:36 PM »
(Thanks for the reviews so far :) Well someone asked for action ;) and here...well it's not full action, but we're getting there)

II: Don't Understand

Harper hadn't had much luck in finding anyone to complain to about the incident with Petrie, at least not anyone in her age bracket anyway. So somehow the kid found herself telling Tria all about it just to tell someone. Of course, Tria's first statement in finding out who she was hadn't helped Harper out. "Oh yes, one of Cera's little flyer friend, Petrie's sisters, right?".

"Yes, and Cera's little flyer friend Petrie does nothing but cause trouble!" she crossed her wings.

Tria smiled, "Ah one of those little daily sibling arguments, yes I'm learning about those while Topsy's oldest is with us and we're watching sweet little Dinah and Dana, oh but those two can argue" she shook her head.

Harper sighed, trying to remember to be polite while she was so upset and Miss Tria's talking about her own problems was kind of more annoying.

Tria laughed, "Well, just remember, boys take extra understanding from us girls at times" she winked and even gave the little hatchling a friendly nudge with her nose, chucking at her own joke that Harper didn't catch. "And, speaking of those two little imps I should go make sure they're staying out of trouble". Harper nodded as the adult threehorn walked off.

Left alone again, the hatchling just sighed again, staring off at the dinosaurs roaming about the Great Valley as she pondered. "I was just trying to help" she muttered to herself, "and I didn't mean to put his stupid snuggling stick in the nest" she sighed.

A slight rustling drew Harper's attention and she glanced over to see a bush that was shaking. The little flyer watched it until the shaking stopped enough for the head of a runner poked out, looking sort of like that hidden runner was suppose to, only a plainer brown and not so "mysterious". It was followed by another.

Harper tilted her head, looking at the two in curiosity as they seemed to notice her and instantly grin, before calming the look into a more normal one. "A flyer!" the one on left had whispered, before his companion jabbed him in the ribs to shut him up. He smiled as they both walked out.

"Um, well hey there little Miss" the runner nodded to her, something that surprised Harper.

"Um...hi" she said.

"My friend and I seem to be sort of lost, um would this be the Great Valley?" the first runner asked. Harper nodded. "Oh, good" the runner went on, "and would you happen to know where the sinking sands would be?".

His friend looked puzzled, "Why do we wanna know where the sinking sands are?" he asked. Giving an annoyed frown, the first runner turned to him, "If you'll wait I'll tell you when we get there!" he replied tightly.

Harper frowned, "W-why do you want to go to the sinking sands?" she asked.

The runners looked at eachother, "Um...reasearch" the first said, "you see, we're...well, sort of Finders Outers, as we call it ourselves" he chuckled a bit, "we figure out things no one else has thought to ask".

"Why?" Harper asked.

"Well to know the answers of course" the runner said.

"No" Harper shook her head, realizing these two had misunderstood he question, "Why did no one else, the things you find out?".

"Oh, don't know" the runner said, "that can be another question for the list" he smiled to her, "you know you're quite sharp, maybe you should think about joining up on the team there, helping us out?".

"No..." Harper glanced to the bright circle, "I think I should really be home by now" she stood to flap off

"Oh wait!" the first runner said, "you see, I was sort of hoping you could show us the sinking sands, since we're new and don't know the way and all" he smiled.

"Me?" Harper asked. It was an odd request.

"Yeah, since you can fly and all would be easier" the second runner said and then smiled like he'd come up with something genius.

Harper thought a bit longer, "Well...all of us kids are sort of not suppose to go there alone..." she began.

The first runner laughed, "But you wouldn't be alone, you'd be with full fledged adults" he said, indicating him and his friend. Harper glanced between them.

"I...I don't think thanks" she stood and as she looked like she might fly off, both runner's looked worried.

The second one suddenly sighed, "Oh well, Plan B" he said. Faster than Harper could take stock of, he whipped out a net of vines and swooped it over her, instantly trapping her.

"H-hey! What!" Harper twisted and wiggled, but couldn't get out, she just glanced between her two now captors.

"Get her to the others" the first whispered, "I'll make sure we're still in the clear and no one saw". With a nod the second runner, holding Harper's net, darted off back into the bushes and off across the landscape of the Valley with her. Harper wasn't liking the sound of any of this. Who were these "others" and where was she going?


As Tria walked back over to her and her family's sleeping space, she frowned at the rather odd sight before her. The oldest of her step daughters, Dinah and Dana's mother, as described to Harper, now stood before Topsy looking upset and Cera stood beside her looking shocked. Both expressions Tria instantly didn't like.

"W-what's going on?" she walked up.

"It's the twins..." Dinah and Dana's mother said, the young adult threehorn looking beside herself, "They...they're gone!".

"Are you sure they're not just playing off some-" Topsy began, walking up to his oldest daughter again.

"Do you think I didn't check!" she snapped back at her father before frowning in worry again.

Topsy was silent, thinking over how resourceful he'd always taught all his kids to be, no, if the twins were lost it wasn't for lack of checking. "We'll call a meeting, have every inch of the Valley searched for either the twins or any indication of where they might have gone".

Most of his family followed as Old Threehorn walked over to inform the Longnecks and others. Cera stood there a bit and then darted over to find Littlefoot and the others, knowing that the five of them could get more progress going on this than their parents.

LBT Fanfiction / Always the Same Sun
« on: May 28, 2011, 09:25:45 PM »
Ooh, yeah, looks insteresting so far! Poor Pterano, it's true what they say you always are your worst critic and even if the whole Valley does evetually forgive him it's like he'll carry this around. Well, I'll see where you take it next! :)

LBT Fanfiction / The Past that Yawns Behind
« on: May 28, 2011, 09:20:24 PM »
Woah! First test out and these two have almost killed Pterano! Still, very very devoted. Here's hoping he can make it the rest of the way, not that I want to see him tortured more it' get it ;)

It is making he re think my possibilities on if they would be this evil to do this to Pterano. Hmm.

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 28, 2011, 08:59:22 PM »
Harper had never heard of such a question before as the one Fury asked, so she had to think for a bit. Was it normal to think no one...well not really, but could she really just tell him that, like that?

"Well..." she began, "'s not good, to think like that, I mean, you gotta have someone you can...look to and trust; well don't have to, I mean you should, it..." the flyer sighed, she was messing this all up.

"I guess it would be normal and understandable if something happened to you to make you think like that" she instead answered, "but...well you have people to care for you, since I've noticed Miss Artie here does and, and I think you already hooked my uncle into watching you too" she smiled glancing back to the two adults.

"And...well I already think of ya as a friend" she shrugged, "if that's, yeah I'd say you have alot of people to care for you...if you want".

She wasn't sure where this 'grand speech' had come from and would never have thought she'd be inspiring or anything, but had just spoken honestly and from what she actually felt, even if being still a kid she didn't have everything figured out either.

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 28, 2011, 10:24:39 AM »
Petrie did peek out and listen as Pterano told them of how he'd found and was even helping Rinkus and Sierra. did sound like a nice thing to do, and even like something that could be used for proof that Pterano had changed when he could come back, maybe.

"Oh...well then...ok" Petrie came out and glanced over to Rinkus again, trying for a small smile, but knowing the might still take some time to get use to. He didn't really much like to hear what his uncle said on Sierra, who sounded the same. But then he figured Uncle Pterano could probably take care of him, like he'd said he would with the sharpteeth, who also turned out to be nice.

Harper was about to say something when she noticed Fury cry out in pain, for the second time it seemed, and she noticed a scar. She flapped down and looked at him as he seemed to be dazed off but then came back. "Are you ok, Fury?" she asked when he opened his eyes.

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 28, 2011, 12:11:41 AM »
Both little hatchlings smiled to Jared as well, he was definately friendly and their Uncle Pterano seemed to have found a lot of new friends. Petrie and Harper were both glad since it probably meant he hadn't been too lonely.

Noticing how nervous the other hatchling, Fury, seemed, Harper was about to try and say something else when someone else entering the cave caught her attention, but more of Petrie's.

Harper had never really seen much if anything of her uncle's ex-henchmen, just hearing of them mostly, but Petrie definately remembered them! With an all but squeak and jumped up and darted behind Pterano, "W-what you doing back with mean flyers?" he asked, peaking past Pterano's wing fearfully before darting back down.

LBT Fanfiction / One of a Kind
« on: May 26, 2011, 11:46:03 PM »
(Alright, like with the role play, to give my character concept, Harper, one of Petrie's sisters, any kind of adventure it has to be forced so for my first try at a story I was going to do...something else, but this idea is all I could find to run with, so I think I can pull it off :D)

I: Wrong Side of the Nest

For about the a millionth time, Petrie banged his head against the wall of his cave home.

"Petrie!" a young girl's voice exclaimed in surprised, one of his sisters, Harper, coming over and helping walk him away from the wall. "That can't be helping your sniffles" Harper went on.

She'd forgotten how antsy Petrie could be, her brother often being off on an adventure with his friends while she either played tag or something with the others or just amused herself around the nest helping her mom out.

"Here" Harper went on, helping Petrie, who didn't see to care about much at the moment, to sit against the other wall of the cave.

Here he finally let lose his frustrations and groaned, "Why me can't lay in nest again, it comfy".

"It's not fixed" Harper replied, and as her brother just stared at her, she sighed and explained more, "Mom was complaining our nest looks...shambly or something, so I'm going to fix it".

After saying this she walked over and pulled out one of the twigs of the nest that she felt stuck out a bit too much. Petrie watched her, just staring at the comfy spot in the middle of the nest where he wanted to be laying and not the floor.

He started crawling over, his sniffles making him not have much energy at all. He slowly started crawling over the side of the nest to get inside.

"Petrie no!" Harper rushed over and, plucking her brother up, set him to the side on the floor again, though to Petrie it felt like he was thrown.

Harper sighed as she looked at the branches Petrie had bent out of shape, "You ruined it!' she went back to straightening them up as Petrie sighed and rested his head back, staring out at the upside down landscape outside the cave. He wished his mama would hurry up and get back to the nest and save him from his psycho, in a nest fixing fit, sister.

His mother would let him lay in comfy nest, being sick and all! Petrie thought to himself with a slight frown.

For her part, Harper didn't mean to be hard to deal with, and hadn't meant to literally throw her brother out of the nest, she was just distracted with the thought of making it perfect for her mom.

Once she was done she smiled and her focus dropped from that so she could take in the rest of her surroundings. First thing she noticed was Petrie laying sprawled out on the floor.

Smiling she helped him sit up, "You should be in the nest not the floor if you're sick, Petrie" she told him helping him over to it. She got the oddest look from her brother as she said this...

Choosing to not point out that he'd only been on the floor because she'd thrown him there, Petrie instead went to the next thing he could think of. "You seen me snuggling stick?".

"Oh, yeah sure" Harper glanced about for it, frowning when she couldn't locate the stick her brother always used for comfort. "Well it was right..." Harper paused and her beak dropped. She stared at the nest.

"What?" Petrie asked.

"You're gonna hate me..." Harper began, "but...I think I put it in the nest...".

"What!" Petrie began to pry at bits of the nest to look, Harper immediately flying over to stop him, "No! Petrie, I just fixed that!". She struggled to push Petrie's hands away from tearing at the nest while he tried to push them back to looking for his snuggling stick again.

"you lost me snuggling stick!".

"I did not, you're probably sitting or laying on it, so...well...same difference".

"Not it not!".

(ooc: going with the name I've seen others use for Petrie's mom)

As Tory returned to her nest, she smiled with the thought that today atleast there shouldn't be any drama or problems like one got with a whole brood of flyer hatchlings most times. She'd only left two of her children alone at the nest so things there should be quiet except for Petrie having the sniffles.

"Ok kids I'm ba-" Tory paused at the scene in front of her.

"Petrie stop it!"

"Me stick!".

Tory sighed and brought a wing up to her head, "Ok..." she walked over, "what's going on?".

Two young voices answered at the same time, "Harper throw me on floor and put snuggling stick in nest!" Petrie's stuffed up voice said.

"Petrie's ruining all the work I did on the nest, and I did not!" she answered what she heard her brother say.

"Yes you do!".

"Ok" Tory interrupted the kids, "one at a time, now then Petrie, you're sick so go on and tell me first".

"That's not fair!" Harper immediately pointed out, crossing her wings.

"Harper" the slight almost in trouble tone in her mother's voice caused the girl to hush up.

"Well me gots snifflies but Harper wouldn't let me be in nest because she says she has to "clean it up", so she threw me on floor" Petrie said, "and then she put me snuggling stick in nest!".

"It was an accident!" Harper protested, "both of them!".

"Alright kids..." Tory started to try to interrupt. Petrie as frowning in that half mad way of his whenever his siblings had rubbed him wrong.

"Me gonna go find Guido!" he pushed past his sister and walked towards the cave exit. Harper had since learned that finding or being around Guido was like a sign of her brother being mad at them. Thing was most times he got mad at them it was for something that was his fault! Like this!

"Well maybe I'll go..." Harper broke off, she didn't have any close friends she could always find like Petrie's, "...find someone better than you!" she ended with, feeling it fell flat.

"That is enough!" Tory stopped Petrie's walking towards the exit of the cave, picking him up. "Petrie, you are not going anywhere sick, now I'm sure Harper didn't mean any of it and we can gently search for your stick in the nest, ok?" she asked both kids as she set Petrie down nest to Harper.

Brother and sister glanced to each other then away from each other annoyed, "Fine".

It was cooperation enough for the moment, "Great" Tory started the delicate task of searching the nest. By her expert knowledge of how she'd built this nest and all it didn't take all that long and she could even do it with minimal damage.

"There" she handed Petrie his stick, "now everything's fixed" she smiled.

Petrie hugged his stick " got bent" he frowned, not really making a comment against his sister, really, but Harper still looked pretty insulted.

"Well I'm not nest put with snifflies so I'll see you later!" and before her mother could stop her she flew off away from the cave to maybe find her other siblings who were not so annoying or...something. Tory sighed, somehow it seemed like it was always something.

(Well, first chappie that just sets up and doesn't exactly give away the point of the story...yet, but this little sibling spat is useful later as you'll see ;))

LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest the Sequel?
« on: May 26, 2011, 11:00:48 PM »
Hey, yeah meant to reply and say I read and liked the first one, so yeah I'll probably read the sequel :D As for what will happen, not sure except what everyone else has guessed pretty much. Looking forward to it!

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:36:51 PM »
((Thanks, yeah the second I thought of it I realized how flyerish it sounded without being too...over the top ya know :D)

Petrie and Harper both gave a small smile to Luke and then his friends, their words did help put them at ease a bit. Harper was still a bit bugged by Luke saying "probably" wouldn't eat them, but then it was most likely like a joke.

She smiled, "Well thankyou and...uh, then we're glad to meet ya, right Petrie?" she jabbed her brother who was being held over on the otherside of Pterano to tell him to say hi. "Uh yeah" Petrie gave a small smile.

As they were introduced, Petrie wasn't so shocked by his uncle's flattering of him, but Harper was a bit. She'd always felt like she got lost within the group of her other siblings. She smiled though.

Petrie's shock came when Devon walked up to both introduce himself and say how he already knew all about him. "Oh...well, then hi and me happy to meet you if you...Uncle Pterano's...son?" the young flyer didn't hide any of his confusion on this.

Harper smiled, "I think he 'dopted him" she told her brother, "and Hi" she nodded to first Devon and glanced to this Miss Artie and the kid she carried. She smiled to both of them too, "Hi".

She recalled something she heard her mom say and giggled a bit, "So you're Uncle Pterano's new friend and one who's a girl? Well that's good, my mom kept saying he needed one of those" she smiled back at her uncle, in typical childish innocence unaware of just what possibly embaressing information she was passing along.

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 25, 2011, 11:18:32 PM »
Almost before Harper could fully take in the group she was looking at that had startled Petrie, both hatchlings heard the cry and turned that way next, their senses trying to take in all the shocks hitting them at once.

What were the odds! Harper thought.

Petrie on the other hand couldn't think much beyond giant spurt of joy!

"Uncle Pterano!" the hatchling launched over the distance over to the cave to hug Pterano's beak in utter joy. "Me find you, oh me tell Harper me would but she say Mysterious Beyond too big and...oh me happy to see you and not have to wait five long Cold Times!".

He glanced down to his sister as Harper, still glancing curiously at the sharptooth and big creature she realized had yet to attack, flew over. "See, me tell you!" he told her.

"Hi Uncle Pterano" she smiled shyly, feeling a bit embarrassed now since she had been the doubter for this trip saying they wouldn't make it or find Pterano. Despite anything her mom said on him, she was happy to see him though.

"Um...are they dangerous?" she indicated the group of sharpteeth and flyers she now noticed and pondered how they must think she and Petrie every sporadic young ones with Petrie first screaming and then rushing over to ecstatically hug Pterano.

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 25, 2011, 08:47:23 PM »
As it seemed they hit rather than avoided the fog about, Petrie shielded with his wing a bit, but became a bit crooked in flight due to it, ending up tumbling down.

"Petrie!" Harper called, immedietly darting down after her brother to try and catch him. She managed to grab his feet but couldn't pull him up and instead the two continued tumbling down until they bumped into something and then kept tumbling, landing at the feet of something.

Groggily the two sat up, shaking their heads. "Are you ok?" Harper asked, standing and helping Petrie up.

Her brother nodded, spotted something behind her apparently, and promptly screamed. "SHARPTOOTH! a-and...SOMETTHING ELSE!", he began to scramble back, not even noticing that the creature he spotted had flyers with it unharmed.

Harper stiffened at this proclimation and slowly turned to face whatever it was they'd found.

(They are still somewhere near even if headed back towards the cave right? Thought I read it that way, if not then the kids just followed without knowing it  from where Luke heard them :D)

LBT Fanfiction / The Past that Yawns Behind
« on: May 25, 2011, 11:06:57 AM »
Finished reading through this. It's awesome! Hmm, I've got some theories of my own, but I won't spill what I think just yet, makes it easier to pretend all along I knew the answer ;) LOL, no I won't cheat like that. Very intriquing though.

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 25, 2011, 10:24:51 AM »
(You did say the tagging along half my OC sibling was ok too right Jrd? :) Not sure who they will or should run into first)

Petrie was out exploring in the Mysterious Beyond yet again, only this time neither Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, Chomper, Ruby or even Ducky were with him.

The little flyer had taken off all on his own. Well, not completely all on his own.

"Petrie! Getting yourself lost out here is one thing, you're not suppose to lose me too!" the light blue flyer hatchling following him cried out.

All of Petrie's siblings generally stayed near the nest, so he was more than a bit surprised that his sister, Harper, had followed him out on this trip, but as she said, it was mainly to get him to turn back, something he'd said he wouldn't do.

"We not lost, and you not have to come" he shot back, trying to not sound annoyed, but all his siblings had a way of rubbing him wrong at times, and Harper's way was what he'd call just bossy.

"I can't see you leave and let you just take off alone!" Harper said, "Mom would so be mad, and if you think I don't know why you're out here you'd be wrong again".

She sighed and her voice softened, "'s not even been a few cold times yet, Uncle Pterano...doesn't get to come back for a while so...finding him's...not gonna change anything".

Harper thought her uncle was ok all in all, and his stories were interesting, but she was so her mom's little girl and listened very close to everything her mom said, and her mom said he was irresponsible and other stuff. Petrie looked up to him though, alot, and it had Harper worried her brother might get hurt.

Petrie ignored what his sister said, just muttering a small, "That not why me out here...". He kept flying on, his sister following, looking around almost more scared than he would be at all the mist and stuff and wishing she was back at the Great Valley where they should be.

Role Play Discussion / "Flyers...Beyond" Discussion thread
« on: May 25, 2011, 10:13:06 AM »
Alright then, thanks :)

The Welcome Center / One of the many peeking in :)
« on: May 24, 2011, 05:37:11 PM »
Thanks everyone! :)

Role Play Discussion / "Flyers...Beyond" Discussion thread
« on: May 24, 2011, 12:41:27 PM »
Still in the process of reading through the role play, but if you needed someone to bring in Petrie I could do it. I may or may not have my half OC of one of his sister tagging along, not sure yet.

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