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Messages - Ratiasu

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LBT Fanfiction / Return to the Valley
« on: August 28, 2006, 12:05:43 AM »
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Aug 27 2006 on  10:55 PM
i like it! it is  very good.
Somehow I doubt you read it all in three minutes.

LBT Fanfiction / Return to the Valley
« on: August 27, 2006, 11:52:20 PM »
This is a story I've been working on for the past week or so. Currently all I have done is the first chapter, but I'd like you to read it and get your opinions on it before I write more. The main characters are the two Rainbowfaces from LBT7, and it takes place 70 years after that movie. Granted, not all of the gang of five is going to make an appearence...I mean, I haven't watched LBT or any of its sequels for a long time, so you might as well call the ones in this story 'my versions' of them. I would like to know what you think about the characters and such. This is just the rough draft. In any case, yes, the first chapter. The : indicates telepathy...and no, you're not supposed to know who Sarkkhan or the Council of Three are.

A beam of bright azure and hot white light interrupted the evening silence surrounding the lush, sleeping valley. Thousands of miles above the green and blue planet, Lyoko and Sabin were fitted with their U.T.’s – small devices placed under the skin of the scalp which could translate any language into their own – and, bidding their space-faring command center farewell with a wave of their scaly, pale green and tan arms, stood at the edge of the portal where the transmission beam was broadcasting and peered down at the planet below them, Lyoko’s expression jaded, her brother’s one of enthrallment and hyperactivity.

:Can you imagine how much they’ve grown since we last came here?: He telepathized, turning his saurian, rainbow-colored snout to his older sister. :I do hope there are some remnants of that intuitive little sauropod and his comrades we were acquainted with last time!:
Lyoko fixed him with her cold pink eyes. She had developed different glares to get different desired effects, and the one she was giving him now meant that he was forgetting to do something. Sabin couldn’t figure it out, so Lyoko clarified verbally. But her adopted Troodon vocal chords could only make growls and grunts, which were translated by the U.T.’s as a sort of after-talk in his head.

“Sabin, refrain from tarnishing the rules this time. You are lucky the Council of Three didn’t disengage you from your post. It would be best if you kept quiet this time – you never did quite get mouthing along with your telepathy. I’m surprised the dinosaurs didn’t figure it out, moronic as they are…”
Lyoko had a talent for dampening one’s excitement, and this time it was no exception. Sabin furrowed his brow with what little facial muscles Troodon’s had and they both stepped onto the small levitating gray platform that would carry them down to Earth.

When it hovered a few inches off the ground, the two aliens currently inhabiting the Troodon formosus bodies stepped onto solid ground for the first time in seventy years. Sabin actually stumbled, not used to walking on two legs. Lyoko acted as if she had been in this body all her life, stepping off the platform with such a grace it made giraffes seem like bumbling rhinoceros. And for the first time, Sabin studied her intently, or rather the body she now inhabited. Everything about it was long. Her tail was half of the entire seven-foot body length. Lyoko was no larger than a man now, her arms were strong and the five-fingered hands had partially opposable thumbs. A small deadly looking sickle-shaped claw was upraised on the foot, and had detached muscle ligaments from the rest of the foot so it could move independently. During and before the long trip to Earth, Sabin had guessed it was used to disembowel, but Lyoko had told him that he was foolish for coming upon that conclusion – she had said that it was a tool, not a weapon. Sabin had countered, saying that anyone could use tools as weapons, and the two had argued with strange conundrums that made those passing by speed up or call them crazy.
Their eyes were very large and faced forward, but as always, as with any transmogrification of the body, the color of eyes remained the same. Lyoko was covered in such neon, clashingly bright feathers of crimson, blue, and white that it hurt to look at her for very long, so he turned his head to the left and saw that they were standing on the outermost perimeter of what looked like a very large valley.

In the moonlight, they could see moving shapes…creatures on the plains. A sudden gust of wind made Sabin shudder. Though he knew the place, and there was a chance the creatures here remembered him, and he was social and outgoing, Sabin suddenly felt that it was wrong to be here. But he had to do his job. Once the time was right, they would nudge the asteroid Xynth 067k2 out of its trajectory and direct it into a collision with Earth. Sabin hated it. He hated that he had to end so many lives…or maybe that was the Troodon mind affecting his own. He currently shared his own brain with the Troodon’s, and it was receiving pictures of whatever crossed Sabin’s mind, and Sabin was able to see whatever it thought and felt its emotions alongside his own. The little dinosaur became puzzled as it watching Sabin’s depiction of the asteroid crash into Earth, hearing thousands of voices cry out at once, only to be suddenly silenced…

“Shall we immerse?” Lyoko asked, her words coming out as garbled snarls and clicks, but he heard them perfectly in his mind. Sabin looked at her in a reluctant, sad sort of way. Of course he wasn’t ready. He would never be ready to begin an assignment that would end in the destruction of an entire ecosystem. Lyoko did not look pleased. Shall we immerse…the ëGo’ button - the official signal for a mission to begin. Knowing there was no way around it, Sabin nodded hesitantly, powered his legs, and together they raced down the slope and into a world populated by creatures they had interacted with seventy years ago.

Sabin had never felt such joy and panic mixed into one sweetly sad moment. Here he was, in a body alternate to his natural form, racing downhill like mad through a thicket of leafy sweet-smelling vegetation his host’s mind was paranoid of on a mission of eventual destruction and death to observe the 50-ton inhabitants of a valley in the middle of the darkest night. And yet, the freedom! He ran and ran, dodging leaves, jumping over logs, even going out of his way to go back and jump the ones he had missed. The power! The tireless energy this Troodon body had astounded him! He ran laps around his younger sister until he accidentally tripped her.

   :Fewmet!: She cursed as she plummeted towards the ground, managing to catch herself at the last moment with her long, gangly arms. Sabin stopped and began to apologize, but Lyoko cut in telepathically. :Sabin, I’m glad you feel the same rush of freedom as I, but I do not appreciate it getting to your head. The Second of Sarkkhan’s Avowal; interact with the development of other species as little as possible. Remember, don’t let the Troodon brain get to you. We willingly took charge of this assignment.: She pushed herself up and tested out her legs and arms and bent her long neck this way and that, just to make sure nothing was broken. Silent, Sabin looked concerned for a moment, and began to apologize again, but Lyoko closed one eye, a non-verbal gesture to be quiet. Sabin closed both eyes and stilled his mind. They walked the rest of the way to the open plains, trying to make as little noise as possible.

The two stopped on the edge of the large, open clearing and gazed at the small black, white-rimmed shapes moving about cautiously. Their Troodon minds registered danger, and instinctively the sickle-shaped claw on their feet swayed up and down as if preparation for attack. The group of five stiff-tailed bipedal creatures was moving slowly, close together, acting like thieves. Sabin felt a wave of dread from the Troodon’s consciousness, and that influenced him. He looked at his sister, who kept her pink eyes focused on the figures. All at once there was a shrieking sound, a bellow that echoed, and something very large, heavily built, with horns on its head, was seen running at the group of five sleek animals, who bolted and scattered like impalas before a hot air balloon. The instant they dispersed, Sabin thought the creature – whatever it was – would stop harassing them. But the animal continued on, chasing after the nearest stiff-tailed, long-armed creature that vaguely resembled the forms Sabin and Lyoko resided in. The bulky animal disappeared behind a tree line, out of sight. Sabin looked back at Lyoko for a moment, then started forward, at a walk first, then a full-out run. Lyoko clenched her toothy jaws and followed moments later, having no idea what he was going after.

A sweet-smelling, peach-like odor grew stronger as the two neared a little rise of ground. As they discovered moments later, this little rise of ground was a protective windshield to a dugout nest containing a sleeping lump. Lyoko stopped fifteen feet away, but her brother ventured further, curious about the snoozing creature. Before Sabin could poke at the animal, Lyoko grabbed his tail and pulled him back, hissing about the rules. “The Second of Sarkkhan’s Avowal, Sabin!” She snarled, jerking him back more and forcefully turning him to face her. “If you bend the rules you will be disengaged – that much was made clear on our visit to Vergun when you fed the Shorms on an unauthorized mission! I don’t want to be the one to report the final mishap. This is a mission of study, of recording, then of demolition. I know how much you cherish life, brother, but for your own sake stop trying to be a hero!”

Sabin was taken aback. What was wrong with being sympathetic? Suddenly the sleeping lump shifted and let out a yawn. Sabin stood, paralyzed, as the creature opened its green eyes, yawned, and took in the two Troodons. Or, rather, only Sabin, because Lyoko had dashed away at the first sign that the dinosaur infant was going to awaken. There was a moment of silence before the creature jumped up and screamed. Startled by the high-pitched noise, Sabin leapt back and fell, only now realizing that its voice was calling others. The ground shook and the Troodon saw the big dinosaur from before stomp towards him, but it was moving slower and walked with a limp. By smell Sabin could tell that the large black and gray Triceratops in front of him was an elder, and for some reason Sabin couldn’t find it in himself to move. When the old male Triceratops approached, he stood protectively over the now-quiet huddling mass, bucked his head and stomped the ground with its left foreleg. Sabin stood up hastily and retreated to tree line, watching over his shoulder to make sure the huge animal didn’t charge.

“Mr. Threehorn…” Sabin said, having finally recognized the Triceratops. “…Mr. Threehorn always was an aggressive one, wasn’t he?”
“If he can’t see it with his own eyes it doesn’t exist. What limited thinking.” Lyoko responded from deeper within the trees, quoting herself from their last visit, meaning she agreed.
“But he’s getting old now. See the way he limps, how the right brow horn has been snapped?”
“I have eyes.” Lyoko responded.
Sabin watched the old male put his large crooked beak against the side of the baby, trying to coax it back to sleep before anyone was woken by false alarm. Once the Triceratops was satisfied with the infant’s snoozing, he laid down and curled his short body around the nest, took one more piercing, intense surveying sweep of the valley plains, then slept. Lyoko stood beside her brother.
“See how his heart is no longer as hard and impenetrable as his armor?”

The Welcome Center / Yes
« on: August 27, 2006, 04:24:29 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Aug 27 2006 on  03:08 PM
Hey Ratiasu, do you have an MSN identity? Your profile just says "Your Conscious" which won't work out for an address. If you do have an identity and if you would like to chat with some LBT fans I would be one of the LBT fans who would like to chat with you :)
Oh! Sorry. I'll change it to the, address thing.

LBT Fanart / The Three Pterosaurs
« on: August 27, 2006, 04:19:14 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Aug 27 2006 on  02:35 PM
Lovely! Your drawings look really cool Ratiasu! :yes
It sure is a great pleasure to have another artist with us.
I have taken a look at your other work at deviantart. Some of the photos you took are really beautiful too in showing neat little details of our environment which many might disregard as self-evident, thereby missing a lot of what's going on around them. You seem to have an eye for these details.
Thank you, Malte. Unfortuently, my camera never quite takes the shots I want it too - everything is much more detailed and clear in my eye and it's all kind of blurred in the photos, which disappointed me. And with the pictures of the flying birds in them, those are just luck, because it's REALLY hard to get a bird in flight because most of the time they're flying really fast.

General Land Before Time / New 'kinds' of characters
« on: August 27, 2006, 04:13:57 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Aug 27 2006 on  02:25 PM
Funny that you mention the story Hornfels. For it is just a few days since a very good friend of mine (the first LBT fan I ever got to know) told me about it. The story is probably not by a German artist. At least the language in much of her other not-English work isn't German. I think it is Finish (that's at least what the artist's profile says).
Oh. Finnish. Right. Heh, sorry, I just kind of guessed, but now that I look back there it does say she's Finnish.

Quote from: Malte279 on  
I wonder if the Hornfels comic is finished or if there is more to come. Perhaps it is finished already.
I hope there's more - I even asked her to draw more, but she hasn't replied yet. It could be over, though - most of her comics aren't that long, I don't think.

Quote from: Malte279 on  
Sure is a sad and gloomy story; alas one which has often been repeated in history. The pictures are really awesome in transfering the mood of the story. Did you realize that the symbol which is carved into the forehead armour of the Ancylosaurs resembles a swastika?
Yeah, it is a depressing story. I was amazed that the pictures were made using Microsoft Paint, and the coloring was fantastic, too. And, um, I don't know what a swastika is, so...

Quote from: Malte279 on  
If it comes to LBT I don't think a real one to one copy of that character would be possible, but somebody similar might
I wasn't really suggesting that there be an exact replica of Hornfels in LBT - that would be a copyright violation.

Quote from: Malte279 on  
As a matter of fact I have been thinking a lot about a story including a maimed character who has all reason to feel bitter about live and might even want it to be ended. While not an evil character that character could hardly be labeled good either. That grey zone is rather interesting but also rather tricky.
If you ever get around to writing it, let me know. I don't like black and white characters - they're too...well, cut-through, if that's the right word for it. I prefer grey characters or characters we know hardly anything about, such as the Rainbowfaces.

Quote from: Malte279 on  
I have a rather clear idea for that story in mind (made some drawings of some scenes too), but I'm afraid that it would turn out too dark for LBT. Generally I agree that there could be some mature elements, but I'm not really certain if these elements aren't there already, only we don't realize they are
Yes, there are some mature things in LBT, but they aren't really 'stated out loud,' if that makes any sense, which, in my opinion, is a bit brilliant and forces you to look deeper into the movie. But sometimes I like things to be blunt.

Quote from: Malte279 on  
Take for example some of the views on the Mysterious Beyond we got in LBT 2 and 3. The landscape consisted to a good deal of the bones of dinosaurs. While this is relatively easy to overlook in a movie I'm sure it would come across as much more dramatic in a written story
Ah, yes! That's a great example! I haven't watched the sequels for a very long time, so I kind of forgot those movies, but I do remember there being lots of bones when the group of five accidentally ventured into the Mysterious Beyond in #2 on a quest to retrieve the egg from Ozzy and Strut.

Quote from: Malte279 on  
We even have an execution of sharpteeth who are burried alive while they are defenseless in LBT 6 (and I surely dislike that scene in LBT).
LBT 6...that's the one with Doc, isn't it? If so, that does sound kind of gruesome. But then again, life isn't all flower and sunshine.

Quote from: Malte279 on  
would like to see a character who fools the audience as well!
That would be fantastic. I've only seen one character who managed to do that - Aaron from the 8th PokÈmon movie...only he was protrayed as being a coward and a of an antagonist for trapping his apprentice in the jewel of the staff he always carried around, when, in the end, it turns out that Aaron fled the castle to go to the Tree of the World's Beginning in order to stop the massive war going on, and if he hadn't captured his apprentice in the staff he would have followed Aaron anywhere, and Aaron couldn't allow that because in order to stop the war he would have to sacrifice himself. As Aaron said: "If a life must be traded for a pointless war...myself and only me...should be plenty. But I don't have any regrets. In the castle, with Leen-sama and you...I had a beautiful life. That itself is what living means."

Quote from: Malte279 on  
It is difficult however to find good motives for an LBT villain, that is motives which lay outside the usual "circle of life" business
Yeah, that's a big problem. But at least the dinosaurs don't want to take over the world.

Quote from: Malte279 on  
I'm talking of a villain who seems to be nice and a friend but pursuits his or her viscious purposes all the time thereby making use of the trust others put into him or her
That would be interesting. Out of everything, I would like to hear more about all the different legends and myths the dinosaurs have (ex., the Lone Dinosaur, a Stone of Cold Fire). Maybe a couple saurians could misinterprete one of them and start causing a heck of a lot of problems? But then again that is a bit like Pterano, in a non-direct sense...

Quote from: Malte279 on  
However, Pterano fooled Petrie and a few of his sibilings and nobody else
There was that herd of dinosaurs in Grandpa's flashback that believed him about...well, whatever he was talking about, too. I have seen the Stone of Cold Fire movie in a long while, so I forget that part.

Quote from: Malte279 on  
It is not really an evil act if a sharptooth hunts and kills to survive
I agree. But Sharpteeth are always a threat, nontheless.

Quote from: Malte279 on  
Racism is a possible motive for a leafeater villain. This however excludes many dinosaurs from being impressed by this villain, unless this villain is extremely capable of hiding his reservations and hatred of other kinds (Racism is a latent motive of Pterano too).
Ooo, that's a good one. But yeah, that's a good point, too...

Quote from: Malte279 on  
for the moment I'll leave it at that and wait for more responses to this really interesting thread you opened Ratiasu
Thanks Malte.

Role Play Discussion / Think 'Carnivores: Cityscape'
« on: August 27, 2006, 02:05:56 AM »
Quote from: Cyberlizard,Aug 27 2006 on  01:02 AM
I'm talking about other people's RPGs.  He screwed with mine behind the admin's back.  Trust me, he's a power player.  It's happened to me before.
Usually when people powerplay I just ignore them. And  I was aware you were talking about your role-play topic...sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Role Play Discussion / Think 'Carnivores: Cityscape'
« on: August 27, 2006, 02:00:43 AM »
Quote from: Cyberlizard,Aug 27 2006 on  12:57 AM
YOu may think Threehorn is a good role player.  But believe me, he is extremly selfish when he joins other people's RPGs.  He swooped down and butchered my very first RPG to the point where it was unrecognizable, he changed the appearance of my character without my permission and he took over the story like Uwe Boll.  I'm not the only person who's been attacked by Threehorn.  F-14's Star Wars RPG was screwed by him as well.
From what I've read so far (I'm currently on page 2 of the Sowarkard topic), I don't think Threehorn is a good role-player. Posts less than a paragraph in length are often the tell-tale sign of a newbie - in the site I usually role-play at, there's three, sometimes four paragraphs a post...or maybe I'm just saying that because I'm used to writing a lot in responce. I dunno.

Role Play Discussion / Think 'Carnivores: Cityscape'
« on: August 27, 2006, 01:52:57 AM »
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 27 2006 on  12:49 AM
It's the Rp right below this one If you want I can send you a Pm with a (brief) list of the characters involved...
Nah. I think I'll manage without a list.

Role Play Discussion / Think 'Carnivores: Cityscape'
« on: August 27, 2006, 01:46:49 AM »
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 27 2006 on  12:34 AM
It's called "Sowarkard". Remember its a fantasy, so anything goes  :lol:  I warn you, it will take you awhile to read everything.. it's like reading a 300 page book...
That's fine. I have the time.

Role Play Discussion / Think 'Carnivores: Cityscape'
« on: August 27, 2006, 01:32:07 AM »
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 27 2006 on  12:29 AM
Reality has set in  :lol:  But yeah, you can rp with one other person, in fact its really quite simple. It's a mmatter of give and take. The story we have made basically goes like this : I'm into magic and fantasy, He's into  Star Trek and other Sci Fi.  Sometimes the combination works, sometimes it doesn't.We try and set boundaries (No omnipotent creatures etc) but basically we just let our imiginations have free reign.  What we do is play off each other, and my inbox is fill of pm where we have hashed out question about characteres in the RP.  If you read from the beginning, you'll probably get lost as every now and then we bring back a character or subplot froim 20 pages previous... But It's worked well for nearly 300 pages, and we're already planning a sequel... :lol:  So if you care to read it .. be sure to read all of it, or as much as you can. Skim if you want...
I'd be delighted to read it.

Role Play Discussion / Think 'Carnivores: Cityscape'
« on: August 26, 2006, 11:58:05 PM »
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 26 2006 on  10:11 PM
Naturally rat.. ... and well... if we can get two more people to join, great.. If not.. I've done rolepalys with three people. In fact I have a rolepalying going with another poster(threehorn), and it just the two of us. The Rp has gone on for nearly 300 pages... :P:
Holy cow! Really? That's surprising. Well, now that I've re-read what I've written, I've realized that I wrote that when I was really hyped up about role-playing it. But, well, now the hype is gone,

Role Play Discussion / Think 'Carnivores: Cityscape'
« on: August 26, 2006, 10:55:25 PM »
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 26 2006 on  09:45 PM
So we've got 3 so far. personally I don't go in for excessive blood and gore, So any violence I engage will be restrained. If violence serves the storyline then so be, But violence for violence's sake is poiontlesss imo...
I didn't expect excessive blood and gore - just a little bit. And I understand about you being restrained and all. But granted, since we have prehistoric creatures of all shapes and sizes running around, there's bound to be a bit of carnage.

Role Play Discussion / Think 'Carnivores: Cityscape'
« on: August 26, 2006, 06:53:12 PM »
Quote from: Cyberlizard,Aug 26 2006 on  05:51 PM
Ok.  And one of the rules don't make any sense.  Is there or is there not blood and gore allowed?
Oh, I just saw that. Sorry, I wrote it while it was still pretty early in the morning. Fixed the spelling mistake.

Role Play Discussion / Think 'Carnivores: Cityscape'
« on: August 26, 2006, 06:38:11 PM »
Quote from: Cyberlizard,Aug 26 2006 on  05:36 PM
Can I have a scientist in this RP?
Yeah, they're acceptable...but I'm not quite sure what benefit(s) they'd have...

Role Play Discussion / Think 'Carnivores: Cityscape'
« on: August 26, 2006, 06:16:54 PM »
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 24 2006 on  02:46 PM
Alright: My Character's Name is Boris. Borus is  around 6'3, has brown eyes and hair, and is a crack shot with a gun.  Assignied by the government to evacuate the civilians,  hee will find that is not an easy task.. and trying to get everyone out alive will take every bullet he;s got, and a lot of luck...
( Brief intro, but I'll add more later)
What you have is okay so far.

In any case...anyone else? I guess the role-play will start once we get five people signed up.

LBT Fanart / The Three Pterosaurs
« on: August 26, 2006, 05:02:23 PM »
Quote from: Petrie,Aug 26 2006 on  04:01 PM
Yep they certainly look accurate and are well done for having nothing to look from.  I'll be awaiting the finished product. :)
Yay! I do plan on drawing them with sharper lines and coloring them eventually, but I don't know how long that will take. I'm really bad a Photoshop.

LBT Fanart / The Three Pterosaurs
« on: August 26, 2006, 12:31:05 PM »
Quote from: Cyberlizard,Aug 26 2006 on  11:04 AM
Nice!  You have a DA profile too?  Here's mine.
Sweet! I'll go look at your art.

The Welcome Center / Yes
« on: August 26, 2006, 11:40:16 AM »
Quote from: Cyberlizard,Aug 26 2006 on  10:39 AM
I don't know bout you, Ratiasu.  But I think you have the longest topic in the welcome center.  :lol:
That's an affirmitive, for sure.

LBT Fanart / The Three Pterosaurs
« on: August 26, 2006, 09:52:32 AM »
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Aug 26 2006 on  08:50 AM
they look acurate. i am also writing a lbt  i think i get bcak to work on it now
Thanks for the input. I've kind of stopped on the LBT fanfiction because I have no idea where it's going.

The Welcome Center / Yes
« on: August 26, 2006, 09:33:58 AM »
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Aug 26 2006 on  08:27 AM
(sorry this is late as i've was on vacation welcome Ratiasu)
Whoot! Page four!  :lol: In any case, thank you for welcome me, f-22.

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