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Messages - Nahla

Pages: 1 ... 175 176 177 178 179 ... 181
Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 08:04:35 AM »
Littefoot looked startled "Ahh they were busy" he lied. Standing up. "What you doing here Grandpa?"

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:56:21 AM »
Mr Threehorn knowing he was defeated turn off in huff.

Unknown to Littlefoot,his ledge was right next to where his Grandpa was so he could hear every word he said while taking to himself "Nahla...why did you leave? I would of taken care of you...I loved really loved you" tears fell down his cheeks.

(Poor Littlefoot :( )

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:45:22 AM »
Mr Threehorn walked up behind Grandpa "Wheres the Shadowlander body? I went to go get rid of it before Cera or Trica see it but it was gone"

Meanwhile Littlefoot did't end up going to see his friends instead he walked to the ledge Naha was at yesterday and laid down sobbing..he couldn't deny it...he loved her. It was like his mother sent her for him.

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:26:12 AM »
Littlefoot's face fell "She..left?" tears started he closed his eyes and pretended he never had that crush on her "Oh ok...I'm gonna go see my friends" he said in a heartbroken token and walked away.

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:15:24 AM »
Littlefoot nodded "Yes Grandpa.." and still not noticing Nahla laying motionless on his Grandpa's back "Speaking of oustiders...wheres Nahla?"

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:00:48 AM »
Littlefoot ran up to Grandpa "She won't get up...make her get up" he begged.

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 06:29:17 AM »
Littlefoot completey panicked "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!" he screamed "PLEASE WE NEED HELP!" he sobbed.

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 06:20:42 AM »
"Grandma whats wrong!?" Littlefoot asked paniked,his own breathing was getting heavier in panic "Grandma?"

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 06:16:01 AM »
Nahla was breathing but it was hard to see,anyone would glance at her and declare her dead,

Meanwhile Littlefoot was crying "Wheres Nahla? She said she'll stay with us. And wheres Grandpa?"

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 05:59:09 AM »
Mr Threehorn rolled his eyes "She was a SHADOWLANDER daughter of HADES don't you remember what he and his family had done to this valley all thoese years ago?" he turned and stormed off away from Grandpa and the 'dead' Nahla.

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 05:53:15 AM »
Mr Threehorn stood over Nahla's fallen body.

Nahla was laying motionless in a pool of blood.

(Calm she is NOT dead she just weak and passes out easily)

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 05:40:32 AM »
(Oh heey I;m not only one online anymore..I have to live on the otherside of the world as everyone else don't I)

Littlefoot remained asleep he was also having a sleep story.

Meanwhile Nahla kept on walking to exit the valley.

Mr Threehorn stepped in front of her "Time to get rid of you Shadowlander"

Nahla screamed,the sound could be heard across the whole valley.

(No one love poor little Nahla well that what she believes)

LBT Fanart / Some random fanart...
« on: March 10, 2013, 04:30:12 AM »
Your really good!

I stink at dinosaurs.

I can draw horses,dogs,big cats etc

But dinosuars...nuh ah

One day I'll get it though and I can draw Nahla so I can make her a character file.

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 10, 2013, 01:12:27 AM »
(Ok I'm the temp Mama Flyer till someone comes and claims her so Petrie has a family.)

Mama Flyer nodded with approval at her children,however they were soon interrupted by a very distressed longneck child.
"Get out of my way!" Nahla shouted as she bashed past the flyer family

LBT Fanfiction / How Do I Still Live
« on: March 10, 2013, 12:11:38 AM »
Chapter 5:

Sorry lazy one

Guess who the voice is...


"Nani is dead...such an awful event and the poor poor children who barely begun their lives,this is a loss for us all" Hades addressed his herd in mock depression.

The females hang their heads and sobbed,well lest they Nani and her children were in a better place now...well thats what they thought.

Nahla had been walking hours,she was hopelessly lost. She let herself collapse to the ground. She was starting to think she should of just let the fast bites eat her,least she would be with her Mother and siblings.

"Nahla" a gentle voice whispered.

Nahla raised her head,"Who is there?" she demanded,she did not know that voice but it calmed her,it seemed so motherly but it was not her mother.

"That not for you to worry about" the voice replied "You must find the Great Valley"

Nahla tilted her head "The what?.

"The Great Valley but for now,sleep" light shone upon Nahla and her eyes became droopy. She dropped to the ground fast a sleep.

"I'll protect you Nahla" the voice whispered then faded.

Meanwhile in a valley far away,another young longneck was talking to his Grandparents.

"Littlefoot,you should be graceful" Grandpa said

"I am..." Littlefoot replied looking at the ground. Grandma gave a have smile "Some children don't even have a family or food"

Littlefoot looked up shocked "Really?". Grandma nodded sadly "Yes it is sad but true,there are many straving children out there you should be graceful for how much you do have then complain about how much you don't:.

Litlefoot rubbed along his grandparents "I will Grandma"

Days passed and Nahla still wandered the Mysterious Beyond,she had found a few herds but all refuse to take her after hearing she was the daughter of Hades.

She still hasn't forgot that voice and the thing about her needing to go to the Great Valley.

"How do I even get there?" she complained out loud.

"Follow the bright circle past the rock that looks like a longneck,and past the mountains that part,I'll be with you Nahla" the same voice from last time whispered then faded.

Nahla shook her head and looked into the distance,the burning mountains were a good 2 day week at least. "You gotta be kidding me..." she complained.

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 09, 2013, 09:52:19 PM »
Nahla sighed and notived the bright circle was setting "I'll go find a cave and rest there tonight,tomorrow I'll leave  and be out of your way" she took off a Littlefoot walked up.

Littlefoot stared after her..there was something about her..he liked her. Littlefoot shook his head he was getting a crush on someone he hardly knew.

(Hehe every RP needs a little romance)

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 09, 2013, 09:29:35 PM »
Guilt spread across Nahla face "Littlefoot's mother...died,".
"I was so totaly mean to him. when he tried to help me..said he had no diea what I gone through" Nahla hit her head against a nearby rock "I can't beleive I did that"

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 09, 2013, 09:13:18 PM »
"I want mother" she sobbed 'I want my mum,she turned to the food and stared at it she was thinking of rejecting it,but hunger got the better of  her and she dug into the food like she hadn't eaten in weeks..which she hadn't.

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 09, 2013, 08:56:42 PM »
Nahla was laying on a small ledge sobbing. She was starting to regret not taking the food those other longnecks had offered her. She was starving you could nearly see her ribs. She wanted her mother.

Strict-LBT-Only / Nahla's RP
« on: March 09, 2013, 08:43:21 PM »
Littlefoot caught up with Nahla "Hey Nahla? It's ok?"/

Nahla sobbed "I don't know if I wanna live anymore"

Littlefoot stared t her in shock "I don't unde\stand..."

Nahla turned and stared at him "Of course you don't,your love you got food you don't understand what I gone though,death seems like the only way out LEAVE ME ALONE!" she took off.

Littlefoot quickly turned and ran back to his Grandparents,"Grandma..Grandpa I'm worried about Nahla she said death was her only way out and she doesn't wanna live anymore".

(Sorry Nahla is an emotional wreck right now,well can you blame her,her father mudrered her mother and siblings in front of her)

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