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Messages - Ludichris1

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 20 21 22 ... 24
General Land Before Time / Funniest moment in the whole franchise
« on: February 11, 2013, 10:18:19 AM »
You guys are missing one reaaaally funny one.
Land Before Time 8
The scene is when they're playing with the watermelon.
Petrie gets squished by the watermelon and Spike is like O.O

Also on Land Before Time 8 Petrie throws a snowball but he really just throws it up in the air and he's like "Huh :D?"

General Land Before Time / why does everybody hate LBT sequels?
« on: February 03, 2013, 11:06:21 AM »
I like all the sequels to some degree (even 13th.. a little)
And the songs, while some not as great, are very fun once you get down to it.
If there's one thing I've noticed is songs that grow on you.
More than once I've listened to a whole soundtrack or song and felt bewildered and enstranged to it, only later to learn how great it really is!

Believe it or not, but after listening for a while, the LBT 13 songs are better than you think!

General Land Before Time / TLBT: Sing-Along Songs Review
« on: January 25, 2013, 09:58:01 AM »
Quote from: RainbowGirl 39,Jan 24 2013 on  07:19 PM
we got the sing along DVD back in 2008 thats  how I wanted to watch the land before time movies I was 11 then I became obsessed I'm 14 now I'll be 15 in two months
I wont'feel bad about liking it though I LOVE IT AND I LOVE THE CHARACTERS! ;)
glad to hear it XD

LBT Fanfiction / Petrie's mom as a sharptoothed flyer
« on: January 21, 2013, 11:21:48 AM »
Quite nice  :p

General Land Before Time / Michael York's health
« on: January 12, 2013, 04:15:46 PM »
Stay strong and fly on

General Land Before Time / (me, too) Lbt/maturity problem. :(
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:01:21 PM »
Actually I'm 18 years old but,  :lol all in the same! Glad you're feeling up to it :)

General Land Before Time / (me, too) Lbt/maturity problem. :(
« on: January 11, 2013, 12:15:44 PM »
Well, first, why haven't you watched 9-13 yet  :p ?
Second, them telling you to not talking to anyone under 17 is a little... over the top.

Also, families vary widely! Some people watch R movies and listen to rock 'n' roll their whole childhood'n' stuff, so of course they're going to say they think LBT or MLP and such are for babies.

LBT is great, but I mean DO remember it's not the ONLY fun thing in life :)
You can still like it along with other things.
I think you should keep your drawings just where someone would keep their drawings, and your DVDs, if you don't watch them too often lately, just in a drawer or cabinet.

Ok, I used to feel kind of embarrassed too because all the people around me were crazy about rock and screamo and rap, and R movies and cussing and CoD and everything like it. And I felt kind of alone with my soundtracks, and animated movies and LBT and the like. But eventually, I realized something. Who I am. I'm me. They are them. So what am I doing? One way I built up confidence is buying new clothes. I got some oranges and reds and lime greens. At first I was a little scared to wear them at college, but then it just felt normal. You might be feeling apprehension because either a group of your friends you don't know as well as you'd want to, or they seem so far-gone against what you believe in you're scared of telling them.

It is really your choice who you spend time with!
I could say more but others here are helpful too :)

EDIT: It's not about just 'ignoring other people and their criticism', but actually living with what you believe in and enjoying it. If it's good, and you like it, what do you have to fear? Nothing! So, eventually, you'll think to yourself, "They may say such things to me, but it doesn't bother me because I know what I like and believe in" or something like that lol. People always like to persecute happy people ;D

General Land Before Time / is the land before time babyish
« on: January 11, 2013, 12:03:06 PM »
Well, um. I bought a 27x40 LBT poster less than a week ago :lol...
and, er, a Burger King 1994 Littlefoot figurine...

But in all honesty, you're never too old! :)

General Land Before Time / Petrie's dad
« on: January 10, 2013, 11:33:43 AM »
Interesting, Pangaea. I would also like to think that the Great Earthshake (or, in fact, the life before it as well where everything was desert and destroyed-ish) made a lot of changes along the way, including to the flying creatures. Also, I think there was Cera's mom on the first movie near the end of it, right?

General Land Before Time / Ichy and Dil's language
« on: January 08, 2013, 01:52:40 PM »
Quote from: Dosu2Dinner,Jan 8 2013 on  11:57 AM
Well, it definitley seems to be a phenomenon that denies in-universe exlanation...
Though there's nothing wrong with talking antagonists; random sharpteeth popping up all over the place is starting to seriously get old...
What type of animal do you guys think would create an ideal antagonist?
I wouldn't know for a fact, it could even be a leaf-eater; perhaps some creature that feels the longnecks or residents of great valley are to blame for its herd, self, or family (hey, a new morale idea for LBT XD)?

General Land Before Time / Ichy and Dil's language
« on: January 07, 2013, 10:24:07 AM »
I kind of imagine that it might also be that the perceptive Ichy had learnt the language in his thieverish conquests (especially since the longnecks were leaving, this would change things), and eventually found Dil, who though at first didn't know the language, since becoming disabled, decided to learn it. Maybe to better communicate, because the sharptooth language doesn't sound too advanced. Who knows!

General Land Before Time / Best Lbt songs
« on: January 04, 2013, 01:54:59 PM »
Quote from: Bruton the Iguanodon,Nov 26 2011 on  12:07 AM
If we hold on together---just beautiful
Kids like us---really great
Who needs you---a real classic
All sorts---awesomeness
Beyond the mysterious beyond---very mysterious
No one has to be alone---just beautiful
Girls and Dads---fun and catchy
Standing Tough---Who can dislike it?
Mad song---I'm not gonna let anybody's opinions, like Friendly Sharptooth's, stop me from likin' this fun one. But of course I'll respect them.
Eggs---Really funny
Peaceful Valley---makes me happy, also a little nostalgic
Big water---In 5 it was awesome. In 9 it sucked. I've played it to death
Always there---Another great one, which, as you can imagine, I've overlistened to as well.
When You're big---great one!
Good inside---still holds a sort of nostalgic charm for me.
Very Important Creature---love the tune, istened to it over and over as a kid
Bad Luck---One. Of. The. Best. I've listened to it 2 death, practically
Lol I can agree with a lot of these. I've got every LBT 1-13 song in my iTunes ^u^ EDIT: All 40!  :angel

General Land Before Time / Best Lbt songs
« on: January 04, 2013, 01:52:55 PM »
1. Beyond the Mysterious Beyond
2. It Takes All Sorts
3. If We Hold On Together
4. Best of Friends
5. Girls and Dads (so catchy XD!)

Hard to say these  are the exact order since so many of them are good to me.
I'd also put Very Important Creature cuz that's nice and catchy too
lol trulyfantasticme, we share some similarities  :wow  (I also like Toothless :D)

General Land Before Time / There's something different about this cartoon
« on: December 21, 2012, 08:34:39 AM »
Quote from: RainbowGirl 39,Dec 21 2012 on  06:53 AM
I'm the only one is my family that likes the land before time none of my brothers and sisters really care about it
My other brother has watched land before time and we both used to watch it a good deal as kids but I think he's ditched it a lot since up to 5 years ago, and that's a big difference (basically when he became a teen, but I know it was before that).

General Land Before Time / "Journey to Big Water": 10 Y.O. today
« on: December 10, 2012, 11:20:26 PM »
Woah it's really been that long :blink:? I watched the 9th one in 2004... and that doesn't feel so long ago.. man.. time goes by so fast and I'm only 17 :(((

Since I never was able to celebrate Y2K (was too young; didn't know)...
and since I <3 LBT...

I'm going to celebrate the 25th Anniversary next year on November 18 like party rockin' craaaazy  :wow

General Land Before Time / Particular sequel the series went downhill with?
« on: December 10, 2012, 11:15:30 PM »
Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Dec 10 2012 on  04:52 PM
I actually like the 6th one^^ the songs are all so catchy, and the character of Doc as a ghost(?) really made it all the more enjoyable.
eh good old times :) heheh
ba berpa burpa derpa Baaad luck  :DD

Heheh I guess so.

General Land Before Time / Particular sequel the series went downhill with?
« on: December 10, 2012, 11:02:33 AM »
2-5 are the first bunch, 6 is the transition, and 7 beyond is the rest to me
I don't think it's logical or even right to say when LBT started going downhill, as if every movie after that was never the same. But I'd say 8 is when things really changed. Not for the bad though. Believe it or not, number nine felt a little plain to me, BUT I still quite liked it. Also, I think 12 and 13 were the real pointers of LBT leaving, while 11 had some of it.

In the end, I like all of them in their own ways  :lol

General Land Before Time / A particularly touching moment in 12
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:18:49 PM »
Oh my gosh, I went to the same part in the movie, and it has the music from a couple of the first four sequels :,) beautiful

General Land Before Time / If you could remove one song from the films...
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:14:07 PM »
Hmm.. I like the all the songs in different ways so, I actually like Imaginary Friends in itself, even if it was put in a little strange place.

If I had to take out one, it would be "Say So", because I think it is just way too preachy and plain on some parts. There's even sprechtisme on one part

If I had to edit a song, it would be "Family". Now don't get me wrong, it's a great song. But the part "at the heart of every family, is loooove"; that just sounded so cheesy to me to an otherwise great song. Maybe it was just too blatantly stated?

General Land Before Time / There's something different about this cartoon
« on: December 06, 2012, 09:42:59 AM »
I love everything about it. It's such a full world, such amazing characters, great stories, awesome music, high-quality backgrounds animation (well for almost most part lol, unlike a lot of other cartoons trying to go super cheap and vectorized)


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