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Messages - SilvahShadow01

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LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time SPY GUY
« on: June 13, 2015, 12:15:52 AM »


Chapter 1: The Not So Great Chase

It was a hot sunny day where I was going. I was tryna escape the others, cut off contact with everybody & dodge reality from it's clutches. All I can ever go forward in my life now is my dignity, but still I don't ever trust me at all due to me always being wrong all the time. This scene goes where I am in my Button up all black white button up collared rolled up long sleeved shirt while also wearing my Cacky black pants, with my black glasses (Frames bit bigger than last spin-off series), my signature black cap worn backwards on my head & my black & white Adidas on. I had a big black camping bag with some stuff I took from my house. And I wondered how the rest of my friends were doing without me, but there's no way I'm gonna cut to that scene anytime soon like I always do. This is a change that I will live my new lifestyle out here... In The Great Valley.

[Tysean walks while reading a map of where the Great Valley is located.]
Me- Where is it? The F- I can't find it. Like, I know It Says keep going straight but I don't see how tha- (Waves map in the air and swings his fist in mid air at it as it falls to the ground), stupid map! It don't know where the G_ddmn Great Valley is anyway! Which direction am I suppose to go now?

Looks like I'm on my own on this one.

[As soon as I took a step on forward, I heard a roar coming from the back of me. I turned my head slowly but steadily and saw a big ferocious Sharptooth & a couple of fast biters coming my way. I didnt move an inch yet. I was about to see what the hell they were going to do before I take off in zip speed.]

Me- H-he-he-heyyy
[Red Claw roared as the two fast biters blue and green went around and sniff me. To tell you the truth it tickles, but it didn't surprise me that the fast biters' mouths began to salivate (Saliva) causing them to lick their lips for which in their case, it's time for a snack. I say it's lunch due to looking like a hot summer's noon out here. I walked back tryna reason with the fast biters as Red Claw follows them.]

Me- Hey, I know we got off on the wrong foot just about now but I was ju- [Then the green licked my right hand that was next to the left trying to defend myself from them, I had both of them in front of me and the green fast biter licked the right. Then the blue one licked the left. Then it suddenly hit me.]

Me- Hey! I know you! You're those mean ass fast biters called Screech & Thud right? Thud, You, I love your color, In fact, I like you a lot, like I wish I was you, and all but not so mean.
[Thud had a puzzled “wtf” look on his face as he looked at Screech and Red Claw. The other two exchanged faces back to him. Then they turned back at me.]

Me- Di-did I taste good? Cuz I got a pack of (Raw) meat... In my bag if... yall want a slice... [Red Claw did a preview of a small roar as I fell backwards and got back up still going backwards. I really did like Thud. He's not my favorite character though but he's rather intriguing. Mostly, my favorite shade of green on him took my affection on him a lot. I'm not lying and I wasn't lying when I said that to Thud. But what happens next was unexpected. The fast biters leaped at me with their jaws open and I pulled back just in time before they reached me.]

Me- Aaaah!!! [I screamed and ran off. The gravity of my bag,which was taller than me was weighing me down, which means im slowing down but I can't lose my stuff so I did the best I could to go faster. I even took off my heavy bag and swung it forth and made me get a little boost of energy up my system, but no matter how I tried to move fast, the faster the Biters and Red Claw came to eating my ass up. There was no way I'm gonna let them come close. Suddenly I saw a vine over a pond. I looked back and saw that the three ran up to me full speed ahead just feet to killometers to meters to centimeters to millimeters and as soon as they got up to me, I grabbed the vine and swung off in the air missing the three, leading me right behind them.]

Me- Ha! And they said yall are so dangerous. Man, yall aren't even a challenge anymore! This just gone on too quick for me. Yall don't- Yall- y-y-you don't even own me! I own you! I see why yall always fleeing from the young ones everytime yall {BLEEP} up! I win, you suck you all hear me? YOOUU_SUUUCK!!!!

[Red Claw, Screech & Thud got really p_ssed when I said that, wonder how they're able to understand me... oh well. Well, they did try to come attack me while I was still swinging on the vine. But I was unable to keep grip of the vine any longer, and I didnt even have enough strength to swing myself to the other side of the pond. Instead, I lost grip and fell into the pond. I hated things floating in water cuz they look creepy to me like lilys and grass weeds, Imma always be afraid of those. Y & a Y with an extra line in the middle rising in the pond/swamp/etc... but there were none of those there, Just a lily pad and a little bush. I got out the pond covered in green stuff (algae) and probably scum slime too & the three carnivores laughed at me. It seemed to kill the mood for them.]

Me- It's not funny!

[I said as I tried to get the stuff off of me. I was standing right in front of them as they kept on laughing and I walked past them wet, cold, humiliated, mad & tired. How dare I humiliate myself in front of a trio of villians like that? So far I think that never happened to me before. After Screech, Thud & Red Claw finished laughing, they noticed my absence and technically I didn't go that very far... pretty much it was a minute and thirty seconds. The three ran and saw me still walking shivering down the field and they ran up against me. I felt the ground shake and I knew who it was.]

Me- Oh Sht! [I tried my best to run fast but then I remembered I said I had few packs of meat in my bag.] WAAAIIITTT!!!

[I had my hand out shouting to the top of my lungs loudly hoping that my cry will put these carnivores to a hault.]

Look, I have meat. Please spare me for these pieces of meat that I am about to give to you. Yall can eat me later okay?

Just, take the meat and go! [I took the three packs of meat out and tossed it to them hoping they would each have their own. As they had their little discussion amongst themselves, they agreed to give me a break.] (Exhales)

[I was so exaughsted and wanted to fall out but I knew it would be a big mistake if done in front of Red Claw. I watched them wolf down the raw meat. I never said they were big.]
Me- There. That's it. Go. That's all I got sorry. Goodbye! [The three looked at me in shock and anger.] Yall go, go on, move... GoooOOO!!!!
[The three sadly walked away from me in disappointment.]

Me- I-I Can't believe it! I defeated Red Claw!! Haha! Not so bad for my first time, huh? Well they retreated, but still, they're defeated! Yes! Wooo!
[Red Claw, Thud & Screech heard me cheer and they ran back to get me.]

[I turn around and saw a big valley ahead. I'm on a cliff, so I guess I'm near the entrance of the Great Valley. I kinda regretted throwing the map away, but I didn't show that much regret. I was wondering how I was gonna get down from here, but I was being too proud of myself, boasting about me beating Red Claw & the two fast biters loud enough to have them hear me again not to mention I was also not noticing they were running for me as I turned my head to see'em. Me screaming like I just climbed up Mount Everest, Imma end up dead down a cliff over a bunch of boasting? See where that getch'a? Nowhere but hell! But what do I know? Anyways, I turned and ran and fell down the cliff as the three watched without showing no emotion whatsoever & left.

I felt like I was sky diving without a parachute which to my near death experience it's not gonna be a pretty one. Suddenly I was hit against rocks from the cliff, 2 big rocks to be exact, one of the hits ended on the side of my face which hurts really bad, and the back, which was painful but luckily the bad saved my back. They don't call it a back pack for nothing you know. Then I was hit & carried by a flyer and I suddenly felt a drop from the Flyer's clutches as I hit walls of another cliff and found myself sliding down another path I didn't sure know about. I ended up on my stomach after the slide.]

Me- (Gets Up) Gosh, glad that's over...
[I then heard an unfamiliar roar from out of anywhere] Until Now-I'M OUTTA HERE!!!!  

[I feared for my life & ran. I was unsure where I was, and I also felt my bag getting lighter since the falls & hits took a lot out of my bag so I might have lost some of my stuff. I ran into a forest where I saw Flyers, creepy crawlers, buzzing stingers, and I arrived to an open field. I looked back to see if anyone was behind me & to me being not surprised, no one was there.]

Me- What? I wasted the rest of my energy for a roar that wasn't even coming for me? Typical! Typical old me! Unbelievable!! I'm so stupid! Ain't that some bull sh-
[Just then, I accidentally stepped on somebody's foot... he yelled with pain. I turned my back to see who it was and I knew who... It was a gray-ish black threehorn. And to add to that, I also knew who's father that was when I looked at him.]

Me- Oh Sht. [I backed away slowly as he recovered. Then as he lookeed at me, I was already far away from him.]

Threehorn- Whyyy Youuu... RRRROOOAAARRRR!!! [He then ran full speed towards me as I tried to lose him in the forest I came out of. Luckily I lost him but to my surprise, the forest has very poor spots to hide from so it was visible to the Threehorn to spot me, but he didnt. I couldn't take the weight of my bag anymore so I took it off as I ran out the forest past 7 little dinosaurs into a lake and ran faster.]
[We were playing near the pond almost near our nests {Like in The land Before Time Theme Song where Petrie flies over the pond Ducky & Spike were playing in}, when we suddnely heard a splash, followed by some panting, and squishing noises followed by someone's every step. I on the other hand noticed that when we stopped playing ball with my friends (Purple watermelon {XIII: The Big Freeze}). We stopped and saw green stuff forming tracks that is headed straight.]

Ducky- Whoa! What was that?
Chomper- (Points at green stuff) Look, there's green stuff!
Cera- (Goes and takes a look) Um, Chomper, That's grass.
Chomper- No, not grass... this [Chomper goes and smelled the green stuff.] uugh. This stuff smells like scum.
Everyone- Scumb?
Littlefoot- But, we never have scumb in the Great Valley.
Ducky- And look, That scum has a print in it, it does, it does.
[Petrie flies over to the scum and examined that print.]
Petrie- Hmmm, Me think me see that print somewhere before. It's a... Uh
Ducky- Uh, Um...
Cera- Hmm... Don't have a clue

[Everyone talked over one another about the print. Ducky turned around & saw Spike pulling something out of the water.]

Ducky- What is it, Spike?
Spike- (Sniffs) [Spike moaned loudly to get everyone's attention which it worked.]
Ducky- Look, Spike found-ed something! He did, he did!
[Everyone went to where Spike was standing and saw a big black thing right in front of them.]
Petrie- (In a questionalble voice) Uh, what is it?
Ruby- Hmm, if I'm correct, which I am always, [Cera groans with annoyance], this look like... a pouch. You know, something to put your stuff in.
Chomper- Wow. How do you know that stuff, Ruby?
Ruby- I don't... Although, I could be wrong
Cera- Humph! I bet that you don't even know what that thing is
Ruby- No, I'm not saying that it's a pouch I-

[Chomper went in the thing and pulled out circular sweet things,  with a rectangular thing.]

Petrie- What does it do?

[Chomper presses the home button on the bottom of the rectangular thing and it ranged an “Opening Ringtone”.]

Everyone- Oooooh
Chomper- What is it?

[Ruby tries to find out what the words say on it but couldn't figure it out.]

Ruby- I-I... I can't- I can't read.
Cera- (In frustration) What are they, hieroglyphics?!
Littlefoot- I don't know, but if I didn't learn anything in Tysean's dimension, I think those are... words.
Petrie- You mean, Tysean showed us what words mean and how modern his kind live?
Littlefoot- Yeah, I guess so
Cera- But that still doesn't explain how that scum and this big black thing was doing right in the middle of our playing field.

[Spike walks to the scum next to the big pond]
Petrie- Where you going now, Spike?

[Spike smelled the scum and examined the print. He then looked in the big black thing and found a shoe.]

Littlefoot- Wait, is that a... shoe?
Cera- Looks like it
Chomper- (Smells the shoe and pulls back in disgust) Smells like it.
Petrie- Wait, me still don't get it. Where all this leading?

[Me and The others have no idea what was going on so it was up to us and Tysean's previous teachings to help us put the remaining clues together.]

Littlefoot- Okay, lets get our facts straight. There was a big black... “pouch” in the water. And it has stuff in it.
Cera- (Standing next to the scum) There's scum with a print in it-
Chomper- (Walks to the opposite of Cera leaving the scum between them), and we can already tell that this is not a dinosaur foot print.

Ducky- We found-ed something round & sweet [Ducky eats the round sweets.] And a rectangle thing that goes beep-beep boop-beep-boo-boo-boo beep-beep boop.
Cera- Ducky, don't eat those things, we don't know what those are!
Ducky- (Moans sadly) Aww, but they are so yummy!
Cera- Yummier than Tree stars?
Ducky- Uh... HEY! Spike!

[Spike ate her round sweet right from under her nose. She got mad for a few seconds but laughed and hugged Spike's snout.]

Cera- Give it here
[Ducky brought one of the un-eaten round sweets to Cera and she examined it.] Well their not tree sweets... (Eats one) But to my surprise... They're pretty good. Mmmh. [Ducky smiles at Cera after that.]

Chomper- Um, Guys, you should come take a look at this...

[The other dinosaurs came and saw Chomper pull out empty packs of raw meat out from the big black pouch. He showed it to everyone.]
Cera- All of a sudden I don't feel so good... [Cera ran and threw up her round sweet & a bit of tree stars from earlier behind a bush. Petrie on the other hand was already frightened. Ducky, after seeing Cera threw up, her stomach became 'sad” & queasy.”
Ducky- (Moans sadly in Sickness) Ohhh, now I think I am going to be sick, I am, I am. My tummy is feeling very sad & it hurts.
Ruby- Put that down, Chomper. You're gonna make everybody sick
Chomper- Oops, Sorry guys. [He put the things down, despiting the fact that the raw from the packaging savored him so much, he tried to resist for his friend's sake and for his sake.]

Littlefoot- C'mon guys, we've got to focus. Why would empty packages of meat be doing in this pouch?
Chomper- Maybe it was for a sharptooth
Littlefoot- That, could be possible...
Petrie- (gasped) Sharptooth! [Petrie flew and grabbed my neck and he was squeezing tightly.]

Littlefoot- Oww! Petrie!! Do you got to do that everytime someone mentions about a sharptooth?
Petrie- Sorry Littlefoot, But me reeeally terrified of sharptooths

[Ruby then heard yelling from over younder.]

Ruby- Guys... I just heard yelling!
Chomper- And the scum leads straight forward... leading to our cave! [Ruby & Chomper were worried.]

Littlefoot- I don't get why there would be scum in the Great Valley. We never seen any around here.
Ruby- Unless they're from-outside the Great Valley...
Everyone- (Gasps quietly) The Mysterious Beyond!

Littlefoot- (Looks at print on scum) I get it now! That print looks like a shoe print, see? [I showed them the shoe Spike picked up & turned it over, even though it doesnt have the same prints as the one on the scum.
Ruby- Okay, but what about this other stuff?
Cera- I don't know about you guys but I have a feeling we seen all this kinds of stuff before.
Chomper- And that print looks really familiar too
Littlefoot- Hmmm, who do we know has a shoe print, likes these round sweets, has a rectangular thing, & yells like... {SCREAMING FROM FURTHER IN THE VALLEY}.

[We knew that scream anywhere and we now knew who it was...]
Everyone- TYSEAN!!!
Cera- He's here? In the Great Valley? But How?
Chomper- I don't know, but we might wanna get out of here cuz my sniffer smells like someone is coming very fast and rather... {Footsteps trembling shaking the ground} FURIOUS!!!

Everyone- (Screams) Aaaahhh!!!

[We all ran and we soon notice a Threehorn who looks like Cera's Dad charging in the same direction the scum was heading.]
Cera- It's my Dad!
Chomper- What's his problem?
Littlefoot- I don't know, but we better follow him & the tracks to see where it all goes before someone gets hurt.
Cera- Good Idea, Littlefoot!
Ruby- Chomper & I will run back to our cave to see if everything's okay. C'mon Chomper! [Chomper follows Ruby and Runs off with her back to their cave.]

Chomper- (Shouts) Meet us back at our cave as soon as you can!
Cera- (Yells Back) Alright, Chomper!
[Cera ran after her dad.] I'll go after my dad, You guys carry the big black ugly thing and Petrie and I will meet you at Chomper & Ruby's cave later.
[We agreed while we watched Petrie & Cera run off... then we suddenly realized we were stuck carrying the heavy big black ugly thing Cera mentioned.]
Littlefoot & Ducky- HEY!!! [Spike moaned in the same tone Ducky & I said it in.]
I was so tired and was screaming multiple times and I noticed the reason that Threehorn was chasing me was with my shoes.
Me- I gotta take off these shoes... But I like my shoes, they're my favorite shoes!

[Then the Threehorn got Closer to me]

It's either the shoes or YOUR ASS!!  Fine!!

[I said in frustration as I take off my shoes and ran off. Threehorn caught the scent of it and It disgusted him]
Threehorn- Humph, You're Lucky You got away, but mark my words, I'll be back! I'll promise you! He then walked furiously away, Not knowing Cera & Petrie were behind him going the opposite way To Chomper & Ruby's Cave. I stepped on lots of uncomfortable bugs, twigs, rocks, pebbles, you name it, it hurts and I was hella mad too! But I didn't have time to get angry cuz my life was on the line. I suddenly felt a spider web get tangled on my foot with a medium-small spider (8 legged crawler) on it & I freaked out and jumped yelling to the top of my lungs in a falsetto voice yelling “Get it off, Get it off, Get it off-Get it off-Get it off-Get it off-Get it off-Get it off-Get it off!!” I eventually got the web off... including the spider. I looked back to see if the Threehorn was behind me and that's where I regretted my mistake.

I suddenly hit face first to a tree branch and got dizzy for a few seconds. I moaned and almost fell out and I knew I had to look for a place to hide. I saw a cave and didn't hesitate to find out who's cave it belonged to. I ran inside it barefooted and breathless & panted. I waited to see if something was gonna happen but nothing. I figured the Threehorn gave up on me so he went home... for now. I sighed with relief as I looked around the cave. I figured it looked nice but quite unfitting for a guy to just, lounge around in there. I knew as long as I am in this cave, nothing can hurt me... until I saw two figures behind me pink and indigo blue- more like an indigo purple to me.

I couldn't make out the vision cuz the tree crash was fatal and it messed up my vision. My glasses broke but had another case in my black bag. I hadn't noticed I didn't have it yet. Anyways, I didn't care that my vision is blurry, but I know that those figures were walking slowly towards me. I fell to the ground with a bit of tears in my eyes with my hand out as a “keep back” sign as I started pleading for mercy.]

Me- Please, Please don't hurt me, please... I've been through enough than I needed to please (Chokes on his sobs; Whispers) please. [I then started to cry. I never cried like that before. I was scared out of my wits and I didn't know what to do, but prepare for the last few moments of my life...

“Ty- Tysean?”
Me- Huh?
[My vision came 30% to focus, then 40% then 50% then back to 40% & 30%.]
Ch-Ch- Chomper?
Chomper- Mm-Hmm, that's me
Me- A... Ruby?!
Ruby- Yes, that's my name, that name which is Ruby is mine hehe.
Me- Wha-Wha the... I then out of nowhere collapsed on the ground after I lost complete focus of my vision and everything turned to black along with feeling light headed and feeling the urge to choke up blood from all that blood curling screaming I've done miles from here. I crashed, I was gone... I ended up blacked out for good.

COMING SOON: CHAPTER II: Getting Re-acquainted

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time SPY
« on: June 13, 2015, 12:08:16 AM »
Yes!! Chapter One Done!
Hope yall like it... It's gonna be in a diff topic as you can see.

LBT Fanfiction / The Swimmer Trials
« on: June 12, 2015, 11:03:08 PM »
Hey, I'm Silvah and I wanted to tell you that your chapters are phenomenal. Hope u keep writing more cuz I'm doing one that is gonna reprise ur story. I can't predict if Ducky Makes It or not but I hope she does and her mom too... And Imma make my episode 7 of Part I & II as a dedication to You.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time SPY
« on: June 12, 2015, 02:29:09 PM »
Im Almost Done With The First Chapter Of The Pilot Episode...

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time SPY
« on: June 12, 2015, 02:23:50 PM »
Quote from: DarkHououmon,Jun 12 2015 on  09:04 AM
This whole thing is confusing me, I admit. Is this some kind of mega crossover? Are there portals or something the characters go through and that's how Littlefoot and the others would know about a human and how they would even be in a middle school in the first place despite being dinosaurs? Sorry I'm just really confused.
I use to do a diff story from mine-Yea in one of my spinoff series that I use to write in school, the dinosaurs did came from the TV. like in Blues Clues, they blue ska doo'ed, but in my latest spinoff, the portal that the monster high ghouls use to come out of, I had a lever to change shows and different worlds. I can't say that's super natural. I also can't say it's a mega crossover between my old spinoff and this one. Im tryna say that Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petire & Spike met me when I was in My Middle school year. then again In my high school year, and In my Latest series Spy Quad, They came through the portal. And I was also introduced to Chomper & Ruby.

Thing Is, it was never said how I managed I got to the great valley without some kind of transportation device but it was later revealed in 3B: "To go" when I created a TV (Like in Flintstones.) To watch Over my Former Friends. The Dinosaurs never traveled back to our dimension in this season.

Sorry For The Confusion. I hope that cleared things up.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time SPY
« on: June 12, 2015, 11:01:18 AM »
Quote from: Malte279,Jun 12 2015 on  08:54 AM
It's my first time on here so give me some time to understand how to do the poll.
EDIT: I took the liberty to edit your post a little so the different poll options could be picked. ;)
Thank You man (:

I So appreciate it. Hope you like my stuff when i type it all out.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time SPY
« on: June 12, 2015, 09:50:18 AM »
When I Make The Pilot Episode, Which Episode would you like me to do? Episode with the most Votes Imma do it. But I have no plans for Episode 4, 7Pt.I & Pt.2

It's my first time on here so give me some time to understand how to do the poll.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time SPY
« on: June 12, 2015, 02:01:02 AM »
The Land Before SPY GUY

Tysean walks from over younder wondering where he is trying to find The Great Valley, but not like Littlefoot & his friends in the first movie. He minutes later runs face to face with Red Claw for the first time & meets interfaces with his fast biter henchmen Screech & Thud. Tysean runs not knowing where he was going but to forget everything and run away from them. Little did he know he was moving the right way the whole time (Since it was straight ahead from him), he runs into a forest. He forgets he was in the Great Valley but kept on running. He suddenly runs in a cave full of exaughstion & crashes out. Soon his first time in the Great Valley was a living hell to him. Can The Next Day Get any better?

-Tysean always wears his black Cacky pants with his black (Adidas) shoes, black Cap, Black button up collared rolled up long sleeved shirt. He would sometimes change cackies even if he decides to add cargo pockets with them, which are his most favorite, but would always be seen in Black Cackies.

-Tysean's dinosaur transformation is a Apatosaurus. His colors are Dark brown & light bage with a shade of lavender.

-Guest Stars: None

The Land Before Stone Confession

This takes place after the pilot episode. After Tysean discovers that the shinny sky colored stone he found allows him to transform into a longneck, he keeps it a secret from all the dinosaurs in the Great Valley. Shontye was his name when he transforms into a longneck. Later, the numberous questions from his friends were getting harder & harder to find him good-er excuses for his absence & Shontye's words. Soon, he accidentally lets Ruby have his stone, steals it back & Sierra & a certain someone from our dimension teamed up & takes the stone-he goes to a cave (Closest to Threehorn peak) where their hide out is and tries to retrieve it back.

-Tysean wears black shirt & black cackies with cargo pockets added to the sides.

-Tysean's dinosaur formation officially becomes a Diplodocus like Doc (Secret Of Saurus Rock), instead of an apatosaurus. But he still keeps his original colors dark brown, light bage with a bit light shade of lavender. (Throughout the season his lavender shade fades until he is just plain light bage, almost being white like silk coconut milk.)

-Guest Stars: None

EPISODE 3: (Trust & Concequences)
The Land Before Chrust & Chomper-quences / The Land Before Time To Go!

3A: Chrust & Chomper-quences

After Chomper starves himself because of an altercation with buzzing stingers along with some poisonous creepy crawlers, he unwitnessingly sleepwalks falsely terrorizing the younger dinosaurs in the Great Valley. Thing is, he was accused by Mr Threehorn for the disappearence and/or the injuries of the younger dinosaurs that were either attacked or kidnapped on the nights of the night circle is in the sky. If he is found guilty, he would be banished from the Great Valley forever. Can his friends help out Chomper before it's too late?

-Tysean wears a purple indigo shirt in a color reference of Chomper {This is the first time he wears colored button up collared long rolled up sleeved shirt in signature regardless on who the plot is gonna be represented about.}

-Guest Stars: None

3B: To Go!

Tysean is extremely surprised that his former friends Meg, Rhiley, Nikki, Lexi, Amber & Bree visits the Great Valley to see Tysean. They soon later catch up on things that happened to each other ever since Tysean left them & the world. They also later go up against Screech, Thud & Red Claw when they decide to send upon the valley; Littlefoot & his friends feels left out when Tysean is hanging out with his former friends instead of them a lot more. After Red Claw and the fast biters retreat back to the Mysterious Beyond, Things get serious. The six girls & Tysean then discuss reasons why Tysean disappeared from home, cut off contact from everyone (Including but eventually Except Meg in: The PILOT EPISODE). The six girls tries to convince Tysean to go back home with them but Tysean & Nikki Black​ gets into a heated argument. Meg reasons with both of them. As Nikki tries to accept Tysean's decision on staying in the Great Valley, Tysean takes Meg's word and prepares to leave the Great Valley... Then there's trouble... Chomper!

-Tysean wears white shirt like he wears his black shirt on a normal basics. However, he doesn't wear his purple indigo shirt during Chomper's rescue.
Shayla's name was mentioned in this episode, but she doesn't appear in it at all.

-Guest Stars: Nikki Black, Rhiley Greene, Amber Cline, Bree/Lexi Ramirez & Meg Bodine

The Land Chomper vs. The Egg-Nappers

Like the events in "THE LAND BEFORE TIME II: THE GREAT VALLEY ADVENTURE", Ozzy & Strut returns to the Great Valley not to steal any eggs, but to get revenge on a certain dinosaur. Chomper ends up kidnapped and it's up to Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike & Ruby to go & rescue him... well, with Tysean's help of course, Duh!; Tysean accidentally burns up the Great Valley after a trick gone wrong for Petrie on his (birthday) hatch day, this also involving the water supply being jammed causing the water to not flow, and because of the fire, no more green food is growing. As everyone gets furious at Tysean because of the fire, he & the others leaves the Great Valley...

-Tysean wears his purple indigo shirt representing Chomper.

-Guest Stars: None

The Land 2 Stupid 2 Dumb Sh#t / The Land Before Time Mia Mi

5A. 2 Stupid 2 Dumb Sh#t

SML (Super Mario Logan) Characters are now just joining the prehistoric times this time. Jackie Chu visits the Great Valley and annoys everyone including Tysean. He Tries to put on his good face but no matter what he tried to do to keep a good presentation in front of Littlefoot and the others Jackie Chu ruins his day 24/7. It gets worse when he says his son Jackie Twu is visiting the Great Valley. Can Tysean and The others survive the torture of Jackie Chu?

-Tysean wears his black shirt plastic gold wide stripe design around his shirt, representing Jackie Chu & Twu.

-Guest Stars: SML's Jackie Chu & Jackie Twu

5B: Mia Mi

Mia & Cam reprise their presense from the fanfiction story: THE LAND BEFORE TIME: TIME OF THE GREAT GROWING.
Ali & her heard visits the Great Valley and meets Tysean in person for the first time. Mia & Cam gets flirty with Littlefoot & Cera gets jealous; Tysean is crushing on Mia & he can't let her find out who he actually is when he is out of dinosaur mode. What will he do? Will love blind him like always?

-Tysean wears his white shirt with plaid brown, thin black & bage lines to represent Mia & brown-ish Green slacks to represent Cam. 1st time Tysean wears different colored Cacky pants that represents another character.

-Guest Stars: Cam & Mia

(This Episode is a dedication to the username of AllegroGiocoso)

The Land Before A New Nest / The Land Before Worse Mistake

6A: A New Nest

Tysean, Littlefoot, Ruby & Chomper helps Ducky, Spike, Mama Swimmer & their family move to a new nest after their nest is flooded & filled with mud.

-Tysean wears brown cacky pants & brownish-green shirt with dark brown designs to represent Ducky & Spike.

-Guest Stars: None

-Petrie & Cera are Absent in this episode.

6B. Worst Mistake

When Cera gets mad over a game that she loses, she was bet'ed by the gang that she could go a week without being angry, furious, jealous, sad, or mad. If Cera loses she gets to fetch tree stars for everybody for the week after. Tysean didn't like the idea considering he had a similar bet back then on him, on Rhiley & on Lexi in previous episodes in his own spin-off series: 'THE SPIES' . Littlefoot also chooses not to join in the bet while the others provoke Tysean into agreeing to do the bet; Cera almost does the unthinkable & Tysean, Littlefoot & Ruby helps her out.

-Guest Stars: None

-Tysean wears yellow-ish Orange shirt representing Cera.  

EPISODE 7 [PART I] (Movie Special)
The Land Before "The One"

It's that time again and whether or not they like it, training is going on all over the Great Valley. Littlefoot & his friends shows Tysean, Ruby & Chomper the ropes on the events they will be tackling-even though Chomper's a sharptooth, that didn't stop anyone to include him in the trial against the other dinosaurs from the Mysterious Beyond. Meanwhile, Ruby loses her confidence once she was wrong about one or two things; Tysean tries to get Ruby to believe in herself again and build up her confidence and realize that it's okay to make mistakes...
During That Time, Roy tried many times to get the stone from Tysean but many atempts ends up unsuccessfully a failure. So he calls up a specialist in hand. His useless partner in crime who goes by the name D-Boy, ends up as his sidekick. He's like Strut but a bit more set straight than Strut but with a side of bitter cowardliness. Anyways, Roy calls up a specialist to help them retrieve the sky color stone from Tysean and Tries to destroy him once & for all. At the end of this, Ducky is chosen for the last trial & guess who Mama Swimmer is up against?...
And to add it all off, Ducky also ends up kidnapped in the middle of the night...

-Tysean wears White shirt with a 40% faded pink design to represent Ruby.

-Sculra reprises her appearance from the fanfiction story: The Swimmer Trials.
Mama Swimmer's name "Sura" is gonna get brung back in the episode.

-Guest Stars: Sculra, Merri, Ruphus & Mo

EPISODE 7 [PART II] (Movie Special)
The Land Before The Swimmer Trial [Reprise]
Takes after the PART I episode called: "The One".

Tysean & the others go after Ducky & Sura (Mama Swimmer) is the accompaniment on this mission. They soon get faced with 3 fast biter sharpteeth & Mama Swimmer is injured with almost the same injuries as before... but not as quite severe than last time since Tysean & the others are there to help her. Ducky was held captive in a cave with Roy, D-Boy & the specialist who goes by the name Marvin. He sees all, he knows all, he can witness the future & he notices when someone's gonna do something seconds before that person's gonna do it. He can also prevent plans once either addressed out loud or silently in their heads. So technically, he's an unbeatable psychic to the others who can predict anything so for now all they can do is escape him. They later rescue Ducky after coming face to face to face with Roy, D-Boy & Marvin; Tysean goes to find Sculra & ends up being captured himself; Littlefoot, Petrie & Chomper goes after Tysean to rescue him and soon Tysean realizes that the stone he had to transform into a longneck, he can do it without it now. So he decided to give Ruby the stone back, and the sapphire he carved from the stone, he turned it into a necklace and later gave it to Ducky for good luck & love from him of belief & confidence. He then later said that the necklace is from all of them because they all love her & she's the best thing that's ever happened to them, including her mom...
After Littlefoot, Chomper & Petrie rescues Tysean, Roy, D-Boy & Marvin capture Petrie in a Hi-Tech net in a Hi-Tech jeep during their escape... Tysean eventually saves Petrie;
Tysean finds out about the Hi-Tech stuff Roy & them was using against them and tries to use one of them to get him & the others back to the course to see Ducky pass that Trial. But trouble lurks along the way as you can see...
-Somehow Tysean changes shirts when he falls into a nasty swamp pond during the rain (Sky water). His shirt was covered in green scumb, algae, etc... His shirt is changed to Spike's Skin color: Brownish Green. And His cacky pants somehow changed too into Dark brown.

-Sculra's last appearance throughout the whole series until further notice... TBA.

-This is the very last time Tysean uses his shinny sky colored stone to transform into a longneck.

-Guest Stars: Sculra, Merri & Ruphus

(Part I & II is Dedicated to the Username of The Lone Dragon.)


LBT Fanfiction / The Swimmer Trials
« on: June 11, 2015, 10:48:40 PM »
Plz keep on going with The Chapters... this Is Soooo Great! I Love It

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