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Messages - Ludichris1

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 21 22 23 24
General Land Before Time / Is it ok if I like "The Mad song"?!
« on: December 05, 2012, 12:04:13 PM »
Quote from: Bruton the Iguanodon,Dec 5 2012 on  12:45 AM
Maybe I should start calling BLT sandwhiches LBT sandwhiches from now on!   :)
Now that's an idea XD :idea  :lol

1988 Theatrical Release / Has anyone ever worried...
« on: December 01, 2012, 08:17:53 AM »
Quote from: Bruton the Iguanodon,Dec 1 2012 on  12:59 AM
I guess I should mention that back in late March-early April of 2011, when I was rediscovering LBT, I ended up looking at our old VHS tape of it that had the original film and 4 disney movies on it. (I'd seen it a while back and was shocked we actually had an LBT film other than 4 on tape!)  I was really saddened to see that the credits got cut off after the first verse and the next movie immediately began.
Oh, the old VHS tapes :wow. We use to record so many TV movies on them. If not for that possibility, would've forgotten (or probably not watched) Master of Disguise, Oliver and Company, and others.

1988 Theatrical Release / Has anyone ever worried...
« on: December 01, 2012, 12:03:30 AM »
Hmmm... some movies being uploaded online to paid services don't have credits I've noticed. I hope that doesn't trend...

I watched whole credits first time I remember, but most times after that, just maybe two minutes, because it got a little tiring seeing so much blue for a while, ha, and I was a, well, kid.

I was only... four-and-a-half when my mom bought The Land Before Time, so... about 1998.5? (and I think 2-5 followed not long after (perhaps different intervals but really close by). VII and VIII were probably between 2000-2003. My parents usually just got the LBT that was available, and so only watched VI on television lol, and didn't get to see 9-13 till 2004.5-2008 roughly (got back from Ecuador in 2004.5).

Such a great song :)

1988 Theatrical Release / I Will Chase Them!
« on: November 30, 2012, 11:53:10 PM »
Lol  :lol  at original post :)!

General Land Before Time / Is it ok if I like "The Mad song"?!
« on: November 25, 2012, 09:46:46 AM »
Hmm... I like all all the songs XD. My two favorites are Beyond the Mysterious Beyond, and, surprisingly, Girls and Dads. The first one is just so ethereal to me and the second is just so catchy lol. So no problem not liking the Mad Song :) *double negative lol*

Heh, even though you made a lot of speculative topics, at least you MADE them lol this place been a little deserted for a while even though people keep logging in to see new posts in this subforum (like me hehe)

General Land Before Time / "Flyers" Google #3 :D
« on: November 25, 2012, 09:43:16 AM »
Good Job :D!

General Land Before Time / Theory on LBT13
« on: September 05, 2012, 10:40:02 PM »
A Theory on LBT13
And Why It Wasn't What WE Wanted

Lately, I've been feeling I haven't watched enough animated films to have a good enough picture to be well-well versed in it. Besides, they're fun to watch! Anyway... to start off, I've been making my own list of films and direct-to-videos/dvds listed on Wikipedia from USA and the UK. Here is what I found...

I found something very startling. I had noticed in my preteens that the movies coming out in the early-to-mid 2000's were beginning to be a lot based on cartoons, TV shows, and previous theatrical movies. Going through the list, a lot of direct-to-videos were dead on. But there was a ton more than before. I mean, a TON. I've been writing every one of them down on my list, and I noticed many based on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney theatricals, and the like. The industry finally picked up and companies from all over the world produced loads of animated movies (though not theatrically released) in the hopes of money and company social status. While some are good, many are mundane. A lot of them that I saw, just by the titles, were meant for young (young) kids-- Things like Clifford, Fairly OddParents, Bratz, Carebears, Scooby-Doo! and a host of other serial names.

Now, many of these were not only from rich companies like Nickelodeon, but also not as polished. The Land Before Time series, however, is credited for being well animated, voiced and artisticly designed (to each his own you can choose which ones you agree with). The early 2000s were not so bad off as you might think for animated films. But it was the start, and many companies followed suit. As you can see, The Land Before Time XIII was released in 2007 correct? I'm currently working on that year and it is just as cartoon-spinoff-filled as some of the previous years.

Bottom Line for the TLDR: I think LBT 13 was too kid-friendly, wacky, and less polished because Universal perhaps realized all the commotion Nickelodeon and the like were making with their many Direct-to-DVDs for low amounts of money and short amount of time. I'm REALLY thinking that they decided to follow suit and that's how LBT 13, I believe, came to be. Universal has always been rich, so it certainly wasn't a matter of not having the funds. You can also see over years from 2000 (or so) on how the later LBTs were adapting to the 'supposed' youth around them. While this worked and was great in the beginning, not everything stays the same, and apparently, the youth grew too attention-deficient and that's what led from the great Land Before Time 10, to the still great LBT XI, the good LBT XII, and the iffy LBT XIII.
In my opinion :)

So, in all honesty, if I were you, I wouldn't think that Universal was intending to make the latest sequels less serious and profound than the previous. I think it was just a decision to adapt that didn't work out as much as they had hoped. I mean, if you think about it... The Land Before Time sequels series has gone through TWO decades! Our youth has passed its time and companies of today are focusing on today's youth. That's why LBT 13 wasn't what WE wanted.

All it takes is just LOOKING at the names of animated films over the years and you should reach the same conclusion.

Judging by the state of Direct-to-DVDs now, I think it's best to focus on theatricals for now.

General Land Before Time / LBT Dreams?
« on: August 24, 2012, 07:46:09 AM »
Quote from: Fyn16,Aug 23 2012 on  02:36 PM
I turned into Littlefoot and had to save a candy store from an incoming tsunami.

Weird, right?
Well... Littlefooot is always there to save the day, right :lol?

General Land Before Time / Favorite Sequel
« on: August 21, 2012, 07:23:16 AM »
I'd have to go with Seven, because mainly because the theme about discovery and the mysterious beyond. Also, the music was great, and the story engaging :)

But I like all of them :cry lol

General Land Before Time / Which Villain in LBT are you?
« on: August 15, 2012, 09:01:39 AM »
Ha I got Rinkus  :lol

General Land Before Time / Do U like Rinkus? :)
« on: August 10, 2012, 08:00:02 AM »
Quote from: EggStealerGirl,Aug 9 2012 on  05:58 PM
Ok, scratch what I said before; I find him freaking adorable now! CX

I just love the way he likes fiddling with that tails of his, it's very cute to watch! :D
Haha yes. He always makes funny troll-like comments and has a funny voice :)

General Land Before Time / Who's Your Favorite Flyer?
« on: August 09, 2012, 09:08:41 PM »
All of 'em is a bad choice because I like pterano most but I like the others a lot too, but obviously Pterano has more background so  :lol

General Land Before Time / What I thought was scary as a kid!
« on: August 09, 2012, 08:15:25 AM »
Quote from: Blais_13,Aug 9 2012 on  06:33 AM
When i saw the first film,what scared me was those psycho domeheads,and that black monster which was only Littlefoot,Spike,Petrie,and Ducky.

In the second,the misteryous beyond was scarry.A LOT of big bones,that creepy long snakelike creature swiming in that tarpool,the barren sight,and everything was dark becose of the night.Seriously everything there just makes you want to go away as fast as possible.
I totally agree with this ^0^

General Land Before Time / Changing sizes
« on: August 09, 2012, 08:14:40 AM »
Yeah they go from big to little to big to little all the time with (especially) parent scenes. Sometimes if it's too zoomed out, they may feel they need to show a big enough picture of the characters, rather than have them look like a bug.

General Land Before Time / What I thought was scary as a kid!
« on: August 08, 2012, 11:01:41 PM »
Hmm... well just the music in itself throughout the movies amplified some of the 'scary ' scenes making them even more emotional and empowering.

But anyway, on Land Before Time II, I was scared and anticipating when I saw them jump across the ledges to get away, and then when the gang landed in the mysterious beyond, that was utter creepy (well I was 5 xD).

Hmm... moving on, the first time I saw the velociraptors on LBT III (or utah raptors?) was a little 'creepy' them trying to all escape in the bone infested land, but not too much.

I do agree, the song on the fourth one was a little scary at first (mostly because of all the words). The mists were a little frightening when I first heard of them from that old longneck and then thinking about the music that plays in the mysterious beyond.

The fifth movie had the running scene-- that was a really strong image the way the colors changed and all. I wouldn't say I was more as scared than hoping they escape and live (even though they would but still!). You could also say the desolation of the desert (never before seen in LBT series besides the first), the mysterious missing carnivore's footprint, and the locusts.

Nothing on the sixth one scared me, though yeah the bee stings were abnormal.

The seventh one had THE MOST SCARY SCENE of all the Land Before Time movies! Seriously! Remember when they were describing what pterano had did? I was so scared man. First the dinosaurs already go into a somewhat creepy place that seems like paradise, but then it escalades into the most gruesome and horrifying things you'll ever see with dinosaurs. They have nowhere to go, and all die, including one SCRAPING HER CLAWS on the rock to not fall and then falling down a huge hole (with of course waterfalls to make it even more creepy because it's so deep). Yeah... :unsure:

Starting from the eighth one, I was not only older, but they were a little more lighthearted :). Maybe when Ducky was first going into the cold beyond, it gave you creepy thoughts, but from then on, the rest of the movies (and the eighth) were not  scary and creepy as the the first ones :) (I was also older. I watched the 10th one when I was 12! [i'm 17 now])

The Fridge / 24th Anniversary Of Judith Barsi's Death
« on: July 29, 2012, 07:51:22 AM »
Yes, very sad. I cried inside when I read it long ago.

That would be a great idea! But even more, would be to include, maybe friends? Because I know she voiced Ducky and Marie, but if you put in some friends, like maybe her mom, or someone at the studio that was really friendly, or perhaps friends in the movies like Charlie (but that would take a while right?).

The Fridge / Near Death at SeaWorld
« on: July 26, 2012, 09:12:23 AM »
Oooh that. You know what's really scary? I watched that EXACT video yesterday, without knowing about this thread  :blink: !

Anyway, it seems tons of animals are locked up for Entertainment. Your question is quite broad lol. From zoo animals to shows-- even pets and refuges like in Kenya for example. If you ask me, if animals weren't interesting or entertaining, then otherwise people wouldn't care about any of watching/having any of these things. But anyway, I think it is actually a good idea to have an animal for shows. You just have to do it very carefully, and it's really hard. For example, if I had a ton of money, and I wanted to make a killer whale show, I'd make sure they could swim in a absolutely huge area, with absolutely huge wildlife and plants already in it. And the trainers I would make interact with the whales more, rather than just train, train, train. Also, having shows everyday at so-and-so time is a terrible idea. Sure, animals like mental stimulation and playing, but when it's the same old thing over and over and constantly...

The Fridge / :( I feel so behind and outdated
« on: July 18, 2012, 02:56:41 PM »
I kind of felt the same way. I had no handheld gaming devices but an old pink GBA (with no games) and two mini mp3 players with just 30 song limits. Before that I was using a CD player with ugly headphones. Even the two TVs in our house (one me and my brother bought) are standard televisions. I mean, even though we had quite a few gaming systems, including a PS3, in terms of 'being social' and 'like everyone else' we lacked. I had no phone, tablet (which you can use for mp3 anyway), laptop, etc.. And several times I'd go over things I wish I could have and hoped I would get them someday.
But then several things hit me. For one, these things are darn expensive to maintain in the first place. $80 for a smartphone a month (or 35 :p whatev)? I can do most of the things on my computer when I'm at home, and I'm mostly at home anyway. Same with a tablet. It would be 'nice' to play videos, games, music etc on the go and show everyone, but at what cost? $100-$200 for the cheaper tablets, and then some for apps and stuff. See where I'm getting here?

The second thing that hit me was what if I focused on one thing? So, that's what I did, I saved up money I had gotten from Christmas and Birthday, as well as a couple oddjobs and measly allowances during the year, and the next year when it was Christmas, me and my parents jointly bought a computer (with my money, and as present), and then I bought a great video card and power supply for it. During the next year, I would buy a processor and some RAM as well with money I earned from doing surveys online. And I can be proud, because even though it's not the fastest computer ever, it sure as heck beats every computer of my real friends in-real-life! I can play BF3 on max with like low 20-60 fps (Usually in the late 40s and low 50s) and I'll be able to play Guild Wars 2 superbly!

So just think about what you do or can have and how much you'll REALLY use it with the money you're getting. The only thing I would regret is perhaps not having a phone though, because almost EVERYONE has one... but you can use those as a tablet and mp3 player too anyway, as well as calling so. But still! Right now, I... I just don't really need it :)

EDIT: I also bought $65 dollar headphones from last Christmas' money! So see that :). Focus your funds and you'll get somewhere ;D

The Fridge / What is your favorite season?
« on: July 18, 2012, 02:44:21 PM »
Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Jul 17 2012 on  01:21 PM
the colors are beautiful, and when the nights are cold, you can snuggle on the couch with warm apple cider or hot cocoa and toast^^ and the air is crisp and cool....
GAaah you make it sound so good XD gimme some hot cocoa!

The Fridge / What is your favorite season?
« on: July 18, 2012, 02:43:00 PM »
Even though the colors get old after a while, and it's not particularly a buzz, I think fall fits me best. I look better wearing browns too. HOWEVER Spring is great, and Summer and Winter are awesome in different ways equally :D

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