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Messages - Dosu2Dinner

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 22 23
LBT Audio Play Project / Writers needed.
« on: January 21, 2013, 01:20:38 PM »
Is this project still going???????

LBT Fanfiction / PAST-O-RAMA
« on: January 19, 2013, 06:33:06 PM »
OK, here's my review of the first chapter.

It's interesting so far. I'm curious to see as why the professor has come to the Great Valley, and what it will entail for Littlefoot and the others. One point that confuses me however, is why Littlefoot refers to his grandfather as 'Grandpa Longneck,' as supposed to simply, 'Grandpa.'

But anyway, great work! The script style is interesting too.

LBT Fanfiction / Character profiles for Venatione Venatus
« on: January 19, 2013, 04:42:02 PM »
Quote from: Ducky123,Jan 19 2013 on  03:26 PM
Your OC's are very interesting and also the fact that they know Chomper later in the story and that they're a "gang of young sharpteeth" :yes
Your story has a great potential and it's really cool to read a ff out of the view of some sharpteeth :)
Thanks!!!!!!!  :DD

LBT Fanfiction / Character profiles for Venatione Venatus
« on: January 19, 2013, 07:50:03 AM »
OK, so, when I posted the prologue of my LBT fanfic Venatione Venatus yesterday, I was asked to reveal some info on the characters. So, here are four character profiles. More will be added as more characters are introduced in the story.

(I know the regulations for fanfiction on here say all chapters must be in the same post, but this isn't an extra chapter, so yeah...)


Gender: Male

Species: Bladeback (Oxalaia quilombensis)

Body Colour: Cyan, w/ sea green sail.

Eye Colour: Amber

Family details:
Parents (deceased)
Xal (stepfather)

Dwelling: Fanged forest:
A small forest on top of a hill, where a small community of sharpteeth live. Has lived with them his whole life, and whilst a few come and go, the small family of Twoclaws to which Saureen belongs to has always remained.

Friends/social life: SeizonÅfs closest friend is Saureen, whom he regards like a little sister. However, he also soon befriends a group of young, orphaned sharpteeth (more on them later) and they become a pack.

Personality: Seizon is a headstrong young bladeback, who has charismatic skills to be envied. He quickly asserts himself as the leader of the pack he forms, and he always believes his ideals will be best for everyone, even when they can go disastrously wrong, and sometimes forces his views across. He is devoted to his last remaining family member, his stepfather Xal, and is seemingly the only person whom Seizon considers better than himself. Xal is quite a manipulator, and Seizon simply goes with what he says, persuading others to follow his lead, or sometimes, forces them to.

Despite this, he is not a particularly bad individual, and will often go out of his way to help his friends (i.e, the people who do what he says) and acts like an overprotective brother to Saureen, putting his life on the line in order to protect her.

Favourite food: Lizards.

Likes: Hunting, sleeping, Saureen, Xal, asserting his authority, himself, swimming.

Dislikes: Flatteeth (unless heÅ's eating them), being superseded by others, arrogant hunters, Screech & Thud.


Gender: Female

Species: Twoclaw (Tyrannosaurus rex)

Body Colour: White w/ black stripes

Eye Colour: Green

Family Details:
Tyra (grandmother)
Ferox (father)
Recently deceased mother

Dwelling: Fanged forest.
Moved there not long after she was born, after having travelled long and wide with her family for a new home. Befriended Seizon.

Friends/social life: Seizon is her closest friend, and she also quickly moves to befriend the pack he forms, becoming a loyal member. Unlike Seizon, she takes to Chomper quite quickly once he is forcibly recruited into the pack (SPOILERS! Sort ofÅc)

Personality: Saureen is very dedicated to her family and to her surrogate brother, Seizon. Unlike Seizon, she is not self-centred, and yet is also very independent. Until the longneck attack that this. Then she has to rely on Seizon, and soon becomes quite meek under his ferocious leadership demeanour.

Also unlike Seizon, she is quite open-minded, one of the reasons she is ready to accept Chomper and even convinces him to teach her flattooth. She becomes very taken with Chomper actuallyÅc
Seizon is no love rival, but he doesnÅft consider Chomper to be the best influence on his surrogate sister.

Favourite food: Fish.

Likes: Seizon (sometimes), Chomper, her family, hunting, exploring, the new pack, pointy seed bowling.

Dislikes: Seizon (sometimes), the spiked longneck, Xal, Screech & Thud.

Spiked Longneck

Gender: Male Å

Species: Agustinia ligabuei

Body Colour: Red and tan.

Eye Colour: Yellow.

Info: Not much is known about this mysterious attacker of the Fanged Forest. Xal was forewarned of this attack, so he knew he had to get Seizon and Saureen out of the way. According to him, the solution to defeating this monster was by heading west towards the Great Valley. There, the two kids would find something (or someone) to help them in forming a strong pack, eventually finding their way back to the Fanged Forest and dealing with this animal.

But this longneck has plans of his own. He knew, by their direction where Seizon and Saureen were headed, and he has his own ties with the valley. What sort? Only time will tellÅc


Gender: Male Å

Species: Bladeback (Oxalaia quilombensis)

Body Colour: Deep blue w/ deep blue and red sail.

Eye Colour: Amber.

Info: Xal is SeizonÅfs stepfather, and the undisputed leader of the Fanged Forest. He has often announced he has big plans to his stepson and anyone else who will listen. Quite what his plans are is currently unknown, but it is certainly clear that he had his reasons for sending Saureen and Seizon to the Great Valley. Reasons that, along with the longneckÅfs motives, will soon be revealed.
As his plans unfold, his nearest and dearest begin to see that he isnÅft completely innocentÅc

And there you have it. Now, I would like to ask anyone who likes to draw fanart, if they would like to draw one of my OCs? Or more than one if you like. Thanks!  :DD

LBT Fanfiction / Venatione Venatus
« on: January 18, 2013, 04:23:31 PM »
Either way, the title is something to do with hunting.  :lol

LBT Fanfiction / Venatione Venatus
« on: January 18, 2013, 02:32:42 PM »
Quote from: Ducky123,Jan 18 2013 on  01:31 PM
That's a good prologue,I'm interested to read more of Venatione Venatus :)
Is this a strictly LBT fanfiction or is this a crossover?
And its strictly LBT. I don't much like crossovers, unless they're humourous.

LBT Fanfiction / Venatione Venatus
« on: January 18, 2013, 02:18:45 PM »
Quote from: vonboy,Jan 18 2013 on  12:02 PM
EDIT: what does Venation Venatus mean? I've just never heard that before.
It's roughly Latin for 'Hunting Game.' You'll find out why soon enough, I hope...

LBT Fanfiction / Venatione Venatus
« on: January 18, 2013, 01:14:19 PM »
Thanks!!! Glad you enjoyed it.  :DD  :DD  :lol:  :DD  :lol:

Yes, the animal chasing them does seem very similar to the Lone Dinosaur thing from Chomper's dream, but to be honest that wasn't my original intention.

The longneck in this is actually based off an Early Cretaceous sauropod that lived in South America, called Agustinia ligabuei and it had rows of spikes down its neck, back and tail.

And thanks very much for the tip about paragraphing! I normally do a double line space between changes in perspective, though I think I may try doing it as a regular paragraph break, as you suggested.

Next chapter, the plot shall pick up, and you'll get more background about these two and what they're doing.

And...sorry I haven't read your fics yet vonboy.  :oops I've just never quite got round to it - I was extremely physched about posting this. XD.

LBT Fanfiction / Venatione Venatus
« on: January 18, 2013, 08:16:37 AM »
Hi guys. Here is my first attempt at LBT fanfiction. I hope you enjoy it...


There is no greater myth than the stillness of the night.
Under the shimmering gaze of the Great Night Circle, the quiet atmosphere was split in two by the racket of a monumental battle.
As the loud bellows, roars and thuds could be heard issuing from deep within a small forest upon a hill, trees were sent toppling like twigs, and small animals flew or scurried away in fright. Among these in this hurried exodus was young Twoclaw (tyrannosaurid) Sharptooth, her iconic silhouette burned against the night sky.
The young predator paused in her escape, turning her gaze back towards the ferocious fight, her emerald green eyes glistening with wonder and fear. She couldn’t stay long, however, which she knew – especially with the rockslide making its way down the hill…
She turned tail and continued to flee, but soon found herself getting gathered up by these the descending rocks, tumbling head-over-heels down the steep tor, before she was flung clean out of the way…
As the titanic battle continued, a young cyan bladeback was seen hurriedly skidding down the fallen rocks. He swept his amber eyes over the scene of post-disaster, until he saw a figure he recognised – a snow-white young female twoclaw, whose body was adorned with elegant black stripes, was laying several metres away.
He hurried over to her and nudged her roughly with his snout.
“C’mon, Saureen,” he said. “We’ve gotta move!”
Saureen gave a soft moan as she feebly attempted to stagger to her feet.
“Seizon…” she murmured. “I don’t think I can…” she swayed slightly on the spot.
Seizon grabbed her.
“You’ve got to,” he said, shortly. “We can’t stay here. We’re heading west.”
These words were a slight surprise to Saureen. She fixed Seizon with a penetrating emerald stare.
“Why west?”
Seizon narrowed his eyes.
“Because,” he replied. “That’s what I’ve been told. Now, we need to hurry, because-”
That was as far as he got, when a blizzard of gravel and stones hammered the ground in front of them. An animal had just landed on top of the rockslide. A massive, angry animal, which let out a gargantuan bellow…
Grabbing the younger sharptooth firmly by the arm, Seizon fled, and with the stomping that he heard in his wake, the creature was undoubtedly following. He continued to half-drag Saureen off into the night, until he noticed a massive fissure in the ground just ahead of him. Just what he needed…
Taking a calculated risk, he sprinted towards the edge of the fissure before leaping with all his strength.
Whilst suspended in mid-air, he flung Saureen’s limp but conscious form away from him, hoping their momentum would take her to the other side. He was lucky – Saureen’s zebra-patterned body hit the other side of the fissure and rolled away from the precipice. Now all he had to do was focus on getting himself there too…
It was fortunate for him that bladebacks were blessed with long arms. Clinging onto the edge of ground with his fore-claws he was able to haul himself up.
“Hey, Saureen,” he said, nudging her again. “You OK?”
Saureen slowly raised her head off the ground. She gave an affirmative nod, but then her eyes widened as she looked past Seizon’s shoulder.
On the other side of the fissure, the animal pursuing them stood still. Although the two young sharpteeth could only see the silhouette, they could tell exactly what it was. If the evil yellow glint of its eyes didn’t confirm it, its tall frame and menacingly spiky body was enough…
“Did you ever believe the legends?” Saureen whispered. Seizon gave an uncomfortable twitch. No, he had never believed, not since he was a hatchling. Those sorts of scare stories, he thought, were sure to have been made up – but now, the physical evidence was right before his eyes.
“The longneck with a sting in its tail,” Saureen murmured. “A huge flattooth with spikes covering every part of its body…”
“I know the story,” Seizon interrupted. “And I can see this beast for myself…” He turned to his companion.
“Gawping at this thing is not going to do anything for us,” he said. “We need to move.”
“What about our families?” Saureen demanded.
Seizon hesitated. That was a tricky one…
“If I know your dad,” he said, “Then it’ll take more than a spiky longneck to finish him off. I’m sure he’s just lying unconscious somewhere…”
Saureen twitched slightly and this tactless remark, but didn’t breach the subject.
“OK,” she continued. “And what about Xal?”
Seizon gave a short snicker.
“Oh, he’ll be absolutely fine…don’t worry.”
The young bladeback began to walk away. Saureen followed him.
“What about our families?” Seizon remarked. “We’ve got each other, haven’t we?”
“We’re not related,” Saureen said shortly. “We’re different species…”
“So what?” Seizon replied, smiling at her a little. “We’ve lived together for as long as we can remember. You’re like a little sister to me.”
Saureen rolled her eyes, but smiled back.
“OK,” she said. “Now let’s just get moving.”
And so the two of them began their perilous journey west…watched, as they did so, by the longneck stranded on the other side of the chasm. Although he couldn’t understand the sharptooth language, he could see where they were headed, and he knew exactly what they’d find if they headed west…
The longneck turned away from the chasm and hurried off.

OK, so its not very long, but hey, its a prologue.  :lol
I hope you enjoyed it, and I also hope this is the correct procedure in posting fanfiction on this forum, otherwise I've made a really bad screw-up... :oops
I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback. Although I am slightly sensitive to criticism, I am happy to hear any advice any of you have on improving this story, though remember, its still in its early stages. The plot hasn't taken off yet!
Oh, and if anyone is interested in doing fanart for this, then please do! I will look forward to it!  :DD

The Fridge / Vanishing Act
« on: January 17, 2013, 06:25:40 PM »
Quote from: jansenov,Jan 17 2013 on  05:21 PM
^What was wrong with it?
I'm not sure. Apparentley the charger didn't work, and a disconnection had been made in the socket or something...I don't know much about hardware... :p

The Fridge / Vanishing Act
« on: January 17, 2013, 04:44:03 PM »
Hi guys, its fixed now!!!  :lol:

The Fridge / Vanishing Act
« on: January 16, 2013, 04:44:45 PM »
Quote from: DarkHououmon,Jan 16 2013 on  03:16 PM
What problems does your computer have?
Well, its a laptop, and it will no longer charge up, so its getting looked at.

The Fridge / Vanishing Act
« on: January 16, 2013, 02:03:12 PM »
Quote from: Mumbling,Jan 16 2013 on  12:58 PM
It's kind of you to let us know why you're away, hopefully your computer will be fixed soon! :) You're definitely already part of this community.

I hope you do not mind, but I moved this topic from 'General LBT' to 'The Fridge', since this is not a topic related to the land before time :)
Yeah, that's fine. Though for a moment I did wonder where it had gone... :blink:

The Fridge / Vanishing Act
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:51:56 PM »
I'd kind of like to apologise for being absent these past few days. My computer has been having some issues recently, and until it's repaired, I've only been able to use the one I'm writing on now, and not nearly often enough.
Under normal circumstances, I probably wouldn't have bothered putting something like this up. But I have really grown to like this forum, not to mention all of you people. I haven't been here long, but I already feel like one of the family.  :lol:
Also, I remember when I posted my introduction on, somebody (I forgot who, sorry!) said they hoped I was here to stay, as many people leave and don't come back.  :(
But I promise you guys, this isn't me! Once my computer is fixed, I will be back on here more often again, AND I'm planning on posting some fanfiction on here.
I hope you will enjoy it when its here, and once again, sorry for not being here, and thank you all very much for your patience.  :DD

The Welcome Center / Hey everyone!
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:51:27 AM »
Quote from: Mumbling,Jan 12 2013 on  05:17 AM
About your avatar, what file type is it? If you wish, you could upload it elsewhere and I'll make sure that it'll become your avatar ^^
Hi, Mumbling, do you think you could give me a hand as well?  :oops

The Welcome Center / Hey everyone!
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:44:00 AM »
Quote from: Dosu2Dinner,Jan 12 2013 on  07:42 AM
Thanks for mentioning me vonboy!
Sorry Anyonymous Person, I meant you!  :bang I need to get my head screwed on straight... :crazy

The Welcome Center / Hey everyone!
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:42:19 AM »
Quote from: The Anonymous Person,Jan 11 2013 on  07:40 PM
Hmm, another member from England, eh? I'm far from England (obviously living in the U.S.), but Dosu2Dinner, a recent member, is also from England.
Thanks for mentioning me vonboy! I was beginning to think everyone had forgotten me... :lol
Hi, Molly! Make yourself comfortable here. It's a really friendly forum (though I'm having trouble changing my avatar too... :bang )

General Land Before Time / (me, too) Lbt/maturity problem. :(
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:55:25 AM »
Liking LBT or any other movies that you watched as a kid doesn't make you immature at all - generally, it makes you empathetic and probably at heart a very mature and caring person.

If you cannot leave LBT, then don't. It's your life, your preferences and your nostalgia. Don't let anyone else ruin it for you.
We're all backing you here. Don't think you're alone!  :smile

General Land Before Time / Differences in naming the LBT-movies
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:48:22 AM »
Quote from: Ducky123,Jan 11 2013 on  08:31 AM
@dosu2dinner I have them in German only, but I can translate them for you...or maybe someone else can do...haven't them in mind,unfortunatily  :bang
No thanks, that's fine. Like I said, I remember all the subtitles anyway.  :lol:

General Land Before Time / Differences in naming the LBT-movies
« on: January 10, 2013, 06:41:02 PM »
Most of them are pretty much the same. The only differences I can see are:
8: The Big Freeze, rather than the first freeze.
11: Invasion of the Tinysauruses, rather than secret.
12: Great Day of the Flyers.
13: Wisdom of Friends.
And 10 is normally known as the Great Longneck Migration, but as I'm from the UK, I have a European edition, called simply The Great Migration, which is also, interestingly enough, the name of one the original Land Before Time soundtracks.

Another annoying habit of my European copies of the DVDs is that the fifth film has NO sharptooth subtitles for Chomper and his parents! They're just shown growling with no helpful translating captions! Do you have that?

Fortunatley I know all of their lines anyway... :lol

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