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Messages - RockingScorpion

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LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: May 17, 2014, 07:00:59 PM »
Ducky123: It just might be better to find your own technique - or just stick to the one you already have and keep improving it. ;)

Update time!

[align=center]It is very special

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

When I watched the treestar scene over and over again for reference, I noticed how great it really is.
Littlefoot is just so happy...about a single leaf. It just shows perfectly how tough it must have been and how Littlefoot is still able to be happy and cherish some things, even when they are as small as this treestar.

Oh and, by the way: I'm really no expert here, but according to my calculations at how big the gang would be in reality, this treestar is about 2 or 3 meters large. Talking about small...xD

I have some more poses or especially expressions planned already to help myself getting the character concepts in my head.

Oh and btw: Who else was exited when you found star-shaped leaves when you were a kid because of this movie? :D
(But I was also a bit disappointed because they never were this perfect).

Hope you like it.  :)

General Land Before Time / LBT Merchandise That You Own
« on: May 16, 2014, 12:13:46 PM »
I recently found those two:

According to their tags they've been around in the stores where I found them for about 7 years. oO
Probably long forgotton under a huge pile of other plushies (that's where I found Ducky, at least.) xD
(But seriously, that store needs to organize some shelves. -.-)

They weren't easy to find either. Cera was, but Ducky...well they said another store of the same chain had 2 more, but no idea who exactly. To get took me a while, and I could only hope that I wouldn't do this for nothing.
It was it worth and maybe I'll even find that Littlefoot that belonged to the series. Who knows.

Oh, and btw: I found the Littlefoot and Cera plushies on amazon, but the prices are far from reasonable: Littlefoot used 40Ä and Cera new 90Ä. Store price is 15Ä. Just saying. ;)

LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: May 13, 2014, 03:42:18 PM »
Thanks for the feedback. :D

Ducky123: I don't know why it is so dark suddenly. The camera had the same settings and I used the same light...I think it's my fault because I blocked off some of the light. Anyway, I think you still can see enough and I'm no pro at video making. I'm okay with how it is. xD

1: Reference was used. It can be found somewhere in "Caption This". ;)
2: That piece of paper was to protect the drawing from my own hand. I suffer from sweaty hands waaay too much. xD
3: I used a tripod, yep, and the cam was facing about 45? down. The best thing you can do is to try and let the paper take as much space in the recording as possible.
4: Just as you said. :)

Like I said, about 5 to 10% is missing here, because I didn't had the recording idea right away. What's missing is just what you said: Using the rubber a lot of times. If you look closely, you can see a very faint set of outlines being there in the beginning of the video.^^

Oh and...aren't we all lazy somehow? :D

Land Before Time Captions / Suddenly Ducky
« on: May 13, 2014, 11:09:14 AM »
Mhm...this reminds me of something...

Ducky: "I just can't wait to be queen! Yep Yep Yep!"

Ask Me / Ask a rocking Scorpion random questions..
« on: May 13, 2014, 10:59:15 AM »
Ooh, a question in here. I really wasn't expecting it anymore. :D

I like some animals, but a true favourite for about ever and forever (I have a map back from kindergarden somewhere and it's full of drawings of this animal xD ) is the dolphin.

I've already seen some while swimming in the Red Sea, but they were gone pretty fast. I hope I'll have a close encounter with them one day. :D

LBT Fanfiction / Shorty's Dark Past
« on: May 12, 2014, 08:13:22 PM »
I don't see anything where I could give you some tips etc. It still is a solid written story and you're pretty good at making the characters appear realistic and in-character. :)

There is one thing I do have to say though...

Just now the little Longneck noticed his hunger screaming after tasty treesweets so he decided to join the two playmates, one being green and one being pink with a badly sunburned skin...

How dare you to stop there?!

But since I once was writing something, too, I know how much fun it can be to use cliffhangers. :D

Looking forward to the next chapter. :)

LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: May 12, 2014, 07:51:33 PM »

I'm done. The video is online.

Never again. xD

Sooo - the drawing first:

[align=center]It Takes All Sorts

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

Aand the video: Klick!
(With almost 10 minutes it is somewhat long, but I already made it 800% faster, so...I think that's enough. ;)

Because of the huge amount of data my camera was throwing at me, because of the fact that my computer was pretty much at it's limits and because I'm not someone who is a pro when it comes to movies and such, this video really is a one-time-thing. At least when it comes to traditional drawings, I might create one for my digital artworks. Might.^^

And well, I don't know what to say anymore here, sooo..

Hope you like it. :)

RS (I never read my nickname in a shortened version before..this is your fault, Ducky123, since you did it first. :p )

LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: May 11, 2014, 08:51:21 PM »
Dalekdino: Thanks. :)

Ducky123: Ah, I remember. :D
Jou're jealous? You don't have to be, really. Have you seen my first drawing ever (not-LBT-related) that I did based on something I'm a fan of? It's somewhere in my deviantart-journals...or here.
(Ohmygod it's so bad xD)
If anyone thinks it's not that bad: I already had 6 months of graphic design lectures behind me when I did this. xD

Like I said in your topic, you're definitely on a good way with your drawings. :)

About her foot..I don't see anything weird there. It has a different angle and a different position...but it might be the case that I worked so much time on it (actually I was somewhat fast) that I can't see it anymore. xD
You're right about the TV series though...I refuse to use THAT as a reference. The movies all had a solid animation quality, but No No No. *insert Ducky smiley here*

How to draw? Weeeell...kind of. xD
It won't be a tutorial, but you can see how I work. Sadly I didn't record the first few steps, but that's only about 10% missing there, probably not even that. The idea to record it came to me when that was already done.^^
And I found a way to tone down the huge data size with almost no visible quality loss. My computer can handle it somewhat, but I have to play fan with a piece of paper or else it get's too hot.
(That's also why this will be a one time thing. My arms kind of hurt now. xD)

If nothing gets in between, I think you can expect the drawing and the video tomorrow or in two days.

RS :)

LBT Fanart / Ducky123's fanart :)
« on: May 11, 2014, 04:16:34 PM »
I definitely see improvement in getting the proportions right and the way you're coloring your pictures. Also the outlines look better, too.

Good work there. :)

LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: May 11, 2014, 10:24:52 AM »
Weird? That's something I never heard before when it comes to my sketches. xD

Duckytrees in flower shops? Well...hope dies last. xD
That's because nobody can resist her face
Damn true. And no one could stop me from bringing a Ducky plushie to a Bronymeetup yesterday. :D

To the update!
[align=center]I'm coming!

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

Update in my thread? I smell...Ducky! Of course. xD
I drew this one yesterday, during the meetup, to test myself how I would do when drawing in public. I think I'm one of the guys that also get in "the zone" while doing something. I also was able to switch out of it and back in somewhat easily. :D

And I have another one coming up soon - or not. The thing is, this time I filmed myself while drawing. At least I did until my camera battery died.
Anyway, because of the huge high quality data this camera throws at me it might take a little bit longer.
What I'm talking about here is 14 gb of data. And I'm about 50% done with drawing. Yeah...xD.
We'll see if my computer is even able to handle that. I hope so because I'd like to give out a good version. If not...well, it's something. A preview of the drawing is here, if you're interested.

Oh, and nnope, this won't be the final title. xD


(Now I go watching the thunderstorm that is right above me and almost gave me a heart attack. xD)

LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: May 09, 2014, 08:36:55 AM »
It's surrealism. That tends to be like that, and I know what you mean, I had the same thought while drawing this. It also isn't something I do all the time. ;)

LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: May 08, 2014, 05:41:58 PM »
@Ducky123: You should be allowed to keep the Ducky Member Icon forever.^^

Now, towards the update:

[align=center]I am a tree

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

After telling her about one of Ducky's lines from the first episode of the LBT TV Series, my girlfriend just said: I want a Ducky Tree...

Well, now she's got one. :D
(That's also the reason I picked a leaf shape similar to a heart here).

My first self-designed LBT fanart. Ducky is really starting to grow on me as a character lately. No pun intended (it's totally intended. :D)

Also I think Fluttershy and Ducky would be great friends. Teehee. :D

This one is a little bit "unusual" compared to the most LBT Fanarts. Hope you still like it.

RockingScorpion. :)

Land Before Time Captions / Petrie has seen one too many horrors
« on: May 01, 2014, 12:04:51 PM »
...but this time it must be really bad. xD

Caption away. :D

LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: April 30, 2014, 07:15:41 PM »
10 hours...some people are way faster. Maybe that comes with experience, but experience or not, I try to work as detailed as possible. When the drawing is as big as this one, you'll get lots and lots of small errors. xD

Why I'm not shading right away..I'm trying to work as nondestructive as possible. That way, outlines just have to come first. Then comes shading. Working like that means that you can turn everything on and off and change everything like you want without anything happening to the rest of the picture.

Outlines without color and shading? Possible in a few clicks.
Color without outlines but shading? Possible in a few clicks.
Removing that one shading part that looks off? No problem.
No outlines, no eyes, no color, but shading? No idea why you want this, but possible in a few clicks. xD

That's also the reason why I can move the eyes around.^^

Yes, the file get's bigger that way. But you have ONE file containing everything. It's kind of nice.^^
This one has 23 layers...after I already brought the outlines on one layer.

For the outlines I use a tool where I have to split the outlines up. I had about 100 layers of outlines there. xD
After I'm done with outlines, I bring them all to one layer and start with shading. Otherwise I'd go crazy when looking for one specific layer I guess. xD

Oh and...another answer (tldr-answer): Since the unshaded versions are always done earlier, I put them online, too, even when I continue with shading right away. Just because I can and want to. :D

Oh, and...I just said you'd need a lot of color pencils, nothing about the time you need.
I guess I'd draw something like this in about 6 hours maximum when going traditional, colored or not.^^

Thanks for your comment. :)

LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: April 30, 2014, 06:05:24 PM »
[align=center]Just Hanging Around - Shaded

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

Jep, it's done. Jep, shading was done in the high-res version (660,6 mb large workfile..I wonder if this is trying to tell me something...? Yeah, let's listen to Highway To Hell. :D).
Photoshop refused to save the high-res version for the web. :D

Shading Ali was a bit challenging, because she's upside down. That's where I spent the most time while shading.

Time needed for outlines+shading: 9 hours 30 minutes. And 45 minutes for finding misplaced pixels. Those little jerks. xD
Well, hope you like it. :)


LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: April 28, 2014, 02:16:51 PM »
No pencil version this time, nnope.^^
I just didn't want to draw with pencils this time.

Oh, and...

you are capable of creating LBT fanart so well, that I daresay it looks better than it sometimes does in the movies

Stop it you! :oops
(I think I've said this before...yep, I did. xD)

Oh, and everything went well. I didn't fail this semester and just got myself a Cera plushie because of this.^^

So what's more to say? Ah, yes. Here, have a humongous Littlefoot eye staring on you..He knows what you're up to. xD

(Yes, this is from the 100% version. Lacking smooth outlines though.)

And now there's a new fanfic chapter for me to read. *cough* Shorty's Dark Past *cough*

Old Captions / There is someone in my room
« on: April 28, 2014, 11:07:29 AM »
I just remembered I already captioned that one myself somewhere else. :D

Me: "Ducky! I already told you my bed isn't a trampoline!"
Ducky: "But this is fun! It is, it is."
Me: *sigh* "I'm going to get you a real one."

LBT Fanart / First Pokemon, then Ponies, now Dinosaurs
« on: April 27, 2014, 08:54:54 PM »
Ducky123: Yes, I've seen it. If you want to, you can open a thread with this piece. :) seems I'm still continuing doing stuff.
The thing is, I have some (which means, a lot) stuff to be stressed about at the moment. But there are still times where I just can't help it. And I dislike doing nothing, soo...yep. xD

[align=center]Just Hanging Around

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

The biggest resolution I have of this is insane. My computer almost went Nnope because of this. I'll have to see if I can even add the shading when it's that big. To give you an idea about the size...
If you want to have a banner with Littlefoot and Ali hanging in your room that is 2,50x1,90 meters big, let me know. xD

Hope you like it, and if you see any flaws, let me now. :)

Tomorrow I'll know if I failed this semester despite of working pretty hard or not. I really hope I can work something out. xD

General Land Before Time / LBT Merchandise That You Own
« on: April 27, 2014, 12:40:01 PM »
I have the first movie on VHS and DVD, and movie 4 as a MC. Recently I discovered that the cover was gone. Then it came in handy that I know how to print exact sizes and stuff. It has it's cover again. :D

Then I have 4 production cels, from the scene where Cera jumps and Petrie falls into the mud and can't get out by himself.

And that's it, sadly. No figurines or plushies. But I'm trying to get my hands on one of these two already.^^

And I'll print me 2 posters soon, maybe even in a big size, since I have both pictures in high resolution. One is a generic Ducky and the other one is Ali looking weird. xD

But I guess I have to remove something for that on my walls. They're pretty full already. xD

LBT Fanart / Ducky123's fanart :)
« on: April 25, 2014, 07:36:49 PM »
I think I should explain some things a bit better here. :D

Your outlines are pretty much spot-on, just a little more smooth (really just a little) around the corners should do the trick. ;)

About the tail thing: You actually said what I failed to say. xD
My only explanation for this, might be that this little bit of yellow actually already belongs to the swimmer's tail...

That's what I meant what seems to be missing in your drawing. If you compare the screenshot with your drawing, you can see that..ermm...find the right words for that..the outline between her legs should be a little bit more downwards, the way it is like in the screenshot. That way it looks more like it is connected to the tail. If this wasn't 100% clear, I'm going to send you a pm. xD

B6 should do the trick, when you look at the actual drawing. But I experienced it often enough that when something is scanned or photographed, that spots that look solid black on paper don't seem that way when digitalized.

I can see why you're against any digital manipulation, but see it like this: With it you can get the digital version closer to the actual thing, which isn't bad at all. Of course, overdoing it is pointless, but with some small changes you can improve a scan of something a lot.

You'd be surprised how much stuff I do on all my drawings in digital postproduction. The trick is to do it in a way that it isn't seen right away. ;)

But of course it's not necessary, not at all. :)

I'm gonna catch some Zs now...I need it. Has been a tough day. xD

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