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Messages - Allicloud

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LBT Fanart / Allicloud's Fanart Thread
« on: March 14, 2011, 04:29:35 PM »
Well, I heeded the advice of caustiser, and I've come up with not 1, not 2, but 4 characters of my own. Together, they make up the Blackweed Brothers And Sister, a dangerous and cruel gang of teenage dinosaurs, who roam the mysterious beyond, fighting anybeast they encounter. Having learnt the language of leaf-eaters from one of their number, Tero (who has since become a mute, ever since a bizarre encounter with a fast-biter), they have used this to their advantage, convincing many a leaf-eater that they are good sharpteeth, before Rheddo pulls their head off.

The Blackweed Brothers and Sister

They are just quick drawings. I'll probably do a proper picture (with backgrounds, setting, etc) later, but this is just a quick concept sketch.

And who knows? Maybe if they go down well, I might even give a fanfic a try.

General Land Before Time / :D I FOUND "COLD FIRE" ON DVD :D
« on: March 14, 2011, 12:06:59 PM »
LOL, I'm really starting to thank my lucky stars that I live in the biggest city in my country. My local HMV has pretty much all of them on DVD, including one TV series DVD, and trible and double-feature packs of some of them too! AND they have the complete 1-11 box set.

But anyways, congrats on finally finding it! I didn't know there was a Saurus Rock/Cold Fire double-feature.

Sound Off! / Broadway/Musicals
« on: March 11, 2011, 03:06:27 PM »
Quote from: Rat_lady7,Nov 21 2010 on  11:07 PM
Quote from: Petrie,Nov 21 2010 on  06:58 AM
Yes there is a Finding Nemo musical.  It can be seen down at Animal Kingdom at WDW.  It actually is really cool...combination of puppetry and hand puppets.
I didn't mean that in an insulting way, I just was kind of surprised they would try to make a musical out of that film, considering that it's Pixar and when I think of Pixar, I don't think of musicals. :p That's all.
when somebody love me,
everything was beautiful.
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart....

That not ring a bell? Yeah, I know, not really a musical number, just a little montage song, I guess.

As for musicals I've seen:

Billy Elliot- For a story about a boy from County Durham during the miners' strike learning how to ballet-dance, it's a surprisingly good story! And the musical numbers are pretty intense and fun... Especially the one from when he discovers his best friend is a casual transvestite, and they have a whole musical number about dressing up as women (complete with dancing disembodied dresses).

The Lion King- Oh man... Probably the first proper play I ever saw, and it's stuck with me always. Everything was just so well done and thought out, and the costumes were brilliant... Except for Timone and Pumba. In a play where the costumes were primarily head-dresses and makeup, they looked almost like something out of a panto.

The Lord Of The Rings- Another surprisingly good musical. Huge budget and amazing effects (I still have nightmares about when Shelob appeared), and really good songs too, especially "The Road Goes On", "The Cat and The Moon" and "Lothlorien"

I've seen some other musicals, including bits from DVDs of Cats, Into The Woods, and plenty of pantos (Though I hardly consider pantos as theatre, let alone musicals), but I've forgotten them all. My parents aren't that into musicals, they prefer regular plays.

Attic Treasures / Stephen King
« on: March 11, 2011, 02:54:39 PM »
Oh yes, I like this guy. I got into him from reading HP Lovecraft and other sci-fi horrors who apparently inspired him, and I can see the link. Both Lovecraft and King usually have very ordinary characters, never explain too much about the monsters, and they both have the concept of characters going insane if they look at the monsters or their true forms.

I've read a few of his short stories from the Nightmares and Dreamscapes book (My favourite being "Chattery Teeth"), and I'm planning on reading It. I've also seen a few film versions, like Stephen King's It (Which probably features Tim Curry's creepiest appearance as a demonic clown), and The Mist, which was amazing. Both great films.

Silver Screen / Funniest Quotes You've Heard
« on: March 11, 2011, 02:49:00 PM »
Being a fan of the Nostalgia Critic has exposed me to many a hilarious line, including my favourite from Suburban Commando:


Character Discussion / The Yellobellies
« on: March 11, 2011, 02:32:55 PM »
Quote from: Kor,Oct 25 2008 on  04:03 AM
I've only seen them in the yellowbelly bounce song, not counting the sleeping yellowbellies in the how do you know song.  

They look like a silly bunch, In certain movies it would be ok.  But most lbt movies have been pretty serious, with some comedy.  It sounds like the 13th movie may be the other way around, lots of comedy with a bit of serious stuff now and then.  Which is a big departure from LBT.  Though I've not yet seen the 13th movie so can't say really.
Precisely. All of the other LBT movies had at least some degree of seriousness, which is rare enough in a direct-to-video movie. from 2 to 6, they were hand-drawn and inked, so they would have a bit more of a pastelle and darker tone, though not as dark as the original. Then with 7 and onwards, they brightened up and the colours got a bit more vivid as they moved to computer animating, but they kept most of the seriousness. Number 11 was pushing it a little bit, what with the huge chunks of comic relief, like the adults' attempts at searching, and the final fight with the sharpteeth which definitely had a few traces of slapstick, but still kept a more melancholy tone than the 13th one. I'd say the 13th one was when they jumped the proverbial shark.

But yeah... these yellowbellies. I just look at their designs, and I automatically know that they'll be like Jar Jar Binks; obnoxious, never serious and serving no purpose but comic relief.
Come to think of it, I've never actually read a good plot synopsis for the 13th film. Exactly what is the plot?

Character Discussion / Tippy
« on: March 11, 2011, 02:23:51 PM »
Quote from: F-14 Ace,Jan 26 2011 on  03:43 AM
When the character is so badly done that you can't even tell whether it is male or female, you know something is terribly wrong with this picture.  I think the character was totally pointless.  He/she/it only had a couple minutes of screen time and contributed nothing to the overall story.  Tippy was a very forgettable character.
Hate to admit it, but you're right. Tippy's another case of a character having potential, but being refused development or characterisation, like Ali. Honestly, I think the only sequel-exclusive characters that were well fleshed out were Pterano and possibly Guido. All the others seemed a bit rushed.

General Land Before Time / Your favorite couple
« on: March 11, 2011, 02:17:53 PM »
I'd probably go with Littlefoot and Ali. I know, bit of a cliche pairing, but among the classic character couples, this is the only one I could see going anywhere. They're around the same age, theyre the same species, and it was obvious they liked eachother. I bet that if that film had a bit more characterisation and development, they would emerge as a sort of childhood sweethearts couple.

LBT Fanart / Allicloud's Fanart Thread
« on: March 11, 2011, 01:21:58 PM »
Quote from: Caustizer,Mar 10 2011 on  02:47 PM
Pretty good art.  Have you considered colouring any of it?

Littlefoot looks kind of like an original character I notice instead of remaining exactly faithful to how he is in the movies and TV Series, but that's not a bad thing at all!  Perhaps you should invent some characters of your own.

Thanks for the comment man. And I have considered colouring them, but with some of them, I look at them and think that they're pretty much fine without colour, particularly the character sheets. But once I start doing proper pics and not char-sheets, I might start colouring.

And could you elaborate on Littlefoot looking like a fan-char? I did take the expression shots from the original, so that would definitely look different to the rest, but some tips would eb appreciated.

And yeah, I am working on devising some fan-chars. Probably won't work them into a fanfic or an RPG, but it's just fun to devise them for yourself. Right now, I'm working on spinosauruses, assorted bipeds and an LBT version of the Beast From 20000 Fathoms.

LBT Fanart / Allicloud's Fanart Thread
« on: March 10, 2011, 12:55:18 PM »
Hey y'all. Just thought I'd stick up some of my assorted LBT fanart. Nothing that big or impressive yet, but I'm working my way up.

First up, a quick character sheet I did to help get my mind around drawing Littlefoot. Facial expressions, posture, geometrics, etc

But since they pictures are so big, I'll link to them on my DA account, rather than embed them:

Littlefoot Character Sheet

And up next, a character sheet of similar use and design, for Pterano, one of my personal favourite characers. He's just so cool and sinister, yet with a good side! Plus, his voice...Oh geez, I'd definitely turn gay and scalie for that voice!

Pterano Character Sheet

And finally, probably the strangest LBT fanart pic I've done since I tried to draw Dr Steel as a flyer (Couldn't figure out how to do the lab-coat or gloves), I give you...

Petrie Playing a Saxophone!
Petrie Playing a Saxophone!

Anyways, I'll put up more of it as I make them. Also, quick heads-up, anyone expecting fancy photoshop vector-pictures, look somewhere else. I'm straight up pen and pencil all the way.

Oh, and if I could have any advie on how to embed images from DA, I'd appreciate it.

The Fridge / Favourite subject(s)?
« on: March 09, 2011, 12:27:41 PM »
Well, doing AS-levels, I only do 4 subjects:

1. Classical Civilisation. This year's subjects are Roman Society and Thought, and the Odyssey. The latter is definitely easier, but all round, it's a pretty tough subject, especially since I suck at essay-writing. Getting my results from my recent exams, I got a C in Odyssey, and a D in Roman Society.

2. Psychology. Research methods, memory, attachment, social psychology, stress, etc. Lots of data and names to remember, but not that hard. At least, despite my D in one half and most likely D-very low B in the other half, my teachers still have faith that I can do well.

3. DT. Theory, like industry, construction methods and materials, but mostly construction, which is always fun for me. 1 mark off a B in this, but still a favourite of mine.

4. Art. Definitely my favourite. No theory, no learning anything, just non-stop creativity and experimenting, working towards a final piece for the exam. I probably got my best grade in this one, I'm not sure yet, but they liked my piece.

So yeah, art is definitely my fav. Since I'm looking for  career in cartoons, it's kind of a must-have.

The Fridge / Pleo
« on: March 08, 2011, 05:46:35 PM »

The absolute must have for any dinosaur fan, or for anyone who wanted a pet but either cannot afford one, isn't allowed, or is allergic, or whatever. He reacts to sounds, certain objects, sudden asence of ground, touch, temperature (nothing more heartwrenching than seeing him shiver) , smells. Like a robot, he can be powered down or recharged, but like a pet, he explores, can be trained, recognises voices, and even gets sick and injured if you play a bit too rough, or neglect him.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Pleo.

Anyone else got one of these little guys? I have to admit, I'm so taken by the little guy, I'm getting my first real job and starting a savings jar just to buy one myself. They're definitely on the pricey side ($469), but 1. That's a little cheaperthan  a real dog or cat, without the cleanup, 2. It's alot cheaper than it sounds to me, since I am in Britain, so that's around £229, and 3. It's alot cheaper than most other robot-pets, like PaPeRo or AIBO.


The Fridge / Filling out forms?
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:18:43 PM »
Funny, I really like filling out forms. It just gives me a feeling of importance or something. It also feels like it makes a difference, I like that...
And speaking of which, I gotta fill out a job application for my first job (a barista at Starbucks. Not much, but it's a start.). Anyone have any hints?

Silver Screen / What are you watching?
« on: March 06, 2011, 04:37:30 PM »
Quote from: ChaoticMistress,Mar 6 2011 on  01:18 PM
Right now I'm watching Bionicle: Web Of Shadows...(I feel sorta embarrassed..DX)
Don't be, you're on a Land Before Time fansite, we're used to this sort of thing.

Anyway, I just finished Stephen King's The Mist. With no doubt, the best horror film I've ever seen (I haven't seen Psycho or The Shining, but only time will tell..)

1988 Theatrical Release / Outcut land before time scenes
« on: March 06, 2011, 04:47:27 AM »
Quote from: Hikaru,Mar 5 2011 on  01:30 PM
Hi, I'm Hikaru, been an avid LBT fan for years and would love to see the uncut version as well, however...

Now you don't have to believe me on this, but I used to have all the vids in the states here until a family member pawned them on me (yeah huge loss.)

But... I remember distinctly one deleted scene. I can see it clear as day in my head, and maybe my imagination is making it up but I could swear I saw it on TV or the vid I once had...

Does anyone else remember the fight with the mother, where the Sharptooth bit her in the back? In the VHS we see it only shadowed. But I keep seeing this picture in my mind of having seen the actual bite in her back and the damage done. I remember the skin flap being peeled in the bite, and so much more about that scene.

I have a server and would greatly be willing to upload it if someone can provide the uncut film. I would like to confirm if my memory is correct on this scene or if my mind is playing tricks on me. But I could swear I've seen that..
I did read that some of the original VHS copies had scenes that were cut later on. Looks like we may have some proof here.

Now, on to Ebay!

From all the episodes I've seen so far, I have to say my favourite is "Days of Rising Waters". It was just really dramatic and remarkably action packed for a TV episode.
Mysterious Tooth Crisis was pretty good too, especially for that bizarre personality change in Cera from easily angered and impatient, to relaxed and easy going to such a degree, it almost seemed like she was becoming seductive...Oh, and the plot was pretty good too.

As for a least favourite episode, I honestly don't have any episode I particularly hate. I haven't watched enough.

Hobbies and Recreation / Misc. Hobbies
« on: March 04, 2011, 12:33:39 PM »
Oh man, I have quite a few:

Drawing- Would come naturally, since I'm doing A-level course in art, and aspire to be an animator. Pretty much solely cartoon characters, fanart, that kinda stuff.

Animating- Mostly stop-motion and pixelation (animating inanimate objects), but I'm thinking about trying out hand-drawn animation. Only problem is the startup costs are monstrous. You need the cels, the backgrounds, the drawing boards, x-sheets, lightboxes, the cameras, the software, etc etc.

Ninjutsu- I go to a weekly class, where they mainly teach the combat half, rather than the strategy or the lifestyle. But it's fine, because I got a tonn of books on the subject of Ninjutsu, and they all have sections on strategy. I'm a big ninja enthusiast, but I only hold a 9th kyu greenbelt in the art, which is equivalent to a yellow belt.

Warhammer- Currently collect a chaos daemons 40k army. I'm mostly into the collecting, modelling and painting, but I can hold my own in battle. Plus, chaos daemons are just so interesting, in that they have an exception to pretty much every basic rule of the game.

Roleplaying- Mostly live-action variety. I run a small group of foamfighters (Combat games, using foam-rubber weapons of our own construction), using the Dagorhir system. I hope that once I'm 18, we can apply to become an official chapter.

Dr Steel's Toy Soldier Army- I am a proud soldier in the army, and a big fan of the doc's work, be it his propaganda, his message, or his kick-ass music (sort of a blend of jazz, folk, rap and industrial metal). I'm off to my first invasion tomorrow, in fact!

I'm also into alot of occult stuff, but I won't go into too much detail, lest I incite an overly intense debate.

Oh, and I self-teach myself drumming. You can check out an example on my Youtube channel.

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: March 04, 2011, 12:16:28 PM »
Well, I wouldn't say I have any aspiration to be a Paleontologist, but I certainly did want to be when I was little. Basically, my childhood aspirations were:

toddler to 5: Circus strongman
5-11: Paleontologist/archaeologist
11-now: General cartoonist

But I've still retained my love of the dinos. Just a shame that I've got only 1 book on the subject, and no dino-related videos apart from Land Before Time DVDs. Though, I may look back at that old Walking With Dinosaurs series, that was awesome.

And I do like to research and read about dinos around the net. One little interesting fact I found out: The dinosaurs that the LBT13 yellowbellies are supposed to represent, they look absolutely nothing like the yellowbellies.
Oh, and I recently discovered that the hypothesised largest dinosaur to ever live is about 60m from head to tail. That's about twice as long as a Diplodocus.... Just a pretty amazing thought.

But yeah, I think that if I never rediscovered cartoons when I was 11, and if I had a decent biology teacher who wasn't an absolute horrible person, I may have stuck with paleontology as a future career. Then I would have remembered that you need a PhD in the subject to get anywhere, and my aspirations would be sunk,

Hobbies and Recreation / Thinking of Taking Up Drawing
« on: March 04, 2011, 12:08:20 PM »
Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Nov 14 2009 on  02:31 AM
What do I want to draw?  Well right now I just want to focus on drawing animals and athro furry characters (and no, nothing nasty).  I find athro furry's intriguing and I've always wondered how people draw them.  I'd like to try it out.  I occasionally find enjoyment in drawing LBT characters (the few times I've drawn them) and I'd like to try something else for a change.
Well, I can recommend Deviantart. They've got plenty of good tutorials and basic guides on drawing anthros. And incidentally, if you want a good place for anthro style animals, but in a western style, look up the old Redwall TV series, if you haven't already. Trying to draw those guys (as well as the characters of Ed Edd n Eddy) is essentially what got me into character drawing. They've got a good assortment of furry, and sometimes scaly, characters, some anthropomorphised, and some not so much, oddly enough.

But if you really want to make it a hobby as well as a talent, draw ALOT. Like, carry paper and pencils with you all the time, and whenever you get a creative whim, get them out and scrawl it down. It doesn't matter if its unrealistic or not to scale or out of perspective (no matter what art teachers tell you!), just as long as you get it down quickly, so you can touch it up and improve it when you have time!

1988 Theatrical Release / Thoughts about Rooter
« on: March 04, 2011, 07:13:58 AM »
Quote from: Campion1,Mar 4 2011 on  04:17 AM
From what I read, he was shoehorned in because I think executives (or whoever) found the mother scene to be too hardcore.
Yep. When the psychologists they hired to go over the movie said that the death scene may be too sad for young viewers, they gave the idea for the Rooter scene, to soften the proverbial blow.

And Malte, that's an interesting point about Rooter being possibly who Bron found out about Mama Longneck from. Never thought of it before, but it does make sense.

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