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Messages - Cancerian Tiger

Pages: 1 ... 275 276 277 278 279 ... 281
Silver Screen / Little Bear
« on: March 11, 2008, 08:03:57 AM »
Haha I used to watch him too y'all :D!  But no animated program could ever top LBT, at least in my book ;).

Sound Off! / Song That Touch the Heart
« on: March 11, 2008, 07:59:08 AM »
These are all  great tunes so far :yes.

Here's my favorite from Buckcherry:


Oh I had a lot to say was thinking on my time away
I missed you and things weren't the same
Cause everything inside it never comes out right
And when I see you cry it makes me want to die

Chorus: I'm sorry I'm bad, I'm sorry I'm blue, I'm sorry about all things I said to you
And I know I can't take it back
I love how you kiss, I love all you're sounds, and baby the way you make my world go round
And I just wanted to say I'm sorry:

This time I think I'm to blame it's harder to get through the days
You get older and blame turns to shame


Every single day I think about how we came all this way
The sleepless nights and the tears you cried it's never too late to make it right
Oh yeah sorry!


General Land Before Time / Bron's Search for Littlefoot
« on: March 10, 2008, 01:00:59 PM »
I hate to break it to y'all, but perhaps Papa was a rolling stone, if ya know what I mean :rolleyes:.

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: March 10, 2008, 12:53:19 PM »
The Enemy-Godsmack

General Land Before Time / Most Disliked LBT Movie
« on: March 10, 2008, 12:49:06 PM »
Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Mar 10 2008 on  05:04 AM
Mr. Threehorn is such a jerk.
Amen on that one, LBTL :x!

In all honesty, there is not a LBT movie I don't like.  I love 'em all :D.

The Welcome Center / Hi there
« on: March 10, 2008, 12:43:48 PM »
Hiya there Loofah :wave!  Twenty-five and still love LBT, eh?  Heck, age is only a number.  I am twenty-one and have loved LBT since I was seven :yes.  If ya think young, ya feel young.  Anyhoo, welcome to the GOF.  Post lots so we can get to know ya :D!

The Party Room / Never piss off.
« on: March 10, 2008, 12:12:13 AM »
The definition of "psychopath" in the dictionary should read: Caligula.  Hands down.

Never piss off a nurse :lol.

The Welcome Center / BOOO! hiya =D
« on: March 09, 2008, 11:52:24 PM »
Well, check it out!  Another new member!  Hiya and a warm welcome to the GOF :wave!  Post much so we can get to know ya :yes!

Starday Wishes / Happy B-Day, LBTFan13
« on: March 08, 2008, 01:10:50 AM »
Happy starday, LBTFan13, and many many more to come!

March 7, 2008
It is not time to break free of any ruts that hold you back. This could mean old habits or stepping away from an old job and updating your professional life. There are new ideas and opportunities coming your way that will help you to increase your income now. Computers and other high tech equipment appeals to you and helps you to learn new ways to achieve. Exceptional good luck could come from selling real estate, food, education or seaside travel. In order to give your attention to your personal goals today--you may need a list to guide you. Lovers, children and other people or things dear to your heart are emphasized this evening--a party perhaps? You really crave excitement and gravitate toward people who are rebels encourage the rebel in you.

 ;)  :P:  :D  :lol:  B)  :)  :DD  :p  :^.^:  :yes  :wave  :birthday  :nyah  :wacko:

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Official: Land Before Time Series
« on: March 07, 2008, 12:56:16 AM »
It would seem easier, yep yep yep.  But, that would be thinking now, would'nt it :slap?

The Party Room / Never piss off.
« on: March 07, 2008, 12:51:26 AM »
I see what ya mean, General Grievous :lol.  The vid explains it all.

Never piss off Fidel Castro.

Starday Wishes / Happy Starday hoin1585
« on: March 07, 2008, 12:43:32 AM »
Hiya there :wave!  May ya have a happy starday, and many many more to come!

Here's a present for a fellow pisces.  Imaginary big red bow attached :lol:

March 6, 2008
There is an inevitable change coming with regard to your career. Your business status and social status will improve soon. Luck is in your corner today; increasing your earning power. Opportunities are available now for your consideration. You may not want to jump in any particular direction just now, but you will want to sit down and compare your choices. This is a period where good feelings among friends prevail and should be enjoyed. Leisure activity among friends or family should also be enjoyed--often. Your spiritual life and your ESP are growing by leaps and bounds. Keep track of your dreams, they may be teaching dreams and your notes will be revealing. There is new and profitable information this evening regarding a past investment.

Have a wild one!
 :birthday  :nyah  :wave  :yes  :^.^:  :p  :P:  ;)  :D  :lol:  B)  :)

General Land Before Time / Most hated/liked LBT character
« on: March 05, 2008, 10:53:44 AM »
Characters I love: Littlefoot, Cera (top of my list), Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Tria, Tricia, Mama Swimmer, Mama Flyer, Shorty, Mo, Guido (he's just like me), Loofah, Doofah, Grandma Longneck, Grandpa Longneck, Littlefoot's mother (R.I.P.), Chomper, Ruby, Dinah, Dana, Rooter, and Mr. Thicknose.

Characters I feel uneasy with: Bron, Pterano, Ali, Tinysauruses and Mr. Clubtail.

Characters I despise: Ozzy, Strut, all sharpteeth, Ichy, Dill, Rinkus and Sierra.

The character I truly despise is Mr. Threehorn :angry:.  This is no therapy session, but he reminds me too much of what my father was like :mad.  Mr. Threehorn is at the top of my ****list.  Arrrggghhh, can't stand that SOB!

Attic Treasures / Stephen King
« on: March 05, 2008, 10:38:03 AM »
I think ya read "Misery" too much :lol.

Attic Treasures / "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller
« on: March 05, 2008, 10:36:00 AM »
"The Crucible" is a play based on the events of the Salem Witch Trials.  Y'all wanna know something interesting?  I went to school up North with a girl who is a descendant of Rebecca Nurse, one of the individuals tried and executed in the S.W.T's :yes.

Attic Treasures / Jurassic Park
« on: March 05, 2008, 10:32:11 AM »
I never did read the book, but I've seen the movie well over 200 times :o, as the film came out when I fell in love with dinosaurs and everything about them :lol.  I have yet to read the novel.  Graphic, eh?  Sounds cool B).  BTW y'all, JP 4 comes out in 2009, not this year, 'cuz of the Writers' Strike :angry:.

Attic Treasures / GoosebumpS
« on: March 05, 2008, 10:27:14 AM »
My all-time favorite was "Welcome to Camp Nightmare."  To this day, some of my writing is based off a similar scenario.  Yeah, I used to read these books until I came across a King novel in my school library :lol.  

*speaks like Schwarzeneggar: Hasta la vista, Goosebumps!*

Attic Treasures / Stephen King
« on: March 05, 2008, 10:20:34 AM »
My favorite author and writing idol :D!  My favorite King book is "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon."  Last fall, I actually visited the setting of that novel, White Mountain National Forest, on a New England roadtrip (yes, I'm a frequent traveller).  Gorgeous, yet it had the spooky vibe the novel gives it.  I fell in love with "1408."  Love that movie, BTW :yes.  It deals with dark spiritual matters and the dark side of human nature, which are what draw me to King's works.  Sadly, I was disappointed in the latest installment, "The Mist."  The movie seemed to destroy the story.  A fact I read was King had originally left the ending ambiguous, as in the survivors just drive off and the movie ends.  Hey, leaves room for fanfiction :P:.  However, the director of the film, with King's permission, changed to ending to how it was: the main character has a handgun with four bullets, but there are five survivors.  He blows away the other four, including his five year-old son :o  :cry2.  He then gets out of the car to surrender to the monsters, only for the mist to clear.  It then shows the National Guard destroying the monsters' corpses.  The film ends with the main character having a nervous breakdown.  Totally mindnumbing ending.  I would too, if I killed anyone especially my kid.  Anyhoo, great author, great stories, keep 'em coming King :D!

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Littlefoot Fan!
« on: March 05, 2008, 10:05:29 AM »
Hiya Littlefoot Fan :wave!  Have a very happy starday, and many many more to come!

Got a few words of wisdom for ya, fellow pisces ;):

March 5, 2008
Any confusing problem can be cleared away now. Your activity level is high and your energies will promote positive results--all day long. You make your wishes materialize through sheer will. Reward yourself for progress rather than punishing yourself for any imperfections. Choose an activity that you consider fun and soothing this afternoon--like an amusement park, bicycling, skating, etc. You may be sought after for your advice and council regarding very personal and emotional issues surrounding a friend. You will be able to be understanding and handle this situation most successfully when you create opportunities for this friend to find their own answers. You encourage a positive attitude from yourself as well as those around you.

Have a good one! :P:  :D  :lol:  :birthday  :yes  :nyah  B)  ;)  :^.^:  :)  :p   :wacko:

In LBT 12, Ducky mentions she has an aunt who "sleepswims."  Perhaps Universal caught onto the LBT 2 error and decided to make a reference in 12.  Ducky has never once mentioned having a father.  Like Cera's father, this just convinces me Mama Swimmer was made a widow :cry2.

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