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Messages - Allicloud

Pages: 1 ... 27 28 29 30
Old Captions / Edward Cullen being chased by a night fury
« on: February 25, 2011, 04:53:24 PM »
Quote from: F-14 Ace,Dec 6 2010 on  06:37 PM
Quote from: Nick22,Dec 6 2010 on  04:56 PM
edward being hit on by toothless unaware that he is , in fact, a guy.
That is extremely creepy, being that Toothless is a dragon and Edward is a (pathetic excuse for a) vampire.

Ah, given what happens in that saga, it's not actually that strange. But it is up there among Jacob falling in love with a baby.

Real-Life Captions / Gothmog Caption
« on: February 25, 2011, 04:50:08 PM »

High-fives to anyone who gets the joke.

General Land Before Time / How Obsessed Are You?
« on: February 25, 2011, 03:03:37 PM »
I'd say I am a healthy example of a fan of this series.

I like alot of aspects, but I'm willing to accept that some bits are a bit lousy and that it's not for everyone.

I draw alot of fanart, but that's kinda a must for me, since I aspire to be an animator or possibly a character-designer, so I need to get in practice.

I find many of the songs really good fun, even putting them as MP3s on my player.

However, it doesn't get in the way of my other interests. I have other hobbies and interests, I get out and about, I do like other movies (Though most of them are either cartoon movies or Godzilla movies, there's not that much difference), and I still hang out with friends, and for the sake of my friendship, I do tend to keep my love of this franchise on the down-low when they're around. I may say that I think the original is one of my favourite films of all time, but that's about as far as I'll go.

So, I'd say I'm a pretty big fan of the series, but it's a healthy obsession.

General Land Before Time / I'm still seeing LBT DVD's in stores
« on: February 25, 2011, 02:52:15 PM »
Funny, because where I'm from, finding the DVDs is as easy as getting on the subway and going to my local HMV.

I've been going down there, and finding pretty much every DVD there, including a 1-11 DVD box-set for about £35, which I would have gotten if I didn't already have most of that section. And they also do mini-collections, like 1-3 and 4-6 in £10 packages. The 4-6 one is probably gonna be my next target, since they are the 3 movies whose absence stand out the most.

Couple of funny stories about finding copies:

1. I found the original in the Kids DVD section in a bookshop in Oxford. I got one of those nice little moments at the till, when the person manning the cash-register said "Ah yeah, this is a great film.". I love it when that happens. So we got into a little conversation about the series. She was obviously a college student (Oxford is a big College town), so she probably watched it in the theatre as a kid. And I was hooked ever since, really.

2. Recently, I had been looking around for numbers 8 and 9. I could only find them extortionately overpriced at HMV, so I decided that when I go to Durham, I'd search there. So, me and my family were up in Durham, having a decent time, and I had some time to spare, so I wandered around the town, checking out potential shops where they may sell them. They only had the 1-3 box-set at their HMV, and nothing in any other video stores, and none in any of the charity shops either. But then I noticed in one charity shop, that there was a little box under one of the shelves filled with old VHS, so I look, and there, as if it was waiting for me, Land Before Time 8, on VHS.

When I got home, I tried it out on my old VCR, and to my delight, both the VCR and the tape still worked fine! A great find, that may become a collector's item in a few decades, as opposed to the charity-shop fodder that VHS are now.

And for anybody finding trouble getting the DVDs: Have you never heard of Amazon?

General Land Before Time / WORST LBT Song Ever!
« on: February 25, 2011, 02:30:35 PM »
Well, in the reviews I do of the series, the songs play a major part in the critique, so I'll do my best:

2: One Of Us Now. It just doesn't work that well for me. The kids are singing like kids, rather tan like singers (As they do in later films), and the sequence that goes with it is a bit dumb too. Just the bits of them all walking round in circles. I never understood that...

3: Kids Like Us. After the Big-band-style When You're Big, and the 80s-rock-esque Standing Tough, this song just felt a bit weak. The other 2 songs were fun, and sound good on their own, as well as being parts of a movie. But this one just didn't work well for me. Pity though, because I really liked this film.

4 and 5 I haven't seen properly, so I can't comment. But from what I recall, Friends For Dinner was a pretty rotten song.

6: Bad Luck. This one was just stupid.  Lone Dinosaur, personally, I think had a good tune and a good mood to it, and On Your Own was a highlight of the film, but this one. Sorry Spike, but even your scat-singing couldn't save this one!

7: Good Inside. Such a shame, because the other 2 songs were so good in this film! It just seemed like a weak entry. I personally like the songs with strength and feeling, and they could have easily made the point of this song with a speech of some sort and moved on.

8: This film actually holds the honour of being the only film where I could sit through every song. Mad Song was just brilliantly done. Family had just an undeniable charm to it, and I actually quite liked The Lesson.

9: Imaginary Friend. Partly because Chanson D'ennui was a fun song, and No One Has To be Alone was beautiful, and this song just seemed completely silly, and was very close to being, as Nostalgia Critic would put it, a Big Lipped Alligator Moment (da-daaaa!), since the imaginary friend has no bearing on the plot, the sequence is completely over the top and bizarre to look at, and when it finishes, nobody ever mentions it again, apart from Petrie humming it to himself as he flies along. The other reason being that I hate reggae.

It's a real shame, since otherwise, the songs in this film were great, and this film is probably one of my top LBT sequels.

10: I haven't heard enough of them to critique them yet. I've only heard Adventuring all the way through, and I kinda liked it. Only real thing I criticise about this song is Littlefoot's singing voice, which is kinda flat at times.

11: Girls and Dads. This one was completely out of place, especially since it had freaking backup singers that apppear out of nowhere and just randomly join in! But that's my only real complaint, since the rest of the song was pretty good (Voices, instruments, melody, animation, etc)

12: Funnily enough, Flip Flap and Fly actually remains as one of my top LBT songs, just because it's a fun sequence and a pretty catchy song. Otherwise, the song sin this one were pretty boring.

13: Still haven't seen it, and never intend to.

I like to keep a relatively open mind about these songs. It's kinda funy, because through these songs, I've gotten into 80's hair-metal, swing Jazz, some country, and I like power-ballads even more. Does anyone else find themselves imagining No One Has To Be Alone as a Manowar-style power-ballad? I know I do. All choirs, organs, a big guitar solo in the middle, it'd be awesome...

Animation / Scratch and Grounder
« on: February 25, 2011, 01:27:49 PM »
This week on "Thumbs of the Rich and Famous"....

Land Before Time Captions / Ducky & Petrie yet again!
« on: February 25, 2011, 01:25:09 PM »
Even as children, Godzilla and Rodan never got along well...

Land Before Time Captions / Petrie angry!?
« on: February 25, 2011, 01:21:35 PM »
Invisible Harley Davidson bike.

Land Before Time Captions / More Evil Ducky
« on: February 25, 2011, 01:19:16 PM »

Land Before Time Captions / Guido and Petrie Caption
« on: February 25, 2011, 01:17:44 PM »
Guido: Ah, c'mon Petrie. My breath doesn't smell THAT bad does it?!

Land Before Time Captions / Domehead Caption
« on: February 25, 2011, 01:13:03 PM »
Domehead: A Balrog is coming!

Domehead2: No, worse....It's the fangirls!

Land Before Time Captions / Confused
« on: February 25, 2011, 01:09:02 PM »
Watching Tv:

TV: This week on "Up the noses of the rich and famous..."

The Welcome Center / HIYA!
« on: February 25, 2011, 12:08:57 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Feb 25 2011 on  09:43 AM
Welcome with us Allicloud :)
It is always a pleasure to welcome new members to our community. Please feel hearty invited to join our discussions or start threads of your own :yes
With your healthy motto of avoiding what is not fun, helpful or fullfilling I am interested what you are doing or going to do as a job? Do you have found your "vocation" already? Mine would be that of a historian :p
What do you mean by being mostly Canadian?
Thnx for the welcome, dude.

1. If all goes to plan, I'll end up as an animator. I've been a fan of cartoons all my life, I've made several short animated films in stop-motion, and I'm planning on doing a Foundation Art Course after I leave school, then work on my portfolio and showreel for a year, then maybe take a proper college course in animating (If such a thing exists). Then I'll look around and try to find a good studio to get a job. I really wish Bluth was still animating...

2. I say mostly Canadian because physically, I am half-Canadian, half-British, and I live in England. But I have a Canadian Passport, a Canadian accent (For some mysterious reason, since my sister does not), and see myself as Canadian. So Physically, I'm probably mosly British, but Diplomacy and Accent-wise, I'm Canadian.

Sound Off! / Do you play a musical instrument?
« on: February 25, 2011, 12:01:31 PM »
Yep, self-taught drums. Not amazing yet, but getting pretty good. It's apparently good enough to get me invited to drum for the school's glee club.

Here's is a good example of my work (warning. Once you listen to this song, it will never leave!)

My Drumming

Sound Off! / The Most Spine Chilling Songs Ever
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:58:22 AM »
Burn In Hell by Dimmu Borgir:

Welcome to the abandoned land.
Come on in, child, take my hand.
Here, there's no work or play.
Only one bill to pay.
There's just five words to say

as you go






LBT Fanart / Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:48:40 AM »
Well, I've recently been doing alot of drawings, and I've got a few tips:

1. For starting-  The best place to start would be taking screenshots of character's faces and trying to copy them. NOT tracing them, though. You'll only learn properly by copying the expressions.

2. One trick I've learnt is to take the screenshot, and try to convert the entire head or body down into geometric shapes, often drawing the shapes directly onto the screenshot. For example, on its simplest level, Littlefoot's head is a sphere, with a tempered cube for the snout/mouth and a cylinder for the neck. Spheres are the best things to work from, since they can be stretched and distorted and create more natural shapes.

3. For specific poses, always start with the "spine-line", a single curved line that goes along the imagined character's spine, from the head, down the neck and back, to the tip of the tail, with the geometric shapes drawn over it to form the basic shape.

4. if the character is a quadroped, the body can usually be one shape (Like longnecks, spiketails and threehorns, who have a single oval for the body in my drawings). If it's a biped, use 1 shape for the hips, and another shape for the shoulders and chest, then link them up with the body's outline (For example, Sierra or Pterano has a small circle for the hip area, and a slightly larger and flatter circle for the shoulders and chest, while Rinkus, being tubbier, would have the opposite)

5. Eyes- These are a very important aspect of expression, especially with cartoon characters. So what I do is when I do a sheet for a character (Generally with 1 or 2 full pictures, several expressions and other stuff), I'll have a specific part for different eyes; happy, sad, angry, scheming, etc etc. No face, no head, just eyes.

6. Gender differences- Not necessarily true for all the characters, but in some cases, I've noticed subtle design differences between male and female characters. There are the obvious ones, such as the females usually having blue eyes and/or long eyelashes, but there are others. For example, females generally have a slightly slimmer build than males, as well as less sharp angles, and several (Tria is a good example) have slimmer legs, often with the shin becoming an inverted trapezium, with the wide base connecting at the knee, and the top connecting at the ankle.

Hope all this helps!

The Welcome Center / HIYA!
« on: February 25, 2011, 10:26:08 AM »
Hey y'all! Allicloud here. Long time LBT fan, hoping to bring some of my quirkiness to this forum, as I have done to so many others!

I'm 16, mostly Canadian, male, and my philosophy is simple:

1. Growing old is compulsary, growing up is optional.
2. If something isn't fun, helpful or fulfilling, I see no point in doing it.
3. If it doesn't hurt me or anybody else, I see no reason why I shouldn't do it.

My motto is also simple:

"Adulthood is just like childhood except for one thing: When you're an adult, there's nobody to stop you eating ice-cream for breakfast!"

I'm an avid fan of heavy metal, many animes, Godzilla, dinosaurs in general, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, cosplaying, roleplaying, cartoons, and I currently hold a 9th Kyu green-belt in Ninjutsu. I also practice shamanism (My animal totem is a deer), divination (Mostly tarot, but also runes and pendulum dowsing) and study the occult and paranormal. I am also a soldier in the Dr Steel Army Of Toy Soldiers, helping the good Doctor take over the world and transform it into a Utopian Playland!

My friends have described me as quirky, free-spirited, mysterious, cartoonish, and harmless, and commented on how I make things that are nerdy, suddenly cool.

I have a fear of heights (Especially church towers, for some reason), and spiders (especially big ones). However, despite my fear of heights, my biggest wish is to be able to fly without an aircraft (I'd prefer wings, jetpack, Superman-ability, that kinda stuff)

Any questions?

Character Discussion / Mental Disorders/Disabilites in the Characters?
« on: February 25, 2011, 10:03:24 AM »
Being a psychology student, here I go!

Petrie- originally acrophobic, later is just Nephophobic (Fear of clouds) and possibly anemophobic (Fear of heavy winds) , though he appears to be able to get over it at times.

Ducky- Mildly Acrophobic, Type B Personality (Patient, relaxed, easy)

Cera- Astraphobic (Fear of thunder and lightning), possibly, but this seems to just be a regular fear rather than a phobia. Also may have a definite Type A Personality (Aggressive, impatient, competitive), and anger management problems.

Spike- Mute, colourblind (Both could be psychological), and alot of people tend to think he may be slightly autistic too. He may also have synesthesia, which is the ability to match odd stimuli with sensations, like "Hearing colours" and "Tasting sounds", or in Spike's case "Hearing the music of the treestars"

Pterano- Megalomania, no question.

Sierra- Psychopathy. Just a straight up psychopath. And a severe case of Type A personality.

Character Discussion / A Love Relationship
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:49:13 AM »
Emotional side of me arguesthat it would certainly be a cute couple, and they do get along well. Also, given the memory-montage at the end of the movie, it definitely hints at something between them that was definitely more than just ordinary friendship.
If they did get a chance to live together a bit more, they would probably become a couple as they grow up.

However, the logical side of me reminds me that they are actually cousins of some degree.

Character Discussion / Top 10 LBT villians
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:44:40 AM »
In no particular order:

Pterano- He's just such a cool character. He's sinister, charming, and acts like he walked right out of a Shakespeare play (Kinda reminds me of Richard III)! That voice of his is pretty awesome too, especially since he was actually voiced by someone famous. And of course, his soft side.
And yes, I do count Pterano as a villain, or at least an antagonist.

Sharptooth (original)- Just plain evil! Fast, savage, brutal, and through the eyes of a young child, downright terrifying! Plus, looking at him and comparing him to real T-rexes, it looks like he's especially powerful (I dunno if real ones could jump like that!)

The Belly Dragger- It's one of the best instances of a sharptooth displaying character, with him just growing increasingly impatient as he waits for the kids to go close to him. Hilarious every time. Also, the sudden lighting change when he attacks, just really set everything up.
Not to mention, he survives being stepped on by a Longneck! His spine must be titanium or something!

Ozzy and Strut- Machivellian, sinister, and they compliment eachother so well. Both bumbling at times, and both sinister and dangerous at times. I particularly loved Ozzy's reaction when he learned that his dinner-egg had hatched.

Ozzy:   :blink: ....It...HATCHED?!...Before I could eat it, MY EGG HATCHED?!!!

Ichy and Dil- Once again, they just compliment eachother well, and it makes for some funny moments and conversations when they know that despite the fact that they despise eachother, neither of them can make it on their own, since only one of them is dangerous, and only the other one can see well. Their duet song sums it up nicely.

Hyp- Oh, everyone finds this guy cool. Just summing up the classic evil-teen stereotype, and looking the part. Also, in "When You're Big", you can really hear the brutality in his voice. Just a shame they edited it out in the DVD copy I have.

....And, tha's as many as I can think of that I particularly like.

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