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Messages - Tobe

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
General Land Before Time / I am SOOO Pissed right now!!!
« on: February 11, 2008, 10:46:12 PM »
You owned the film, right?

This is what torrents are for.  You have at least 2 people that can witness that you had the film and it was destroyed.  TORRENT those beasts!  

*censored for promoting P2P*


General Land Before Time / My new theory on the Rainbow Faces
« on: February 10, 2008, 04:42:45 AM »
Actually, I only made one humor post here.  I hope you're not referring to the exchange between LBT and myself and just selectively accosting me, as that would make me sad.  The Q posts are entirely serious, and actually just as valid is any other points raised.   In point, yours.

Now if you wish me to remove humor from my posts I can easily do that.  But this forms another problem when that position is taken as discussed in another thread.  I do find it rather embarrassing to discuss a children's movie seriously.  I'm actually an author that failed and survives off the backup talent of being ridiculously gifted with object units and their nefarious spawn.  As such I look at stories the way the creator would.  And aside from the first movie all of these are irrepressibly lighthearted and obviously were made in that mindset, hence why I discuss them as such.

I will humor you as OP with a serious answer as noone seemed to catch any of my indirect explanations for a plausible theory to this topic.  But, in point of fact,  I dislike posting with seriousness immensely.  I apologize if adding a humorous watermark to posts either offends you or is against the board rules.

I did indeed watch the section in question, and as Aves can already attest to I immediately made "The Q Connection".

What does this mean?  It would seem you assumed it was making a satirical parody of the other users' inference that these prism pigmented prehistoric reptiles were in fact not native to earth.

I was not.

I likened these curious creatures creatively to the quite quaint yet quixotic Q.  A race and character from another series and genre.  This thespian of time tackles what I thought were the main points of the crazy characters in this canon.   They are meddling, arrogant, and seemingly omnipetent.  Yet while the character I compared to the creatures is one of extraterrestrial lineage, I did not mean to imply I was simply comparing these characters with robustly radical rainbows on their brows to a simple alien.

What I was inferring through my adequately auspicious antics was actually that I thought the creators of these cantankerously cute creatures meant for their creations to be likened to a form of diddling discommodious deity.  That is to say a "Meddling God" if you will.  While I myself have no belief in invisible entities controlling my life, the authors of this story seem to front this fact in every facet they could find.

Q was simply the easiest way to liken my list of reasons to one well know character.  I'm sorry if my indirect inferences did not appeal to you.

~Tobe (If I can be funny, can I at least alliterate?  I don't wanna take my ball and go home.)

General Land Before Time / My new theory on the Rainbow Faces
« on: February 07, 2008, 11:30:31 PM »
*spits out MD*

Dammit man, NO porque no!  After 78 levels of hearing that everytime I PKed someone on L2.  NO.  NO MORE.  IT BURNS US!  


General Land Before Time / My new theory on the Rainbow Faces
« on: February 07, 2008, 10:16:00 PM »
No more Motivational pics, I swear.  :3  *finger cross*


General Land Before Time / Best/Worst Singing Voices.
« on: February 07, 2008, 08:09:47 PM »
Generally they seem to give littlebit- I mean Cera the best singing voice.  As far as not making me want to break something anyway.


General Land Before Time / My new theory on the Rainbow Faces
« on: February 07, 2008, 08:05:37 PM »


1988 Theatrical Release / Why Littlefoot is a good leader
« on: February 06, 2008, 09:44:40 PM »

Your logic is sound though.  The "holy trinity" is in everything from books to video games.  

A leader is the middle ground of everything.  That way they can appeal to the whole group.  Leaders have to have the ability to blend in with everyone, be empathic but be able to control it.

Basically the leader has to be a politician.  Not voice their opinion, voice what everyone wants to hear and use that push them toward what the politician believes is the correct answer.  

General Land Before Time / My new theory on the Rainbow Faces
« on: February 06, 2008, 09:01:02 PM »

Hello there?  Answer to your simplistic quandary speaking?  I love how you label anyone not from that little dust speck you live out your minuscule lives on as "Alien".    It's rather quaint by the way.

I wasn't ON the meteor, and I'm not telling who was either.  I personally had a more pressing engagement than making a mockery of what could have potentially been your ancestors.  And might I add they probably would have developed into something far more interesting than a bunch of snores like you.

Enough about you, lets talk about something less depressing.  Something wondrous and full of grandeur, like me!  You see, when you don't that oppressive thing called time around you can do fun things.   Like... oh I don't know, this is just off the top of my head but something like go back and manipulate a bunch of naive kids into being something OTHER than brainless lumps of meat and bone.  Or say, spoil wiseendwise's fun by telling them that the only non-platonic attention Petrie ever gets is from a horrifically ugly pachycephalosaur (Of course I couldn't tell as they're all ugly mind you) in the back of the short-bus, on what would equate to prom night.


The Welcome Center / Hi!
« on: February 05, 2008, 03:32:36 AM »
Yeah, hello.  I'd just not talk to me.  Everything I say is a lie.

Except that.

And that.

And that.

And that.
And that.
And that.
And that.

And that. And that. And that. And that.And that.And that.

And that.


General Land Before Time / My new theory on the Rainbow Faces
« on: February 05, 2008, 03:28:12 AM »

 I suppose I could have made a whole civilization if I wanted to, I never thought of that.  Oh but what fun would THAT be, talking to myself was boring enough.  Intelligent discussion is highly overrated you know.  It's far more entertaining to speak with lesser lifeforms.  

On that note!  GREETINGS MORTALS! You know earth species of that time were so brainless and repugnant even I couldn't spice things up enough to prevent me from yawning!  I'm saying to myself, Self? This species thrives on drama, hence the whole eating each other thing.  I suppose I could have put them directly INTO another creature's mouth.  But THAT would have been even less interesting.  Was Picard REALLY the highlight of your pathetic planet?

And I meant for the water to dissolve the rock.  At least then things might of gotten good.  

Oh, the rainbow coloring on my faces?  Purely to ridicule the populus.  Once again my humor is wasted on peons.  

Humans.  PFFT!


The first sentence was referring to my review sucking worse than the first review I did.

As for the series?  I can expound a little.  I'm sure a decade or two ago it woulda been good.  But geez, "Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog" pales in comparison to the tsunami of cheese found here.  

It had a few moments, but considering I watched around ten episodes and maybe once every 2 or 3 episodes I wasn't dieing of asphyxiation for one reason or another?  Of course a lot of the time it seemed like the writers wanted to be hilariously bad to adults, thats done a lot of times so they can watch it with the kids.  The kids laugh because it's hilarious and the adults laugh because it's hilariously bad.

Like I said there was an improvement, we saw character development.  That didn't happen at all in the movies.  Threehorn gets put in his place more times than I can count (Ball and chain, hooray!), Ducky grows a pair, Spike... "talks", Guido has a sex change, and Moe... leaves?


Which means this is going to suck compared to the one on the movies.  Oh well, lets get to this.  

I watched in a tight span half of the episodes I could find and collected my thoughts on them.  

Good or bad first...  /cointoss   *heads*   good first...


It's not as bad as the Disney tween oriented shows?  

That aside...  GLEE!  Bron is back!   I'm sitting there are low and behold the master appears!  And the kid he tried to dump for emofoot, who I've nicknamed Greenmofoot in close pursuit.   Seriously, I got nothing against Shorty, he's like a dinosaur version of my little cousin.   But I'm still going to razz him if he needs it.  Pack it in Shorty.  You're tough and adventureous.  All the popular characters are whiney emo's.  Even Jack Bauer likes them better.  

Anyway!  I'm squeeing and happy, because Jack mother f'ing Bauer has returned right?  Maybe he'll sing!  How awesome would that...  wait.  Thats not Jack, thats not even Mace Windu.  My face fills with a mixture of confusion and contempt apon realizing where I've heard this voice before...  

Bron has returned, back from no-mans-land
Rejoice my people for it is the return of Kiether Sutherland.
Hark my charges! For this dino tis a wolf dressed in sheeps ward
Occlude your ears lest your suffer Simba's horrific discord.
The scare was immense and one which I fondly bid adieu,
to the director of this crap I offer a hasty Achmed, 'I KEEEEEL YOU!'

Speaking of singing... Petrie does not need to sing... EVER.  Its like listening to a Gilbert Gottfield solo album.  That voice could rust NAILS.  Now we need a shortbus AND a gag.  

On that note...  spike talking, or something like that.   I could disregard the rapping, really, it was kinda funny.   But I mean, it sounds like Yoda speaking wookiee.     Spike, buddy, seriously.  SHUT UP.  Grunting is not a effective way of communicating.  Ask Tim Allen.  

An episode starring Spike letting out burps that would make Archie Bunker blush and his beavers that dream of leaving their parents 'nest' to 'forage'"  Wow..  *clears throat*  And Cera saying, "At least my head isn't small"?  WOW, they're trying to rival Disney with the innuendo here aren't they?  Oh, the beavers think Spike is a god?  The devil is a retarded chicken?  I bet petrie is upset he couldn't get the role.  I can see the autobiography now, "How I went from the shortbus to the flaming prince... of cocks."   Could the episode be any more adult?

Also Thicknose and the dumb*donkey* Trike (oh I'm sorry, Topsy) singing My Way?    Who else was dubbing this over it in their heads?
 Who else was dubbing this over it in their heads?  Don't lie, you were.

Next we have the two n00bz, newbies, the scrappies of the series.  Which if the namesake is any indication they'll be better than the original cast.  

Chomper!  Yay!  Wait, ok, so where did his parents go?  Well considering he and Ducky seem to have developed opposable thumbs maybe they built lightsabers and offed them.  Or maybe they saw Moe and died of exposure, lord knows I almost did.    Ok, no more Moe in my section on Chomper.   Ok, so his parents died of exposure to Moe, what does the kid eat?  He's eats bee's that promptly run around and sting the crap outta Cera.  I like this already.  

Sorry, Chomper, you have m00bs, or is that d00bs... doob... dooby dooby doo...  Ruh roh, off topic.  Lay off the bees kiddo, or as Moe would say, "Yousa gettin' fatsa!"  That dolphin-thing needs to be extinct.  You are not Flipper, you aren't even Willy, you look like a freakish pink nightmare voiced by JarJar.  Go, the hell, away.

Next... what... what the hell?  Where's Guido?!  Who killed Reuben?!  Throttle, Pinky, Max, and probably like a thousand more characters.   Man I realize playing that many characters is a burden but dang man, ditch that creepy fish.  Not Guido, Guido was cool, he could even put up with Shortbus.  Whats the premise here?  Guido took steroids, dyed himself and had a sex change?  I know some kids went to therapy over this one.    Ok, so Guido is now Rose, no thats a golden girl.  Pinkie?  No, pacman ghost.  RUBY!  yeah, thats it. But rubies are red and Ruby is... pink.  And can't fly.  And is... an idiot.  Probably because parents complained about the lack of more female characters.  I shall call you... Token.

You doubt me this character has an IQ in the double digits?  She thinks realizing you can tie pieces of rope together to make a longer rope is ROCKET SCIENCE.  Say hello to your new classmate Petrie.  Shortbus, HOOO!

Tippy returns.  yay, goody, whoopie.   And now he's played by... the black chic from KND?  I have no clue, sounds like it.   Why not Oprah?  Now that would make things interesting.  Plus I'll leave to imagine the dialog between Tippy and the lead spiketail (Oh no you JUS' di'int! *snap* *snap* *snap*).  When he's not acting out Goodfellow's scene's with Topsy.   I love that name, the chic Trike rocks for using it.

Wait lets go back to Bron for a moment, changing his VA to Fluffles seems to have made him stupidier.  He's here to test Emofoot.  Not the kid he's raising mind you, one he ran out on.  Ok, cool, so what does an apatasaurus right of passage consist of?  apparently climbing a rock, finding out moss grows on the northside of a tree, and ripping off a previously sung song that Randy Newman apparently wrote and change the lyrics.   Oy.  Come back to us Jack, we need you.  He could kill Moe and save the day in... 24 Hours.

Running low on thoughts for this one... and I'm getting tired.   However the most important thing remains and can be summed up in three words.  


Maybe she's just at that age and once a month Spike is going to start getting the pimpslap he deserves.  I don't know, I'm not a gynecologist.   What I do know is there is a new trademark on the set.  Unfortunately it's edited.  

The Ducky $#@$ You Glare.  (tm)

It's always right there when I need it.  Cera getting to be to big of a Wench?    The Ducky $#@$ You Glare.  (tm)

Petrie trying to act like he's not all the way to the back of the shortbus?    The Ducky $#@$ You Glare.  (tm)

Emofoot crying?  The Ducky $#@$- No.. no it's not there for me then.  But maybe someday.

I'm serious on this, if it keeps up Ducky may replace M00b the TREX as my favorite.

*Spike eats random object that shouldn't be eaten*
*Most of cast laughs clichely*
*Ducky $%#@ You Glare (tm)*
*Toby happy :3*

Anyhow...  I'm gonna get outta here and sleep.  Take it away Chomper!

My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
And they're like "It's better than yours"
Damn right, It's better than yours,
I can teach you, but I have to charge!
I can teach you, but I have to charge!

Everybody now![/i]

Our Milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard,
And they're like "It's better than yours"
Damn right, It's better than yours,
Damn right, It's better than yours!
I can teach you, but I have to charge!
I can teach you, but I have to charge!


General Land Before Time / The blame goes to Aves on this one.
« on: January 30, 2008, 01:24:41 AM »
I knew Jack Bauer.  Not recognizing that would be like not recognizing Chuck Norris or Samuel L *obligatory vulgarity* Jackon.    I was just curious on Pterano and looked it up in IMDB.

Series will be a little bit.  I'm through half and have some rather interesting revelations on it but tonight there was an unexpected reunion with my old "promising local band" mates that haven't spoken in a decade.  Not to mention the drummer, my ex, being... well dead.  yay life!

Going to talk things through with one of them tomorrow.  Depending on how that goes I might get through them tomorrow night.  I may end up needing some lunacy (and alcohol) to undo the past rearing it's ugly head.

~Tobe (My poop floats!)

General Land Before Time / The blame goes to Aves on this one.
« on: January 29, 2008, 12:26:11 AM »
I'm doing the Series now.  Whats been uploaded that is, anyway.  Already making some notes.

General Land Before Time / The blame goes to Aves on this one.
« on: January 28, 2008, 11:27:55 PM »
You apparently have to watch 1-7 on end.  Nothing in between.   Maybe you need to intake rum as well?


General Land Before Time / The blame goes to Aves on this one.
« on: January 28, 2008, 10:47:45 PM »
Ok, so, the last time I watched anything involving this sort of thing was when I was around 8 and watched the first movie.

Aves' antics along with lurking around this place (not to mention a sizeable lot of rum).  Gave me an idea, well not really, I saw the basic gist when Huey watched BET for a week on end on Boondocks.  But still, I decided that I would watch every LBT movie I could find back to back (breaks to work and eat and sleep mind you.)  So for three days that is what I did upon finishing my nearly 8 gig download of I-XI.  After the first 7 however the experiment became tainted as I was coerced into seeing Cloverfield (great flick by the way).

HOWEVER, before that I noticed weird changes in my personality.  I was *gack* polite and helpful at work.  I did things for people I normally wouldn't do.

It was...


I'm a Network Operator.  My job HINGES on my ability to scare away techno-illiterate idiots so I can get done what I need to get done.  I had no progression in any project for nearly two days thanks to those movies.  Thank god for giant *spoiler omitted*.

Regardless, I continued the last part of the experiment to no avail.  Why?  I dunno, I wanted to see what happened I guess.

My thoughts however on the series?

Better than most things I've seen that they make kids watch, although the lack of Doc saying, "I'll be your huckleberry," disappointed me greatly.  And the dolphin that resembled a bad Shroom trip and sounded like JarJar made my eyes and ears bleed.  I'm not kidding, dat crap could rust NAILS.

It's interesting to come back to a show you saw as a kid and see where they went with it.   Although I think some of the background adult characters had more character development than the main character children.

Not all that much changed from the original with relation to characters.  Probably a good thing considering most attempts to remodel classic characters into ones that "appeal to today's youth" almost ALWAYS fail.   Lunatics anyone?

Ducky seems to be as naive and innocent as ever.  Petrie is still riding the shortbus.  Spike could still be replaced with Garfield painted green and noone would notice.  Cera still needs to be slapped over the head with something large and dense, like her father's skull.  

And Littlefoot?  

Damn man, cheer up emokid.  Your father is Jack F'ing Bauer!  JACK BAUER!  The only way your dad could be more BADASS is if he was Raistlin Majere...  Oh, wait, ne-ver-mind.  Wuss.

However, Chomper.  Yeah.  Bilingual, love the lisp...  Probably the best character I saw.  No, seriously, I love little things with sharp teeth and red eyes.  Freaking awesome.  Redeemed a whole movie by himself.

Anyway, bottomline, I see the draw.  I do.  I'm not sure I'm as large of a fan as a lot of the people here but I can see why now.  Better than most of the drivel on TV.  Although they could spend a little more time on the songs.  Sounds like Randy Newman wrote the bulk of them.

Sorry, sorry, I'm just mad that I didn't get to hear Jack F'ing Bauer sing.  Dang Emofoot taking all the screentime.  :p

Well, thats about it.  Although now I'm not sure if I like Ducky or Chomper better.  

Oooo Oooo, almost forgot!  Award for most 3d character goes to Petrie's Uncle Pterano!  For being the only villain and one of the CHARACTERS to have not only a z-axis to their personality but to have real character development.   I award Pterano the coveted "Christopher Lee Villian Award".    Well deserving of being VAed by D'Artagnan.

K, I'm done.


Jack F'ing Bauer, SHEEEESH.

What?  Go away I'm finished!   Oh, right.  *Clicks post*

Random Role Play / The School Bully
« on: January 24, 2008, 10:54:48 PM »
"Don't see your name on the mortgage."  He muttered quietly, continuing his meal.

Random Role Play / The School Bully
« on: January 21, 2008, 11:22:22 PM »
The boy took another bite of his food, chewing it slowly and glaring at Aron wordlessly.

Random Role Play / The School Bully
« on: January 21, 2008, 08:12:11 PM »
Aron and his two assistants made their way through the school licking their wounds.  They'd been completely outnumbered this time, it was as if the school was no longer subject to the rules it was last year.  Teachers interveneing, held back guys protecting the smug eggheaded brats, the world was turning upside down.  He needed to think, and was going to do just that in the only plac he was sure was still the same as it had always been.  The trio slipped out the back of the school and headed into a alley not a half block from the campus, their usual spot to skip classes.

Aron let out a quiet sigh rounding the side of the usual dumpster, the suddenly tensed up, a sneer crossing his face.  They weren't alone, not even here, defiling his private thinking spot was a shrimpy looking freak of a kid with a pouty look on his face and munching a poptart.

Random Role Play / The School Bully
« on: January 21, 2008, 03:16:25 AM »
"Why do I have to go?"

The impish voice floating over the plain wooden table got no answer.   It's intended target was a dirty blond colored rabbit who didn't respond for two reasons.  The being his age was in the twenties, the border between reckless teenager and seasoned adult, a time when a youthful tends to be in that tonal range that doesn't tend to be monitored fully.   The second reason being that the man was half asleep, not looking at the person talking to him, more THROUGH them, into the oblivion beyond.

That person, the owner of the voice the man was ignoring was a rather odd looking young man.  An adolescent to be sure, but he didn't quite fit into any normal racial category.  He was small, probably around five feet high.  Most of his features resembled those of a human with tan skin.  However two features looked more suited to the animalistic races he seemed to always be around.  His ears were the spitting image of a young canine, one could call them 'floppy puppy ears'.  The second feature was right in the middle of his very human looking face, a canine looking black nose.  

Again the voice came, making the hare's ears twitch and make a half hearted attempt to stand up.  "Toooobe, why do I have to goto the stupid school.  It's not like we'll even be here that long!"  

After a pause the rabbit stretched and yawned, he muttered something inaudible then opened his eyes fully.  "I flunked history AND english, I can't teach you that.  Untill we leave, you're a kid.  Try to at least ACT like a normal one for a week or so."

The boy soured and folded his arms, "How late were you out last night?"

The man wrinkled his nose, "None of your business, mom.  You're already failing the 'act like a normal kid' thing.  I'm serious, Corky, do your best to blend in.  No fights.  Unless you want your dad to find us."

The boy looked down, quickly changing the subject, "Whatever.  What are you going to do while I'm at school?"

The rabbit sighed, "Slum, maybe hit a bar."

The boy sneered, "God Dammit Tobias!  In the middle of the day?!"

"Tobias" as the boy had called him winced, "Not like I can do it when you're around.  You know I-"

Corky waved a hand dismissively, "I know, I know, no drinking around kids.  Why even tell me about it?"

"In case I do something stupid of course."  The rabbit smirked out, starting to get up.

"Right because you'd fall apart without me... Hey what about breakfast?"  The boy yelped out.

"You already ate, I wasn't asleep.  Now get going, we have to conserve money and you packing down two bowls of cereal won't help."  Tobias send without turning around and walked out the back door.

Corky muttered and jumped up, grabbed what looked like a very wel used green backpack from the table, rooting through a nearby cabinet for a package of poptarts to supplement his breakfast and darted for the door.

Walking around the side of house the rabbit watched the boy sprint into the bus before muttering quietly, "I would indeed, kiddo.  At least you're right about that."

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