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Messages - The Friendly Sharptooth

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Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Ali of the movie or the TV series?
« on: November 03, 2011, 01:18:35 AM »
Note: Everything said is only my opinion, not facts, whether I say it as a definite or not. It just takes away from film to add "my opinion" before every claim.

Password to view: Bard

The Party Room / LBT Quote Game
« on: October 30, 2011, 01:52:25 AM »
Wow! You did awesome, Friendly Sharptooth!

Why thank you.

It's from The Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big Water, it was said by Ducky, and it was addressed to Mo. She eagerly accepted a compliment until her humble nature set in, in which case she grew quiet and downplayed the acceptance of her being special with the extra, "I guess."

General Land Before Time / The Great (Mysterious) Wall
« on: October 29, 2011, 12:45:56 AM »
What may seem like a plot hole may make sense if certain modern ideas come into play. There are two things we know for certain:

1.   The great wall protects the Great Valley from sharpteeth.

2.   Longnecks, much bigger creatures, are able to come and go as they please.

This at first seemed contradictory to me, but what if they (the residents) had clever ways of keeping them out? I don’t recall a continuous shot from being on the ground in the Great Valley to leaving the Great Valley while at the same time seeing the distance between the starting point and exit point. So what if they did something like create a door of rocks or trees that they can move with ease with a group effort but would fool sharpteeth into thinking it was a dead end? I think that there are many ways that sharpteeth can be kept out, and being as others can just leave and enter easily, something else must be keeping carnivores out, some secret we haven’t seen. Any thoughts on this matter? Did I miss something? If there is a gaping hole somewhere, is there possibly more fruit near it or something?

The Party Room / LBT Quote Game
« on: October 29, 2011, 12:24:32 AM »
It's from The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island, it was said by Petrie, and it was addressed to Cera as she tried crossing a log.

Sound Off! / Favorite Artist/Album
« on: October 26, 2011, 05:21:42 PM »
Unlike a lot of favorites of mine, this one hasn't shifted over the years. This has been my favorite singer ever since I first picked out who I liked best. Her name is Jennifer Stigile, and she is most known for her Japanese gaming music from what I've researched. I can show you guys some examples of her singing:

A little about her can be found here:

I do not have a favorite album at this point in time.

Ask Me / Question, Query, Inquiry, or Interrogation
« on: October 25, 2011, 01:03:35 AM »

I'm actually at the same place every Friday at two in the morning- Azeroth, or in non-player terminology, I am playing World of Warcraft at that time.

Nope, I wasn't alone. I have a lot of friends on there I do things with, whether it's an instance (dungeon), dailies (quests), just chatting, or some other WoW activity.

I did not have a cheese danish earlier that day, but the cafeteria here did serve those a little over a month ago, and I had one then.

Thank you for the questions.

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Growing Disguised as OOC
« on: October 13, 2011, 11:54:13 PM »
As far as I know, everyone who has seen Ducky’s greed with the shiny stones in “Search for the Sky Color Stones” has considered that to be very out of character for her, a flaw from the writers. In fact, I did as well for the longest time. Now, sitting in my chair, contemplating a new a LBT thread, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was actually NOT out of character and very-well planned out. Even in children’s shows, things can be pretty subtle.

The first episode was “The Cave of Many Voices.” In it, we see Ducky being greedy for the first time in the television series. There are plenty of leaves in the area, but just because she had her eyes on some, two domeheads run by and eat them. Instead of the usual, sweet, innocent Ducky saying, “Oh well, there is plenty more where that came from. Yep yep yep!” she startling takes chase, shouting that they aren’t theirs (or in other words, they’re hers and they can’t have them). This might have been a foreshadowing to the bigger scene of selfishness in “Search for the Sky Color Stones.”

However, just because it wasn’t a one-time thing, that doesn’t mean it’s in character. So is this sequence of events accurate for Ducky? Actually, I think it is. Ducky and Spike have been sharing most everything ever since they came to the Great Valley- food, hiding spots, opinions, and more to a large extent. They’re inseparable. I don’t recall any “Mine’s!” from Ducky in the movie series (in terms of an aggressive claim). Now then, none of the other main characters have a sibling they adventure and play with to share to such an amount with, so I would be surprised if they changed in this area.

When a couple shares everything for so long, one or both of them may begin to long for a bit of personal aspects in life. Sharing everything may grow tiresome, and irritability can set in. In fact, the foreshadowing of Ducky’s behavior with the sky color stones may date as far back as the first cold time of the Great Valley. Ducky had literally gotten tired of her brother, and being as Spike was less troublesome than many other characters, I can’t help but think it was the constant contact and sharing that she needed a break from to experience some individuality. (For example, if they weren’t sharing the exact same sleeping place, Ducky wouldn’t have been affected by his sleep movements which contributed to her anger.) When she was on her own long enough, wasn’t sharing every little thing, she got the break she needed, calmed down, and reconciled with her brother.

So it’s possible that the eighth movie has been starting to show a break in Ducky’s tolerance and selflessness, and rightfully so. We see it at the beginning of the series, then to a larger degree with Cera and Ruby with the stones. Yet, things don’t stop here. Anyone else notice that in “The Hidden Canyon,” which takes place after the selfish scene with the domeheads, Ducky’s mother puts their food in separate piles? I don’t recall her ever doing that before. (Did she?) So it could be that even Ducky’s mother saw that Ducky was growing up, wanting a bit more to herself, so maybe she thought it best to give them their own piles of green food. Also, in “The Great Log-Running Game,” Ducky wanted the title of best log runner. In other words, she wanted something the others didn’t have.

So many these writers didn’t goof up. Maybe their simply geniuses who decided to work with the psychology of what it’s like when you’re young and growing while having to share every aspect of your life with someone. I now see her greed as very realistic given the circumstances. Imagine you had someone you shared EVERYTHING with for years. Wouldn’t you, at some point, just be screaming in your mind, “I want something all of my own!” Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t think Ducky is regressing but quite the contrary. Wanting her own things out of life is very common in adolescence. Kids are more apt to share than many teenagers I’ve seen.

Kids: Want to play with my ball?
Want to try my chips?
Want to ride on my bike?

Teenagers: I want my own room.
Buy me my own car.
Give me an allowance for my work.

Now I know it’s not black and white like that, but that is generally how I see the conversion nowadays from child to getting older. So perhaps we shouldn’t look down on Ducky for her behavior, but instead, try and connect with what it’s like to be in her “shoes” and watch with care as she grows before our eyes. Some people feel that the gang never gets older. I can’t help but disagree, but does anyone disagree with me?

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Malte!
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:13:21 PM »
It's still your birthday here, so I hope that allows this to count.

With wisdom and love,
Littlefoot does guide.
With friends deep in peril,
He won’t run and hide.

Cera doesn’t back down,
When there is trouble.
She addresses the issue,
And works on the double.

Kind and thoughtful,
A gentle friend too.
Who else could it be,
But Ducky through and through?

There when he’s needed,
Careful to the core.
Petrie couldn’t be more loyal;
Friends are worth fighting for.

Though quiet is Spike,
Many thoughts abound.
If you have a dilemma,
A solution may be found.

At the heart of this sanctum,
We celebrate one of fame,
As if you look inside of him,
Can’t you see the forum’s name?

Happy birthday, sir.

Ask Me / Ask me about the Darwin's Soldiers 'Verse
« on: September 19, 2011, 09:57:42 AM »
Were there any significant aspects of Twilight Valley that you planned on writing and keeping, but after implimenting it, you decided on a different idea before posting? A behind the scenes question, this is. I'm just wondering if any major plot points were originally something entirely different but went through another draft or other drafts before the final idea came about.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Journey of the Seven Heroes
« on: September 14, 2011, 12:59:14 AM »
"A nice chapter you made here. Nice work."

Thank you for your kind statement. I do appreciate it.

Side Story: The Origin of Dusk’s Group

In which it is learned how Dusk came to meet his companions.

   “Wake up, sleepyhead,” a female Sharptooth said, gently shoving the one sleeping beside her.

   “Ugh. Not now,” he replied, turning over onto his side.

   The female grinned. She wasn’t giving up that easily. She bent over him, hands extended, and started tickling his belly.

   “Ha ha ha! Fine, you win.” He sat up and stretched, yawning loudly.

   She suddenly hugged him tight, starting to tear.

   “Hey now, what’s this about?”

   “I’m sorry, it’s just, I’m so happy you’re alive again. When I found you dead, I just wanted to fall over and die myself.”

   “Really, Menta, you cling to me too much. When I die, if it happens before you, I want you to find the strength inside to press on for the both of us. Dying as well wouldn’t be doing either of us any favors.”

   “Dusk, my brother, we’re all that’s left of our herd. If I lose you, then I’ll be alone with no reason left to carry on.”

   “Come on. You’re a pretty Sharptooth. I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard for you to find a nice, strong male to start a family with. Now enough talk of this. I’m going to get us some breakfast.” With that, Dusk arose and walked off into the distance.

   “That sister of mine… When will she realize that life doesn’t revolve around me? Hm, what’s this?” he asked to himself as he saw a Flying Sharptooth nestled in a tall tree. He snuck up quietly, making no noise, then snatched him right out of it.

   “Ack!” he screamed, flapping hard trying to get away.

   “It’s no use,” Dusk said aloud.

   “Please, don’t eat me! I’ll do anything!” he screamed.

   “That’s odd. I’ve never met a Flying Sharptooth that could speak for a land walking one to understand. They usually just know squawks.”

   “I’ve been around and picked up on your dialect,” he replied. “Now please, find someone else to devour.”

   “Do you have a wife and/or kids?” Dusk questioned.

   “Much as that information may save me, no, I am alone.”

   “Impressive. You’re an honest one. Even knowing I might let you go if you have family, you made it clear that you did not. I wouldn’t think of harming such a noble creature. I’ll be on my way now.”

   “Wait!” the Flying Sharptooth called.


   “I must repay you for sparing me. Let me come with you, and Iëll help until you feel weëre even. I have nothing else to do anyway.”

   “What could you possibly do for me?” Dusk wanted to know.

   “I can scout out prey over a great distance and report back to you. That would greatly reduce hunting time.”

   “Very well. I will accept your service to me. Now if you don’t mind, you can start right away.”

   “As you wish,” the Flying Sharptooth replied. Before he took off though, he added, “I’m called Ceit.”


   With that, Ceit flew off. In a matter of minutes, he returned with news.

   “Two adult Swimmers are grazing nearby.”

   “Good work. Lead the way.”

   It wasn’t long before Menta heard footsteps in the distance. Dusk was back and carrying two small dinosaurs, a Flying Sharptooth accompanying him.

   “Made a new friend, did you?” she asked him.

   “I suppose, yeah. Here, you can take this and I’ll split this other one with Ceit.”

   “No, Dusk. You’re bigger than me. You need a whole one more than I do.”

   “If I may interrupt,” Ceit cut in. “I’ll hunt for my own meal. You two enjoy these.”

   “If you insist,” Dusk said.

   “I do,” he replied.

   After Ceit had left, Dusk explained what had happened.

   “How long do you plan on keeping him around?”

   “Eh, whenever I get tired of him. Endearment is not something to give up lightly. Anyway, I think I’m going to go for a walk.”

   “Mind if I join you?” Menta inquired.

   “Not at all. Nothing really for you to do around here.” With that, the two adult Sharpteeth took off for a relaxing stroll. Little did they know, however, that their walk would be anything but relaxing…


   “I hate being an only child. I hate it! Why won’t you give me a brother or sister!? I’ve been asking for months! You’re the worst parents ever!” a child shouted.

   “I’m sorry, son. It’s just- complicated,” his father replied.

   “Tell me why or I’ll keep shouting!”

   Both of his parents sighed.

   “It’s not easy raising a son that’s so disagreeable,” his mother told him.

   “We have our hands full with you, and besides that, with the way you treat everyone, we don’t think it would be a very happy environment for a new child,” his father added.

   “Grrr, I hate you all!” That said, the child stormed off in a huff as his parents sadly watched him go. His mother started to follow, but his father stepped in front.

   “He’s too angry to listen to reason. Let’s just let him cool off.”


   “How dare they not give me a sibling! They don’t deserve to be parents!” The child was kicking a rock as he stomped along. Each time, he kicked it harder and harder. Finally, he kicked it so hard that it went soaring threw the air. As he saw where it would land, he tensed up. The rock hit a grown Fast Biter squarely in the head.

   “What the- Why you little-” he snarled, having seen the boy.

   “Uh, I’m really sorry.”
   “You’ll be even more sorry when you wind up in my belly!” he growled, starting to chase him. Agu ran as fast as he could go, but the Fast Biter caught up quickly. The child turned at a clump of trees and looked back to see the angry adult nearly upon him. However, since he wasn’t looking where he was going, he ran into something- someone, to be precise. He fell onto his back from the impact and looked up to see two grown Sharpteeth gazing down at him.

   “Don’t let him eat me!” he exclaimed, hiding behind Dusk’s foot.

   “Give the little brat to me, strangers. He’s my prey, not yours,” the Fast Biter declared.

   “Aw, Dusk, we can’t let him eat this cute little boy,” Menta whispered.

   Agu heard her and smiled innocently at them.

   “Very well. Leave the boy alone, Fast Biter,” Dusk told him.

   “How dare you steal my lunch!” the boy’s pursuer yelled. But knowing he could not overpower two full-grown Sharpeeth, he went on his way.

   “Thanks, guys,” the boy said appreciatively.

   “Our pleasure, dear,” Menta replied with a smile.

   “Where are your parents, son?” Dusk questioned. “We’ll take you back safely to them.”

   “My parents? Uh, right. Well, you see, they’re- dead! Yeah, that’s it! They were killed in that big earthshake that happened not long ago. I don’t have a family anymore.”

   “Oh, Dusk, we have to take him in! We can’t let such a young boy face the world alone.”

   “Sister, be reasonable. We’ve never parented before.”

   “No one is prepared to parent before they try,” Menta argued.

   Dusk let out a heavy sigh. Ceit had just been added to the scene, now his sister wanted another addition.

   “I suppose we can look after him for a while.”

   “Alright! Thanks!”

   “Yeah, yeah,” Dusk replied. “So what’s your name, kid?”


   “Dusk, and this is Menta. Anyway, let’s head for home. I’ve walked enough for now.”

   The three Sharpteeth turned and began to return to the mountain that Dusk and Menta lived on.

   “So, are you two mates?” Agu asked them.

   “If we weren’t siblings, we probably would have ended up getting hitched,” Menta said with a laugh. “We’re very close.”

   “I see,” Agu replied. “Whoa, look at that! There’s a big fight over there!”

   However, Dusk and Menta had already noticed it. A single, female, adult Sharptooth was fighting against two Three Horns. Her mate was already dead, killed by the sharp horns.

   “Dusk, we have to help her!” Menta exclaimed.

   “On it!” Dusk replied. They started to run over, but they were too late. The two leaf-eaters had her corned, and the male finally gouged his horns into her chest, killing her as well.

   “Mommy!” a little girl screamed.

   The Three Horns were about to kill the child too, but Dusk and Menta overpowered them, killing them quickly. Menta stooped over and picked up the sobbing child.

   “Mommy… Sniff hic!”

   “Oh, Dusk…” Menta trailed off.

   “No, no, no! Ceit has moved in with us, and now we have little Agu as well. We aren’t switching from two to five in one day.” Then Dusk took a good look at the little Sharptooth in his sister’s arms. She gazed up at him with a the most pitiful look he’d ever seen.

   “Ugh! Fine.”

   Menta hugged her brother right away then set the girl down.

   “Don’t worry, dear. We’ll take care of you. What’s your name?” she asked her.

   “Sniff it’s Coaley.”

   “Well, Coaley, I’m Menta, this is my brother Dusk, and the little one here is Agu.”

   “Thank you so much,” she replied, hugging Menta tight.

   The group arrived back on the mountain and were greeted by Ceit.

   “Who’s that guy?” Agu asked.

   “Ceit, a friend,” Dusk answered.

   “Have an interesting walk?” Ceit marveled.

   Menta giggled. “You could say that.”

   Dusk plopped onto the ground. “I’m so tired of my kind being killed off just because our diet is meat. If everyone could live off of plants, there wouldn’t be so much trouble in the world.”

   Menta rested a hand on his shoulder. “That’s a nice thought, brother, but it’s only something that could happen in dreams. Best not trouble your thoughts with things that could never be.”

   Dusk sighed. “You are right.” Then he suddenly put a hand on his head.

   “Dusk, are you alri-” but Menta immediately felt odd as well. Ceit, Agu, and Coaley felt unusual too, and Agu groaned loudly.

   Suddenly, Dusk, Menta, and Ceit shrank exponentially. Dusk and Menta were barely bigger than Agu, and Ceit was small enough to perch on one of their shoulders. Everyone let out a cry of surprise. Next, everyone’s coloration changed. Dusk was the first one to speak.

   “This- power. I don’t understand it, but, I feel great!” He turned to a small ledge overlooking a cliff. He gazed down at the shadow it left and shouted, “Shadow Pull!” The ledge quickly gave away and plummeted down to the ground.

   “I feel power too,” Menta added. “Do you think it is what shrunk us?”

   “Has to be. We suddenly became like kids again as soon as we got this power. I wonder, is this a dream?”

   Menta came over and pinched him.

   “Ow! Couldn’t you have pinched yourself?” Dusk asked. Menta only giggled.

   “This is so awesome!” Agu exclaimed. “Copy!” Out of nowhere, two more Agus came into view.

   “What can the rest of you do?” Dusk asked.

   “I can move things with my mind, hear thoughts, and scan for knowledge in other dinosaurs,” Menta said.

   “I can create things that aren’t real that can act on their own, alter how things seem, and change someoneës memories,” Ceit added.

   “I can move things anywhere I’ve already been,” Coaley concluded.

   “Greetings,” a voice suddenly rang out. Everyone turned to see a Rainbow Face. “You all must be a little confused right now. Allow me to explain.”

   “Hey, you’re a leaf-eating dinosaur!” Agu pointed out. “How come we can understand you?”

   “You’ve all been given a gift. Part of that gift is universal speech. In other words, you can understand any form of communication. But that’s not what’s important. You now all have abilities thanks to the Stone of Cold Fire. Itës power has finally spread enough to reach this spot.”

   “How can a stone that is cold be on fire?” Menta questioned.

   “It isn’t really a cold, burning stone. It’s a symbolic title. For something to be cold and on fire at the same time means that it must defy nature. The stone defies the boundaries of all that is natural by giving dinosaurs special abilities- magic. Of course, there are a few side effects in most kinds if dinosaurs, as you can see from the new sizes and colors.”

   “Fascinating. Is there anything else we need to know?” Dusk inquired.

   “I’ve told you all that you need to know about the stone. What I will add is, I could use your help finding it. It was recently hidden somewhere on this mountain.”

   “It’s hidden on this mountain?” Dusk asked. “I’m sure there’s some long story involved, but we’re not interested. I’ve had a very busy day, and I’m not up to go searching for some rock. Maybe some other time.” Dusk turned to Menta and thought to himself, “You said you can hear thoughts, right? Blink if you heard that.” Menta blinked. “Good. Now, he seems to be withholding information about this stone. Scan his mind for what he’s not telling us, then tell me in my head.”

   “Okay,” he heard in his thoughts.

   She then did so, and Dusk’s eyes widened.

   “Very well,” the Rainbow Face replied in a disappointed tone. “Do you have a psychic in your group?”

   “I am,” Menta replied. “Why do you ask?”

   Dusk mentally sighed. He didn’t want this guy knowing what all they could do.

   “Excellent. Well, if you ever come across an unusual stone, just contact me telepathically. Well, good-bye for now. Transport!” And with that, he was gone.

   “So now what do we do?” Agu asked.

   “Well, I-” but Dusk was interrupted by thundering footsteps down below. A large herd of Long Necks was passing by. They came to a stopping point near a clump of trees and started to eat. Two small children came into view and started running away from the others.

   “What should we play this time?” the girl asked.

   “Rescue,” the boy answered.

   “Again? Can’t we play something else? You always say that.”

   “”It’s decided then. I’ll run a little bit away then you scream for help. Then I’ll come and pretend to fight off Sharpteeth.” With that, the boy ran back into the herd and waited for a bit. The girl, being so fed up with rescue, started to walk off.

   “I’m curious about that memory changing ability of yours, Ceit. Despite what I told that Rainbow Face, I do hope to find this stone, and we could use as much help as we can get. Ceit, do you think you could alter that little Long Neck’s memories to think we raised her from a hatchling?”

   “As you wish,” Ceit replied, flying off. He flew to a moderate distance over her head, then closed his eyes and concentrated. Finally, he opened his eyes and landed right before her.

   “Hey, Ceit,” the Long Neck greeted him. “Where are the others? Sorry about wandering off like this.”

   “Don’t worry,” he assured her. “Dusk and the others are this way.” Ceit then lead her back to the other Sharpteeth.

   “Ceit, may I speak to you in private please?” Dusk requested.

   “Of course.” Then the two of them walked a small distance away.

   “Even with our powers, I don’t want to risk that herd worrying about their lost one and coming to find her. That many Long Necks are a serious threat even with our powers, especially now that I’m so small. You also mentioned being able to make things that aren’t real. When you were in her head altering her memories, were you able to see her old ones?”


   “Then, would you be able to make a fake version of her that would act normal enough to stay with that herd?”

   “Not a problem.” Ceit took off and flew near the Long Necks. Again, he closed his eyes and focused. A dinosaur suddenly appeared on the ground looking just like the girl. Ceit then hastily flew away and watched what she did.

   “Where’d you go?” the boy from before called.

   “Sorry, Rhett! I just walked a little bit too far. We can keep playing now. Ah, I’m being attacked by Sharpteeth! Save me!” she acted.

   Rhett rushed over and started whipping his tail into the air as if he was fighting. Ceit grinned then returned to his friends.

   Dusk looked down from above and thought to himself, “Eh, her color is slightly different, but maybe no one will notice.”

   “Mission accomplished, Dusk. Her name is Ali, by the way,” Ceit whispered.

   “Excellent job, Ceit. Attention, everyone,” Dusk continued. “There is a special stone somewhere on this mountain. I want us all to spread out and start looking for it.”

   “What does it look like?” Agu asked.

   “No idea. Just look for a rock that’s unusual.” As everyone started to scatter, Menta approached Dusk.

   “There is another interesting thing I found in his mind as well. There seems to be some prophecy that someone from this world will try making a wish that will cause trouble, and it would take the combined efforts of seven diverse kids to stop the wish from happening.”

   “What do you mean, ëSomeone of this world’?” Dusk inquired.

   “Oh, right. It turns out that that Rainbow Face comes from another world.”

   “Fascinating. You did very well, Menta. And by the way, I would appreciate it if you didn’t read my mind again without permission.”

   “Thank you, and I promise that I won’t. Well, I’ll start looking for this stone now too.”

   The six dinosaurs searched for hours but had no luck. Everyone finally met back up, and Dusk had more to say to them.

   “I want all of us occasionally looking for a group of seven kids, each different and living in one place.”

   Menta raised a brow, but knew that he would explain when he was ready.

   “I don’t see how my wish would cause any trouble, but there’s no harm in being careful,” Dusk thought to himself.

   Days passed as the group switched off between looking for the stone and looking for those kids. They had no luck with either search. Finally, a familiar face approached Dusk.

   “Hello,” Rey said to him, who was alone.

   “We meet again.”

   “I noticed that you’ve been scouring this mountain. I presume you’re trying to find the stone now?”

   “I don’t see how my activities are any of your business.”

   Rey chuckled. “Then you must be. If you weren’t, you’d’ve surely just said no.”


   “Listen, friend, I don’t want any trouble with you. But that stone is property of my kind, and I will see to it that it comes back into our possession.”

   “I don’t recall any forming of a friendship between us. And surely you’ve heard the saying, ëfinders keepers’?”

   Rey let loose an abrupt chuckling. “So that’s how it’s going to be, eh?”

   “In any case,” Dusk said, changing the subject, “what do you think about this world being free of meat-eaters?”

   “That would be catastrophic. Why do you ask?”

   “Just curious. Now if you don’t mind, I have things to do.”

   Dusk met with Rey and eventually Reina as well on numerous occasions after that, each time growing more and more hostile towards each other. One night, as everyone was gathered around, Dusk had something to say to his companions.

   “I have a plan to make this world a better place. For now, I only ask that you trust me and follow my orders.”

   “I’m with you, Dusk,” Menta replied.

   “I’ll follow you anywhere,” Ceit added.

   “I’m with ya too, Dusky,” Coaley chimed it.

   “Dusky, huh?” Duck thought, not amused with that nickname.

   “I remain loyal to you, Dusk,” Ali told him.

   “I guess, whatever,” Agu concluded. Menta gave him a light but abrupt smack on the head.

   “Show some respect,“ she ordered, and Agu grimaced. Turning to Dusk, she continued, “You make a fine leader. Therefore, I believe that you deserve a title worthy of your position. I will help you achieve any goal you set out to accomplish, my lord.”

   “Lord, eh? I like the sound of that.”

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Journey of the Seven Heroes
« on: September 13, 2011, 09:59:05 AM »
Chapter XIX: Consumed by Darkness, Loved by Friends

In which Littlefoot is involved in a horrible predicament.

   “You guys are all welcome to live with us on our world,” Rey offered.

   No one said a word in reply.

   “I understand how traumatic this must be for you all, and I can’t claim that we’d make the best parents for you kids, but Reina and I will do everything in our power to give you all a good life. The teleporter operator is a psychic who keeps a telepathic link open between my wife and I while on another world. I’m going to contact him now, because I feel that the sooner we leave this world behind, the sooner we can all stop focusing on it and start focusing on the future,” Rey told them.
   Still, everyone was too upset to speak. A flash of light shone from above, and everyone appeared back in Rey’s basement.

   “I was going to ask you guys to finally let Ali go, but I think that suddenly learning the truth would be too painful for her now,” Littlefoot told Dusk’s group.

   “What do you mean?” Ali asked.

   “It’s nothing. Forget it,” he replied. With that, Littlefoot walked over and nuzzled against Ali’s side then turned and began heading up the stairs, leaving her with a very perplexed look.

Several months later…

   “Ah! I’ve done it!” a Rainbow Face declared. He ran up the stairs, seeking an audience with the king. Entering the throne room, he bowed and said, “Your highness, I have finally made the Stone of Cold Fire adaptable to other dinosaurs. It will no longer shrink adults to child form, they will all keep their original colors, and furthermore, those outsiders should regain their original powers while keeping the new ones they got.”

   “Excellent work,” Rey complimented. “I’m only glad that our guests didn’t keep losing and gaining new powers over all this time. After they lost their first powers, their bodies seem to have finally gotten used to it, so they stopped losing and getting new abilities after their second ones.”

   “Why is that good news?” the Rainbow Face asked.

   “Well, if they had kept losing then getting new powers, fixing the stone this way would have given them every power they had ever had, and that could be disastrous. Too many powers and a body could stop working right. Two is already pushing it, but anymore might cause a problem. Okay, feel free to release the stone so its power fills the land once more.”

   “Yes, your highness.”


   Dusk lay comfortably on a warm beach. His body was stretched out and his eyes were closed as he rested peacefully. Suddenly, he was covered in water from a large splash. He quickly sat up, sputtering.

   “Agu, one more time and I’ll-”

   “Sorry, my lord,” Menta interrupted with a laugh. “That was me this time.”

   “Can’t a dinosaur get any rest anymore?” Then he sighed and reclined on his side.

   Everyone else was splashing in the water and laughing. After a few minutes, Dusk, Menta, and Ceit started to feel odd. Their bodies started trembling, and they felt sore all over.

   “What is wrong with you guys?” Ducky asked in concern.

   The two Sharpteeth and the Flying Sharptooth suddenly started getting bigger and bigger until they were back to their original size. All of them regained their original coloration as well.

   “Whoa!” Coaley exclaimed.

   “I- I’m finally back to my old self,” Dusk stated, patting his body over. “What happened?”

   “I can answer that,” Rey replied, having appeared seconds before he had asked.

   “The stone has been modified to adapt to other dinosaurs now. At first, it was only designed to effect Rainbow Faces, though it ended up being compatible with beasts as well. For other dinosaurs, it would alter the size of adults and change the coloration. Now, it will work the same way for everyone.”

   “Why go to the trouble of doing that?” Dusk asked. “Much as I like being my old self again, everything was fine before.”

   “The main reason was to return you adults to your original size,” Rey replied. “I saw your change way back, so I knew that some of you were adults. My kind is planning several projects, like building more towns, clearing more roads, and planting more farms. With giants around, the work load would be a lot easier.”

   Dusk sighed and he hung his head. “Very well. It’s the least we can do for your hospitality.”

   “Wait a minute,” Cera said. “Dusk, seeing you in your adult form again, well, there’s just something familiar about it.”

   “F-familiar? You must be mistaken,” he replied.

   “Maybe. Are you sure we’ve never run into you before that Stone of Cold Fire adventure?” Cera pressed.

   “Hold on,” Littlefoot cut in. “Cera was right about you being familiar. I remember you now. You’re the Sharptooth who attacked my mother long ago! If it wasn’t for you, my mother would still be around!” Tears of both anger and grief flooded his eyes.

   “Wait, Littlefoot,” Cera said. “That Sharptooth drowned, remember? We pushed him off that ledge into the water, and he never came back up.”

   “I know what happened, but there’s no mistaking it. He’s the one responsible for my mother’s death. I’m sure of it!”

   After ridding the Earth of life, destroying all their families, Dusk felt that he at least owed them the truth.
   “Yes. I recognized you kids the moment I saw you way back. I am sorry about your mother, but back then, Sharpteeth had to survive, and meat was all that would sustain us.”

   “How is that possible?” Cera asked. “We thought you had drowned.”

   “He did drown,” Menta cut in. “It plagues my dreams to this day. After he never returned from a hunt, I went out looking for him. I found him floating in a pool of water. I buried him under some trees, then suddenly, he came back to life. I was terrified at suddenly seeing him move again, but I quickly switched to feeling relieved.”

   “Was there a large earthquake some time before he died?” Rey questioned.

   “Yes. There was an enormous one that split the land,” she replied.

   “That must have been when the stone first entered your world,” Rey concluded. “The power of the stone is massive. When we first created it, we had to slowly let the energy out to stop there from being an outpour big enough to provoke a natural disaster. The atmosphere must have been horribly unstable when the stone first arrived in your world. It’s anyone’s guess what all could have happened. One of the effects of the distortion must have been bringing Dusk back to life. Did anyone else see anything unusual around the time of that earthquake?”

   “I was guided to the Great Valley by the spirit of my mother,” Littlefoot told them.

   “I see. So the massive release of magic allowed Dusk to return to life and Littlefoot’s mother to exist in spirit form. Incredible,” Rey marveled.

   Littlefoot, head down, approached Dusk. “I’ll never forgive you for what you did to my mother.”

   “I understand how you must feel,” he replied, looking down at him.

   “No, you don’t. You have no idea how I feel!” With that, Littlefoot ran off into the distance.


   “Hey, daddy, I just realized something. You remember how in part one of this story, when Dusk first saw the kids, how he started acting all nervous? It’s been bugging me for a while. I’ve really wanted to know why he had acted like that, and you read it so long ago that I was afraid it would never be explained. Well, this part finally explained it.”

   “You got that right. I’m pretty sure that this story leaves nothing to question but explains everything that gets left unanswered at first. At least, I haven’t noticed any plot holes. If you notice any, I’d be curious to hear them.”

   “Alrighty, you got it. Feel free to go ahead now.”


   Chomper started to run after him, but Cera got in the way. “He just needs some time. You’ll only make things worse if you chase after him now.”


   “I’ve been thinking,” Cera went on. “You guys remember Doc, the lone dinosaur? Well, I bet that the reason he’s alive after all this time was that he came back to life from the stone’s power too. It makes perfect sense.”

   “That good idea is a really good idea,” Ruby complimented.

   Suddenly, Rey had a troubling thought. “Oh no! I just realized. We need to find Littlefoot and fast. He may get hurt.”

   “What you mean?” Petrie asked.

   “I completely forgot that Littlefoot has gotten two sets of abilities each time the stone has empowered him, so now he has four.”

   “Yeah, so? Having all of our powers at once is awesome,” Cera stated.

   “You don’t understand. A body can handle one power just fine. Two, eh, it’s a bit much, but the body can still handle it. Right now though, Littlefoot has four powers coursing through him. His body might have a terrible reaction to the overload any minute. We have to find him right away!”

   Everyone, including Dusk, quickly hurried off to find Littlefoot.


   “I can’t believe I’ve come face to face with the one responsible for mother’s death. Grrr, if he wasn’t so big now I’d show him a thing or two.” Littlefoot looked up the sky in contemplation. “I’m sorry, mother. I just can’t avenge you.” He then plopped down onto the ground and lied on his back.

   As he reclined looking up at the clouds, he couldn’t help but notice one that looked like a Long Neck. It drifted along through the sky. Then he saw another one, this one appearing like a Sharptooth. The two clouds came closer and closer and eventually merged. The end result still looked like a Sharptooth, only bigger. Littlefoot groaned at how that reminded him of his past and sat up.

   “What would mother want me to do right now?” he wondered aloud. Then he remembered something of long ago.

Flash Back

   “Look, mother, look! He’s so cute!” Littlefoot exclaimed, gazing down at a buzzer on a flower.

   “Careful, little one. They sting.”

   “Aw, don’t worry. I’d never do anything to make him want to do that.”

   The buzzer finally flew up and started to leave. Littlefoot followed him as he came to land on yet another flower. He lowered his head to eye level with the plant and gazed at the insect curiously. Part of the flower broke off from the wind, and it went up his nose. He sneezed twice and the blasts shook the flower back and forth. The buzzer angrily took off and landed yet again- on Littlefoot’s nose. He tried holding very still, but his nose had one sneeze left to get out. With a loud achoo the buzzer frantically stuck his stinger down, and the Long Neck yelped in pain. The buzzer took off and left the boy alone.

   “Mother! It hurts.”

   “Aw, there, there, my little one.” His mother lifted him up and set him on her back.

   “I hate that buzzer.”

   “Oh, you shouldn’t hate him. He only thought you meant him harm.”

   “I don’t care what he thought. He stung me, and it’s really painful!”

   “It’s never good to harbor bitterness in your heart, dear Littlefoot. When someone hurts you in any way, the right thing to do is to forgive and forget. Staying angry only makes you miserable.”

   “Well, if you say so. I guess I forgive him.”

   “That’s my boy. Oh, look. This tree has some lovely tree stars growing from it.”

End of Flash Back

   “Maybe- maybe I should forgive Dusk. It happened so long ago, and that’s probably what mother would want.” He then got to his feet. “I’ve decided. I’m going to stop being mad at Dusk and forgive him.” With that, he started to head back to where the other were. Suddenly, he began to feel very strange. “What- what’s happening to- me?”

   His body started changing all on its own. He took on his fire form, then his water one, then light, then darkness, then back to fire. His powers were out of control, and he couldn’t stop transforming.

   “Littlefoot!” Chomper screamed as everyone caught up to the Long Neck.

   “Guys! Help- me!”

   “Rey, what do we do!?” Cera asked frantically.

   “We need to get him back to my castle and put him in a dungeon cell to block his power. I can figure out the next step from there.”

   “Coaley, can you Negate his power for now?” Dusk asked.

   “I’ll try. Negate!” she called, holding out her hands. Littlefoot stopped transforming for about two seconds, then his form changed again. The force of his changes knocked Coaley on her rear.

   “Ow,” she moaned.

   “I’ll carry him back,” Dusk offered. He stooped down to pick Littlefoot up, but suddenly, there was a black flash of light and he stopped changing. He ended up in his dark form.

   “Littlefoot?” Chomper began. “Are you- okay?”

   “Oh, I feel- marvelous. My dark powers have been fully realized. Who will fight me?” he challenged.

   “Oh, great. Figures he’d get stuck in his dark form. All it cares about is violence,” Cera said with a sigh.

   “No one will fight me, eh? Fine. Then I’ll give you a reason to come at me.” Littlefoot glowed and he took off quickly towards Rey’s castle. Chomper’s speed ability made him faster, so he took off after him.

   “Littlefoot, what are you doing?” Chomper asked him.

   In reply, Littlefoot opened his mouth and a dark beam shot out. It hit the ground right in front of Chomper, and the explosion sent him hurdling through the air. Littlefoot laughed deviously and continued to Rey’s castle.

   Chomper got up and put a hand on his head. “Ughhh. That hurt.” He turned to see Rey and others appear beside him.

   “Are you injured?” Rey asked.

   “I’m okay.”

   “Good. Now let’s get to Littlefoot before he does something he’ll regret.” Tapping everyone present, he called out, “Transport!”

   In less than a minute, everyone was back at the castle. Being so large, Dusk and Menta waited outside. Ceit probably could have squeezed through the doors, but decided not to bother and waited with his friends outside as well.

   Rey opened the doors, and everyone’s mouth dropped open. Guards lay scattered about the hallway, dead. Blood was everywhere. Suddenly, they all heard a loud groaning and rushed to the throne room. Reina was lying on the floor.

   “Reina!” Rey exclaimed, rushing to her side.

   “Don’t worry about me. He had to keep me alive so I could give you the message. Littlefoot took the stone, and he said that if we don’t find him and fight him for it, he’s going to destroy it. Furthermore, as we look for him, heës going to be practicing his fighting prowess on anyone he comes across, be they beast or Rainbow Face.”

   “I hope that we can catch up to him before he hurts anyone else,” Cera said. “And about destroying the stone, you guys can just make another one, right? Oh, and also, won’t he just run out of power and pass out like he did before?”

   “It’s not that simple. There is so much power condensed into that stone that, were it to be destroyed, the explosion would be big enough to destroy the entire planet,” Rey explained. “About him running out of power, that is a definite no. I’m sure his body has long grown used to his power, so his magical reserves are endless. Furthermore, possessed by an evil power or not, Littlefoot has murdered several Rainbow Faces and has threatened to continue. The law of this world is that, death is punished by death. I hereby declare Littlefoot a menace to this world that must be stopped at all costs.”

   “Now wait just a minute!” Chomper cut in. “Littlefoot is my best friend. He would never hurt anyone if he was in his right mind. You can’t punish him for what the stone’s power is making him do.”

   “I’m sorry, but the law is the law. When my remaining guards and I find him, he will be put down.”

   “Then we’ll just have to find him before he’s found by you!” Ruby said defiantly.

   Rey sighed. “And then what will you do? Live your entire lives as fugitives, being shunned by everyone else? Don’t throw away your lives for one dinosaur.”

   “Sorry, Rey, but that’s just the kind of friends we are. Come on, guys,” Cera told the others as they left the castle. The kids told Dusk, Menta, and Ceit what had happened, and to their surprise, they agreed to help find him.

   “I will use my Mind Seek ability to guide us to him,” Menta offered.

   “Perfect,” Cera replied.

   Half of the land walkers got on Dusk’s shoulders, and the rest boarded Menta. She focused for a moment then started to head for Littlefoot- and a terrifying encounter indeed.

General Land Before Time / When a Fire Destroys a Forest...
« on: September 13, 2011, 09:51:33 AM »
I do apologize to you all for being generally unclear as usual. I read the earlier Bron discussion and so was not making a copied topic. This thread is completely unrelated to anything I’ve seen said on this forum about Bron. This was not made to see if his actions made sense, what he did do that he should not have, what he did not do that he should have, why he did what he did, was it right for him to do what he did, and so forth. The Bron discussions I’ve seen have been more general. This thread has a straight focus on a single aspect of his actions: whether or not they were for the best in the long run. Did things turn out better than they might have if Bron had stayed with his family? This is basically an examination of what might have happened if he had stayed and if that outcome may or may not have been better than what did come to pass. I created this topic because I have not seen to my knowledge a specific addressing of whether or not his choices made things better in the grander scheme of things or not.

Almaron’s reply is what this is about:

"If they hadn't split up, all of Littlefoot's family could have wandered into wilderness and all perished, or they could have come to live in a new location.

As for the others, Spike, Petrie and Ducky would have been left to fend for themselves indefinitely, while Cera could have been eaten by Sharptooth, without Littlefoot's mother fighting to save her and her own son. Alternatively, Cera's family could have come to the rescue, which would have left them on Cera's side of the divide when the Earthquake occured.

They'd have made their way to the Valley after this, and would probably have passed Ducky. Would they have left her to die in the wastes, or would they have begrudgingly allowed her to follow them?"

A compare and contrast to the what if had Bron stayed with his family.

For anyone else who may want to reply in this thread, again, it’s a very different premise than earlier Bron discussions, provided I didn’t simply forget something. It’s not a city like the other ones, and instead is a narrow road. For all the details of Bron’s mindset and so forth, the older discussions have that aplenty, but this is simply about whether or not his actions caused a more positive after effect than had he stayed. I think the problem was the last sentence of my original post. I did not do a good job of making sure it was known to be in sync with the first sentence of my original post. I will work on this, and I thank you all for your replies.

General Land Before Time / When a Fire Destroys a Forest...
« on: September 12, 2011, 12:28:00 PM »
Were Bron’s actions for the best in the long run? (Yes, this thread has a symbolic title.) My stance is that they were. Scouting on ahead then staying behind when several kids needed his help seems best to me. For one thing, he may have never found his son again. Indeed, it was a rather large stroke of luck they met at all. So does anyone think he should have left those kids behind in order to search for a family he may never find? For one thing, he couldn’t have brought them along and returned to his family. It just wouldn’t work if you ask me. I doubt Littlefoot’s parents would want a bunch of kids around they have no relation to when trying to raise their own flesh and blood. Even if they tried, the favoritism would make things unbearable to the others (as already seen with Shorty). So Bron chose to save many lives rather to make a relentless search that may end up all for naught while trusting his wife and parents (parents-in-law?) to care for his young. Would anyone choose to possibly but maybe never find some over surely saving many?

If Bron had never left, I don’t believe Littlefoot’s mother would have died, but then where would the characters be? Cera, Ducky, Petrie, and Spike may have easily perished, along with the orphans Bron found when he left. Furthermore, his leaving gave Littlefoot new family. He lost a mother but gained a brother. So while many criticize Bron’s actions, in the long run, I think things turned out far better than if he’d stayed. Littlefoot’s mother was strongly into the whole playing with your own kind thing, so her death, most likely caused by Bron’s lack of protection, made Littlefoot a better dinosaur by forcing him to accept others, a policy he kept. Looking even deeper, if Bron had stayed, Ali might never have played with anyone but other longnecks. (Interesting how one event can cause a chain reaction that goes so far, huh?) While Littlefoot’s mother’s death was very tragic, loss can come with great gain looking at the big picture. So I am glad Bron did what he did because it bettered and saved so many with only one casualty, but what do you guys think and feel about Bron’s actions of leaving and stopping his search for his family?

LBT Fanfiction / One of a Kind
« on: September 12, 2011, 04:41:08 AM »
For numerous reasons, I will no longer be voluntarily reviewing chapters of fan fictions here. I believe that it’s not a good idea as far as I’m concerned. So unless someone specifically asks me to review his or her chapters, in which case I'll do my best to oblige, here is what I am going to do: I will be waiting until fan fictions are over and then review them as a whole. So here is my first one after reaching my decision:

The fan fiction called One of a Kind interestingly enough focuses on a sister of a main character. The author gave detail to a character so rarely seen. The story is about an argument between Harper and Petrie that indirectly results in her being kidnapped. Petrie blames himself and goes off looking for her, his friends following. She was taken, along with other children, both new and old, for research purposes. They go through a rough time until the captor’s herd, the gang of five, and Petrie’s uncle manage to find her and save all the kids. After a saddening split and a dangerous battle, they arrive back at the Great Valley where things aren’t what they used to be, but rather, are better for numerous characters.

The author creates a clever character foil between the antagonist (Harper) and her brother (Petrie). She pays attention to details and is more logical and responsible while Petrie ignores things (like in Through the Eyes of a Spiketail when he says, “Gutsy, gusty, what the difference?” in an indifferent tone) and tends to be very illogical (shown by his many fears that cause no harm throughout the series) and is very brash (the way he flies off in this story without a plan). Like with all foils, Petrie’s contrasting attributes help to highlight the main character. The irony of this foil is that Petrie goes on adventures and has poor travelling qualities, while Harper, who stays at home and plays, has the qualities of a great adventurer. This really helps to make this protagonist interesting.

The premise was very creative. The official The Land Before Time storyline established many reasons for villains to be present, such as wanting food, wanting revenge, wanting power, and so forth, but this story uniquely presents the plot of villains doing what they do for knowledge. They bring with them a lighthearted worry to the reader, as they are mean but not murderous, threatening but barely a threat, and serious but mild compared to most villains. The two runners were adults physically but youth mentally, making their crimes more of a mistake than an actually sin. They believed their actions to be right, even with the kidnapping, so Pterano, who later comes into the story, has more than one reason to see himself in these two.

The dramatic irony brought a fair amount of humor even though the misconception was never spelled out later. Pterano is treated well by his gracious host then vows to get revenge on her children without knowing it. The readers have knowledge beyond the characters, so the words in that scene have a different meaning than they do for the speakers. An old example of a time this was used was when Jacob in the book of Genesis told his uncle that if anyone stole his idle, he will die. Only the readers, outside of the culprit herself, knew it was his own wife! So there is a buildup established that makes the story gripping until the confrontation takes place.

The conflict of the story was very light for most of the story, and this made the read more relaxing. The two antagonists were going to return everyone, so other than any minor injuries the kids might’ve gotten, readers had no reason to fear. However, this suddenly got very dark when a legendary sharptooth attacked the group. Some readers may think this was a random fight scene added to make things more interesting and give some more action. That is not the case. The author clever used the battle to show a character’s transformation, Pterano. He recalled what he did last time he was in a situation like this- then did the exact opposite. It was great to see the author working on so many characters.

The story had great foreshadowing for a sequel to take place. Two children are removed from their family, banished (ironically, just like Pterano was who behaved just like them) and basically vowed that this wasn’t the end. As the future is hinted at, readers reach the heartwarming conclusion of the two most focused on characters whose argument started this, at least, their role in it. They are on even better terms than when the story began, and things end with a smile from readers as one mischievous starts a game with the other. Though never spelled out, one might imply from all that happened that Harper is not so jealous of Petrie’s adventures, having now seen how scary and dangerous they are instead of the fun and laughter she apparently thought them to be. Perhaps now she is glad she stays at home and plays.

The story was very gripping, from a fascinating plot, to likable and believable characters, to feeling so much emotion throughout. There were logical actions from characters and some illogical, so this really brought out the realism of thinking. It flowed very naturally, not leaving readers suddenly lost as to why the story got to a certain point. Even Pterano’s sudden appearance was smoothed into the story so naturally that this entire fan fiction can be seen as a straight line, not some mountainous area, and this allows the story to be understood very well and keeps why are things are happening clear. More tension builds up slowly so readers aren’t suddenly sent for a loop, and the climax was beautifully done, even though it was very heart wrenching. From beginning to end, the picture of what was going on was consistent.

However, there was some room for improvement. There were a lot of grammar errors, such as leaving out or adding a letter, making a run-on sentence, leaving out a comma, double punctuating, etcetera. Two words used that should not be in a dinosaur story were “people” and “heavens,” but this was very minor so served as almost no distraction. The grammar issues, on the other hand, were very common, so depending on the reader, this could really take the focus off the story and onto the mistakes. There was a contradiction near the very start. The narrator says that Harper did not throw Petrie, just gently set him down, but Petrie felt as though he was thrown. So it was established that he was set down, not thrown, further supported by the narrator saying that Petrie took it otherwise than how it actually happened. Then shortly afterwards, the narrator says Harper literally threw him. Another issue was that it was never specified what the title meant. Was it about Harper? The pair of runner siblings? The premise of the story? It was a nice-sounding title, but it leaves readers wondering why it was created in the first place.

Another thing that could have been improved was the contrast between Harper’s situation and all the others. What was going on with Harper was much more interesting than the other character scenes, so while not seeing what’s going on with Harper, Ridge, the runners, and so on, readers are more looking forward to getting back to her scene. The other characters mostly just walked and talked while Harper’s scene had intriguing villains who put the kids through trials. In other words, the appeal of her scene and all the others were unbalanced, leaving a sort of looking ahead to what was going on with her instead of simply enjoying every moment as it came.

In the end, readers are left with a very well-written story that while seemingly a bit rushed at some points, leaves them in awe and with emotions at how splendidly the author portrayed her creative and interesting plot. Readers can really feel for the characters, but not only that, relate to them. A lot of real life can be observed in this fiction. The author found a way to make every scene interesting enough to keep going and keep a sort of trance as readers wonder what’s to come of the victims, the captors, and the seekers. The antagonists were brilliantly created with similar but contrasting personalities that made their actions and dialogue unique and amusing. The story wasn’t very long, but it still managed to do a real number to the readers minds and hearts as it flowed from start to finish. To shed some fascinating light on a mostly-ignored character and be captivated by many instances of love, fear, courage, and more, one can read the heartwarming tale known as One of a Kind.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Journey of the Seven Heroes
« on: September 12, 2011, 02:20:53 AM »
Chapter XVIII: Death on Two Worlds

In which the prophecy is understood.

   “I see them,” Littlefoot announced before yawning. “They’re outside- of the desert- near a large pond.”

   “Are there a lot of plants growing out of it?” Ace inquired.


   “I see. So they’re at the Protruding Pond.” The kids looked at Ace curiously who sighed, understanding. “Protruding means sticking out of. There are a lot of plants sticking out of this pond, hence its name.”

   The kids nodded in reply. Ace was started to wince from moving so much with an injured foot, so Cera ordered, “Stop.”

   “Ugh, what’s the matter now? Why are we stopping?” Ace moaned.

   Cera grinned deviously. “You’re the problem. I can see the pain you’re in. We’re stopping so you can rest whether you like it or not.”

   Ace was so dumbfounded by her bluntness and determination that he couldn’t find the words to argue. He promptly sat down. This time, it was Cera who gave the massage. She gently rubbed her two front feet on his ankle. Ace tried hiding how pleasurable that felt, but he couldn’t hold back a smile.

   “Thank you.”

   “Hee. Of course!”

   “Littlefoot, have they left the Protruding Pond yet?”

   “Surprisingly enough, nope. They’re still- sitting around- waiting. It’s almost like- they want to be- found.”

   “Odd… Oh! Maybe they’re illusions trying to fool us again,” Ace guessed.

   “Good point. They did it before, so they could do it later too,” Ruby cut in, hand on her chin.

   “I guess we will found out when we get there, yep yep yep,” Ducky added.

   “Yeah, we don’t- have a choice. There is no one- that looks like Dusk’s group- anywhere near- another source of water,” Littlefoot told them. Then he turned twice and laid down to take a nap.

   A few minutes later, Ace arose. “I’ve had enough of a rest now. Let’s head out and see what happens.” Ace resumed using Cera for support, and the group finally got out of the desert. Littlefoot released his power, returning to normal as they continued towards the Protruding Pond. Little did the Leaf Eater group realize, they weren’t the only group closing in on Dusk…

   “There they are!” Littlefoot shouted. He and the others ran up to Dusk’s group.

   “Took you guys long enough,” Dusk commented, slowly getting to his feet. “Here’s the stone,” he offered, handing it to Littlefoot.

   “What kind if fools do you take us for!?” Ace wanted to know. “This is clearly an illusion. You guys wouldn’t hand over the stone just like that. You must have just made solid illusions this time, which is why there are shadows. Come on, guys. The real ones can’t be too far away.”

   Dusk rolled his eyes. “Why must you kids always make my life so difficult? I can prove we’re real. You all must understand how illusions work by now. They can operate with limited intelligence and can be directly controlled. Ask Chomper a question that only he would know. Sure, if we were illusions, the illusionist would hear the question, then could ask Chomper the answer, then relay it through his handiwork. However, that takes a bit of time to pull off. If Chomper here answers your question correctly immediately after being asked, you can know that we’re real, okay?”

   There was a temporary silence, then Ace finally said, “Okay, we accept your terms. Littlefoot, ask him something.”

   The Long Neck stepped forward, thinking of a question to present. Eventually, he asked, “When was the first time I ever called you ëbuddy’?”

   Chomper immediately replied, “Back on my island after you were scared by my mom.”

   “It’s really them!” Littlefoot exclaimed, nuzzling against Chomper’s head.

   “And they’re willing to just give up the stone…?” Ace wondered aloud. Then he realized something. With Chomper, Dusk’s group was now of seven. “Does this mean, you made your wish?” The others froze.

   “Yeah, but don’t worry, Littlefoot. It turns out that his wish wasn’t bad at all like we had thought. Look at my teeth,” he said, giving a toothy grin.

   “Dusk wished that Sharpteeth would have flat teeth?” Petrie asked in confusion. “Why he wish for something like that?”

   “No, silly,” Chomper said with a laugh. “His wish was that Sharpteeth would be built to live off of green food like Flatteeth. That way, there’d be no more fighting and deaths just to get food.”

   “Wow!” Littlefoot exclaimed. “That sounds great. If I’d only known what he’d wanted, I’d’ve helped him make that wish in the first place.”

   “Yeah, me too,” Cera chimed in. “Why would Rey think that trouble would come of a wish like that? That kind of thing will actually stop a lot of it.”

   “Alright, well, we have the stone back so let’s all just go back to the king’s castle so you all can go home,” Ace said.

   Cera look dismayed. “But, Ace, aren’t you coming back with us?”

   “This world is my home now. I left Earth to turn my back on my horrible past.”

   “Ace,” Cera said gently. “Don’t think of going back as returning to the past, but instead, preparing for a future. There are no Three Horns here. You could never settle down if you stay.”

   “Is that your only argument?” Ace asked, not moved.

   “No. I- I just don’t want you to leave me. I want a future- with you. Please come home with me.”

   Ace was at a loss for words at first, but before he could reply, someone else spoke up nearby.

   “Finally, we meet again,” a familiar voice said. “This time, you won’t be saved by a group of Drain Mice.”

   “The Red Dragon Tribe!” Dusk exclaimed. “Everyone, get ready to fight!”

   Dusk’s group posed for battle, but Littlefoot and the others didn’t move.

   “Come on, guys!” Chomper called out. “We can’t let Dusk and his friends get hurt. He just did our world a huge favor, so let’s fight by his side.”

   For a reply, Littlefoot shouted, “Water, flow with my mind!” He and his friends stood beside Dusk as an army of Red Dragons flew overhead.

   “Step aside, friends of Rey,” their leader ordered. “Our quarrel is not with you.”

   “Dusk and his companions are with us now!” Chomper replied defiantly. “If you fight them, you fight us too!”

   “Very well. You have sealed your fate! Attack, my brethren! Feast on their flesh!”

   The beasts shot flames from their mouths but Coaley yelled, “Negate Field!” A barrier surrounded the dinosaurs, blocking the fire. They finally landed and charged the group. The field finally faded, and Dusk started to form an energy ball. He threw it at the Red Dragons who all scattered and avoided the explosion.

   Littlefoot fired a bubble from his mouth which enveloped one of their heads. He blew flames but they didn’t dissolve the bubble. He then reach up, slashing at it.

   “Uh oh,” Littlefoot thought. “His sharp claws will…”

   The bubble burst from being scraped by the dragon’s claws, and he caught up to Littlefoot, slashing at him now. His hand went right through him, as Littlefoot’s body had become like water itself. Two dragons were running single file at Menta, so she shouted “Stop!” The first one froze and the one behind him bumped into him, causing them to fall to the ground.

   Agu closed his eyes and focused. He was cloaked in a puff of smoke, and when it lifted, he looked just like a Red Dragon. One of the beasts was coming right for Ali. Agu rushed at her too, but instead of striking her like her pursuer thought, he rammed into him hard. Unfortunately, Agu may look like a Red Dragon, but he certainly didn’t have their body mass. He fell to the ground, and his illusion faded. Another dragon took a deep breath and was about to blow Ruby away. She quickly lifted up a stone on the ground, becoming like a rock herself. The flames didn’t phase her at all, and she put her hands together and clobbered him on the head.

   A dragon was chasing after Chomper, but he kept dodging the dragon’s blasts. He quickly led the dragon to a tree, turning at the very last second, and the beast slammed right into it. Petrie raised his wing and shouted, “Come forth, Water Nymph!” A blue, fluid-like beast emerged. A Red Dragon shot flames at her, but she sidestepped the attack. Icicles shot from her hand, puncturing the dragon in numerous places.

   Dusk released energy through his hand, hardening it into extensions for his claws. He slashed into a dragon’s chest, but didn’t notice the one coming up behind him. Dusk was hit head on with a flame attack, burning him severely. Spike rammed into the dragon that hit Dusk, knocking him down.


   “One moment, sorry,” the child interrupted. “I know that Dusk has used his power a lot, but I’m still just not fully sure what exactly he’s doing.”

   “No need to apologize, son. I suppose that the story isn’t as clear about that as it could be,” his father replied. “Dusk can take the energy inside of himself and manipulate it outside of his body in various forms, like solidifying it into claw extensions or making an explosive bomb.”

   “Ah, I get it now. Okay, continue please.”


   “My lord!” Menta screamed, rushing over to him. “Rewind!” Shortly, Dusk was healed.

   “Who should I Fuse with?” Ali wondered aloud.

   “Fuse?” Cera asked back.

   “Yeah. I can combine with someone to boost their power.

   “Perfect. Fuse with me.”

   “Fuse, Cera!” she called out, and she became one with the Three Horn.

   Another dragon came at Ace. He laid an Explosive Trap, but the dragon saw it and flew over it. With his hurt foot, he couldn’t get away in time. The Red Dragon came forward, slashing down hard. He cut into Ace’s throat, causing him to start gagging and coughing out blood.

   “Nooooo!” Cera screamed in a rage. She raised a foot into the air so she could keep eye contact with herself, and yelled, “Grow!” With Ali empowering her body, Cera became enormous, standing even taller the trees. She looked down, still keeping her front foot in eye’s view, and stomped on every last one of the Red Dragons. A pool of blood filled the area. Cera immediately released her power and ran to Ace’s side.

   “Menta, can you heal him?” Ceit asked.

   “No good. I used my Rewind cool down on Dusk already.”

   Ace was gasping for breath as blood continued to squirt out.


   With tears streaming down her face, she replied, “Yes, Ace?”

   “About your cough offer of a future with cough with you. I would- I would have cough taken it. I’m sorry I- I can’t come back with you now. But know that I cough cough appreciate what you’ve done for cough done for me, and- I- love you.” As those words left Ace’s lips, he closed his eyes and embraced death.

   Continuing to sob, she buried her horn into the dirt and began to dig. One by one, the others understood and joined her. When the hole was big enough, Cera lone gently nudged him into it, and they helped pile soil back on top.

   Everyone present lowered their heads in reverence. The dinosaurs stood in silence for a long time as Cera wept bitterly. Ruby eventually stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. Cera looked up, and Ruby held her close in a warm embrace. They stood there for a while as Cera started to compose herself. Finally, the Three Horn broke away and said, “Let’s just go home. Petrie, think you can carry us all?”

   “Me no think so. Sorry.” Then he noticed the Water Nymph he still had out and ended the summoning.

   “Actually, he should be able to. Ali is still inside of you, so you can make Petrie a lot bigger than before.”

   “That true,” he replied.

   “Okay then,” Cera said. “Grow.”

   Petrie took on a gigantic size as everyone piled on as they returned to Rey’s castle. During the entire flight, no one said a word, but Ruby continued to have a hand on Cera, and Littlefoot nuzzled against her as well. Cera noticed that she still had the bandage on her burnt foot and started to pull it off, as it wasn’t hurting anymore. When they arrived, they were welcomed back by Rey warmly, and he and his wife heard each group’s story in the dining room as they ate a meal, though Cera didn’t touch her food.

   “Chomper, dear, would you please come here a moment?” Reina asked him gently.

   Chomper got out of his seat and walked over to her. Reina then preceded to lift an arm- then slapped him across the face.

   “You idiot! You absolute fool! Do you realize what you’ve done!? The seven of you could have saved your world, but now, thanks to you, you’ve doomed it to utter annihilation!”

   Littlefoot quickly got up as well. “Don’t hit him and talk to him like that!” he exclaimed.

   “You defend him now, but perhaps you won’t be so eager to when you learn what Dusk’s wish has really done. The population of Earth has survived thanks to a balance of life. Flatteeth eat the plants, and Sharpteeth eat the leaf-eaters. Your world worked like that for a reason! If Shartpteeth didn’t feast on other dinosaurs but instead ate green food as well, the world would become so overpopulated that the plants would eventually all be consumed, then everyone would starve to death. It’s thanks to meat-eaters that your world has strived so well. The prophecy clearly stated that when a group from your world came to possess the stone, it would be used for a dark end. That foretelling wasn’t a joke. With Dusk’s wish, I fear the worst for the fate of your planet. When we teleport you all back home, there may be no one left.”

   “I get what you’re saying about why we’d run out of food,” Littlefoot began, “but I can’t imagine everyone having already starved to death. We’ve not even been here three full days yet. A dinosaur can go a while with no food at all.”

   Rey took a deep breath. “There is something that my wife and I neglected to tell you. Time passes differently on various worlds. One day here is- three years for Earth.”
   “What!?” Cera shouted, quickly getting to her feet. “You mean to tell us that our families haven’t seen us in nearly nine years!?”

   “I’m afraid so. And with Dusk’s wish, there may be no one left alive,” Rey said gloomily.

   “Take us home. Now!” Cera demanded.

   “As you wish,” Rey replied quietly.

   He led them all down a flight of stairs into a large room. There were several tubes of colorful liquids sitting on shelves and many other strange looking devices. In one of the corners stood a tall machine with a large, clear platform in the center.

   “Everyone in,” Rey instructed. There was another Rainbow Face standing nearby, and Rey motioned for him to come over. “Take us to the Great Valley on Earth.”

   “Yes, your highness.”

   Everyone piled in, including Rey and Reina, and the Rainbow Face pressed a few buttons, flipped a few switches, then turned a few knobs. There was a flash of light, and suddenly, everyone was gone.

   Fifteen dinosaurs appeared near the Thundering Falls. Such a thing would have shocked many, that is, if there was anyone around. There wasn’t. Everyone looked around, and their mouths dropped open in horror. The entire valley was like a huge graveyard. There were bones everywhere.

   “What have I done?” Dusk thought to himself.

   “Grandma, grandpa!” Littlefoot shouted, running to his nest.

   “Littlefoot, wait!” Rey called, trying to stop him.

   The little Long Neck finally arrived at his family’s spot. Two huge skeletons lay sprawled out, side by side.

   “They were waiting for me,” he thought dejectedly. Littlefoot couldn’t fight back the tears.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Journey of the Seven Heroes
« on: September 09, 2011, 06:47:12 PM »
Chapter XVII: The Failed Prophecy

In which Dusk succeeds.

   Littlefoot was the first one to wake up and greeted the morning with a long yawn. Then Ace awoke, followed by the others. Cera tried standing up but stopped and groaned.

   “Ugh. I’m still all sore from fighting that creature last night.”

   “That’s understandable,” Ace commented. “Acid Crawlers are a force to be reckoned with.”

   “I am just glad that no one got hurt, yep yep yep,” Ducky chimed in.

   “Me wish we had some water,” Petrie said.

   “You won’t find any way out here, but you may spot some prickle drinkers if you fly up high,” Ace replied.

   “Prickle drinkers?” Petrie asked.

   “There is a plant out here that can survive without water, getting its nutrients solely from the magic in the air itself. Inside of them is a sweet, nutritious liquid.”

   “Okay! Me start looking right away,” he called as he took to the skies.

   “When he finds some, or if he returns without having done so, we move out.”

   “Aw. I wish Petrie could carry us around like before,” Cera complained.

   “Like I said when we first arrived in the desert, the air is too thick and muggy. Flying is extremely difficult, and Petrie would tire very quickly with passengers. No one else seems to be that badly off. Are you really in that much pain?” Ace inquired.

   “That battle was just a little too much for me. I’m sorry, okay?” Cera retorted.

   Ace walked over to her. “Where do you ache?”

   “My back, but what difference does it ma-” but she stopped when Ace reared up on his hind legs and rested his front ones on her back. He began rubbing her back gently, curling up his toes repeatedly.

   “Ah. That feels great. Thank you.” Ace kept it up for a few minutes then stopped. “That was very nice of you. I feel a lot better now,” Cera told him. Her face was red, and it wasn’t from the heat.

   “Don’t get all mushy on me now. I just need everyone in top form so we can cover a lot of ground quickly.”

   Cera sighed and rolled her eyes. She wished that he would soften up, just a little.

   “Hey! Me find some!” Petrie called down, but he was huffing hard. He started to land, but was so exhausted that he couldn’t hold his wings out any longer. He suddenly came plummeting to the ground. Ruby was just below and held out her hands, catching him before he hit the ground.

   “See what I mean about trying to fly in this atmosphere? Imagine what would have happened if we were riding on him,” Ace told them. The kids shuddered.

   “Thank you, Ruby.”

   “Thank you for the thank you, Petrie.”

   “Enough dawdling. Petrie, guide us to where you saw them, and Littlefoot, make sure to keep us cooled off.”

   “Okay,” both of them said.

   As the children walked along, Littlefoot occasionally shot water into the air which showered down on them, and Cera couldn’t help but stare at Ace.

   “He may act all tough, but I bet he’s a real softie. That massage felt so good, and I didn’t even ask for it. Being in top form indeed! I bet he likes me. In any case, I’d better do what I can to always be on his good side,” she thought to herself.

   “How much farther is it, Petrie?” Littlefoot asked.

   “Not much. Although, me had seen something important that me wanted to tell you guys about. Me just wish me could remember what it is,” he said in frustration.

   The group started walking up an incline in the ground. It wasn’t very steep, but it was high enough to partly block what was directly on the other side.

   “Ooh! What was it!? It was so important…”

   Ace, who was leading the group, finally reached the top of the hill. As he took one more step, he vanished from sight.

   “Ace!” Cera shouted.

   “Oh, me remember now! There big hole on other side of this hill.”

   Cera sighed in frustration as everyone ran to the top and looked down. Ace lay at the bottom of a hole. Fortunately, it wasn’t very deep.

   “Ace!” Cera called down. “Are you alright?”

   “Nearly. I hurt my ankle.”

   “Okay, I’ll make Littlefoot bigger then he can lower his tail down to you,” Cera announced. “Grow!” Littlefoot expanded to a much large size and did as Cera had suggested. Ace grabbed onto it with his mouth as Littlefoot cringed from the pain and pulled him up.

   “Nice going, Petrie!” Cera exclaimed angrily.

   “Me- sorry,” he replied, cowering.

   “Don’t worry about it. What’s done is done,” Ace told them. “Unfortunately, my limp is going to slow us down.”

   “Don’t worry, Ace. You can lean on me as we walk,” Cera offered.

   “Much obliged.”

   As Ace put pressure on Cera’s side as they walked along, she couldn’t help but feel jittery at how good it felt to be so close to him.

   “Hey, look!” Petrie shouted. “We’re here.”

   The seven of them stood before a small gathering of foliage.

   “Nice going, Petrie!” Littlefoot complimented.

   Ace hobbled over and dug one out with his horn. He then jabbed a hole into the side facing up and said, “Cera, let’s have you drink first.” Cera blushed and was about to say something nice when he added, “With supporting my weight, you must be the most tired.”

   She then sighed. “I’ll get to him yet,” she thought determinedly. “Mm, this is really good! It’s like drinking a tree sweet.”

   Everyone took turns until the plant was sucked dry.

   “Okay, we’ve all be refreshed. Let’s continue. Ah!”

   “Wait, Ace! We walked a good distance to get here so why not rest your foot in this shade? We may not find any good cover for a while, and it’s so uncomfortable sitting on the hot ground,” Cera stated.

   Ace sighed. “Very well, but not for long.”

   “In the mean time, why not tell us a bit about yourself?” Cera asked curiously.

   “Not much to say.”

   “Aw, come on.”

   “Very well. I used to live on Earth in a place called the Geyser Forest. It was a heavily-wooded, grassy place with water that erupted from the ground. My parents didn’t like mingling with others families much, so we lived on our own. I was their only child. We were very happy living together, and life was good.”

   “Don’t your parents miss you?” Littlefoot inquired.

   “No, I’m sure that they don’t.”

   “Come on,” Cera pressed. “All parents would miss their kid being gone for so long. Have you ever thought of going back to our world to see them again?”

   “No, and let’s talk about something else.”

   “Aw, how can you honestly not want to see them again? Do they even know you’re here?”

   “I honestly don’t want to go back and no, they don’t know that I’m here. Now, let’s talk about-”

   “But it isn’t right to keep making them worry like this. After we get the stone back, why not come back to our world with u-”

   “My parents are dead, okay!?” They don’t know that I’m here because they’re gone! Gone forever! Are you happy now?”

   Cera cringed. Reina had mentioned that Ace was an orphan, but she had completely forgotten about it. She was trying to be nice by showing concern, but all she had done was make him angry.

   “I’m so sorry. My mother is gone too. She got sick one day and never recovered, so I know what it’s like to lose someone. If you don’t want to talk about it anymore, I won’t ask you about it.”

   Ace was silent for a while, and none of the other kids said a word. Surprisingly, it was Ace who broke the silence.

   “Lightning set fire to the forest we lived in. We tried escaping, but we were closed in, burning trees lying all around us. My father scooped me up with his head and threw me over to safety. He urged me to run, but I tried staying with them. That is my biggest regret, my most horrible memory. I watched my parents get burned right down to their bones then barely managed to escape with my life.”


   “Hey, I bet that is why Ace froze when Littlefoot shot fire at him. It brought back the horrible memory of his family.”

   “That’s right, son. When I read that a memory from his past had flooded into his brain several chapters ago, this is what it was about.”

   “Poor Ace,” the child said quietly.

   “Yes, what happened was unfortunate. The circle of life can be a wonderful thing, but at times can be very cruel.” With that said, he went back to the story.


   Dusk started to open his eyes slowly, then finished quickly, having remembered what was to happen this morning.

   “The bright circle has risen,” Dusk announced. “Everyone up.”

   The others yawned, stretched, then slowly sat up- that is, except for Agu.

   “Not yet, mom. Just a little longer…”

   Coaley giggled. “Wake up, silly. Your mom isn’t here.” And with that, she playfully poked him on the nose.

   “Huh? Wha? Oh. Mornin’, guys.”

   “This is it, everyone. It’s the big moment. Time for my wish at long last to be granted.”

   “Oh, yeah!” Chomper said, finally remembering. “Speaking of that, what is your wish going to be?”

   “After years of seeing my brethren fall from fighting for food, my wish will bring about a new age of peace and life. I am going to wish that Sharpteeth survive off of green food like Flatteeth. Think about it. No more risking lives just to get a meal. The world will flourish with no more fighting.”

   “Wow! What an awesome idea. I can’t believe those Rainbow Faces actually though that something bad would come of this,” Chomper commented.

   “Thank you. Now, let’s waste no more time. Everyone, gather around.” The others gathered at him, forming a circle around him.

   “When I hold up the stone, everyone say, ëI wish that Sharpteeth were made to live off of green food like Flatteeth.’”

   Dusk then held up the stone, and everyone did so. The stone shone brightly and grew very hot. So much in fact that Dusk had to drop it. Rays of light shot out, some hitting the dinosaurs, while others flew through outer space. Suddenly, everyone but Ali felt an odd sensation in their mouths. Dusk reached his hand up and felt his teeth. They were flat!

   “It was a success,” Dusk announced, getting choked up. “Onward to a new era of dinosaurs!”

   “Wait,” Chomper said. “Will the Sharpteeth on our world realize why their teeth suddenly became flat?”

   “I’m sure they will,” Dusk replied. “I wished that our kind was made to live off of green food. So to all the Sharpteeth on our world, I’ll bet that to them, it was like living off of green food was always normal. I’m assuming that the only reason we don’t magically have that new instinct is because we were part of the wish that did it.”

   Dusk then reached down and grabbed a chunk of a prickle drinker. Putting it into his mouth, he started to chew, and everyone looked at him in apprehension. Swallowing, he said, “Delicious.”

   “So, um, now that you have your wish, you’re going to give back the stone, right?” Chomper asked slowly.

   Dusk took on an evil glint in his eyes. “Never. The power of the stone will forever be mine, and mine alone. Those Rainbow Faces will never get it back!”

   Chomper jumped to his feet. “I can’t believe you! The stone isn’t yours. You can’t keep it!”

   Suddenly, much to Chomper’s surprise, Dusk started chuckling. “Kidding, my boy, kidding. Of course they can have it back. Next time we run into those friends of yours, the stone’ll be returned immediately.

   “Oh. Uh, good,” he replied, very embarrassed at his outburst.

   “The thing is, they probably won’t find us in this desert. Let’s get out of here and find some water so your friend can use his power to find us.”

   “Okay!” Chomper exclaimed. He was overwhelmed with joy that everything turned out fine and no one had to get hurt.


   Rey reached down to pick up his wine-filled chalice, but before his hand could complete its task, the cup cracked all on its own.

   “That’s an ill omen,” Rey thought to himself gravely. “Something must have gone terribly wrong.”

General Land Before Time / Ozzy and Strut's diets
« on: September 09, 2011, 03:40:20 AM »
Well, as usual with discussions, my opinion differs from everyone else’s. I don’t think Ozzie would ever eat anything except for eggs- whether he’d starve or not. If you ask me, he clearly has an obsession with eggs. He insults anyone who eats green food with a list of names, he goes on and on about how wonderful eggs are, and he hits his own brother simply for trying to eat some. Having an obsession that negatively affects someone is bad enough, but when it’s so dominating that it affects others, there is a serious mental problem. He literally assaults his own flesh and blood for eating a harmless food simply because he does not like them personally. Think, feel, and breathe only one food group? Dude, get some help.

Obsessions are very overpowering, whether someone could die from going against it or not. Did anyone else hear about the two World of Warcraft players who were so obsessed that they didn’t rest enough and died from overplaying? Death certainly didn’t stop them from sticking to their obsession. Some people simply will not eat certain foods no matter how starving they are. I know someone like that, someone who went a very long time without eating simply because his house didn’t have the kind of food he likes, despite there being plenty of food there, only dining again when the food he eats was brought over. Obsessions are not the same thing as preferences. For Ozzie to simply switch to green food upon immense hunger would make eggs seem more like his preference. But his disturbing dedication to that food group has me firmly believing he’s obsessed beyond sanity, so even near death, I cannot picture him putting green food to his lips.

That may seem very dark for a LBT character, but this theory fits perfectly to me in terms of his behavior. I think either one of two things would happen if they couldn’t find enough eggs: Either they both will starve from Ozzie refusing to touch green food and refusing to let his brother do so, or Ozzie would die but Strut all the while would be sneaking green food so keep from starvation. With a mindset like his, I wouldn’t put it past Ozzie to choose his life’s policy over his life. Several people have died from obsessions, so it’s just not so guaranteeing for me to think that Ozzie would simply change his diet, even temporarily, just to stay alive.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Journey of the Seven Heroes
« on: September 08, 2011, 03:09:54 PM »
Chapter XVI: A Change of Loyalty as a Wish Draws Nigh

In which the two groups become equivalent in number, and Dusk prepares to get his heart’s content.

   “Coaley, get away from him!” Menta shouted.

   “Move away, Chomper!” Petrie called out.

   “It’s alright,” Coaley and Chomper replied in unison, which made Coaley giggle.

   “He’s a friend of mine,” Coaley explained.

   “Yeah,” Chomper agreed.

   “Me no care if she friend!” Petrie said indignantly. “She with Dusk, so she bad!”

   He raised a wing to summon a beast when Menta yelled, “Stop!” and Petrie was frozen in the air.

   Chomper turned in dismay, but Menta explained, “My power isn’t hurting him. He just can’t move.”

   Chomper’s eyes narrowed in thought. “Dusk once said that I’m welcome to go with you guys. Does the offer still stand?”

   “You wanna join us!? You bet!” Coaley exclaimed, giving him a big hug.

   “Dusk did extend such an invitation. I therefore can’t turn you down, but to suddenly switch sides like this, well, I’m going to keep my eyes on you,” Menta warned suspiciously.

   “I understand,” Chomper replied.

   “Let’s get out of here quickly before my time freezing spell wears off.” With that, the three Sharpteeth ran off into the distance.

   “Come for-” but Petrie suddenly stopped his summoning when he realized that he was alone. “Ch-chomper? Where you go?” he asked nervously, looking all around him. There was no reply. “Me gotta tell friends about this!” he cried, quickly starting to fly away. “Wait, did we come from this direction, or- Oh, phooey. Now me lost.”

   Several minutes later, a tired Petrie came huffing back to his friends.

   “Where’s Chomper?” Littlefoot immediately asked.

   “He- he-”

   “Spit it out already!” Cera demanded.


   “Explain,” Ace ordered.

   “We bumped into two members of Dusk’s group. Me just about to summon a beast when they vanished, Chomper as well. Me have no idea where they went.”

   “They’ve kidnapped Chomper!? When I get my hands on them, my hands will teach them a lesson,” Ruby said angrily.

   “Dusk has gone too far this time!” Littlefoot exclaimed.

   “Let’s all try and calm down. Getting riled won’t bring him back. See if they’re near any source of water, then we’ll go from there,” Ace suggested.

   Littlefoot donned his water form right away and focused hard. “They’re- not near any- sources of water. I’m sorry.” He then changed back to normal. “Did I spot where they were with my power?”

   “No, but you still provided me with the answer.”

   “Uh, come again?”

   “The only place anywhere around here with almost no plants or zero water spots is the Deranged Desert. That must be where they are.”

   “What is the Deranged Desert?” Ducky asked.

   “The excruciating heat combined with the magic in the air often makes those who traverse it deranged, hence the name,” Ace explained.

   “Um…” Ducky continued.

   “Ah, let me guess. You guys don’t know what deranged means?”

   The kids chuckled slightly in embarrassment, leading Ace to sigh.

   “Deranged means illogical, irrational, you know, like not thinking clearly.”

   “Ohhh,” the kids replied in unison.

   “Well then, is it really safe for us to follow them there?” Cera wanted to know.

   “I don’t care how dangerous it is, because no matter how dangerous it is, I don’t care if it means saving Chomper,” Ruby exclaimed.

   “I- I’m sorry. I wasn’t suggesting we abandon him. I just wanted to know what we’re up against,” Cera apologized. “Like, is there anything we can do to keep from getting deranged?”

   “Yes, there is,” Ace replied promptly. “The answer lies in the form of our Long Neck friend.”

   “Huh?” he asked.

   “If you keep us cooled off with your water power, we should be just fine.”

   “That is, if he can stay awake long enough,” Cera muttered.


   “Your water form just wants to sleep all the time,” she replied.

   “Well, Spike can carry him on his back like before, and we could just wake him up from time to time,” Ducky suggested.

   “That’s a good idea,” Ace complimented. “Alright, let’s move out. The Deranged Desert is this way.”


   “It’s so hot,” Agu complained. “Why do we have to go through this wasteland?”

   “The ground is so hard that we won’t leave any footprints,” Dusk explained. “We need to get as far away from those kids as possible, and this way they can’t track us.”

   “That’s not how we’ve been able to follow you,” Chomper explained. When the three of them had gotten back to Dusk, he had welcomed Chomper warmly, though he had suspicions like Menta had.

   “Oh?” Dusk asked curiously. “How then have you all been able to find us time and again?”

   “Back in our world, Cera had the ability to see anything near plants. On this world where we got our new power, Littlefoot gained the ability to see anything near or anything that had been near any source of water. So he can see you every time you pass by a water source like a lake or waterfall, and he can spot you when you go near plants, since they soak up water from the ground.”

   “That is very helpful information, Chomper. I’m truly glad you finally decided to join us. You’re already a valuable asset.” Dusk and Menta’s doubts were starting to fade already.

   “And I’m happy to be here.”

   “With that said, they still shouldn’t be able to follow us,” Ceit pointed out. “In a place this dry, I can’t imagine many if any plants growing around here, and I certainly couldn’t picture any ponds and such here either.”

   “Very true, Ceit,” Dusk agreed.

   The group suddenly came to a halt when the ground started to shake. It was only a mild tremor though, so no one lost their balance or panicked. When it stopped, they pressed onward. It wasn’t long before the quake returned, only to stop again shortly afterwards. This happened two more times before Agu finally spoke up.

   “Isn’t all this shaking annoying you all out of your minds!?”

   “Well sure,” Dusk answered, “but what will complaining do about a natural phenomenon? We just have to try and ignore it.”

   “How could anyone ignore the ground moving underneath their feet?”

   “Do you want to be carried?” Coaley asked him.

   “What good would that do!? I would still feel the ground moving from someone’s back.”

   “Don’t snap at her like that,” Menta scolded. “She was just concerned about you.”

   Agu sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s just, this stupid heat combined with the annoying ground is making me cranky.”

   “It’s okay,” Coaley assured him.

   “I hope this desert isn’t too long,” Chomper said. “We won’t last very long here without water.”

   “My thoughts exactly, Chomper. If we didn’t need to cross this area to put some distance between the two groups, I would never have come here. Let’s take a little break,” Dusk suggested. As Ceit was about to land, Dusk added, “But not you, Ceit.”

   “Very well. I’ll scout out the area,” Ceit replied, already knowing what Dusk was going to ask. Dusk grinned in response.

   “Ah! The ground isn’t so bad on the feet, but it’s too hot for me to sit on,” Coaley announced, quickly getting back to her feet.

   “It’s not that bad,” Agu said, trying to sound tough. In all actuality though, his rear was really hurting from the hot ground too, he just wanted to seem stronger than Coaley.

   Chomper also managed to tolerate the pain of sitting, so said, “Coaley, you’re welcome to sit on my lap. No need to keep standing up after walking so long.”

   The little Sharptooth grinned and walked over. She kissed Chomper on the cheek, turning him red before she nestled herself on his lap. Dusk and Menta looked at the two little Sharpteeth then glanced at each other, exchanging grins. As they relaxed, Dusk decided to make conversation.

   “So, Chomper, what ended up making you want to join us?”

   “I’ll bet it was to be with Coaley,” Agu teased with a laugh, but he grew silent at a glare from Menta.

   “I just know you have good intentions,” came his reply. “I’ve been thinking a lot, and you must have a good reason for trying to get a wish granted. If you were bad, you wouldn’t have saved me when we first met. I just want to help you guys so we can end this silly squabble between my friends and you all. I mean, I know there is some prophecy about your wish causing trouble, but I want to believe itës wrong.”

   Dusk’s eyes suddenly widened. “I’m such a fool! Why didn’t I realize this sooner? With Chomper here, we have enough to make my wish!” He then rubbed his hands together excitedly. “As soon as Ceit gets back, we can take care of it.”

   “Before I help you though, please tell me, what is your wish for?” Chomper inquired as the ground shook again.

   “It’s simple, really. My wish is for-” but Dusk was interrupted as a huge creature shot up from underground.

   He had no legs or arms, just slithered along on his belly. His scales were a mix of light green and tan, and his fangs jutted out a ways from his mouth beneath his single eye. He dove for the dinosaurs, mouth ajar.

   “Move it!” Dusk ordered, and the lot of them scattered. “That thing moving underground must have been what was causing those tremors,” he thought to himself.

   The beast eyed all of them, trying to decide on who to attack. Coaley’s foot hit a small pebble on the ground, causing her to stumble. That made up his mind. He dove for her, and she let out a cry. Chomper dashed for her at an incredible speed, lifting her up and getting out of the way just in time.

   Dusk formed a ball of energy and threw it at the beast. The explosion did so little to his scales that he didn’t even draw blood.

   “Take out his eye!” Menta shouted. “Stop!”

   The beast froze in place as Dusk began conjuring a massive ball of energy. Suddenly, the beast broke free of Menta’s spell, slamming his tail onto the ground which broke Dusk’s hold on his energy. He dropped the ball, and the explosion sent him flying.

   “Sorry!” Menta called out. “He’s too massive to hold very long.”

   “Don’t worry! I’m fine. Just do that once more and I’ll be sure to get my energy blasted quick it enough.”

   “No good! Stop has a long cool down. I can slow him down though.”

   “That’s fine. Ali, Fuse with me!”

   Ali nodded and ran over. “Dusk, Fuse!” Ali’s now-transparent body drifted into Dusk’s and he began forming a new ball much faster and bigger than before.

   The beast started slithering quickly at Dusk but Menta yelled, “Slow!”

   Though the beast was now moving at a slower pace, he still easily caught up to Dusk. He was about to grab Dusk in his mouth when it suddenly seemed to the beast that his body was freezing cold. He shivered abruptly, making the ground shake slightly.

   “Now’s your chance, Dusk! Get him!” Agu called out.

   Dusk finished a massive ball and threw it at the beasts eye. The beast quickly excreting a green ooze from his mouth which hit the ball, causing it to explode in mid air. He suddenly stopped feeling cold as Agu fell to the ground.

   “I’m sorry. He’s so big that I can’t hold an illusion for very long on him.”

   Menta’s slow spell had worn off so the creature quickly slithered over to a prey. This time, it was Chomper. Still holding Coaley, he ran as fast as he could. The beast fired more green ooze which landed on the ground, causing a sizzling sound as it ate through the hard terrain.

   Dusk fired another massive ball which hit the beast’s body, but still, it wasn’t enough to do much damage. He quickly turned and fired more spit at Dusk before resuming his chase with Chomper. Dusk barely managed to dodge it in time.

   “My energy just can’t get through his scales!” Dusk shouted.

   Chomper looked at where the ooze had landed and saw the hole in the ground it had made. This gave him an idea. He quickly changed direction and began running straight for the beast.

   “Chomper, what’re you-” Coaley began in a panic.

   “Trust me,” was all he said in reply.

   He began shooting more ooze which Chomper easily avoided. Finally, he came right up to the beast and hopped on his back. The creature immediately fired more spit before realizing what would happen if it missed. Chomper jumped off, and the ooze splattered all over the beast’s back. It quickly ate away at his scales, and he hissed in agony. He then dived down, entering the ground once more, having given up on his meal.

   “Alright, Chomer!” Dusk complimented as Ali left him.

   “My hero,” Coaley said with a grin, kissing him once more.

   Getting bashful, Chomper placed Coaley on the ground saying nothing but grinning from ear to ear. Suddenly, Menta fell to her knees, and Dusk rushed over.

   “Menta? What’s wrong?”

   “Hello, my lord. Nice day, isn’t it? Sure is hot though. I’m in heat alright. Get it? I’m in heat?” Then she burst out laughing at her own joke.


   “Huh?” the child interrupted. “I don’t get the humor. Does being in heat have a meaning other than being in a really warm place?”

   His father froze. “Uh, about that… Well, you see, it’s, um… Ask me in a few years, okay?”

   “Sure, I guess.”

   His father hastily returned to the story to put his son’s question behind them.


   “What’s wrong with her?” Coaley asked, worried.

   Agu then stumbled over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You, good dinosaur, are not funny. I didn’t laugh. Did anyone laugh? Nope. Only you did, meaning you aren’t funny. Did I say that already? Oh well. Saying it twice must mean that I really meant it.” Then Ago fell over as well.

   “Whatever’s wrong with Menta seems to be affecting Agu too,” Chomper pointed out.

   “Maybe they just need some rest,” Dusk guessed. “I wonder where Ceit has gotten off to.” Dusk looked all around and spotted a tiny gathering of plants. “I found some shade. I’ll carry Menta over. Chomper, can you handle Agu?”

   “Sure,” he replied, lifting him up. Dusk hung Menta over his shoulder, and they all made for the foliage. Upon arriving, Chomper and Dusk set their friends down.

   “So- thirsty,” Agu moaned.

   “Wait!” Chomper exclaimed. “I’ve seen prickly plants like these before. They have this liquid inside that’s good to drink. Dusk, help me break some open.”

   Dusk obeyed, and soon they had gotten through to the juice. He poured some into Menta’s mouth, and Chomper did so to Agu. Both of them coughed a little but managed to swallow.

   “Just relax you two. We’ve been through a lot,” Dusk said. Menta and Agu closed their eyes and quickly feel asleep.

   Very soon, a shadow passed overhead. Dusk didn’t notice it in time so was soon under attack from the creature. He snapped at Dusk’s face, and Dusk was about slash into him when he noticed who it was.

   “Ceit?” Dusk asked in disbelief.

   “Food! Food!” Ceit chanted over and over and as he bit at Dusk.

   Sighing, Dusk thought to himself, “Seems to have affected him as well.” He grabbed his friend and held him down. “Chomper, pour some of that stuff into his mouth, would you?”

   “Sure thing!”

   Ceit sputtered a bit but finally swallowed the plant juice. He ceased his attack then landed on top of Menta before drifting off to sleep as well.

   “The rest of us should refresh ourselves with some of this stuff too,” Dusk suggested, and everyone drank a little of the plant juice.

   Turning to the sleepers with a look of concern, Chomper asked, “Do you think they’ll be okay?”

   “Yes. They seem to be resting very peacefully,” Dusk replied.

   Those who were awake looked up at the starry sky and decided to get some rest for the night as well. The rest of them laid down a slight distance from each other except Coaley. She cuddled up against Chomper’s chest, and he smiled.

   “Oh, by the way, Dusk, there’s something I’ve been wondering about,” Chomper began.

   “Go ahead.”

   “Well, back when you saved me from that flying tree, did you do it just in hopes that I’d join you?” To Chomper’s surprise, due to his question being very serious, Dusk chuckled.

   “Not everything I do has a hidden agenda, Chomper. I saved you for a very simple reason: I care about my kind. Now, let’s all try and get some rest.” Before closing his eyes, Dusk added, “And as soon as we all wake up tomorrow, I’ll finally get my wish.”

General Land Before Time / Tell a story
« on: September 08, 2011, 12:05:49 PM »
Well, in Italy The Land Before Time isn't very famous, but my father gave it to me when I was three or four years (in Italy this cartoon released later). I saw it and I'll never end! My parents and my elder sister had to watch it every day because of my incredible love for it. I remember all scenes and my family too! . When I was about six or seven years, my best friend came every day at my house and we always watched it! Now, my Boyfriend had to watch it with me! I love the strong friendship between this five dinosaur and I will always love it!

That’s an awesome story. I was about that age when I first saw it, though getting my family to watch it proved to be much harder than trying to take out that sharptooth from the first movie, hehheh. The friendship between them was very touching to me as well. It was a long time before I started making friends, so when I was much younger, I used to spend my free hours imagining I lived in the Great Valley as a longneck, and I did a lot of things with the characters. It was my escape from loneliness. I guess, in a way, the members of the gang were my first “real” friends. I’ll always have a place in my heart for this franchise.

(If I did errors, please tell me. I want to learn english very well!)

Sure thing, my pleasure.

In Italy The Land Before Time isn't very famous, but my father gave it to me when I was three or four years (in Italy this cartoon released later).

“Well” is not a proper word for starting a sentence in English writing, but informally, you’ll see it a lot. There should be a comma after “in Italy” because it’s an introductory clause. Those set the stage of the sentence and must be followed by an independent clause (a complete sentence.) In formal writing, movie titles are italicized. After stating the number of years one has of life, there should also be the word “old” afterwards. If something in quotation marks is a complete sentence, it stands alone, not ends another complete sentence.

I saw it and I'll never end!

Those are two independent clauses, so a comma belongs at the end of “it.” Secondly, in English, it’s not formal to make one independent clause’s meaning entirely dependent on another. Each should be clear alone. If someone just read, “I’ll never end,” it would be taken as you claiming to be immortal.

My parents and my elder sister had to watch it every day because of my incredible love for it.

"My" does not need to be repeated. It’s established for both automaticallyin this case.

I remember all scenes and my family too!

There should be a “the” before “scenes,” and the second part has two meanings like that, so it should be reworded. It could mean that you remember all the scenes and your family remembers the scenes as well or that you remember the scenes and you remember your family as well. Also, we only use one form of punctuation at the end of sentences here. An exclamatory question (!?) is pretty common, but it’s informal outside of dialogue.

When I was about six or seven years, my best friend came every day at my house and we always watched it!

Be sure to add an “old” at the end of describing an age. Next of all, the ending is too infinitely defined. It should be refined to portray your meaning which would be that you and your friend watch it each time your friend came over. Thirdly, the “and” separates two independent clauses, so there should be a comma at the end of “house.”

Now, my Boyfriend had to watch it with me!

“Boyfriend” is not capitalized here. (I only did so since it began my sentence.) This sentence contradicts itself. You have “now” which is present and then “had” which is past. If you want to keep the “Now,” change the “had” to a “has.”

I love the strong friendship between this five dinosaur and I will always love it!

“Between this five dinosaur” is not proper here, needing to be plural, and the “and” does separate two independent clauses, so there should be one after “dinosaur.”

(If I did errors, please tell me. I want to learn english very well!)

Here, we call it “making” errors, not “doing” them. Last of all, we capitalize the word English.

Putting all of that together, here is how someone would write your post in a university essay:

In Italy, The Land Before Time isn't very famous, but my father gave it to me when I was three or four years old. (In Italy, this cartoon was released later). I saw it then, and I'll never stop watching it! My parents and elder sister had to watch it every day because of my incredible love for it. I remember all the scenes, and my family does too!  When I was about six or seven years old, my best friend came every day to my house, and we watched it each time! Now, my boyfriend has to watch it with me! I love the strong friendship between the five dinosaurs, and I will always love it!

(If I made any errors, please tell me. I want to learn English very well!)

Please bear in mind, though, this forum is for people to relax and have fun. You actually will see improper grammar a lot here, and no one really minds that I’m aware of. We’re not graded or judged by how we word things in a grammatical sense. Even I don’t italicize movie titles most of the time on a forum, actually often using quotation marks by mistake instead. So if you’re wanting to improve your English, many people here are more than happy to help, including myself, but it’s not a requirement to post here, and besides, we understand you perfectly. I only said all of this because you asked. Still, your English grammar is good, better than many Americans I know, actually.

Ask Me / Question, Query, Inquiry, or Interrogation
« on: September 08, 2011, 12:17:23 AM »
"What is your favorite genre of music?"

If I had to pick from the straightforward list of genres (jazz, rock, metal, bluegrass, and so forth) I would have to pick country. Country is the only station I have on for music when I’m driving. I love so many songs of that style. Some I love of this genre include:

The Night the Lights Went out in Georgia
Tall Tall Trees
Ring of Fire
Three Wooden Crosses
It’s Five o’clock Somewhere
She Thinks my Tractor’s Sexy
Something Like That
Wild One
Drink, Swear, Steal, and Lie
Some Beach
And Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

On the other hand, if I could be more specific, give a type of music not under a specific genre, I like church hymnals best. Sure, radio stations have Christian music, but the ones in my area are loaded with contemporary Christian. I honestly do not enjoy the sound of New Age worship music. I know such stations play the oldies sometimes, like Angels we have Heard on High, Old Rugged Cross, Oh Come All Yee Faithful, As the Deer Panteth, and so forth, but every station I find plays mostly the new stuff. I know a ton of people like the new sound of Christian music, and that’s great, but you won’t catch me enjoying the tune of any. Truly, I can’t say I like listening to the music of any worship songs produced over the last number of years I’ve heard. If someone makes one that sounds like the old days, he or she can call me, heh heh heh. So I love old hymnals best, but due to availability, if you’re ever a passenger in my car and have no preference, I’ll be playing a country station. Thank you for the question.

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