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Messages - Dosu2Dinner

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 23
Ask Me / Ask Dosu
« on: March 15, 2014, 09:40:54 AM »
My favourite character from anime is probably Hinata Hyuga from Naruto, though I like many from that show, and others. I would say the most attractive anime character I've ever seen is Lucy Heartifilia from Fairy Tail.  :lol As for series, not entirely sure.

LBT Fanfiction / Ducky123's fic
« on: March 02, 2014, 01:48:48 PM »
Chapters 27 and 28:
OK, I've got round to reading them at last.  :p  Interesting insight to Pterano's though processes there - glad to see he's staying optimistic throughout this whole affair, though that may be a by-product of his ego...who knows?  :confused

What I really like about what you've done here is the insights you give into the minds of the children concerning their companionship with each other, Littlefoot with sibling-like feelings for the rest of them, as well as Cera nursing her pride (not to mention her back, ouch!  :o ) really shows what they may have been thinking during the first film.  :lol It's a good literary technique, I think.

Sorry its been so long, and I'll try to read more when I can.  :p

LBT Fanfiction / Saddest VV death so far.
« on: March 02, 2014, 01:33:52 PM »
Yes, I was in that kind of mood.  :p So, out of those deaths that have occurred on VV (Venatione Venatus) so far, which has been the saddest of the lot? I'd be interested to hear your opinions also on which has been the most influential death, with the biggest consequences for the rest of the story. Because hey, I'm not a mindless killer!

Silver Screen / Movies that scared you as a child?
« on: February 26, 2014, 08:16:15 PM »
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - it was all that child-catcher's fault. :o

Land Before Time Captions / Ducky in shock!
« on: February 21, 2014, 09:27:43 AM »
Ducky:  :o Spike, you put the wrong contacts in again!!
Spike: *indifferent*
Ducky: Seriously Spike...not only are they red, but one iris is this much *gestures* bigger than the other!

LBT Fanfiction / Friends for Dinner
« on: February 21, 2014, 09:23:03 AM »
One of the things I like most about this is how you didn't reveal Chomper's identity until right at the end. It makes the revelation of Littlefoot just afterwards even more hard-hitting.  :blink: The narrative of this flows really well as well, and its an envious plot and idea.  :rolleyes:
I hope to see more of this!

The Written Word / Dinosaur Ethology
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:38:47 AM »
Just something I've come up with. What we know about dinosaurs and other extinct creatures certainly doesn't compare to how we know modern animals, due to very obvious factors. Ethology is the study of animal behaviour, something that we can't be sure of in dinosaurs - so, a catalogue of certain dinosaur behaviour is what I'm trying to display here... :lol

Of course, this is a work of fiction, its all speculative. It isn't based on any palaeontological evidence, rather, evidence of the natural world as it is. This below piece on the lifestyle of Giganotosaurus, for example, is based off the lifestyle of lions. Take a look at this and give me your thoughts, and if you want, post your own ones!  :DD


Description: A massive mid-Cretaceous carnivore and the apex predator of Cenomanian Argentina, Giganotosaurus superficially resembles the largest of the Laurasian tyrannosaurids, but with notable differences with the ridged crests on its skull (males only), longer, though relatively narrower jaws and muscular forearms with three visible fingers as opposed to two.
Males and females are almost identical in colour, with vividly emerald green heads and flanks grading into dark grey and tan underparts. The young, are notable for being covered in a mossy-brown down for around the first two years of their life, and are relatively helpless for this time, susceptible to predation by ornithocheirid or azdarchid pterosaurs, small carnivores such as Buitreraptor, or even more substantially sized abelisaur threats, such as Skorpiovenator or Ekrixinatosaurus. It is lucky for these hatchlings therefore, that their parents are such capable defenders. Giganotosaurus can live for up to sixty years, but are generally called before their time due to their violent lifestyle. (See below).

Lifestyle: Giganotosaurus live in a very much patriarchal hierarchy, with small to medium sized groups, known by the collective noun as ëshades.’ These shades are dominated by a single adult male, who mates ritually with all the females in his harem (can be up to ten) producing a multitude of offspring. Male offspring are typically driven from the shade when they reach sexual maturity, although can return to challenge the alpha male for dominance of the shade – new blood comes into the group via unrelated males rising to the challenge. The majority of the hunting is done by the females, who specialize in tackling hypermassive titanosaur sauropods such as Andesaurus and Argentinosaurus, which they surround and mob systematically, tearing off chunks of flesh before doubling back and waiting for the wounds to finish them. This activity is not without its risks – the shade need to ensure they tackle only the young, vulnerable or weak, or they are in extreme danger of getting crushed to death under the sauropods’ weight or killed by a single flick of their whip-like tail. Less risky sauropods to hunt include the smaller rebacchisaurid Limaysaurus.
As the apex predators, Giganotosaurus have very little to fear from other carnivores, although they and the contemporary spinosaurid Oxalaia tend to stay out of each other’s’ way. Occasionally, Giganotosaurus go head-to-head with the large abelisaurid Ekrixinatosaurus, with varied results, but only when disputes between food or territory become extremely direct, and when neither animal refuses to yield peacefully.

LBT Fanfiction / Venatione Venatus
« on: February 02, 2014, 04:44:17 PM »
Finally, the waiting is over!  :lol: Sorry it took so long...but anyway, here it is!!!

Chapter Twenty: Open Jaws

The whispering of the wind and the rustle of the leaves, the cry of animals into the ghostly night…

Tetsugaku opened his eyes and frowned. All of this commotion and noise was an incredible distraction to him. All of his attempts to think and immerse himself in thought were punctured and harshly prevented by the noises of the world.

From reports hailing from the heathland, it appeared that Opal was settling in well, and getting along with all of the longnecks and children. What was worrying, however, was that her memories still seemed reluctant to return to her. She had no idea of her connection to the Valley, and if she were truly to be the one to overthrow Ulciscor, she was nowhere near ready. Things were moving at a snail’s pace, Tetsugaku concluded, and if things didn’t start to happen soon, it could all end in chaos…

He glanced at the other two rainbowfaces sitting either side of him to see what their take on this was. His mate, Hoshia, was sitting with a frown on her face and a furrowed brow. It was clear that she had come to the same conclusion that he had. On the other side of him was a slightly younger rainbowface with an ornate navy and paler blue body pattern by the name of Keibetsu. His eyes were closed, and it was apparent that the noises of the night were not perturbing him.

The three of them were sitting upon the top of a cliff that was directly facing the Night Circle, considering how far they had come.

“Things are moving too slowly,” Tetsugaku insisted. He stood up in an attempt to ease his mind a little. “Opal is still lost and confused…and Ulciscor maintains his hold upon the Valley!”

“But Chomper and the others have allied with them,” Hoshia commented. “Once they have all rested, they should begin battle?”

“But to start war with Opal still ignorant of her true self?” Tetsugaku shook his head. “The results could be disastrous!” Hoshia didn’t reply, but bit her lip in thought.

Then Keibetsu spoke.

“We could always intervene a little,” he remarked, not turning to face them. Tetsugaku gazed at him reproachfully. This upstart had been commissioned to shadow him, and despite his deep philosophy, Tetsugaku wondered how Keibetsu could be so blatantly ignorant sometimes.

“That is expressly forbidden,” Tetsugaku reminded him coldly.

At this, Keibetsu turned to him with a slight smile on his face.

“No offence or anything,” he said. “But that’s never stopped you…”

“The time concerning the fake stone of cold fire on top of Threehorn Peak was entirely different!” Tetsugaku protested. “There was very little at stake…”

“Bar the lives of several small children…” Hoshia quietly reminded him, also getting to her feet.

“But it wasn’t us who saved them from the mountain!” Tetsugaku insisted.

“True,” Hoshia replied, her voice becoming firmer. “But it was you who lent them food in the middle of the-”

“I wasn’t talking about that,” Keibetsu interrupted. “I was referring to how you saved Opal from Ulciscor’s henchmen when they went after her, Ronan and her unhatched son all that time ago. She would have met the same fate as Ronan if you hadn’t stepped in…”

One of Tetsugaku’s eyes had developed a twitch. “How do you know so much about that occasion?” he demanded defensively.

Keibetsu turned away. “It’s not like it’s something that was kept quiet. The point I’m trying to make is that, with your record, you’re not really one to discipline someone about the rules of non-intervention.”

“I agree…” Hoshia murmured, and Tetsugaku rounded on her, looking hurt.

“However, Keibetsu, how exactly are you suggesting we intervene?”

“Just tell her,” Keibetsu replied. “Plain and simple. Just tell her straight what she is and what she’s got to do-”

“No,” Hoshia cut across him, shaking her head. “No, that simply wouldn’t do at all.”

“Why not?” Keibetsu demanded.

“What sort of sense of purpose would that give her?” Hoshia admonished. “Apart from the fact that he brain, still recovering from the amnesia, might be able to handle this revelation, how we she feel if her sense of purpose was rigidly dictated to her? It could even give her a superiority complex, which is the last thing we want given the circumstances.”

“So what are you suggesting?”

“We’ll leave her to find it out on her own,” Hoshia replied, sitting back down.

“WHAT??” Tetsugaku looked aghast. “Are you really sure that’s wise?”

“What goes around, comes around,” Hoshia replied. “The Great Valley will not let her forget her role, and nor will her maternal instincts let her forget Spike. And if she discovers this for herself, it will give her a sense of purpose that will make her feel like a figure within the world itself as supposed to some tool of higher authority.”

She closed her eyes and said nothing more, leaving Tetsugaku and Keibetsu to consider what had just been said.


Uninvited, several cries of indignation rose up in various places amongst the vast groups of longnecks.


“We need to get moving now!”

“How can he stand there…?”

None of them had ever heckled a Sharptooth before, and it was almost as if they had forgotten that it was Zyro’s nature to kill their kind for a living. However, their indignation was only matched by Zyro’s who promptly yelled back at them.

“I repeat!” he roared over the hostile crowd. “We cannot move from this place until Lini is recovered. I am not prepared to begin this war until everyone is back where they belong. You may think I should not bother with this one person, but would you feel differently if this one person was you?”

Confused mutters broke out, something along the lines of uncertainty, but none of them yelled out anything that was particularly hostile anymore. Well, that was something.
As the groups disbanded, Zyro gave a great sigh and slumped himself against a nearby tree, every inch of him feeling drained and overused. He hadn’t bargained on this.
Earlier that morning, Ferox had come to report that Lini had gone missing. He had of course searched feverishly throughout the surrounding area, but there was no sign she had ever been anywhere near them. Zyro had conducted another search, despite its lack of necessity, before finally announcing that they would not begin to mobilize themselves until Lini was returned to them. It hadn’t gone down well with some of the leaf-eaters, and Zyro wasn’t sure what he would have done if they had decided to rebel…

Zyro sighed again and gazed up at the sky. Shark sure was a trusting individual – so trusting in fact, did he not even realise that the one he had selected to lead these sharpteeth may not have been the right person after all? Zyro wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take – those among him were resisting, he had a missing child…and he was planning to lead a liberation force into the Great Valley? His egotism must have gotten the better of him…

“Everything alright?”

Zyro looked up at the soft, considerate voice, and saw Opal, the mysteriously afflicted spiketail.
He smiled at her feebly.

“Not particularly,” he replied honestly. “What with everything that’s occurring, I don’t know how much longer I can last…and just yesterday I was giddily confident.”

“It’s strange how events can shake your self-esteem,” Opal commented. “I wouldn’t worry about the hecklers. Despite how they react, they do know the value of every individual in this force.”
“Yes,” Zyro agreed. “But what if this is the enemy’s tactic? Preventing us from mobilising by taking one of our own from us?”

“I agree,” Opal nodded. “That’s certainly the way many minds work…but if we don’t bother to go after her, what makes us better than them?”

These words had an odd chilling effect, despite the impeccable truth that they also carried. Zyro nodded and stood up.

“OK…well, even though Old One’s chief messenger has gone to inform the Valley of our imminent arrival, I have a few more who may be able to locate which way Lini has gone, and that may inform us of who took her…”
“You don’t think she went off on her own, do you?” Opal suggested uncertainly.
Zyro considered briefly.

“No,” he decided. “From what Al’s told me, she’s got guts and a heart as big as her grin. She’s not one to run away – besides, it’s more dangerous out their alone than it is with us.”
He gazed reproachfully at a group of longnecks in the distance.

“Don’t worry about them!” Opal insisted. “If you need any help with crowd control, I…I have experience.”
Zyro glanced at her.
“Yes…” Opal frowned slightly, but continued nonetheless. “It’s just starting to come back to me. I used to live in the Valley. I had a high position of authority before my family and I were removed by Ulciscor.” She shook her head. “I still don’t remember too many of the details, but once I return, I may be welcomed back with more of a greeting than I bargained for.” She smiled slightly. “And as for Ulciscor…we’ll see who’s laughing then!”

There was nothing to it – he just needed to remain silent.

Hyp swallowed and continued his attempted retreat through the undergrowth. He had assumed this part of the Valley was safe – nobody ever went near Saurus Rock! Sharpteeth sometimes even made their homes here…

Suddenly, it came to him. How could he have been so naÔve? Of course, Ulciscor and his thugs relished in the appearance of sharpteeth because of their joy of slaughtering them! That probably explained why there was a Bludgeoner, only a few metres from him, cold eyes surveying the landscape. If he was found here, there would be no way out of it this time. He was dead.

Slowly, Hyp continued his inconspicuous retreat. Slowly, carefully, inch by inch…


Dammit, Hyp cursed mentally. Trust that twig to be in the wrong place! Was this really how it all ended?
The Bludgeoner had heard the noise, and now his gaze focused on the tall ferns Hyp was crouching in. Was there still a chance he could hide? The answer came to him when the monstrous longneck strode directly over and raised his sinister tail. Hyp ducked, but that was going to do him little good now. The tail swiped across the vegetation slicing the top half clean away and revealing Hyp in the full view of daylight.

The Bludgeoner glared down at Hyp and grunted.

“The official order for the Bludgeon Brigade from Ulciscor through Kai is that we are to kill you on sight,” he informed the quivering dinosaur. Then he closed his eyes.

“But who cares what Ulciscor says?” he muttered, settling himself down on the ground and casually chewing on a dismembered fern.

Hyp stared at this eating dinosaur for a second or so, until he had to do a double take.

“I’m sorry…” He mumbled, shaking his head slightly. “But did I hear that correctly? Did one of Ulciscor’s elite actually just basically say he couldn’t give a toss?”

The Bludgeoner scoffed.

“OK, let’s get a few things clear,” he replied, swallowing his mouthful of plant matter. “First off, I am hardly one of Ulciscor’s elite. Me, along with the rest of the Bludgeoners, are just expendables, that Ulciscor can shake off if necessary without a second thought and no regrets. Kai is the elite. He’s Ulciscor’s most trusted associate. But other than that, yes - that is basically what I said.”

Hyp was at a loss for words. The Bludgeoner didn’t seem particularly fazed, and continued to munch on the vegetation rhythmically. Finally, Hyp found his voice again.

“If you don’t care about Ulciscor, why are you even part of the Bludgeon Brigade?” he asked.

“At the time, I felt inclined,” the Bludgeoner replied simply. For the first time since he had discovered him, his eyes rested back onto Hyp.

“You need to understand where we all came from – The Brigade, I mean, and what our relationship with Ulciscor actually is.”

“Alright then,” Hyp nodded, squatting down. “So tell me.”

“We were once a herd,” the longneck continued. “You may have noticed all us Bludgeoners are the same species with distinguishing features.” He raised his clubbed tail to emphasize his point. “That’s because…well, we were rather exclusive in our membership of the herd.”

“How come Ulciscor got involved then?” Hyp questioned, scratching his head. “He’s not the same species as the rest of you.”

“You’re absolutely right,” the Bludgeoner agreed, nodding slightly. “And because of that, he had his work cut out for him when he tried to win us over. And he managed that by fending off the most feared predator in the region.”

“Who was that?” Hyp demanded.

“Blackclaw,” The Bludgeoner replied. “From what I’ve heard, Valleians tended to refer to him simply as ëThe Sharptooth’ because of how he single-handedly dominated the area and all sharpteeth within it. Including the infamous Redclaw, whom we believe is his younger brother.”

“And Ulciscor fended him off?” Hyp asked incredulously. It was one thing to see Ulciscor executing or picking on hapless leaf-eaters, but it was quite another to imagine him in a battle with a full-grown, monstrous and feared Sharptooth. This new dimension of Ulciscor’s strength and power sent a shudder down Hyp’s spine. Had he actually defeated this beast?

“Well, not alone,” the Bludgeoner admitted. “But he certainly helped avoid any fatalities during the fight. To us, it was an incredible achievement. For us, it seemed he could easily be…the Lone Dinosaur…”

The longneck paused, biting his lip as he hesitated to continue. Hyp could see the struggle going on in his tiny eyes – here was someone who knew wholeheartedly of the consequences of their actions, and even though they weren’t directly affecting them, the guilt of what had happened since their Bludgeon Brigade’s meeting with Ulciscor was clearly gnawing away at him from the inside.

“And we were content to go with whatever he said,” the Bludgeoner continued. “We believed the Valley should be free from sharpteeth, and we were used to segregated herds…we had no idea what he really had in mind. At least, I didn’t…”

“Listen,” Hyp offered, attempting sympathy he didn’t even know he had. “We all make mistakes. We all fall for lifestyles we think is right. Moping over for them for ages afterwards isn’t going to change that – we’ve got to take action to put right what we made wrong!”

The Bludgeoner sighed and shook his head.

“You don’t understand,” he said. “It’s not that easy for me. It’s one thing and expected for the Valleians to have mutinous feelings towards Ulciscor, but it’s quite another for someone who’s supposed to be on his side! And I’ve been harbouring these feelings at least since Ulciscor’s fall following the Battle of the Great Valley. But none of them would let me leave…I’m as trapped as your are…”

He trailed off into a sullen silence, and Hyp sat and thought about what had been said for a while. Finally, he spoke up.
“But you’re already in the process of making it right!” he insisted, and the Bludgeoner looked down at him, puzzled.

“How so?”

“Well, I’m still alive,” Hyp explained. “And I highly doubt you’re going to tell Ulciscor, or Kai or Shock, or whoever that you’ve found me?”

“Of course not…” the longneck muttered.

“Exactly…” Hyp nodded. “So it’s in these subtle ways that you can be useful to the resistance movement. What’s your name?”

“Uriah,” came the reply. “But…”

“So, Uriah,” Hyp interjected. “You can provide us with sparse inside knowledge, be our double agent as it were, allowing us to find out what’s really going on with this phony Lone Dinosaur!”

“You don’t understand!” Uriah was distressed. He finally stood up and paced around in his frustration. “You’ve tried to resist before, and look where it got you! Just accept Ulciscor has won, and try to remain hidden…”

Hyp glared at him.

“Somewhere among the craggy rocks in the mountain walls that surround the Valley,” he said. “Is an unjustly dumped body a great hero who died resisting what he despised. Kosh would turn in his grave if he knew how much his brethren continued to suffer. And I know that the Valley has friends out there, as I do, that care too much for us to let this continue. Whether Ulciscor is overthrown in one cold time, two, twenty, or maybe even tomorrow, I firmly believe that the resistance will not cease until it is accomplished.”

Uriah was quiet after that. Hyp, with righteous anger still boiling in him, continued to glare.

“Listen, Uriah,” he said eventually. “Whether or not you want to be part of that resistance is up to you. But please consider where your conscience lies.”

Little did they know that their aid was already on the way, in the form of a wandering flyer that had been banished some time ago…

If Topps had believed his day couldn’t have got anymore outlandish than it already was, he was mistaken, for he had now laid his eyes upon somebody who’s association he had left far back in the mists of time.

“Pterano???” his voice was a half-strangled gasp. “What…what are you doing here? You were banished!”

At the last word, something of a smile crept onto the flyer’s beak.

“Ah yes, there’s the old threehorn I know!” he remarked. “But I hope you will not be so hostile once you’ve heard what I have to say…”

“No, Pterano, you’re listening to me,” Topps replied, shaking his head forcefully. No matter what may have happened between him and Tria, he wasn’t about to let that destroy his professional manner with which he hoped he addressed his fellow dinosaurs.

“For your own sake, get out of here now,” he commanded. “You don’t understand what’s happened here recently, we’re-”

“Under the oppression of some monstrous longneck named Ulciscor,” Pterano finished for him. “Yes, I know…”

Topps broke off, and his eyes widened.

“How?” he demanded.

“The movements of this ominous individual have been thoroughly scrutinized, my friend,” Pterano replied. “Don’t worry – we are coming to liberate you.”

Topps scoffed.

“Coming to liberate us…” he muttered condescendingly. “Yeah, like there’s any hope for us. This flathead has the Valley in his iron grip, and no one has been willing to stand against him since…well…anyway, Pterano, get out while you still can. You can’t liberate us on your own, and Ulciscor won’t take kindly to you when he sees you.”

“I know he won’t,” Pterano replied. “But I’m not worried about that. What I am concerned about is that this message is passed on to everyone else under the tyranny so they don’t live in despair!”

“I’ve already told you-” Topps began.

“I know what you told me!” Pterano interrupted forcefully. “And you wouldn’t have told me it if you had let me finish. So, Mister Threehorn – for once in your life – shut up!!”

Topps opened his mouth to retort furiously. He wasn’t used to be spoken to like this, much less from someone who had been banished for his crimes against the herd. But then an ominous little voice, sounding very much like Tria’s, crept across his mind.
“Sometimes for the sake of your family you need to bury your feelings deep down and continue doing what you have been called to do.”
Now, Topps realised, that had more than one meaning. Maybe it was time to shut up…yes, his pride had been dented by how Pterano had so callously admonished him, but in the grand scheme of things, what did that matter?
His family certainly included Tria, Cera and Tricia, but it was not limited to them. He had long since known that everyone in the Valley belonged to one single spirit, one community; united by…he wasn’t even sure. But it was something – something strong, which had made him determined to fight in the first place. He had gone the wrong way about it, but that was all going to change…even if Pterano had nothing worth saying, it would still be worth listening – for the sake of everyone else.

Topps closed his mouth again and nodded, prompting the flyer to continue.


And continue Pterano did, passing on the news, first to the threehorn, and then allowing, through both their influence, the message to pass through the Valley like wildfire. But although wildfire may explain how quickly it was passed on, the method was anything but.
Now the carriers of this message were careful. This newly lit beacon of hope was all they had left, and all they could hold onto in the hope Ulciscor wouldn’t take it from them too. The Bludgeoners didn’t know a thing, but by the end of that day, everyone in the Valley who abhorred Ulciscor’s authority, even Grandpa and Grandma Longneck, Hyp and Uriah, has learnt the truth.

An army of liberators was on their way, a union of leaf-eaters and sharpteeth, united by their single common attitude of hatred for those who oppressed, and their desire to strive for an equal and free community. Not only were some old friends among them, but so were their children. The children of the Valley were coming back to reclaim their home for not just their own sake, but for everyone living in it and outside it as well.

“Do you think Ulciscor will learn it from someone?” Aster murmured nervously to his wife, as they carefully watched their son in the distance, deep in discussion with Kai, a dissatisfied frown on his face.

“What we have just learned will be hard to force out of anyone…” Arianna replied. “But even if he did, there’s little he can do to us…even if he takes our lives, it’ll be those who are left behind who will still be liberated from him…”

The last word caught in her throat a little as she found herself welling up. It was a great tragedy for any parent to be so forcefully and fundamentally opposed to their offspring. Yet it was also true that Ulciscor may be so far gone now, that disposing of him was the only possible option…she swallowed hard and steeled herself.

“I do not mean to sound pessimistic,” Aster continued. “But how can we know to trust Pterano?”

Arianna didn’t answer for a while, continuing to watch the tyrant of the Valley and his best lieutenant’s discussion. After a pause from them, Kai strode away, a faraway smile on his face, looking for all the world like a child daydreaming and watching clouds.

“Pterano knew what our situation was,” Arianna said finally. “And he knew that the children weren’t with us – he even gave us an answer as to where…I doubt he could have known without information from one who deeply cared about our well-being. Besides – as far as I know Pterano, while he may have many faults, he would be one of the first to resist against this monster, and would not betray us in the face of this oppression…” she drew a deep shuddering breath.

Aster turned to look at her, his eyes transformed with determination.

“Yes…you’re right…and feel no guilt about calling him a monster, for that is what he is…” he gazed back at Ulciscor. “As far as I’m concerned, he’s no son of mine…”

Unlike his crony, Ulciscor looked mildly disturbed, he had his head to ground, his eyes wrought with anger and worry. It seemed that the pressure was finally getting to him. He knew he couldn’t remain in this position for long – the populace hated him too much. Something would have to give soon.

And knowing that there was an even bigger force at play, ready to help topple him with great gusto made his stress even more pleasurable for the onlookers.


A tranquil breeze whistled through the treetops, sending leaf after leaf spinning gently and serenely to the ground. The woodland that surrounded the Rocky Heathland was the number one place where anyone in that area with the intent to relax would head straight to, and although it provided a welcome relief for the eleven young dinosaurs from the tensions that were radiating from the unsteady Vegimeat Alliance, an ominous association lingered here.

From what could be detected via scent trails, this had been the last place Lini had gone to before she vanished. For those with noses to detect it, they could smell her distinguishing aroma even now, sending their minds reeling back into memories of her, and filling their hearts with an ache of sorrow and growing concern…

In an attempt to diffuse the tension, and also because he was simply hungry, Spike took a generous bite of a nearby bush, before grunting and gesturing to Al, who was sitting nearby him, as an invitation to join the feast.

Al, who had been staring into space at this point, his eyes unfocused, slowly turned his rigid head towards the beckoning spiketail. Clenching his fists slightly, he made himself a silent resolve.

“No matter how bad things may be getting, I’m not to turn on the leaf-eaters. It would be a betrayal of Chomper, a betrayal of Zyro, and betrayal of Shark, and in all honesty, a betrayal of Lini. I will make do with other meat around here. Now, just calm down and politely decline…”

Al gave a rather-to-obvious sheepish grin and gestured to the plants Spike was munching happily at.

“N-no thank you…” he murmured, stuttering slightly as he attempted to grasp the flattooth dialect. “Don’t l-like…plants…” He was already heading away as Spike nodded understandingly.

“Shorty,” Ali was saying, as Shorty too began to quietly munch on some leaves. “Do you know whether the sharpteeth are going to break off their alliance? Has your dad said anything?”

Shorty shook his head.

“Nope, nothing, as far as I can detect, it’s still…uncertain.” He tried his best to avoid Ali’s gaze as he said this. It wasn’t as if he didn’t like what he would see…her eyes were simply beautiful, shimmering pale blue like Big Water on the clearest day. But to him, to look into those eyes would be to stare directly into her soul, and see everything about her, including how she felt about him…and Shorty felt as though the stare upon him would be too judgemental…something he wouldn’t like. And it was Ali’s approval he wanted more than anything else.

To content himself as he chewed, he gazed across at the rest of the group. Littlefoot, Ruby and Cera were all flopped on the ground, perhaps fearing their pacing in their undergrowth with their large bodies would disturb the peace. Ducky and Petrie were having a whispered discussion near Ruby, Saureen was sitting down against a small tree, resting her back and looking into the clouds, her thoughts elsewhere. Chomper meanwhile, had been pacing on the spot, wringing his hands and emitting loud exhalations through his nostrils. At Shorty’s he words, he let out a deep growl of frustration, and pummelled his tiny fist into the dirt.

“No!” he said forcefully, and everyone turned to look at him. Chomper, although feeling all the eyes upon him, didn’t look up, and merely scraped his claws more forcefully into the dirt as the current situation reverberated and escalated throughout his mind, pounding on the walls of his skull. Lini, snatched from their midst, and now the entire alliance was falling apart.

“We have come too far…” Chomper muttered, continuing to punish the ground more, pressing his hand deeper. “We can’t disband this alliance. What would it mean for us then?” He looked up at his friends, feeling the tears once more forming behind his eyes.

“We would be…separated once more…” he murmured. “And what would it mean for the Great Valley?”

There was a pause as everyone let this nefarious question sink in, but after a moment, Littlefoot rose to his feet. He held his head upon his mighty neck high in pride and gazed at Chomper with a face that was at once filled with both long-lasting friendship and a ferocious determination.

“I know what you mean Chomper,” he said earnestly. “And therefore, I think this is one of the reasons that, no matter how bad the tensions get…the alliance won’t disband.”

Chomper looked back at him, eyebrow raised, not looking so much sceptical, if anything, more hopeful.

“Yeah,” Cera added, also standing up, a rare sweet smile present on her features. “I agree. Despite our differences, we have the common goal of rescuing the Valley, and we know we have to hold together for that.”

Chomper felt a warm smile, almost though he caught it from Cera, spreading over his face now.

“I’m sorry if I gave you any doubts,” Shorty relented, looking a little guilty as Chomper turned to him, though smiling all the same. “I concur with these two. No shared ambition of this scale is going to drive us apart.” His face twisting into fierce loyalty, and he slammed his front foot into the ground, feeling the might radiating from the displaced earth. “If we’re not going to take down Ulciscor, then there’s nobody else that will!” He could feel Ali’s admiring eyes upon as he said this, and refrained from looking at her as the heat rose up in his cheeks.

Chomper beamed and nodded.

“Thanks guys…you’re right…” Sighing happily, his attention was suddenly taken by something small he saw scuttling along the ground, which instantly took him back to the Valley. It had been so long since he had eaten insects, they almost seemed to be part of it – those were fantastic those sunny afternoons! Running around with all his friends, playing everything they could think of, the warmth of the Bright Circle bathing them lovingly – the cool of the water as they splashed and laughed their way through it…and of course, snacking on any tasty little insect morsel he could find along the way. He sighed. Ulciscor would never get away with taking that from him, he decided. His reign would end soon…just after they found Lini…

But as he looked closer at this beetle-creature, he noticed, what with the red colouration and distinguished black spots, that he had hit the jackpot.

“AWESOME!!” he suddenly cried, diving forward and snatching the creature from the dirt, where it wriggled helplessly in his hand. “I haven’t had one of these since I was on the island!” He took a deep a blissful sniff of it, taking in the spicy aroma. “It’s the best of the best, just wait until you all see it…!”

Everyone in the vicinity was staring at him incredulously. It was interesting how quickly his moods could be changed…Cera simply rolled her eyes and settled back down on the ground. But Saureen’s reaction was by far the most prominent.

She had begun to approach Chomper during his concern about the alliance splitting up, but upon seeing the squirming bug clutched in his claws, she had felt its legs crawling all over skin. Gulping, her eyes wide and fearful, she had recoiled rapidly, pacing backwards until she slipped and fell heavily to the ground.

Now all eyes were on her. Nobody had the slightest idea what was going on, and Chomper only made it worse when he approached her.

“Saureen…you OK?” he queried.

“Mmm…” Saureen could only mutter in reply, her eyes still on the insect. “Yeah…just…just keep that away from me OK?”

“Huh?” Chomper gazed, puzzled, at his potential prey. “Why?”

“I’m scared, OK?” Saureen murmured, not looking directly at him as she stood up, trembling from head to toe. “I’m scared…I really don’t like insects. As such, I first had to learn how to hunt fish from…well…I just don’t like insects.”

“OK…” Chomper nodded, still looking slightly puzzled, and downed the bug in one gulp.

Saureen panted quietly as she held herself against a tree, her skinny arms clinging to each other defensively, still shaking and trembling as though sitting amongst the snow. Despite the relief that the insect was now out of sight, that was the least of her problems. What would Chomper and Al think of her now they knew she was scared of insects? She could still feel the onlookers giving her funny stares, and she could have sworn Shorty understood every word she said. It was a joke – absolutely laughable. Whoever had heard of a Sharptooth, top of the food chain and born to strike fear into the hearts of other dinosaurs that was terrified of insects??? Once Zyro had gotten wind of this, she didn’t think he’d be particularly happy either with the weak link that was now presented to him.

Only one person had never judged her for her phobia. Only one had ever brushed it off as just a personality habit. That same person who had taught her to hunt fish, and it really worried Saureen that she had come that close to mentioning Seizon’s name, something that she knew was a taboo amongst this group…

Al took a deep breath.

“OK,” he said, trusting Chomper to translate it for the leaf-eaters. “I’m going to go now, and talk to Zyro, see if he can keep me informed in what’s going on.”

“Oh, can’t you say?” Shorty replied, in almost perfect Sharptooth. Al gave him a small smile and replied,

“No…I don’t know how long I can stay around here without thinking too much about…her…” He sighed once more and waved. “See you all later…” He quickly sped away to the valedictions of his companions.

“He seems…I dunno…a little off at the moment…” Ali commented, squinting as she watched him go.

“Well, Lini’s disappearance must have shaken him up,” Shorty replied simply.

“I know…” Ali replied. “But still – he seems…I dunno, more distracted than everyone else…”

A scurry of wings and footsteps on her head told her that Petrie had perched on her head.

“Me think there may be a reason for that!” he told her, chuckling slightly.

“Petrie!” Ducky said accusingly, coming up next to Ali. “We do not want to poke fun at this bad situation, nope, nope, nope!”

“Me know…” Petrie relented. “But me just think that Al likes Lini in a ëspecial way!’ His emphasis on the words made Ali gaze up at him, completely non-plussed.

“You think?” she muttered, but as Petrie slid off her neck, she found herself growing more pensive about it. It was true – it did make sense, and considering what else was on her mind, it seemed all the more appropriate…

“Your way with words presents a way of wording to be reckoned with Petrie!” Ruby grinned, somewhat ironically. “But yes, I agree with you.”

Ali turned to her.

“Ruby…have you ever been in love?” she asked. It seemed nonsensical to dance around with euphemisms and mince terms – just be direct, she told herself.

Ruby, though grinning sheepishly, nodded.

“I don’t know if it was love,” she admitted. “But back when I was living with my parents, there was a boy fast runner who…” she sighed and giggled slightly. “Well…it’s a rather long story. But if there’s one thing I know about boys…” she leaned forward to whisper in the longneck’s ear. “They will never be direct about anything…so don’t look for the obvious signs!” Ali stared at Ruby as she stepped back.

Could she have possibly been reading her mind?

Chomper meanwhile, not wanting to be drawn into such a conversation, walked a little distance away from the rest of them. Here, he could hunt for more insects out of sight of Saureen, therefore not creeping her out. Although admittedly, most of the insects here were…well, extremely hard to catch.

Chomper gave a great sigh as a beetle scurried up the bark of a tree, therefore out of his reach. Looking for just a few insects sure was exhausting…he took a deep inhale as the wind rustled through the trees once more, and took in the exciting mixed aromas of the air, including one that, for some reason, reminded him of getting his head struck with a rock…


Chomper stood stock still as the scent registered in his brain. It was unmistakable. A fated meeting, beginning with him knocking Chomper out and…but what was he doing here??
“Saureen!!” Chomper hissed. “Come over here! I promise there aren’t any insects about…I just need to see if you can smell something!”

“Smell what?” she asked, wandering over, now having stopped trembling.

“When the wind blows in our faces,” Chomper instructed, trying to keep his voice steady as his heart pounded against his ribcage. “Tell me what…or who, you can smell…”

Saureen did as she was instructed, and Chomper, his heart rate still excessive, looked to see the transformation her face would go under when she smelled what he had smelt.

His prediction wasn’t far awry, and her eyes flew open in shock with her face tensing up when the realisation hit home.

“No way…” she whispered. “It can’t be…what’s he doing here…?”

“Well…” Chomper growled, flexing his arms. “I want him to tell us exactly that!”

Saureen turned to him and moaned softly in exasperation.

“No Chomper!” she protested. “You mustn’t!”

“He is not going to ruin our lives any longer,” Chomper replied firmly, sniffing the air once more. “He’s moving…” he observed. “In…” his eyes swivelled to a direction slightly east of them. “That direction!!”

And without warning, he leapt up from the log he was perched on in a rapid and unrelenting pursuit of the unwelcome scent.

“Chomper…?!” Saureen squawked, her voice hitting several octaves higher.

“COME ON, GUYS!!!” Chomper yelled at the top of his voice, causing everyone else to look up.

“Huh?” Cera uttered. “Where’s he going?”

“Chomper!” Ruby called after him, giving chase, the other eight soon following suit.

“No time to explain guys!!” Chomper informed them as they sprinted through the undergrowth.

“That’s a pity…” Shorty muttered under his breath.

Feeling like he was losing the scent, Chomper skidded to a halt, sending everyone behind him into a pile-up.

“Chomper!!” Saureen wheezed, attempting to disentangle herself from Littlefoot’s tail. “You’ve got to let it go!”

“I can’t!” Chomper insisted, sniffing forcefully around for the trail. “He shouldn’t have come anywhere near us…we made it specifically clear…and I want to know why…sniff, Saureen!!”

Reluctantly, Saureen joined in the scent detection, until they had pin-pointed it.

“GOT IT!!” Chomper roared, his face with an expression on it to make any small animal flee turned towards the new direction. “Come on, let’s go!”

“But Chomper!” Ruby protested as the ten of them continued to gallop along. “Whatever’s happening, wouldn’t it be better if we got Old One, Zyro or one of the other grown-ups to deal with it?”

“There’s no time!” Chomper called back. As he dashed through the trees, every one of his senses were alert…he could smell the one he was pursuing, he was sure he could distinctly hear him crashing through the undergrowth ahead of them. He could almost see a bladeback’s shadow at every turn they made, near every tree they ran past…all he knew was that they were getting closer…

With a great gasp, the young dinosaurs burst out from the woods, finding themselves both in the blazing sunlight and scorching rock of a much more desolate area.

“Chomper!” Littlefoot gasped, gazing around. “We’ve come too far, we’ve gotta go back…!”

But Chomper wasn’t listening, because at that moment he had charged. He had seen, ahead of them, a small cyan shape in the distance that was unmistakable, and as he drew closer, Chomper’s rage only increased.

“SEIZON!!!” he screamed as his quarry’s amber eyes came into view.

But they weren’t full of malice, or of an arrogant air and swagger that Seizon normally carried. They were wide open, and filled with anxiousness, concern and humility. Then, he opened his mouth to speak.

“Chomper…” he began.

But Chomper didn’t care. All he knew was that he hated Seizon, perhaps more than anyone else he could think of right now. It was Seizon’s fault that two noble and amazing fastbiters who Chomper had felt as close to as siblings now lay dead in their graves, and Seizon had been prepared to leave two more to their fates, just because of some stupid worldview he shared with his elusive stepfather. And Chomper didn’t want Seizon near anyone he cared about ever again.

And so, he charged straight into him, knocking him to the ground. As the two sharpteeth rolled in the dirt, Chomper heard screaming behind him, telling him to stop…but he refused to stop. He couldn’t stop…this was Seizon he was dealing with. Chomper eventually leapt to his feet and pushed Seizon back to the ground, placing his foot on his chest to prevent him from getting up.

“You picked the wrong time to come crawling back!” Chomper snarled at him.

“Chomper, please!” Seizon pleaded, his eyes continuing to display his worry and fear, which shook Chomper up a little slightly – this bladeback seemed to be only Seizon in appearance.

Seizon held up his hands.

“Come on – hear me out!” he insisted.

“Who’s this?” Ali asked, as the rest of the group gathered around Chomper and his quarry.

“His name’s Seizon…” Saureen replied, and Chomper was surprised to hear her new grip of the flattooth language. “He was the one who…” she paused for a moment as she struggled to translate in her head. “Took Chomper from the Valley originally…and we left him because…well…we’ve had our ups and downs.”

Chomper snorted.

“Mainly downs,” he growled, continuing to glare at Seizon.

Seizon, despite not understanding the exchange that had just gone on, continued to try and plea his case.

“I know I could say sorry a thousand times and it not mean anything,” he said. “But it’s still the truth. I was wrong – I can see that now. What I’ve done was…unforgivable…”

Chomper just frowned, not entirely sure where he was going with this – Seizon had practically worshipped Xal and his ideals. This change of heart seemed very…sudden.

Saureen gently nudged Chomper off of Seizon and bent down to face him. As she did so, she saw his amber eyes soften, and a small, relieved smile of recognition and the security of something familiar form on his face. Upon seeing this, Saureen had to look away – it was the least she could do to supress her rising sense of guilt. She had shouted, screamed and hollered abuse at him when he had left…and here he was, still grinning as broadly as they day he had taught her to fish, all innocence…

“So, you’re sorry for what you did,” Saureen murmured. “OK – what about Xal?”

“Xal??” Shorty exclaimed suddenly in his native tongue, having followed the conversation in Sharptooth. He turned to his fellow leaf-eaters.

“Wasn’t Xal the one Zyro warned us about?” he asked.

“Yeah…” Littlefoot agreed, nodding. “The one he said wanted Chomper to help him take over the Valley…for his own purposes.”

“So wait…” Cera murmured, her face twisting into a snarl which she then glared at Seizon with.

“Are you saying this guy is in league with him??”

“Oh yeah…” Chomper growled maliciously. “Which is why we all left him in the first place.”

Seizon couldn’t understand what was being said here, but he got the basic impression when he realised every one of the leaf-eaters was now glaring at him with a loathing almost to Chomper’s standard. Swallowing nervously, he turned back to Saureen.

“Look…I was really deluded. About Xal. I was wrong…h-he was- is wrong…”

Saureen drew back, eyes stretched wide, but speechless as she took in what he had said. Conversely, Chomper’s eyes narrowed, and he drew even closer, without shifting his gaze from the apologetic bladeback.

“Say that again…?” the twoclaw murmured.

“Xal was wrong…” Seizon repeated, getting unsteadily to his feet, now that he saw Chomper made no move to stop him. Shorty was busy translating for the benefit of his leaf-eater friends, and they gained similar expressions of surprise, and also didn’t desire to stop him.

“I went back to the Fanged Forest,” Seizon explained, his voice full of earnest, as he flamboyantly wrung his hands to emphasize his point. “And reported back to Xal… and once I heard everything he had done, and was planning to do…I knew I couldn’t stay there anymore. He’s even allied himself with Redclaw!”

Chomper, Saureen and Shorty gave theatrical gasps following this statement, followed by the rest of them once the translation had been made.

“I may have worked loyally for him before,” Seizon continued, his voice growing more distraught by the second. “But I refuse to do so anymore…Chomper…” he turned to him, his amber eyes filled with sincerity. “I’m really sorry I took you away from the people you care for.”

That could have meant the Great Valley populace, it could even have extended to Pyron and Nycha, but Chomper could almost feel the apology radiating from him…it seemed he had truly turned over a new leaf…though it was early days, and Chomper, nodding dismissively, still felt it wise to be cautious.

Saureen on the other hand, beamed a broad smile that set her emerald eyes twinkling, and quickly stepped forward to put her arms around the one she once called brother in a warm embrace.

“It’s good to have you back Seizon…” she murmured. Seizon didn’t respond.

“We know that everybody makes mistakes,” Ducky piped up, climbing down from Spike. “And it is best if you can put them behind you, it is, it is!”

“What did she say…?” Seizon muttered to Chomper.

Chomper reluctantly translated. He was still unsure what to make of Seizon’s apparent regret. He chanced a glance at Littlefoot, who merely shrugged. Of course, he didn’t have the foreknowledge that made Chomper so unwilling to forgive Seizon as quickly as Saureen seemed to be…then again, she knew him even better.

“Seizon,” Chomper said levelly, suddenly remembering another issue at hand. “In all your wanderings from the Fanged Forest to here…have you seen Lini anywhere?”

“I may have done actually…” Seizon replied, shrugging. “Why…?”

All grudges aside, Chomper stepped quickly towards him, his face shining in earnest.

“She’s missing,” Chomper explained quickly. “She’s gone missing from the Heathland, and we need to find her before we march on the Valley. It’s vitally important. Where did you see her?”

“It was about…” Seizon turned to look at the horizon from where he had come from. “At that point where…tell you what, I think I can find it again, come on and I’ll show you.”

Against his better judgement, Chomper followed without a second thought, Saureen closely beside him. The eight leaf-eaters all exchanged looks, shrugged and followed after them.

“Is she OK?” Saureen asked tentatively.

Seizon looked down at the ground.

“Not sure,” he replied. “We’d better get there quick…”

And so they walked on in silence, feeling they had nothing to say. They had only one desire within them – to find their lost companion. But eventually, with constant walking, and nearing a shady oasis, Petrie flew close to Chomper’s ear.

“Me not want to be a party pooper…” he murmured. “Buuuuuut we seem to be going too far from Heathland!”

Chomper considered for a moment, before nodding.

“Please tell your friend we need to get there soon, or we’ll be lost!!”

Chomper nodded, and tapped Seizon on the shoulder.

“Hey, Seizon,” he said. “If it’s any further we’re going to have to go back and get help from the adults. So, is it too far? Because we need to make a decision now!”

Without hesitation, Seizon turned to him and fixed him with a steely glare. This glare caused Chomper to recoil, because those penetrating amber eyes were the ones he was used too. The eyes had lost their sympathy and apology. Now they were cold and ruthless.

“You’re right Chomper…” Seizon replied, his voice also taking on a cold, hard quality. “I think this is far enough away. Now we can get to business.”

For a moment, the other ten had no idea what he was talking about, but all became clear when Ducky let out a horrified scream. With dread flooding every inch of them, they slowly turned their heads in the direction she was quivering at.

A tall, savage-looking, jet black Sharptooth over twice the height of Littlefoot was leering down upon them, saliva dripping, eyes gleaming. They noticed a strange triangular fin near the end of its back, but weren’t thinking too much of it now. On an impulse, the ten of them turned to run in the opposite direction…only to be blocked by a second one of these finned sharpteeth, this one slate grey. Like the other, it didn’t seem to be intending to attack…yet. It was more like hemming them in.

As the gang watched in rising panic, more of these sharpteeth began to surround them, coming from nearby rocks, or under trees in the oasis. It was, to be put bluntly, an ambush, and they all quickly came to the conclusion that the mastermind of this ambush was amongst them. Chomper, dread still dominant over his emotions, turned to look Seizon dead in the cold eyes. They told him everything he needed to know.

“Piercers,” Seizon said simply, completely unperturbed by these ravenous beasts. “Members of an elite division known as the Piercer Platoon, as commanded by Xal. You may have heard of them from your beloved leader. Either way, Xal put a few under my authority, because he knew you’d be hard to reign in.”

Now the dread was gone. Even as all his friends quaked and panicked around him, and even though he should be very afraid, now all Chomper felt was anger, fury, rage…uncontrollable rage. For a few seconds, he had trusted Seizon…but he had betrayed them, stabbed them in the back. He felt no remorse. He was nothing more than a low-life traitor – that was how Xal had made him.

With a roar of all his compiling emotions, Chomper charged straight at Seizon, not caring that Seizon had essentially bodyguards with the presence of the Piercers, bodyguards who could rip him apart in a second. All he wanted was to make Seizon pay.


But in Chomper’s blind fury, his charge wasn’t overly effective. Seizon merely pushed out at Chomper’s head and shoulders, sending him careering backwards onto the ground. Unperturbed, Chomper leapt to his feet and made to go after him again, only to have a Piercer grab him and pin him wordlessly to the floor.

“You’re all far too trusting,” Seizon informed them, a small smirk creeping onto his face. “Oh, Chomper…I had high hopes for you. I thought you would have seen the light long ago…” He knelt down, and extended a foreclaw to grab Chomper buy the chin, so they were once again eye to eye. Chomper glared and let out a guttural growl, his canines bared. Seizon simply ignored this.

“But instead, you keep forcing me to take extreme measures. Now I have to drag you to the forest. And you, in your selfishness, you’ve landed your friends in it too…”

At these words, Chomper forgot his anger with a jolt of horror to the stomach. He turned his head to look behind him, to see all the leaf-eaters he had brought with him pinned under and held secure by the Piercer’s, who were indifferent to their struggles. Although they were not attempting to eat any of them, they were more than capable, and all Seizon (who they were watching closely) had to do was give a single word of command…

Chomper’s eyes shifted to Saureen, the only one amongst them who wasn’t attempting to struggle against the one who held her captive. Her eyes seemed strangely unfocused, and were staring at the ground, in abject despair, tears beginning to form in them…her mouth was beginning to also tremble.

Realising the misery and guilt she must be feeling for trusting Seizon so easily, Chomper wanted to try and comfort her, but under restraint, it was difficult to do so…besides, he was worried about the fates of all his other friends…and, he realised, why just them? He wouldn’t put it past Xal to endorse cannibalism.

“Where’s Al?” Seizon demanded, frowning for the first time since he had captured them and pacing amongst them. “I wanted to have a few words with him, that treacherous little bast-”

“He’s not here…” Shorty snapped at him in sharptooth. Seizon broke off to look at him, amazed.

“Wow!” he exclaimed, a grin returning. “So Chomper managed to teach the livestock how to speak! OK then flathead…actually that doesn’t really apply…where is Al?”

“He’s in the Heathland,” Shorty shot back. “Are you prepared to go there?”

Seizon’s smile slipped and he turned away.

“In answer to your earlier question Chomper…” he continued, sweeping past Saureen whilst determinately not looking at her. “Yes – I’ve seen Lini. We have her.”

“I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!!” Chomper roared in anguish.

Seizon ignored him.

“We realised taking one of your precious companions would have been an ideal way to get you out into the open,” he explained. “Because we still need your input. Having said that, all of your flattooth friends will probably come in useful for our Valley infiltration, so therefore, we’ll keep them alive. For now at least.”

At least that was one weight of their chests, but as the ten felt themselves wrestled to their feet by the Sharptooth thugs, they knew that they could not avoid whatever fresh horrors awaited them.

“The revolution begins here,” Seizon told them all, his eyes now alight with zeal. “Xal’s dream of a Sharptooth utopia will soon be made real. And once we get you to the Fanged Forest, you will be our key! Don’t worry – your Valley will be liberated soon enough!”

And with a small smile that ignored all the glares it attracted, Seizon turned on his heel and began to lead his prisoners and their detainers eastwards.


And there you have it!  :DD Really hope you enjoyed, and well...things are heating up! Seizon's returned, and, well...he really hasn't learnt much has he? Everyone is getting ready for war and the characters' thoughts are all over the place!  :blink:  :lol
Anyway, please give me reviews and THANKS FOR READING!  

Random Role Play / Ask the Characters
« on: January 18, 2014, 01:38:11 PM »
My characters available to be asked questions:

From Venatione Venatus:


Land Before Time Captions / Stunned gang
« on: January 18, 2014, 12:15:28 PM »
Littlefoot:'ve lost your tail!
Spike: Yeah...I know what it looks like, but it wasn't Chomper...
Ducky: It's almost all gone...:o
Spike: Wait until you see Cera's...
Petrie: Must...not...laugh...

The Party Room / you've seen...
« on: January 18, 2014, 09:52:05 AM »
When you imagine everything green you eat is plant matter... :p

Ask Me / Ask about VV...
« on: January 18, 2014, 09:47:55 AM »
Chomper: We gave him the chance to come with us, but he refused. And if he's not going to get over his own superiority complex, I'm afraid he's on his own...

LBT Fanfiction / Venatione Venatus
« on: January 12, 2014, 09:52:38 AM »
Thanks. :p Might be a while though I'm afraid...

LBT Fanfiction / Ducky123's fic
« on: January 02, 2014, 06:14:56 AM »
Hm, white stones?  :blink: Now, I'd like to see where that goes...and as for Ducky, well...she never gets a break.  :( But, it was a good chapter, I feel Pterano has a lot to add to this story yet... :D

LBT Fanfiction / Ducky123's fic
« on: December 29, 2013, 10:15:41 AM »
That's ominous...:o But its great anyway!

Again, another nice throwback to the original film, but with the added thoughts of everyone else. Not sure who's my favourite was - a toss-up between Cera's and Spike's...I'm interested to see what Petrie's is like.  :yes

LBT Fanfiction / Mine FanArt
« on: December 23, 2013, 08:27:01 PM »
I don't care how long it took...LOOKS ABSOLUTLEY AMAZING!!!!!!!!  :DD Thankssssssssssssssss!

LBT Fanfiction / Ducky123's fic
« on: December 21, 2013, 05:03:08 PM »
Littlefoot's thinking about his father was good to see, I think. I really felt his anger and bitter disappointment in that passage. As for the rest of them, well...things can only get better.
I wonder what's happening with Cera as well... :unsure:

LBT Fanfiction / Venatione Venatus
« on: December 15, 2013, 05:14:48 PM »
Here we go, at long last, the next VV chapter! Will discuss the content at the end. Until then, ENJOY!

Chapter Nineteen: Help is at Hand?

“He’s back!!!”

It was a shrill cry, one quite uncharacteristic of Ichy as he flapped in sudden a wave of drunken excitement over the heads of larger sharpteeth.

Xal’s eyes narrowed at the enthusiastic sharpbeak above his head.

“Ferox?” he asked slowly, Gigas and Redclaw remaining in a stony silence.

“No,” Ichy replied impatiently. “Not him.” He perched precariously on Xal’s nose.

“I’m talking about Seizon,” he explained. “He’s heading towards the forest as I speak!”

For the first time in a very long while, something akin to pure, non-malevolent joy and delight manifested itself into an expression on Xal’s face, and his eyes widened also with the same emotion.

“Excellent! I was beginning to wonder what had happened to him…we can now finally get things moving. The revolution begins here…”

“What about this Zyro person?” Gigas questioned. “Won’t he get in the way?”

“Not if he knows what’s good for him,” Xal shot back. “Besides – we have the ambassador now…”

“Sorry Xal!” Ichy piped up, now dispiritedly. “But the ambassador isn’t with Seizon.”


“That’s not the half of it,” Ichy continued. “Nobody’s with him at all…not even Saureen.”

Despite dreading the reaction from his stepfather when he informed him that his entire pack had abandoned him, Seizon had nevertheless loyally dragged himself back to the Fanged Forest, if only to re-group and consider the next best course of action.

As he approached the sheltered conifers which marked the forests’ beginning, he noticed three large sharpteeth emerge from the trees to meet him. One of them was unmistakably his stepfather Xal, with the mid-blue body and blood-red sail on his back. To one side of him was a tall, green plated slashclaw that Seizon didn’t recognise and the third…

As soon as Seizon recognised the third, he stopped dead in his tracks, staring at said Sharptooth. On top of everything else that had happened, his disbelief was beginning to mount to an incredible height, almost so he could barely think straight anymore…

“Well, Seizon?” Xal’s voice cut across his thoughts. With some effort, Seizon turned to look at him. Xal didn’t seem angry, but there was a slight frown on his face, one that would have filled Seizon with a wave of guilt at his stepfather’s disappointment if he hadn’t been so transfixed with horror at the Sharptooth that he hated.

“Where is everyone else?” Xal continued.

“First and foremost…” Seizon replied, swallowing slightly. He pointed at Redclaw.

“What the hell is he doing here?”

“Hm?” Xal glanced over at Redclaw. “Oh right…of course, you weren’t to know. Redclaw came to us to offer his allegiances, because he had nothing else left. I was reluctant to enrol him at first, but Gigas here…” he gestured to the slashclaw on his right. “Convinced me that Redclaw may prove useful…and he is. He is providing us with both muscle and vital information about our enemies. But Seizon – I want to know why you’ve come back here alone.”

“Right…” Seizon wasn’t entirely convinced about Redclaw, but he supposed that Xal wouldn’t have allowed him to join his army without good reason.

“I’m sorry Xal…” he continued. “But the ambassador, Chomper, was reluctant to come back with me. He battled it out – I won, but then Saureen and the other members of my pack announced their intentions to leave as well…” His mouth took on a contorted, pained expression. “I couldn’t stop them, they all left…”

The moment came back to him – their ever shrinking sillohuettes in the distance, all having told him the same thing – we can no longer follow you…

He clenched his fist. They would see – once the revolution came round, they would all see how wrong they were, and would rejoice at the sight of him…

“I see…” Xal nodded, and rolled his eyes skyward to consider his options briefly. Gigas gave him an odd look. He couldn’t quite understand why Xal was being so lenient with this brat – not only was he late, he had failed in his mission completely. Xal should have punished him severely…and yet he wasn’t. He supposed there must be some sort of family connection between the two of them that prevented Xal from being so severe, but in his time, Gigas reflected, that had never stopped him…

He looked over at Redclaw to see if he were thinking the same thing as him. His expression was unreadable, and Gigas guessed that he didn’t want to seem treacherous to Xal at this point.

“Do you know where they went, Seizon?” Xal asked.

Seizon shook his head. “I’m not even sure they knew…but I will find them, I promise!” He now looked up, his eyes bursting with determination.

“You should have thought of that beforehand!” Gigas snapped at him. “You should have gone after them instead of returning here empty-handed!”

“Trying to convince them again would have done him little good,” Xal assured Gigas. “I personally think coming here in an attempt to re-group was a far better strategy.”

“True…” Gigas admitted.

“The problem remains, however,” Xal continued. “That they will continue to resist us. Particularly Saureen, once she learns the fate of her grandmother and father.”

“Tyra and Ferox?” Seizon murmured. “What happened to them?”

“They were being insubordinate and declaring their intentions to leave,” Xal replied. “A familiar story, I’m sure you’ll agree…Ferox escaped and we were forced to kill Tyra.”

Seizon nodded and felt a rush of sympathy towards Saureen. It must be terrible having family that don’t understand what’s good for them…he hoped she would have a better life once the revolution began…if they could find her…

“Therefore,” Xal continued. “We will have to bring them here by force.”

Redclaw’s eyes lit up.

“Whatever works,” Seizon agreed. “It’s for their own good. But how are we supposed to find them?”

“I may be able to help you out there,” Redclaw said suddenly, stepping forward.

“Who asked you??!” Seizon growled at him.

“Let him talk,” Xal rebuked Seizon.

“It goes back to Ichy’s report from when he encountered you all at the Cave Network,” Redclaw explained. “The description of one of those involved matches very closely to one young Sharptooth whom I know to be associated with Zyro…”

Xal glared at him. “And you didn’t think to tell me this before?”

“I figured it would have been easier to see how events unfolded from there,” Redclaw replied defensively. “And it would have given us a better insight into how these pacifists operate!”

“I could have told you that,” Xal countered. “You still should have let me know.”

“Who’s Zyro?” Seizon asked.

“An obstacle,” Xal said simply. “But if this child was indeed working for Zyro, it’s highly likely that he’s taken the ambassador and the others to where he is.”

“Who was this person?” Seizon demanded.

“I’m not sure of his name,” Redclaw admitted. “But he’s a young crunchbiter with stripes…”

Images of Al immediately flitted into Seizon’s mind, and his rage grew. Al would certainly not get away with taking his pack from him…how could he have not have known he was a spy??

“Right…” Seizon murmured, pummelling his fist into the ground. “So our top priority is finding Zyro?”

“Quite,” Xal agreed. “It may make infiltrating the Great Valley even easier – it’s been taken over by Ulciscor, and so removing all possible enemies at any time is a good move. But once we find these pacifists…it may be difficult getting them secure.”

“Now, this is where I might be able to help you,” Gigas spoke up, grinning. “I know somebody in that pack as well…”

Dust and small pebbles rose up around the sharptooth’s feet as they continued to walk and trudge towards an unspecified destination. Chomper, who was, along with Saureen, aiding Lini by supporting her at either side reflected at how suddenly and quickly Al, who was walking in front of and taking them to their destination, had taken up this leadership role.

Chomper supposed he had always taken Al for granted. He had always been the quietest member of the group, always calm and mellow without any other particular personality traits. Chomper had previously been so worked up about the issues surrounding Pyron, Nyhca and Seizon that he hadn’t had a lot of time to give Al much thought, which made it all the more shocking about what he and Lini had said the previous night.

“I don’t believe this!” Chomper protested with severe indignation. “If we can’t go back to the Valley, where are you suggesting we go?”

“There is a Sharptooth,” Al replied patiently. “Who will be able to explain to us everything that is going on. He commissioned me to join this pack to ensure everything was kept safe and sane, and I promise you he does not hate leaf-eaters.”

“Are you talking about Zyro?” Lini asked, her face suddenly alight with interest as supposed to contorted with pain.

“Yes,” Al replied, smiling a little. “He will be our safe haven at last.”

Zyro, it turned out, had sent Al undercover into the pack to keep an eye on things, whilst reporting back to Screech and Thud – something Chomper hadn’t been entirely sure about. Apparently, Al had lost contact with them, meaning that they had had to flee their outpost near the Valley for some reason. Therefore, the Valley was an unsafe zone.

Al had spoken about Zyro with some admiration, and yet for some reason it didn’t seem to Chomper as though this was the same sort of bond Seizon and Xal shared, and as everything he had heard of Zyro and Shark made him like them even more, he had decided to go along with it. All the same, he was still a little uncertain about what was going on.

He glanced across Lini at Saureen, who had been largely silent since they had walked out on Seizon. He could understand how painful the whole experience must have been for her – she had known the obnoxious bladeback since they were infants and had seen more of the light and dark of him than the rest of them had. It was impossible to tell quite what she was feeling about it, and even less so about the meeting with this mysterious Sharptooth.

Then, Lini spoke, as though she were reading both their minds.

“I know what you two are wondering,” she said softly, an albeit pained smile creeping across her face. “Wondering whether you should trust another individual you’ve never met?”

Chomper and Saureen just listened and waited, confirming her suspicions.

“There’s no doubt it’s strange,” Lini admitted. “But following someone in life, even if it’s for a short amount of time, will help you get skills and trains of thought to follow…”

Chomper was instantly reminded of how he had instantly imprinted on Littlefoot following his birth, and he nodded understandably.

“That’s provided,” Lini added, her smile slipping slightly. “You follow the right ones. From what I’ve heard of Zyro, he seems to have the right idea about these things…”

“He managed to get Screech and Thud in their place,” Saureen interjected suddenly, remembering now how the two fastbiters had sounded as though they were trying to help Seizon and give him advice when he had taken Chomper from the Valley. “If he can get them to act like rational individuals…”

“Exactly,” Al turned back to them smiling. “I understand why you might be suspicious, but I advise you all see Zyro before you make your decisions. Right now, we’re headed towards the Rocky Heathland, and area which I was told was the ideal place to rendezvous if the Valley scrutiny tactic didn’t work.”


Littlefoot gave a small sigh as he flopped his neck onto the ground to join the circle of him and his seven friends. Well, six – Spike was a short distance away from the rest of them, eating stolidly from a large bush and enjoying the companionship of Opal. Their spiketail kinship really seemed to have kicked in.

“Anymore word on what Zyro and the other sharpteeth are saying?” Cera asked to no one in particular.

“Nothing,” Ali admitted. “Apparently, they’re still sitting tight and waiting. But I’m bored of waiting!” She flopped her neck onto the ground in a similar fashion to Littlefoot’s.

“You’re saying you really want to go to war?” Shorty asked, puzzled. He seemed to have gotten over failing the test now, and was much calmer.
“Well, no,” Ali admitted. “But…well…if what they’re saying is true, we need to free the Valley from this Ulciscor!”

“Agreed,” Littlefoot replied. “I think my dad recognises the name from somewhere.” He frowned. “He won’t tell me anything about it though…”

Petrie, getting bored and slightly weirded out from this constant war-talk, had allowed the wind to catch under his wings and was drifting off slightly into the sky. Where they were sitting was on the edge of the heathland, where they liked to be to overlook the whole area, seeing the longnecks and sharpteeth lying side-by-side. Old One and the others allowed them to go there, provided an adult leaf-eater went with them, and Opal was their favourite choice of chaperone due to how well she got on with Spike. As Petrie drifted and gazed at the land in the distance, he noticed some distinct figures on the horizon. As they moved closer, he could make out their number (four) and when he peered closer, he saw something that caused him to almost fall out of the sky.

“Whoa…!” he gasped, hardly able to form words with his astonishment. Gathering his thoughts together, he quickly dived back to the group. There could be no mistaking the purple one…

“IT’S CHOMPER!!!” Petrie screeched, borderline hysterical.

Heads instantly snapped his way. Even Spike, with a mouthful of leaves, turned to look at him in wide-eyed curiosity.

“Huh?” Cera muttered.

“What?” Ruby responded.

“What do you mean?” Littlefoot asked.

“Chomper – he’s coming over to heathland!!!” Petrie replied in earnest. He took off again. “Follow me!” He called to them. “Me show you!”

The seven children all rushed in the flyer’s wake, Opal following them and bringing up the rear. Over the crest of the hill they stood on, they could see the figures coming along the horizon in more focus now. Four small sharpteeth, one of whom was…

“It IS Chomper!” Ducky yelled in delight. “It is, it is!!”

Recognition hit the rest of them, and despite the presence of other sharpteeth, euphoria immediately spread throughout their beings, shining outwardly on their faces. He was safe…

In a unanimous movement, the children began to gallop towards their long-lost friend.

Of course, the galloping was not going to go unnoticed by the other party either. As soon as Chomper heard the familiar cries of delight quickly coming his way, he quickly raised his head to see the sight for sore eyes that he had desired for so long. Quickly but gently releasing Lini, he mustered the last of his strength that had been diminished by his constant walking, and sprinted at full-pelt towards the party coming to greet him.

Al watched with some surprise as Chomper soared past him, but smiled along with his two other companions when he saw the cause.

Littlefoot and Chomper finally met in the middle of these two groups, wrapping their bodies around each other in an ecstatic embrace of brothers separated for too long.

“Littlefoot…!” Chomper whispered in a kind of hoarse euphoria.

“Welcome back Chomper!” Littlefoot murmured back, his joy as conspicuous as ever.

Eventually, the two of them released each other, and Chomper quickly turned to greet all his other friends in a similar fashion, including Ali and Shorty.

“Chomper, we’re so glad, yep, yep, yep!” Ducky cheered enthusiastically.

“Good to see ya, buddy!” Cera grinned.

“You too!” Chomper laughed back, as Spike gave him an excited lick.

“I have to say,” Al smiled back at the equally beaming Saureen and Lini as they watched this joyful reunion from afar. “This has turned out even better than I expected. I didn’t know they were going to be here too! Isn’t it great when that happens?”

“I know!” Lini cooed appreciatively.

“They all look so cute together!” Saureen agreed, smiling in spite of herself and her constant worry about Seizon…

Shaking this off, she then said to Al,

“Shouldn’t we introduce ourselves?”

Al’s smile slipped slightly.

“I guess so,” he admitted. “But we’ll need to get Chomper to do the introductions…”

“But Chomper…” Ruby murmured to him, wiping her eyes as he released her. “What’s happened to you?”

“It’s a notoriously long story,” Chomper replied honestly. “At the moment…I’m just so glad I’m here!”

This statement was greeted by more smiles from his friends, and they moved in on him in a massive group hug.

“Nice to see you two again as well!” Chomper added to Shorty and Ali. “But I suppose it begs the question…what are you all doing here?”

“Well,” Littlefoot sighed. “THAT’S a long story as well!”

“Really?” Chomper replied absent-mindedly, staring over the horizon. “So, who’s that?”

He was referring to Opal, who was still back where the Gang had left her, and she was now watching this exchange from a distance rather awkwardly. It wasn’t as though she mistrusted Chomper – but she felt that watching this way was being rather intrusive on an issue that was obviously just about the kids. All the same, she couldn’t help but feel connected to these children somehow. The attitudes of the longnecks in the herd weren’t impolite, but she never felt as though she had much place among them, even just as another adult.

“That’s Opal,” Ruby replied. “She’s a travelling companion.”

“And she’s far better than our last one,” Cera added, rolling her eyes. “You’ll understand what I mean once you hear what’s going on…”

“So…” Petrie piped up, looking nervously at three approaching figures. “Who’re they?”

Chomper turned around to where Petrie was looking.

“Oh! Sorry guys, I almost forgot!”

He strode up to Al, Saureen and Lini with an apologetic though jovial look in his face. He then turned back to his leaf-eater friends whilst gesturing to his Sharptooth ones as he spoke.

“Guys, these are Saureen, Lini and Al – they’re my really good friends who helped me get here!”

He smiled at them, and they grinned sheepishly back. Of course, they couldn’t understand a word he was saying – he could have been violently slagging them off for all they knew.

Then Chomper switched to Sharptooth.

“Guys,” he said again, now addressing the remaining members of what was once Seizon’s pack. “These are my friends from the Great Valley – well, not all of them…anyway, Saureen, you’ve already seen them right?”

Saureen nodded. Chomper smiled mysteriously back at her and began to gesture at the leaf-eaters, who were watching patiently.

“This is Littlefoot, Cera, Ruby, Spike, Petrie, Ducky, Ali and Shorty,” he explained.

Lini frowned.

“A lot to remember isn’t it?” she asked in a stage whisper. Not that it mattered due to the barriers of language.

Chomper chuckled.

“You’ll get used to it soon enough,” he replied.

“Well, now we’ve got the introductions out of the way,” Al continued, a more serious expression fixing itself on his features. “Could you ask them to lead us to Zyro, if he is indeed here? We have a lot to talk about…”


Zyro was positively overjoyed to see that the four young sharpteeth had managed to make it here safely. He jubilantly congratulated Al on his work, politely welcomed Saureen and Lini and then turned to Chomper.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Chomper,” he smiled. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Yes, likewise,” Chomper replied, looking Zyro up and down with some admiration. After what Al had explained to him, he didn’t quite know what to expect of Zyro, but he had to admit, now seeing him, Zyro conformed to the heroic leader title extremely well – he just shone awesomeness even just from his colouration scheme, Chomper couldn’t keep his eyes of the dazzling blue and white scales, almost as impressive as Saureen’s, though Saureen’s case was different, of course…

“I will admit,” Zyro went on. “That you had many of us worried. Including…” he inclined his head.

Chomper followed Zyro’s gesture with his gaze. His mouth fell open when he saw who was being referred to. It had been over a year since he had been forcibly separated from them by Redclaw, and he could see that, in all their time apart, they had taken on the burden and scars of a wandering sharptooth’s life. And yet, they still greeted him with the same old loving smiles that he had grown to only associate with his loving parents.

He didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to. He just ran, ran faster than his tired frame could logically be expected to move. He ran straight into Rhea’s open arms and allowed her to lift him up to nuzzle him as tears flowed freely down both their faces.

“Oh, my son…” Rhea purred, absolutely overcome, holding tightly to Chomper like he was a newborn. As Chomper purred in reply, he saw his father, out of the corner of his teary eye, approach them. He was blinking furiously.

“I’m not crying,” he said, smiling weakly at Chomper. “I just have something in both of my eyes…” Grinning at his father’s all-too-familiar wit, Chomper twisted around to hug his massive nose, at which Ross purred too.

“The Great Circle of Life is truly a wonderful thing…” Chomper murmured to his parents. “As quickly as it divided us it brings us together again…”

“Indeed,” Rhea agreed, sniffing him uncertainly. “But it brought you back far dirtier than when you left us! What on earth have you been doing?”

“All sorts of things?” Chomper shrugged. “Please – you don’t have to wash me now!”

“Oh yes we do!” Ross replied firmly as Rhea placed Chomper on the ground. “We wouldn’t be fulfilling our duties as parents otherwise!”

Inevitably, Chomper found himself writhing and squirming in discomfort as his parents’ tongues lapped every inch they could reach. Lini found it all absolutely hilarious.

“When’s it my turn?” she snickered, and Chomper wasn’t sure whether she meant being licked or doing the licking, and then decided he didn’t even want to know.

“If you’re just going to snigger,” he complained. “You might as well have the full works yourself!”

As Ross and Rhea finished up washing their son, Ruby stepped nervously forward.

“Chomper,” she said, swallowing slightly. “I think it just needs to be said…”

“What does?” Chomper asked, looking at her puzzled.

Ruby hung her head.

“I want you to apologize to your parents for not watching out for you the way I should have done when you were taken…” she replied. But her expression quickly changed to horror when she saw Ross and Rhea notice her and immediately stride straight over.

“Oh n-…look…I understand you might be…” But she faltered when the two huge sharpteeth bent down to her level and nuzzled her gently between their snouts, purring as they would to their own child.

Rhea emitted some tranquil, low growling sounds, which Chomper translated for Ruby, who was speechless with astonishment.

“She’s thanking you for looking after me all this time,” he beamed, his delight at this turn of events shamelessly displayed. “It seems that they don’t blame you any more than I do.”

Amongst the sharpteeth, another family reunion was taking place.

“So glad you’re here dad!” Saureen smiled as she and Ferox nestled each other. “But…” she looked around confused and the absence of a familiar blue form. “Where is granny?”

Ferox’s smile transformed completely. His eyes had lost their merry twinkle that had ignited upon seeing his daughter and they now carried an empty look in them.

“Saureen,” he said, in a voice as controlled as he could make it. “Could I talk to you privately please?”


Thud sat idly on the heath, taking in its fresh smell as the wind billowed around him. He also gazed over the lip of the small hill he sat on, watching a father and daughter’s embrace as they mourned the loss of Tyra, weeping quietly in private.

“It’s strange to consider it?” Thud commented as Screech sat down beside him. “That Tyra’s gone…she always seemed to be winning her battle against old age…”

“It wasn’t age that killed her though…” Screech frowned. “It was Xal’s thugs!”

“Exactly,” Thud smiled. “I’ve got to admit, it’s very her, isn’t it? Dying by fighting against something. In all our time in the Fanged Forest, I always found her the easiest to get on with…”

“She wasn’t too amused to discover we’d joined Redclaw though, did she?” Screech murmured.

“True,” Thud admitted. “But if anything, that’s what made her so impressive…”

There was a short silence.

“Why did we do it, Thud?” Screech asked despairingly.

Thud considered for a moment.
“We weren’t really part of the group without Maya,” he admitted. “And after her passing, I guess there was little else we could have done…”

“But Redclaw though?”

Thud smiled weakly.

“Perhaps we just needed to feel strong again. Have the backing of someone formidable. He needed the companionship as much as we did, after his brother…”

“Why would he have missed him though?”

“Hey.” A sombre voice cut across their conversation, and they both turned to see Al with a dissatisfied glower on his face.

“Al!” Thud grinned rather impishly at him. “How’s it going?”

“I could be better,” he shot back. “I only come here because Zyro sent me to tell you that he is going to make an announcement en masse, and needs everyone present.”

“Got it…” Screech nodded. “I’ll tell you what – you’ve done an impressive job in leading them all back here.”

“Quite,” Al agreed. “No thanks to you two – abandoning me in my time of need…I never asked to work with you, I only did because I knew it would be the most beneficial way of achieving Zyro’s goal. Now, he may think you’re worth reforming, but I know better.” An ugly look crossed his face before he turned away.

“That’s a bit primitive of you Al,” Thud remarked.

Al stopped in his tracks.

What did you just say to me?” he snarled.

“What I mean,” Thud continued, rising to his feet. “Is that someone who is as rational and intelligent as you should not believe certain individuals are beyond redemption.”

“Is that so?” Al replied coldly. “Or is that just a fallacy thugs make up to try and make themselves feel better?”

“Ah, Al,” Thud continued to smile, further irritating his quarry. “Your headstrong and independent nature – your desire to do the right thing, and your inherent mistrust of all those who seem to be the perpetrators of injustice…it reminds me strongly of someone else.”

Al glowered.

“I swear, if you’re talking about-”

“Our sister,” Thud cut across him smoothly. Screech looked uncomfortable, but Thud continued. “I’m sure you would have liked her Al. Your viewpoints on everything were remarkably similar…” he closed his eyes. “And if I’m honest,” he continued. “If she could see what we’ve become, she would turn in her grave.”
Al nodded, unsure of how to respond. Eventually, turning away, he managed to mutter,

“Well…at least you didn’t say Seizon.”

The gathering was immense. Chomper stared around in awe at the crowds of leaf-eaters and sharpteeth, all waiting patiently, showing no sign of fear of the other, all united in a single cause. It was incredible! The sight of such a union and a mutual alliance between dinosaurs of radical difference was a harbinger of joy to Chomper in such a way he could barely describe. Seeing this harmony, he was reminded of a few words once whispered to him…

“Chomper…please…don’t let your dream die. It’s still possible, I know…a world where leaf-eaters and sharpteeth can live in harmony.”

Pyron had certainly believed in him. He had believed that Chomper would have been able to bring it about. But, Chomper, observed, almost welling up at the prospect, it looked as though he didn’t have to. Such had already been accomplished by this fantastic person. He gazed up at Zyro, and wondered whether he had any flaws at all. He certainly couldn’t see any from where he stood.

Zyro noticed Chomper gazing up at him and turned to smile down at him apologetically.

“Sorry about putting you on the spot like this,” he said. “But I feel it would be better if I can address both groups virtually at the same time, so they’re both on the same wavelength. And you’re the only other bilingual here.”

“Bilingual?” Chomper frowned. “What’s that?”

“It means you have the ability to speak two languages,” Zyro smiled. “Like me, you can speak both flattooth and Sharptooth.”

“You can speak flattooth too?” Chomper squawked, eyes boggling. Zyro was still full of surprises, it seemed. Where would they stop? Not noticing the gaze of sheer admiration, Zyro continued.

“Yes. But I think your friends and fellows would benefit from hearing something from a familiar face, whilst my own community would rather here something from me. Therefore, when I address the group in Sharptooth, I’d like you to translate for your leaf-eater companions. Is that alright?”

“Sure!” Chomper grinned back, nodding eagerly. “I’m ready!”

“Nice!” Zyro smiled at Chomper once more before addressing his community.

“Alright everyone!” he called over the chatter of the sharpteeth who all settled down at once.

“Now that everyone we were anticipating has arrived here, we can set our plans in motion to liberate the Great Valley from Ulciscor!”

Chomper translated for the eagerly listening leaf-eaters, and a great cheer arose from them.

“We shouldn’t be too hasty,” Zyro continued, with Chomper translating. “Because these youngsters have travelled for so long, they will need time to rest and recuperate before we go marching off to war…”

“Why do the kids have to come with us?” Rhea demanded. “I don’t want my son in any more danger than he needs to be! And I’m sure…” she turned to Ferox. “You’d agree with me concerning your daughter?”

Before Ferox could respond, Zyro jumped to answer her question.

“I understand your concern, Rhea,” he insisted. “But we can’t leave them behind, even with chaperones to watch over them. I don’t want this group to be divided over long distances. They will be safer with us as we travel, and once we get to the Valley, they can be taken to a safe location as the battle commences.”

“What did she say?” Ruby asked Chomper.

“Oh, she just asked if it would be safe for us to come to the Valley for the duration of the battle,” Chomper replied. “And Zyro replied that it would be better for the group to be united than divided.”

“I agree,” Littlefoot said firmly. “I don’t care what anyone says…I’m not letting this Ulciscor, or…” his face contorted in loathing. “Or Kai get the better of my grandparents or anyone else in the Valley!”

“Hear hear!” Cera cheered.

Bron sighed as he looked down at his determinately righteous son, torn between pride and despair. The boy had no apathy in him at all…just like a certain someone who was once his best friend. The similarities were uncanny, but Bron was certain Littlefoot would not go down the same path as his uncle if he knew the truth…he knew he would have to tell him soon.

Zyro continued, with Chomper continuing to translate.

“For a few days, we shall all have the chance to rest,” Zyro assured. “So therefore, during that time, I think we should also investigate into what’s going on in the Valley currently.”

Following this translation, Old One spoke up.

“If I may Zyro,” she said. “I may be able to help you out there. I have a very trusted messenger, who may be able to investigate the goings-on in the Valley and tell the populace of the impending liberation front…”

“Do you really think it will be wise to parade what we’re doing though?” A longneck asked her. “We don’t want Ulciscor getting wind of our plans…”

“Don’t worry,” Old One assured. “The messenger knows better than that – besides, he’s used to espionage.”

“Good,” Zyro nodded. “I would much like to meet this messenger, but apart from that, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Switching back into sharpteeth, he addressed his community.

“I think that’s all,” he said, Chomper providing the translation for the leaf-eaters. “Everyone go and enjoy yourselves. Rest, spend time with your families, relax, but most of all, PREPARE.”
He paused for effect before dropping his voice to an even more serious tone.

“Make sure you’re ready for this,” he advised. “Because before the week is out, we’re going to be marching off to fight. And it’s going to be tough. You must make sure you’re prepared. Are you with me?”

There was pause finishing this statement and the translation. But then, both sides, sharpteeth and flatteeth alike, issued a mighty war cry, one of determination and jubilation, one of courage and unity, one that was music to the ears of Chomper and moved him to tears.

Zyro smiled at the sound of this enthusiasm, and spoke over the noise. “In that case, I wish you all the very best!”

And so the group disbanded, and as Chomper, wiping his eyes, went to join his friends, he could still feel the adrenalin pumping through his veins. He was on the verge of the greatest and most dramatic moment of his life, the great zenith of everything he had worked towards so far, and his only wish was that him, his friends, his family, all the members of this herd, every Sharptooth in the community and every single Valleian would pull through and come out on top at last.

Topps could not believe his eyes.

He hadn’t even been imprisoned all that long, and yet the Valley was now unrecognisable. Gone were the pleasant green pastures and leaves, as vegetation had been taken by Bludgeoners in order to force others to work for their food sources. The Valley did not look right without its everlasting green. Only a few bits of moss could be found here and there to stop the Valleians from simply starving to death. But that wasn’t the worse of it. What had made to Valley truly alien to him now was the fact that the joy had been drained from it. No longer was the air full of the laughter and whooping of happy children as they played and wrestled each other in the dirt. There were no happy and content adults as they sat around, chewing on plants and discussing the latest gossip. This was no longer a Great Valley. It was just a Valley full of miserable, tired and thin leaf-eaters, slaving away to serve their monstrous despot. Ulciscor had the Valley in his iron grip, and had sucked all the joy from it and everything that had ever made it great.

Desperately trying to find some reason, Topps turned to look at Dorian, but to his discomfort, the latter’s eyes were just full of knowing despair.

He of course, had seen this all before.

“There is little we can do at present,” Dorian told Topps quietly. “But right now you should go and speak to your wife.”

Topps swallowed, but nodded and steeled himself. “Yes…” he replied. “Perhaps you’re right…”

The two of them parted ways and Topps set out to his old nest.

His heart leapt to see Tria and Tricia at the spot, chewing silently on a few ferns they had, but Topps couldn’t shake off how utterly defeated they both looked. Even Tricia, as young as she was, seemed to know that something was up…

Topps cleared his throat.

“Uhm…hello Tria.”

Tria looked up in surprise.

“Oh…hello…” she managed.

Tricia’s reaction was considerably more rewarding. With a cry of ëDaddy!’ mixed in with some toddler jargon, she came charging up to him and immediately embraced his leg, nestling up to it. Smiling serenely, Topps bowed his head and nuzzled her gently.

“She’s been pining for you for ages,” Tria remarked, slowly walking up to them both.  “I told her that for the moment, you…had to go away.”

Topps nodded.

“Well, I’m back now, so-”

“But Topsy,” Tria cut across him. Every word seemed to cost her great pain, but she still said with determination and purpose. She fixed him with a meaningful look.

“I should never have been in the position to tell her that in the first place,” she said. “Poor kid – how am I to tell her what really happened?”

Tricia looked up as Tria began to speak to Topps in more condescending tones. These sounded familiar, but they were far from what she wanted to hear…

“Come on, Tria,” Topps said earnestly. “You’ve seen what’s happened to the Valley and what is still happening. It just wouldn’t have been me to stand idly by and watch.”

“No,” Tria admitted. “But sometimes for the sake of your family you need to bury your feelings deep down and continue doing what you have been called to do.”

She turned away from him, and as she did so, Topps noticed for the first time, the scars of gouge-marks down her skin.

“Where did they come from?” he demanded, wide-eyed.

“Hm?” Tria looked. “Oh, them…that was Kai. He had discovered a little insurgent group which involved babysitting that I was involved in.” She sat down. “Because you weren’t here to divide parental duties with me…”

Topps rolled his eyes.

“Tria, please…” he said. “Can you stop turning everything on me? I promise…” A snarl became pronounced upon his features. “Next time I see Kai, I’m going to kill him…”

Tria gave a hollow laugh.

“Good luck with that!” she replied. “And how long will it be until you meet Kosh’s fate?” She closed her eyes and bowed her head.

“Listen…Topsy, I loved you…I always found your desire to fight for everything you care about very touching, sweet and romantic. Cera helped convince me of that with the whole little longneck issue.” She smiled briefly. “But there comes a time when you can no longer solve everything with your brawn, and maybe it’s your failing to recognise that that has led to your losses…especially where family is concerned.”

Images of Trinity’s untimely death flashed uninvited into Topps’ mind, coupled with that of his daughters’ fates…he shook his head defiantly.

“Don’t your dare…” he growled, his voice now taking on a more dangerous edge as his rage grew. “Suggest to me that I’m responsible for the death of my wife and children!”

“I know it may not be my place,” Tria replied, as firmly as she could muster. “But it does make you wonder how they all managed to pass in such a short space of t-”

“SHUT UP!!!” Topps roared at her. “YOU KNOW NOTHING!”

Tricia trembled and quaked as her parents’ argument fired up. She gazed from one to the other, frozen in fear and emitting little whimpers as the tears began to leak from her ears…

“I knew them!” Topps snarled. “I knew them and I loved them and I did everything I could for them. I spent my life walking with them…how can you-?”

“But I knew Trinity as well,” Tria cut across him. “Don’t you remember? And I knew Cera…”

Topps’ retort died in his throat at the mention of his and Trinity’s youngest daughter.

“Are you insinuating that she’s dead?” he eventually asked in a hoarse whisper.

Tria sighed and avoided his gaze.

“How should I know?” she said helplessly. “Whether she’s alive or dead, I really hope she’s in a better place…”

There was a brief pause.

“But the fact still remains, Topsy,” Tria continued. “That it can’t go on like this. We may have worked well together a long time ago, but it’s just not the same anymore…”

She let her sentence hang in the air. Eventually, Topps nodded.

“You’re right,” he said. “Maybe it’s for the best…”

And with no proper valediction, he turned and walked slowly off into the distance.

Determinately tearing her gaze away from him, Tria fixed her eyes on her daughter, who, to her sudden stab of despair, was looking up at her mother with nothing more than fear and misery.

Upon seeing this, Tria could suddenly envision how Tricia’s world was slowly destroying itself around her, in the midst of all of Ulciscor’s actions and her parents’ arguments. At this, Tria herself broke down into tears.

“Oh…Tricia…” she sobbed, nuzzling her daughter and holding her close. “How could it have come to this?”

On his way away from them, Topps heard the sound of his mate’s tears. No, he reminded himself. His ex-mate’s. He was not part of her world anymore, and he could not step across that threshold. He could only observe…

But Topps Threehorn does not do well observing. And now the whole reality of the situation was crashing down upon him, drilling a hole into his heart so deep he wished the whole thing would just dissolve under his weight of despair. He had reached the end of the line – he was a complete failure of a threehorn, of a life form in any sense. His bigotry and his cruelty and his irrational actions had led him to this, where he had failed two wives and lost many daughters. He had failed Trinity, Tria, Cera and Tricia, those of the Valley he had always sworn to protect, and above all himself. What was he now? Whatever it was, he hated it…

And so Topps collapsed to the ground under his great burden, and his dry racking sobs filled the still air of a Valley that was once great.


“How come I didn’t see you at the meeting?” Old One asked accusingly.

The messenger turned to look at her disdainfully.

“I have already given you my reasons, my dear,” he said stubbornly. “Considering everything that I’m about to do, I’d rather the children were left out of the picture.”

“Come now, Pterano,” Old One coaxed. “You can’t hide yourself from them forever, you know. I’m sure they have no grudge against you now…”

“You underestimate the attitude of the threehorn girl,” Pterano murmured.

Zyro was watching the exchange between the two of them with a slightly non-plussed expression.

“OK,” he said. “Sorry, but you’ve completely lost me here…you have a history with the Valley?”

“Yes,” Pterano replied shortly. “But I have no wish to explain it now. Old One will fill you in I’m sure.” He spread his wings. “I have a Valley to get to!” He took off and hovered slightly above the heads of the longneck and Sharptooth before turning back to them and frowning slightly.

“I still don’t get why you’re using me!” he declared.

“Because you know the Valley and its habitants, Pterano!” Old One called back.

“But I was banished!” Pterano retorted. “Twice, in fact, they hated me so much!”

“Believe me,” Old One said to him. “After everything that’s come to pass with Ulciscor, you’ll be welcomed back like a hero.”


Chomper stroked his chin in concentration as he listened to the growls.

“Alright,” he said. “That’s very good, but you might want to try doing it so that your throat doesn’t kill quite so much…”

On a rather unusual whim, Chomper had decided to give out language lessons to his friends, both leaf-eater and Sharptooth alike, considering it would be advisable to break down all language barriers between his two groups of friends now that they were going to spend more time with each other. He had started by attempting to teach Saureen, Lini and Al the leaf-eater language, and they had been able to pick up simple words and phrases fairly well. Chomper was impressed by how they had done – almost as well as Nycha when he had taught her to speak leaf-eater during that night on White Mountain. Satisfied with their skills, Chomper had then turned to his leaf-eater friends, hoping they would be able to pick up the Sharptooth dialect with similar ease.

They didn’t.

Their language attempts were fairly abysmal – at least not to the standard of the others. Chomper found that the best by far was Shorty, who had been able to growl his own name almost instantaneously, followed by a few other phrases.

“How do you do it?” Ali asked, gaping at him in a combination of annoyance and awe.

Shorty, smiling at being the centre of attention for once, simply replied,

“I don’t know…I guess it’s just one of those things that people can get to grips with easier than others…”

Ali smirked and rolled her eyes.

“Careful,” she teased. “You might not be able to hold your head up if it gets any bigger!”

Shorty laughed.

“Even if I am get of the hang of this language thing, there are many things others can do with ease that I can’t,” he said. “For example Ali…” he blushed slightly. “You are far better in the looks department.”

She smiled back.

“Aw, thanks Shorty,” she said, and they both turned to see how Littlefoot was doing.

Littlefoot, Chomper noted, was picking up the words alright, but not so much the pronunciation. His attempts at growling were punctured by the hoarse groans he emitted.

“You don’t want to give yourself a sore throat!” Chomper advised. “Admittedly, it is difficult, considering sharpteeth tend to talk from their throats, whereas leaf-eaters err…from their chests.”

Littlefoot coughed.

“Eh, sorry Chomper, I’m going to give it a rest for today, my throat really is killing me…but after I have a drink we could all play something?”

“Sure,” Chomper nodded. “Taking into account Lini’s leg, how about Pointy Seed Bowling? And Cera…” he turned to her.

“I’m going to win this time!”

Cera grinned wryly back.

“Challenge accepted!”

And so the twelve of them began their game, which, despite the obvious barriers between language (albeit improving) and species, Chomper could see, just as he did when he played with Pyron, that this didn’t seem to matter. He smiled at the prospect of being united under a single simple game, and how that idea could be applied to the rest of the world. His smile quickly faded when Cera beat him however…

Eventually, they all settled down for the night. Despite their complicated arrival, they had quickly been able to devise sleeping areas for themselves – Littlefoot and Shorty slept with Bron, whereas Spike and Ducky took up night refuge with Opal. Ali was with her mother, and Old One had kindly offered to provide night companionship for Cera, Petrie and Ruby. Chomper was with his parents, and was accompanied by Al, whereas Saureen was with Ferox, along with Lini.

Soon, as the night closed in and only the gentle whisper of the wind could be heard, one young dinosaur found her sleep patterns a little disturbed. Eventually, Lini sat up blearily and gazed at her injured leg in annoyance. That rock must have fallen on her harder than she had realised, and it kept on throbbing when she tried to sleep. She was about to wake Saureen and ask for advice, but then decided against it – Saureen was still in mourning about her grandmother and probably didn’t want to be shaken out of a well-earned rest. Therefore, Lini eventually decided to go and help herself to a drink of water and perhaps splash a little water on her leg also, in an attempt to soothe the pain.

Slowly, so as not to wake her sleeping companions, Lini stood up and quietly limped over to the water-source in the heathland, near the trees. The water was undeniably refreshing, but as she gazed into the smooth and reflective surface, she couldn’t help but feel something was wrong. Slowly, she tilted her head back and sniffed the air.

Yes…there was definitely a Sharptooth scent in the air, one that was actively moving around in the trees. If this was one of Zyro’s community sharpteeth, what were they doing?

Curiosity getting the better of her, Lini crept into the small forest, following the scent of this mysterious Sharptooth, careful not to snap too many twigs. She wasn’t sure why, but she felt that to make any noise would be dangerous, and the realisation sent a chill up her spine.

Eventually, the source of the aroma came into sight. It was a medium-sized, jet-black Sharptooth with gleaming yellow eyes, and, oddest of all, a triangular fin protruding from the base of its tail.

Before Lini could give a single greeting, the Sharptooth fixed his gaze upon her and she found herself struck down and frozen by his piercing stare.

After a few moments of stare-off, the Sharptooth leaned down to her and whispered.

“Is this the dwelling of Zyro?”

Lini found her body sag in relief. She remembered how Al had told her of how sharpteeth would often go looking for Shark and Zyro for shelter. This must be the case for this one too!

“Yes,” she smiled. “He’s asleep at the moment, but once morning comes, I’m sure he’ll be glad to meet you.”

“Pity,” the stranger replied, now looking Lini up and down. “I don’t think I’ll stick around for that long…”

“How come?” Lini asked, but her answer came to her when she looked over his shoulder and saw a pair of gleaming red eyes…

“Because, Lini,” a new menacing voice said. “We didn’t come for him.”

These words seemed strangely distant to Lini. They were echoing around her as the whole forest seemed to sway, the world almost dissolving before her. Dread began to fill her heart and crush it to pieces as she continued to gaze, transfixed with horror and these horrifying red eyes, whom she knew belonged to the one she hated and feared the most in the world. More so than Xal, more so than Redclaw – to Lini, whatever the situation was, him coming into now had made it a hundred times worse. After everything that had happened…HE couldn’t be here too!

“G-Gigas…?” Lini managed to croak.

“Yes,” Gigas grinned. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to come with us…”

Lini’s screams were muffled as the gang of Piercers, most of which that had been hidden nearby, leapt upon her and restrained her with ease and expertise. Lini soon passed out and her head slapped pitifully onto the cold forest floor as she was dragged off into the night.


Well, there you have it...and yes, Lini knows Gigas! I suppose that explains whatever dark little secret she had back at White Mountain, yes? ;) It's all part of Seizon and Xal's plan, whatever that may be, and I guess you all hate Seizon now, but just tell me what you think of him here anyway! Things haven't improved for Topps and Tria it seems, unless...Pterano?
Anyway, I'm going to shut up now, give me your thoughts, and THANKS FOR READING!  :DD

LBT Fanfiction / Venatione Venatus
« on: December 14, 2013, 03:09:53 PM »
Glad to hear it!  :lol And don't worry, you shouldn't have long to wait until the next chapter...

LBT Fanfiction / Ducky123's fic
« on: December 13, 2013, 05:51:41 PM »
Right, well, interesting couple of chapters. I find it interesting how Spike is initially timid, considering how I always found him very over-friendly and open, possibly considering how readily accepted he was into his group of friends. I also like how you've put a bit of a spin on his character here - timid until he realised how well accepted he was!

A nice reflection to the original film here, but this time with it flipped on its head - Littlefoot was the one who enticed Cera into fighting. I think he may have been a little to brash with her, openly insulting both her and her father like that, even given the circumstances, but that may have been your intention. And considering Cera's losses, if Littlefoot had mentioned her mother or sisters, I'm fairly sure she wouldn't have hesitated to kill him...

But anyway, I shall wait and see what happens next.  :lol

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