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Messages - RockingScorpion

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 25
Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: November 05, 2016, 10:37:32 AM »
Thanks, but I won't color it probably. It's just practice after all.

Such Language

You might wonder if I've gone completely nuts by now (I didn't, I was completely nuts long before this one, okay? xD) but this is somethig Fluttershy actually said in
the german dub of the show. For everyone who doesn't understand this, she's pretty much saying she's pissed off.

It's always the quiet ones. :D


Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: November 01, 2016, 10:32:03 PM »
I'm currently in the process of getting used to the Lion King art style. Today I made my first sketch of Simba ever (I think so, I don't recall drawing him as a kid :D )

Simba/TLK Art Style Test

I used a bunch of references here, but the pose itself is original. Pretty standard pose too because as I said, I'm still practicing.
I'm probably going to stick to lion cubs for a bit until I move on to something else. Or not, we'll see. :)


LBT Fanfiction / Ask The Gang - SketchingScorpion
« on: October 31, 2016, 02:49:16 PM »
@Ducky123: Well....

I don't think more words are needed. :D

Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: October 29, 2016, 10:47:00 PM »
Thanks, glad you like it. :)

Sisi Ni Sawa

Decided to add some shading to the standalone image because why not.
Next up is probably trying to draw her (and other lion king characters) in original poses. We'll see when that will be done.

Hope you like this and until next time, RS :)


Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: October 28, 2016, 02:25:01 PM »
Thanks to both of you. :)

Sisi Ni Sawa

Now take a wild guess what I've been watching recently, guys. :D
But yeah, Lion Guard is...okay. I think they're doing a somewhat good job with it, the original is still better of course, but this is good too.
Did you guys watch a few episodes too? If yes, what are your thoughts on this show?

Hope you like it and until next time. :)


LBT Fanfiction / Ask The Gang - SketchingScorpion
« on: October 26, 2016, 10:35:19 AM »
Quote from: RockingScorpion on  
In general, don't be disappointed because I won't pick your question. I still do this for fun only, so yeah. If you want to see something answered, try to make the question creative or fun or interesting.

Sometimes I just don't get ideas that I wanna draw and that's the case for these two questions. Just to make things clear here.

This topic also kinda relies on you guys, so if you have ideas for questions, just toss them in here. The more there are, the better the chance that my inspiration will come up with something for one of them. :D

Got another sketch ready.

Fans who know about this stuff might recognize where I got the idea, but I'll explain anyway. :D
It's one of the scenes from the first movie that we never got to see, Ducky finding the berries to get Spike away from his spot.

Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: October 19, 2016, 05:52:01 PM »
Derpy Rocks

When I joined the MLP Fandom back in 2012, I called myself DerpyRocks. I never was good at finding names and that one is no exception, but I still felt like making a joke based on it. xD

It comes with semi-transparent ground shadows, but you can't really see them here due to the dark background. Check the source if you're curious.

Hope you like it and until next time. :)


Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Award Voting 2016
« on: October 18, 2016, 04:15:02 PM »
Here we go. Let's see if I can actually cover everything I wanna vote for now.

Fanart Award: This forum has many great artists, traditional or digital, and it's always nice to look at the topics. However, in terms of quality and professionalism, one person really managed to stand out during the last couple of months. Because of this, my vote in the fanart category goes to DarkWolf91.

Feedback Award: The main reason for doing creative work as a hobby should be that you enjoy what you do and not the responses you get, but it's nice nonetheless to see it when your work is being appreciated and also helps a lot when it comes to motivation. For giving responses and sometimes advice in pretty much every topic that involves creative work I come across this forum (including my own one), my vote in this category goes to Ducky123.

Proactive Award: This was one of the tougher choices and I looked at a lot of topics to confirm this, but ultimately, for both his work as an admin and his contributions in general which are doing a lot to keep this place active and running, Nick22 gets my vote here.

Friendly Member Award: Once again this was not an easy one as the majority of the people here are pretty friendly in general. In the end though, for welcoming a lot of the newcomers to this site and giving help/advice whenever those are needed, and for being a nice person in general to talk to, my vote goes to Ducky123.

Roleplay Award: The roleplay section of this forum is something I still haven't visited yet during my two and a half years here. It's just not something for me and even if I would go there now and look at the topics, I still wouldn't be able to cast a fair vote, so once again, I have to skip this category.

Silver Screen / The Lion Guard
« on: October 15, 2016, 06:50:45 PM »
Today I decided to give the "movie" a shot where the explain what's up what with the lion guard and then watched the first episode. What can I say, I'll definitely watch more episodes. I'm hooked. :)littlefoot

Sisi ni sawa, we are the same ♫
(That'll be stuck in my head for quite a while probably. :D )

LBT Fanfiction / Ask The Gang - SketchingScorpion
« on: October 13, 2016, 12:07:31 PM »
Thanks for the comments. :)littlefoot

Quote from: Ducky123 on  
Ducky, what do you dream at night?



There is a reason why she's always sleeping next to Spike. :D

LBT Fanfiction / Ask The Gang - SketchingScorpion
« on: October 12, 2016, 04:21:12 PM »
I totally agree, Darkwolf. As this is just a hobby which means that I can do whatever I want, that's what I'll go with from now on. Even if that means that the stuff I do won't look good anymore. I do believe that people notice if it someone enjoys what he's doing, even if what comes out of it is far from a masterpiece.

Also, a question? Let's see what Ducky has to say then, hm?

Quote from: The Lone Dragon on  
Hey Ducky where has your father been all this time?



Will we ever find out what's the truth? Who knows...

LBT Fanfiction / Ask The Gang - SketchingScorpion
« on: October 11, 2016, 06:56:48 PM »
Yes I know this is a fanart thread, but I feel like some words might not be out of place for this. I'll try and make it short and sweet though.

I am not an artist, and I'm not a professional when it comes to drawing. I'm a guy messing around with pencils, as my signature is saying on deviantart, that was trying to be professional. And that...does not really work out for me.
My drawings are full of smaller or bigger mistakes, it takes me way too long to finish anything and don't even ask me about perspective because..again, I'm not a professional. And trying to be is not really fun to me, but fun is the biggest motivation I have when it comes to drawing.

So, to get that fun back, I'll stop with the wannabe professional stuff now, which means less pictures with full blown backgrounds and way too much work on details, LOADS of sketches and funny/random ideas. These things will not be perfect, they'll have issues and so on, but I had fun making these, and that is what matters the most to me.
I will still finish something every now and then, but it'll be simple stuff probably (like my avatar for example), and won't happen that often compared to me sketching stuff. I'm pretty much sketching something everyday. :)littlefoot
Enough with the rambling, now have some sketches so you have an idea what to expect. I will also post sketches in my art thread in the visual art section from now on, I don't think a 2nd topic will be needed for that.

Also, I will be doing the "ask the gang" drawings again, so keep them questions coming. :)littlefoot

Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: October 03, 2016, 06:02:31 PM »
Voice Of The Forest

What started with this one will now be a series covering every generation of Pokemon. This one is the picture for the 2nd one, and the basic idea of the series is that I'll draw one pokemon from each generation. I already picked the candidates for Gen3 and 4, so those will come somewhat soon (no promises :p ).

I'm also trying to get better with digital backgrounds and stuff. There are still some things I don't like here, but hey, that's the learning process.

Hope you like this one, and until next time :)


The Welcome Center / Friendly hello
« on: October 02, 2016, 12:27:22 PM »
Welcome to the GOF, hope you have fun here. :)littlefoot

Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: September 26, 2016, 03:27:24 PM »
Thanks, you guys. :)

Something simple and silly, I'm working on bigger stuff atm. You'll see someday, maybe even this week.




LBT Fanfiction / New Big LBT Contest
« on: September 19, 2016, 04:00:16 PM »
So, here's my entry for round 1.

LBT Contest Round One - Favourite Characters

Since I don't have any favourite character, I just went with favourite design, which would be the Longneck character design. So yeah, here's Littlefoot trolling Ali because he's slightly taller.
I know the background could have used more effort, but I'm lazy. :p


Also, I'm joining this for fun only, so please don't count this entry when picking the winners. :)

Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: September 13, 2016, 12:10:21 PM »
Thanks, and I definitely will. :)

Victini Wallpaper

I wanted a new signature (and I'm already using it as one as you can see below this post) but I felt I should at least make a version with a simple version too. So I did. :D

And there is a lens flare. You can barely see it as it's mostly covered but it's there. "DING!"
(if you know cinema sins, you'll get it. xD)


FullHD Wallpaper

Hope you like it, and until next time. :)

Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: September 08, 2016, 11:40:36 AM »
Thanks for the comments. :)

@Ducky123: Kind of. That way of movement for sea reptiles is how paleontologists imagine it in general, so the LBT crew did their research job there.
Click here for example.
But you get a cookie anyway. :D

Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: September 07, 2016, 12:23:35 PM »
Thanks for the comments. :)

hm...I wonder if this works..
and it does. :)littlefoot

Gentle Giant

My first picture with a drawn background. The Pokemon is still a vector.
Lapras isn't exactly a giant but it is somewhat big and I just like this title.
Also, who said they can't dive? xD
And take a cookie if you know where I got my inspiration for the fin movement. :D


FullHD Wallpaper

Visual Art / RockingScorpion's Side Projects
« on: August 25, 2016, 03:33:35 PM »
Thanks once again. :)

Almost one year ago I made a Flutterbat Icon. This year I got a Flutterbat Plushie at GalaCon, so I made another one, using the style I have established during this year. I also put a GalaCon wristband on said plushie, which is why she has one in the picture.

[align=center]Flutterbat Icon

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

Hope you like this one and until next time.

ps: new avatar. :D

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