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Messages - landbeforetimelover

Pages: 1 ... 310 311 312 313 314 ... 318
LBT Fanfiction / LBT fanart by me!
« on: May 14, 2007, 01:36:51 AM »
Why.  Were you drunk or high when you took the first look? :lol

LBT Projects / LBT 12 Music Vids Reuploaded!
« on: May 14, 2007, 01:26:57 AM »
Great!  Why don't you upload it onto the internet so others can download them.  I have already made all of the lbt song video's and the largest one I made took up 39MB.  You should really have them available for download!

LBT Projects / Realistic LBT Comic
« on: May 14, 2007, 01:22:44 AM »
Hello.  I may make this the beginning of my lbt comic.  I just want to know if it is a lame idea.  I have made four comic pages so far.  Here are the download links.  They only take up like 100k each (about 1/10 of a megabyte)

page 1:

page 2:

page 3:

page 4:

I just need to know if it is a good idea or not.  I don't want to complete a 100+ page comic and then be told it was complete crap.  I would much rather be fed bad news when I have only invested around 1 hour into it rather than after investing 300 hours into it.  What do you think so far (not about the story but about the animation.  I will most likely make up a new beginning)?

LBT Projects / You'll Be In My Heart
« on: May 13, 2007, 08:05:14 PM »
You should build one.  You can build a computer with these specs for under $500:

500gb hd

2gb ram

3.0 ghz processor

windows vista home

If you want to buy cheap parts from china that won't last more then three years than you can build the machine specified above for about $175!  If you are worried that building a computer is hard it isn't.  I could probably get it built in under 20 minutes.

Episode Discussion / I found this so funny!
« on: May 13, 2007, 08:00:59 PM »
In the movie or in his joke?

The Fridge / I Need Your Help Please
« on: May 13, 2007, 07:01:51 PM »
Thank's so much!  Do you know if the captures made by VLC are compadible with image compression programs?

LBT Projects / You'll Be In My Heart
« on: May 13, 2007, 06:57:33 PM »
It was very difficult but I was able to create a video that was almost indistinguishable form an origional about a year ago.  Unfortunately the computer it was stored on crashed.  I was able to recover it but the quality was never the same.  It took up over 300GB and since it was practically ruined, I just deleted it.  If you want, I could tell you how to make an actual video.  The requirements are as follows:

a computer with at least 300gb free space to store a 1 hour video (when you are finished, you can convert the video to avi and have it take up less than 1gb.  All of the programs create files that take up like 20X more space than they need to)

3.6ghz or higher genuine intel processor

2gb ram

Photoshop 7.0 or higher

an image enhancement and blender software

an jpeg to mpeg - 1 conversion program

an mpeg - 2 to avi conversion program

a vocal pitch adjusting program

a light to dark image converter

a video splitter/joiner software

a program that syncronizes the background with the images (can't remember name)

There is a lot more stuff you need but I can't remember it all.  Personally, it wasn't worth the nearly 5000 hours I put into it.  It was perfect though.  I could have gotten it done faster with a team of assistants!  Maybe then it would be worth it!  Another thing you need in order to do this is A LOT of  patience.  I set up my own area outside where I could smash glass bottles with a bat so I wouldn't take it out on the computer.  I would have to say the characters voices were the most difficult of them all.  I had to turn a sentance "I thought we were your best friends" into "we are all freinds".  It was extermely difficult to turn cera's jelous, angry word "friends" into a nice, heartfelt word.  It is possible but if you arn't prepared for this project to take well over a year and a boatload of disk space, don't start it.  Also, the program's required for this would probably cost well over $2000 but if you wan't to start, I'll give you the registration codes so you can get started for free.

Episode Discussion / Return of the Lone Dinosaur
« on: May 13, 2007, 06:35:26 PM »
Yes there is.  You shouldn't feel stupid if you don't know this.  There is a very expensive program out there I don't remember the name but I think it is called vomtech synthesizer or something very similat to that.  Anyway, the cheap way to run a voice comparison test is to simply look at the wavelenth and modualtion of the sound wave by disassembling the voice recording program that comes with windows xp (highly illegal!) and joining it together in a singular fasion so it will display things such as the sound wavelenth, frequency and modulation.  I will not disclose how to do this but I can tell you that it is very difficult to do and cannot be transferred to another computer without severe damage to the program.  I don't know why exactly but I assume it's because I cannot zip the program files with any archiving program availabe.  I assume this is because microsoft uses a encoding symbol that is unreadable to programs such as winzip and winrar.  Anyway, the FBI also uses a voice comparison program called Syntech Denotitizer and it is by far the best.  Unfortunately, it is unavialable to the general public.  I might be able to acquire it but it would be highly illegal and it's not worth it.  I guess I will stick to the program I reassembled to make my tests.  I would rather be dead than in jail.

LBT Fanfiction / LBT fanart by me!
« on: May 13, 2007, 06:02:11 PM »
In my experience (which is limited) I have found that people rarely think that their drawings look okay.  My mother is a professional artist and she hated her artwork growing up even though she won every art award the school ever had and went to DC to compete in the national art contest.  If you think your artwork sucks, it's probably great!  This stuff happens all the time.

LBT Projects / You'll Be In My Heart
« on: May 13, 2007, 05:58:07 PM »
Ya know and actual story.  I bet you could make a pretty good one if your previous works are any indication.

The Fridge / I Need Your Help Please
« on: May 13, 2007, 05:56:16 PM »
Okay.  I downloaded both moviemaker and VLC and the problem still exists.  What's up with this thing?

The Fridge / I Need Your Help Please
« on: May 13, 2007, 05:23:58 PM »
I will download the new version.  I am downloading it third party so it will take about 30 minutes to complete.  I will advise you of any further complications.  Thank you.

LBT Projects / You'll Be In My Heart
« on: May 13, 2007, 05:07:57 PM »
I wasn't talking about a music video.

The Fridge / I Need Your Help Please
« on: May 13, 2007, 05:06:22 PM »
What version are you using?  I don't even have that.  I can't even import the video because the stupid program won't accept my avi video codecs.  That's why I removed movie maker the instant I got the computer.  I found the program to be completely useless.  Do they have a new version out?  I am using version 2.0.3312.0

The Fridge / I Need Your Help Please
« on: May 13, 2007, 04:57:24 PM »
Nope.  Moviemaker isn't the answer.  It still did the same stuff.

LBT Projects / You'll Be In My Heart
« on: May 13, 2007, 04:31:01 PM »
Now the only thing I can find wrong with it.....  it's too short!  The fun ends to fast!  I guess you could only make the movie as long as the song :( .  Oh well.  Have you ever considered making a video that is longer like 20 minutes?  If not you really should.  I think I have seen all of your work and I must say great job on all of it!!!  Please don't stop!

The Fridge / Mother's Day
« on: May 13, 2007, 04:16:38 PM »
I paid for my mom's surgery.  It wasn't cheap either!  Don't want to go into details but what they did certainly wasn't worth no $12,000!  Oh well.  There was nothing I could do about it but pay the exorbrant fee.

The Fridge / I Need Your Help Please
« on: May 13, 2007, 04:13:24 PM »
Hello.  I am attempting to get screenshots of lbt but it just doesn't seem to want to copy right in windows xp.  I do the print screen thing and all I get is windows media player with a blank screen.  I have also tried the alt + print screen method and get the same result.  It worked about a month ago but it doesn't now.  I have no explaination for the error.  I have also tried these methods with media player classic and divx player and I still only get the player window with a blank screen.  Any idea why?

General Land Before Time / My god - another error
« on: May 13, 2007, 01:22:09 AM »
On lbt 12 during the song one of a kind, cera splashes mud all over petrie's upper body by pounding two feet into sperate mud puddles but when you see her only seconds after the incedent, her feet are clean.  I think lbt 12 has the most errors in it of all of the sequals - possibly all of the sequals combined.  I don't know who edited this movie but they did a horrible job of it.  I really enjoyed the movie and still love it and in defense of the editor/editors, I found no errors the first time I watched it.  It was only after I got into the double digits that I started to notice errors like this.  Have any of you seen any other errors like this in lbt 12 or am I the only one who notices stuff like this?

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / THis was really lame
« on: May 13, 2007, 12:28:57 AM »
I guess so but shouldn't he at least have said oww?

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