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Messages - landbeforetimelover

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The Fridge / Apology
« on: May 12, 2007, 01:42:22 PM »
yes.  These movies and others are available to download, legally and illegally.  The illegal way is the easiest (isn't it always?) which is to just find it on file sharing programs like limewire, bearshare ec.  The legal way is to download the video's via torrent files.  This is only legal if the person you are downloading from is in India, Turkey, china, or any other area that doesn't have the same copyright laws as here.  You have to put a tracer onto the torrent and find out where the person is who you are downloading from.  If you recieve even 1 bit of the file from a place with our copyright laws, you could be prosicuted.  Another illegal way to get them (which is quite difficult I might add) would be to hack into a person's computer that has the episodes and download them through a maximum bandwidth of 56k even if you both have dsl.  To do this you send them a link saying something like "your computer has viruses!  Click here to delete them."  Once they click that link, you have full access to their computer system and can copy and transfer any of their data that you want.  I have never done this except to see if I could on my own computers since it is highly illegal.  Please don't ask me specific details on how to do this.  Your inquires will be ignored.  I do not promote illgal activities of any kind.

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / This made me feel sick...
« on: May 12, 2007, 01:20:41 PM »
Oh.  I can easily handle it now.  It was just so shocking to see the characters portraid in this manner.  I am now able to enjoy all of the tv episodes without thinking anything but how poor the animation is.  I guess they couldn't make a great story and have great animation too in such a short period that they had to make them.  I guess I would rather have poor animation and a great story than great animation and a dumb story.  I just wish I could have both.  Why is there so little time to create a tv episode?

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / This made me feel sick...
« on: May 12, 2007, 02:05:05 AM »
On the fourth episode, during the song oops-eeps I almost puked.  This was the first LBT tv episode I watched so it was a bit of a shocker to see what they have done to LBT.  I was used to the song's having a genuine purpose in the films.  This song seemed to be there just to waste time.  It wouldn't have been so bad.  The lyrics were okay but the characters actions were just so cheesy that it really took me aback.  One thing that was really annoying was their foot actions.  It was just (to be blunt and meaning no offence) so stupid to me at first.  I can now watch it okay and genuinely like the LBT tv series.  Were you taken aback by the songs in the LBT tv series?

By the way, I felt sick because I was terrified that they had ruined LBT forever not because I found it to be stupid but once I got into the story more, I decided that I liked it a lot even with the cheesy songs.

The Fridge / Apology
« on: May 12, 2007, 01:38:47 AM »
I just watched all 6 movies too.  I just downloaded them.  I couldn't stop thinking of Littlefoot either.  They don't even bear a very close resemblance to him either.  I guess I just needed to be watching an LBT movie instead of walking with dinosaurs.  All of the movies were pretty good but the last one got pretty screwed up during the download.  I'll have to download it again.

General Land Before Time / What Happened??
« on: May 12, 2007, 01:10:07 AM »
On LBT 12, one of Petrie's brothers or sisters plucked one of Guido's tail feathers out.  Since he only had like 8 origionally, the loss of 1 of them should be appearant.  Did you notice one of his tail feathers missing after the incedent?  I sure didn't.

Episode Discussion / Return of the Lone Dinosaur
« on: May 10, 2007, 01:31:22 AM »
On the ending song "I Feel so Happy" Littlefoot sounded almost exactly like Chomper.  I ran a voice comparison test and found that there is an 86% chance that these are the same voices.  Do you believe what Doc said was true when he said "I don't know why you bother being friends with a sharptooth.  You are just going to have to fight him some day"?

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / THis was really lame
« on: May 09, 2007, 12:42:42 AM »
On episode 4 the canyon of shiny stones, when the mountain is erupting and the gang is running, a huge burning rock impacts the ground not even a foot in front of Littlefoot.  The rock appearantly explodes becuse there is no sign of it after impact.  This would send thousands of little burning shards of rock in all directions so Littlefoot should not have escaped without third and fourth degree burns to most of his body, yet he is unscathed.  Even if there were no shards of burning rock, the impact crator would be so hot that you couldn't be closer than a few feet from it, let alone jump over it seconds after the initial impact.  I split the video and played it frame by frame.  The rock just makes an impact crator and just disappears all together.  I think they should take longer to create these episodes and increase their quality.  What do you think?

LBT Projects / LBT 9 Music Vids
« on: May 08, 2007, 06:43:11 PM »
I have all of the LBT song video's ripped and on my cell phone and you won't believe this but they are split in the same places!  I have to redo No one Has to be Alone though because it got corrupted.  The video's on the cell become corrupted and have to be replaced if someone calls when they are playing so I have to keep a flash backup on my computer so I can restore them in a few seconds.  Otherwise thay work great!

LBT Fanfiction / LBT fanart by me!
« on: May 08, 2007, 06:34:06 PM »
What are you smoking?  You don't suck at drawing.  Heck of a lot better that some of the drawing's I have seen (Including my own).  `As for the jaw, I never even noticed it until I took a really long look at it.  Keep up the good work!

LBT Fanfiction / LBT fanart by me!
« on: May 08, 2007, 02:22:20 AM »
Sorry.  Can't read what is says.  Add some color and it will look a lot better though.  Why is it so wrinkled?

LBT Fanart / Land Before Time fancomic
« on: May 08, 2007, 02:17:41 AM »
Really great!  Are you using Photoshop?  If not you really should.  With this program, you can take real screenshots of the movies and alter them in such a way that they look completely realistic!  With the advanced magic wand technology, you could completely get the entire character without any of the background getting onto the picture.  I have photoshop on my mac but I don't use it too much because my mac can't connect to my wireless network.  I'm trying to get it onto my pc though.  If you are not using Photoshop than what program are you using?  Are you making these on a mac or pc?

The Fridge / Tell us about - your computer!
« on: May 06, 2007, 03:51:12 AM »
I actuall went out and bought vista ultimate as soon as it came out at a hefty $400.  My advice - DONT but it.  I hate it.  It takes over three minutes to boot up on a computer with 2.4ghz and 1gb ram.  The minimum you can get it on is 800mhz, 20gb hd, 512 ram.  On this, it takes a good 10 minutes to boot.  Windows vista really has no additional features worth buying.  It's mainly just a visual style that makes your computer slower.  It's just another way microsoft makes you upgrade your computer and programs.  That is the ONLY reason they made it.  They don't care if it has any usable new features.  They just want to make your existing computer hardware and software obsolete so you have to buy new ones from them.  They obviously make vista ultimate for less than $5 because it is $3 american in China right now and they charge you $259.99 here for the same thing!

The Fridge / This sucks so bad!!!
« on: May 06, 2007, 03:43:08 AM »
Unfortunately, My school only allows up to 3% extra credit and I have attained that amount in every class.  I can't draw very well either and I would just die of embarrassment if another student saw me drawing LBT even if it were good.  It being horrible would be even worse.

The Fridge / This sucks so bad!!!
« on: May 05, 2007, 03:29:33 AM »
I usually complete all of the required work in a 45 minute period in 10 minutes so I just have to sit there and do nothing for most of the time in school.  I am allowed to go onto the laptop but the internet is really boring.  All I can do is read mail or other boring things (though it's nice to get mail fron thegangoffive).   I use the internet mainly for going onto public forums and all of the forums I go on like techtalk and here are blocked.  There is a program that will allow me to bypass the schools wifi restrictions but I don't think that's right.  According to my admin, forum sites really clog up the server.  I don't want other people to not be able to get their school work done cuz I was screwing around on forums.  That's why I have to build the wifi extender - so I don't have to connect to the schools wifi and can access restricted sites without harming anyone.  Is there any other way?

The Fridge / Tell us about - your computer!
« on: May 05, 2007, 03:17:07 AM »
ooh.  I beleive that this type of processor is 1.8-2.4 GHZ.  How long have you had it?

Silver Screen / Star Wars anyone?
« on: May 04, 2007, 02:00:18 AM »
I have been a star wars, star trek and LBT fan since I was 5.  That was ten years ago and I am still hooked on all three (LBT most of all).  I have never thought of what would happen if they met each other.  Thinking about stuff like that just ruins the experience for me.  I would hate all three if they met and ineracted together so I hope they never do.  That's why I try to avoid fanfics that involve more than one of these.  Why havent I grown out of LBT?  I have no idea.  I really should but I can't.  I just love it too much.  I hope I never grow out of these obsessions.  They are what make life worth living.  If I was forced somehow not to watch or talk about LBT, I would probably go insane.

Silver Screen / Your Thoughts on Animation.
« on: May 04, 2007, 01:36:13 AM »
I find that animated films have better sounding voices it them.  This is because in reality shows, you have to be considered good looking to be even considered.  I find that in animated films, the voices I like are usually from overweight people which is sad because they do not normally choose these people in reality tv.  This is just one of the many reasons I hate reality tv.  I tend to watch tv to escape from my stress and troubles.  I do not find hearing about a characters realistic problem relaxing.  I don't mind hearing about a problem that is not likely to happen to me (like me getting chased by a sharptooth) but things like job trouble or the death of a family member I just don't find relaxing.  I really like animated films that take place in another reality or time such as LBT.  I cannot stand it when people claim that watching any animated film at my age is abnormal.  I do not find this abnormal but I don't share my love of LBT with anyone else.  What influenced the west to be so resistant to the idea of older people watching animated films?

The Fridge / Tell us about - your computer!
« on: May 04, 2007, 01:18:19 AM »
I know.  It's really sad but thats the way of things.  It's one of the many reasons we computer people are so rich - normal people don't care how something works, they just care that it does work and when it doesn't, they call us in and are forced to pay a crapload for our unique knowledge.  One of the reasons I got into computers is because I can't stand being reemed.  When I was six, I paid a computer guy $350 to upgrade my computer to windows 98.  I thought to myself "Hey, why does he get this money for just popping in a cd"?  The ease of the work and how much it pays is what attracted me to computers.  I keep a log.  So far, I have installed windows 98 2,811 times, windows xp pro 6,574 times, windows 2000 983 times, windows 95 42 times, and windows me 658 times.  I have come a long way from that curious little 6 year old.  Oh.  Forgot to mention windows vista.  28 times.  I still don't know how far computers will advance in the future but I think we can be assured that in ten years, computers will be so different from now that the computers today will seem as archaic as a butter churn.

The Fridge / This sucks so bad!!!
« on: May 04, 2007, 12:56:54 AM »
God.  My school has decided to make it a closed campus.  This really sucks because I cannot access this site through the school's network cuz it's blocked.  To get past this, I simply walk about 20 feet off campus to get a wifi signal from some nearby houses where his site is not blocked.  If they make this a closed campus, I will be unable to access this site during school ours.  I am building a special satellite dish that will extend my wifi from 700ft to up to 3500ft.  This should allow me to still connect to this site during school hours but it will probably take at least two weeks to build and cost about $15 if I do it correctly.  Is your school a closed campus?  How do you feel about it?

Episode Discussion / I found this so funny!
« on: May 03, 2007, 09:15:07 PM »
I don't know what channel it's on.  I downloaded the episode.  It said CN in the corner.  This episode is the canyon of shiny stones.  I try not to download lbt but since I'm grounded, I have to find some way of watching the eps without being caught.  I have downloaded lbt sequals.  This is legal so long as you can prove you have purchased them origionally.  I have purchased all the lbt sequals on dvd but I hate my dvd ripper and don't use them on the computer.  I threw the origional's away but I still have the proofs of purchase (reciept and barcode).  I didn't sell them because I find that buying and selling videos may hurt the videos themselves.  If I sold them, I have made a profit and have made it so the people who made the movie don't get the money from the person who bought the dvd from me.  I know that selling dvd's at a garage sale is legal but I find it to be unethical so I won't do it.  As for the tv sequals, I find downloading them to be ethical so long as you pay for cable or satellite.  It is these companies thet profit mainly from these episodes.  I find that it does not hurt them at all to download the tv episodes so long as I pay for cable and don't disrtibute them to people who don't pay for cable.

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