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Messages - Jrd89

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 33 34
LBT Fanfiction / Pterano, Rinkus, & me (Jared)
« on: April 11, 2010, 11:24:23 PM »
To Dark: So you want to rub Rinkus out of the story all together? (I'm not mad)

So you're suggesting just Pterano & me, then? (just clearing things up)

Ptyra:  :oops  :oops I forgot- Pterano IS orange.

.*god I am such a rookie*

Remember-I've only been here for a few weeks. I'm certainly not the sharpest pencil in the case, so to speak.

Settling things on Rinkus: (I'm just telling you what I think of him)

I WILL give you one thing on Rinkus's evilness that I hated. The Part where he, Pterano and Sierra fly at night when they kidnap Ducky, when he says to Petrie.

"None of your business you little runt, now buzz off" *slaps Petrie*

Petrie fell to the ground, into water. Luckily Littlefoot was there to rescue Petrie. If it weren't for Littlefoot, Petrie would've drowned to death.

That is the one thing I WILL give you on Rinkus being evil. I know that he IS evil (on the softer side), but if you REALLLY want heavy, pure, evil, try Sierra.

But Rinkus does have his funny moments in this movie.(like when Ducky tells him not to stand on the ledge, but he does and he falls down. Also just before that, he crash-lands and gets all tangled up with Sierra.

I'd call Rinkus "neutral", he's not mr. nice guy all the time, nor is he a dark evil devilish demon all the time.

But I love Rinkus for his funny moments in "Cold Fire" That's a reason why he's in this story.

LBT Fanfiction / Pterano, Rinkus, & me (Jared)
« on: April 11, 2010, 11:16:18 PM »
I just want to give you the heads up before I start. I suck at writing, (haven't written a fictional story since 6th grade...and it was for school. So please excuse my writing.

I'm not a pro-fanfic writer like you guys are, but I want to give it a try.

There is only one rule: Please leave Sierra out! I hate him, he's so darn nasty, mean, inconsiderate, and self-centered. I don't like him. He's the devil in disguise.

Now My character: What I am in my lbt dreams, of course, a pteranodon (medium-brown, smaller, than Pterano, but much much larger than Petrie, with the personality of a very shy, sometimes funny, and very kind and nice 20-year-old human male)

Main characters: Pterano, me (call me Jared), and Rinkus (don't ask "Why'd you put him in? He's a bad guy".

well, he does make me giggle sometimes, when I watch "Cold fire" parts. The only true wicked, evil, villian in cold fire (In my opinion) is Sierra (Remember the part where Ducky fell into the cave and Sierra gave a crap if she was dead or not) .

I rest my case. (remember... no Sierra)

(but any other characters are welcome, of course)

(just add the next part of the story) This'll be fun.


It was a wonderful, sunny day, when a medium-brown flyer named Jared was flying, when he caught sight of a very large crested orange flyer and a much smaller pink flyer below.

Rinkus: (pointing) "Hey, who's that flyer up there", "Do you know him, Pterano"?

Pterano:"No, I don't." "He must be a newcomer."

Jared landed in front of Pterano and Rinkus

Pterano: "Why hello there young flyer. and who may I ask, are you?"

Jared: (smiling)  "My name is Jared, what's your name?"

Character Discussion / Pterano (and Rinkus)
« on: April 11, 2010, 08:28:27 PM »
I posted this yesterday in a different forum, but when I found this character forum, I figured it would be appropriate to post this in the fanart/fiction section.

LBT Fanart / My art work
« on: April 10, 2010, 12:11:53 AM »
Ada looks like she's about to cry. Awwww... :cry

Yep, we all know the path Pterano chose...

note to Ptyra:I promise to cool it on the personal messages. I got too carried away. Sorry. I get so carried away sometimed. I do agree that I need to calm down, chill and relax.

Don't worry. I still like you the same.  :yes

General Land Before Time / There's a Pteranodon in "Toy Story"
« on: April 09, 2010, 11:53:41 PM »
I'd figure that i'd share this with you. (dinosaur connection in Toy Story)

(Ptyra, you already know)

Did you know that in Toy Story (the first one) one of Sid's toys is a blue Pteranodon.

Check out the part when Woody rallies all of Sid's toys together to scare off Sid and teach him a lesson in respecting toys.

When Sid screams and runs back into his house, the blue Pteranodon is the only toy that looks at Sid and watches him run into the house. (he's right in front of Sid's feet when he screams while tossing Woody in the air. ha haaa!

This part of the movie really gets me laughing hard. Of course EVVVVERYONE knows Toy Story, right?

For those of you who have Petrie dolls.. hmm. what would he do if he came to life.   Hmmmmmm  :rolleyes:

Cancerian tiger: Actually the doll Sid used the "head switch" on was named Janie, although Hanna does ask Sid to play with her Sally doll, .....after the toy attack, that is....

Also, you're close on Buzz's line, it's actually "I don't believe that man's ever been to medical school."

The Fridge / I found a pic of a funny gray seal suit
« on: April 09, 2010, 10:06:34 PM »
Hi guys, I found a funny costume online, of a gray seal.

Here's a pic:

(click on the seal to enlarge the picture.

I sure do like it. It looks cool.

I would play around in the suit, clap my flippers and go "arr. arr"  :) heh heh.

What do you think of this seal suit? I wonder how you put it on,

but my main question is:

What would you do in this gray seal suit? Just curious.

Think of as many things as possible.

LBT Fanart / My art work
« on: April 07, 2010, 10:53:20 PM »
I swear, I had water filling up my tear ducts when I saw baby Ptyra in Pterano's arms.

Nice job on Petrie, I know his tiny stick-sized fingers are hard to position.

LBT Fanart / My art work
« on: April 07, 2010, 10:50:43 PM »



NICE ONE, Ptyra.

Land Before Time Captions / Rinkus caption
« on: April 05, 2010, 07:39:43 PM »
Rinkus is smiling. He looks like he's having fun and ENJOYING it.   :DD

General Land Before Time / German Youtube poop (Chomper and Petrie)
« on: April 03, 2010, 01:20:07 AM »
Even though I didn't understand what they were saying, I liked it.

The only thing I could mae out was their names, and Nein, which is "No".

General Land Before Time / German Youtube poop (Chomper and Petrie)
« on: April 03, 2010, 01:03:39 AM »
This youtube poop (Even though it's in German)


Chomper keeps asking Petrie the same question (about a rock)

You can hear Petrie say "nein" which is "No" in German? I'm guessing Chomper is saying "Is this it?" Is this it?

Then Petrie gets bloodshot eyes (he can't take Chomper anymore)

But here's the part that gave me a sore mouth and almost made me wet my pants!

It's at 4:21 Petrie gets hyper happy  (As if he drank GALLONS of Mountain Dew or Red Bull).
and flies ALL OVER THE PLACE, unlike his EIGHT brothers and sisters.

then does a nose dive (It almost sounds like he's saying "The spearhead of DOOOOOOOM! WAAA HA HA HAAA WHOOA!)

Oh god are my mouth muscles sore!!!!!!! :)

LBT Fanart / My art work
« on: March 31, 2010, 10:15:33 PM »
Oh, btw, the three parts I like the most in the appearance of fliers, is the crest, the beak, and the neck ring.

LBT Fanart / My art work
« on: March 31, 2010, 10:07:52 PM »
Five years later.....Pterano has returned.

I agree. WOW did Littlefoor grow! he IS big.

And look at Petrie. His crest grew big, too. (I love how he rests on Pterano's shoulder, too, it's so cute :) )

General Land Before Time / Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
« on: March 29, 2010, 06:56:23 PM »
Now I do agree some parts were killer funny!

But there were (spear through Pterano's eyes) that I hated.

But there were many killer funny moments that I totally loved

Yes, the Petrie "Mama Luigi" was so funny and cute.

And the Pterano "Stone touch" was funny, so was Littlefoot's nightmare coming true at the very end.

General Land Before Time / Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
« on: March 29, 2010, 03:11:57 AM »
But when Pterano is rocking out on the guitar, that falling meteor killing him  AT 4:16 WAS UNCALLED FOR!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, but I'm sensitive when it comes to making fun of Pterano (I'm talking about the bloody violence in these videos)

Why are there people who disrespect Pterano so much???

General Land Before Time / Youtube poops of "Cold Fire"
« on: March 29, 2010, 02:50:36 AM »
Hey I want to show you something.

You know what a youtube poop is, right? (sounds and animation edits to make a movie sound funnier)

Well I found a poop of "Cold fire"

One part, I like, while the other I hate

In this part, Rinkus (the pink bubblegum flyer) who plays with his tail?.. ok that's Weird.

Cuts his head off near the end of this video.... :lol:  (I wish it were Sierra, though. He is SO DARNED NASTY AND ANNOYING!

In this second video, check out pterano rocking out on the guitar (in the middle) SWEEET! oh yeah!! (and he is so so beautiful standing on the ledge with his wings spread all the way out)

Now this third video, I hate, because of the (alternative ending gag)

Ending 1 has Pterano blowing up the world, and ending 2. Ohhhh ending 2. (A SPEAR THROUGH PTERANO'S EYE? HOW DARE someone even make a video of the most beautiful lbt character ever getting killed. (THAT'S what I want to have happen to SIERRA NOT the great beautiful and wise Pterano!!!! :bang I love him so much, too! rrrrrghhh!!!! :bang  :bang

Ending 3, skipping record of Littlefoot's voice, and Pterano blowing up. *DEEP SIGH* NOOOOT FUNNY! I DO NOT like seeing my favorite character being blown up!!!!! (If you have to blow up a "Cold Fire" character, blow up Sierra.

Ending 4, though, is very funny. Every time pterano touches the stone, something falls off a cliff and dies (check out Mario falling off, then a cow) ha haa! That had me laughing hard!) now I think that's funny. :lol:

In the beginning of the third video, you can hear the end of the original "Final Jeopardy" thinking music used on Jeopardy from 1984-1997.

LBT Fanart / My art work
« on: March 28, 2010, 01:14:09 AM »
Oooh, very nice job on the new color picture of Tarran.

That was very creative with the grey/black two tone colors. I like the new color picture wih him and Ptyra.  :yes

General Land Before Time / Ever had any LBT dreams at night.
« on: March 27, 2010, 02:35:47 AM »
Oops. Yeah, I saw the "dreams" post (looking back a couple of pages) I saw that the last post was on December.

Sorry. I didn't know.

General Land Before Time / Ever had any LBT dreams at night.
« on: March 27, 2010, 02:12:08 AM »
I just came up with some thing. I have got to tell you about this. I may be 20 now, but I still have many fun dreams at night

Whenever I have a LBT dream, I am a flyer (Ptyra, you already know about this..)

I can't tell you how much fun the dreams I have at night are. I'm a flyer (it's so easy for me to fly. My Pteranodon body is strong enough for my wings to lift me up. It feels funny, I have these big arms and claws and my wings are stuck like superglue to the bottom of my arms. They feel very floppy. I fly great in my LBT dreams.

I once flew up to a stream and landed. I looked at my reflection in the water !!!     *AND SAW A BEAUTIFUL brown & grey FLYER WITH A BIG POINTY CREST STARE BACK* I am one beautiful flyer.

In my dreams I also sometimes run into Petrie (he really really loves to eat berries for snacks).

Last time, he said: "Me getting hungry", "Oooh look at all the berries. Me love them so much"

"Jared- you want berries, too?" "they verrry yummy"

I said "sure, i'll try some", I picked a few off and sat down. They were very juicy and tasty.

"You like berries, Jared?" he said. "These are very delicious and wonderful" I said back to him.

"Me so glad you love them" Petrie said back to me.

Then, he hugged me and said "Me like you, Jared"

"Me, too" I told him, "You are so cute and adorable".

"Awwwww" Petrie said, still hugging me.

*HE DOES feel a tad fuzzy & warm, too, BTW*

*end of dream*

Now, here's what my LBT dream process is:
All you have to do is think of TLBT, and picture Petrie in your head as you drift off to sleep.

the Process: I'm in bed, I look around my bedroom, look up at the ceiling, close my eyes, think of Petrie, about a minute of black, I begin sleeping, from this black, the great valley sloowly fades in. I'm sitting on the ground. I look down at my big beak and look at my wings at my sides. BOOM! I'M a flyer. and the fun starts!

I'll keep you updated on any other cool dreams I have in the future. Did you like my "berries" dream?

What have your LBT dreams been like if you've had any..

General Land Before Time / Why Do People Hate the Sequels So Much?
« on: March 27, 2010, 01:42:40 AM »
I already know that Ptyra will strongly disagree that the sequels were cruddy.

All the movies were great (up to the Big Freeze) (Journey to big water- onward was crap)

and the dreaded yellowbellies from XIII AAARGHHHCKK  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x

And they made petrie (the cutest and cuddliest thing, who was brave in the beginning)  more cowardly later on in the movie series. (OMG- I can't believe he's afraid of clouds (Look out, Petrie, it's the dreaded "sky puffies"..  :blink:  :crazy  WEEEIRD.),  has an UGGGLY imaginary friend ??? :o  yet we saw him take on a sharptooth in the first movie.

But I LOVE his personality up to "Big Freeze" though. (I just want to hold him in the palm of my hands and pet & tickle him)  :lol:  ha ha.

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