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Messages - LoyfeCycleProtector

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 35 36 37 38
The Party Room / What Would They Do?
« on: March 21, 2013, 09:55:09 PM »
This cute bugger is Xiphactinus:

And don't worry, nothing that's been said here so far is in my fox. But, ya never know.

The Party Room / What Would They Do?
« on: March 21, 2013, 09:34:52 PM »
Their lack of singular dentary squamosal articulation would cause their mouths to get stuck, and they'd have to wait until their saliva broke it down.

Still on my previous question.

The Party Room / What Would They Do?
« on: March 21, 2013, 09:29:15 PM »
The gang would stare cockeyed at him. Petrie would tap his spindly fingers together and ask: "Uh... Did you eat anything funny this morning, Littlefoot?"
Ruby would nod, scratching her chin. "Aliens, huh? Knew they were around somewhere. Call it intuition."
"Uh, what's an alien?" Chomper would ask.
Cera would have a very dry look on her face. "... Why am I not suprised by this? I really feel like I should be more suprised hearing this."

What would happen if a Xiphactinus got in the Great Valley water system?

The Party Room / What Would They Do?
« on: March 21, 2013, 09:11:51 PM »
It would break something in him. To have lost his mother so long ago and now  that he's lost his father, Littlefoot swears he'll see that the sharptooth meets his end at his paws. He tells his friends not to join him, as he doesn't want to lose anyone else to the sharptooth. But of course, when have they ever listened? They follow him, out of the great valley and on a do or die mission to see the sharptooth dead.

A quetzalcoatlus flies over the great valley. What do the valley members do?

@Strut Which thing did I say that's already in someone else's work? I'm writing a fic, so I'm going to be really put down if it turns out I'm plagerizing someone.

The Party Room / What Would They Do?
« on: March 21, 2013, 08:56:29 PM »
In real life, Ducky is very obediant, and would probably obey her mother despite being dissapointed.
But what would she do in real loyfe? She'd shrug and say: "Eh. I'll take up drugs instead."

How would Littlefoot react if, while meandering through an unfamiliar far walker herd that had come to stay at the valley, he bumps into Rooter?

Land Before Time Captions / Cera Will Own Anybody
« on: March 21, 2013, 08:26:44 PM »

The Party Room / What Would They Do?
« on: March 21, 2013, 08:21:56 PM »
At first he'd try desperately to wake them, panicking. He'd beg his friends to help him. The gang wouldn't know what to do. They themselves are horrified, but they do know that Littlefoot's grandparents are beyond help. Eventually, the situation sinks in for Littlefoot; he comes to terms that his grandparents are dead, and weeps openly. Looking on, heartbroken, the gang go up to him and hug him. Littlefoot hugs them back, glad to know he still has something of a family left in the valley: his friends.

How did Bron react the first time he learned that one of his son's closest friends is the same kind of sharptooth that killed his wife?

The Party Room / What would character say?
« on: March 21, 2013, 01:51:38 PM »
He'd take a step back, scan his father's face with wide eyes for any signs that he was kidding. Then a huge smile would break out on his face, and he'd run up and hug his dad around the leg, laughing happily. Then he'd think about it a little more, look up, and ask. "B-but what about your herd? Does this mean your not gonna lead them anymore?"

What would Cera say if she found out Scuttle was coming to live in the Great Valley? And live right next to her nest, no less?

The Party Room / What would character say?
« on: March 21, 2013, 08:22:45 AM »
He'd grit his teeth, angry tears in his eyes, and shout: "Shut up! Shut up, don't you DARE make my fun of my mother! Don't you DARE!"

What did Cera say when the doctor walked up to her, sighing and eyes downcast as he said. "I'm so sorry, Cera. We tried everything we could, but... But your mother.... She's been... (Lips warble) retconned."

The Party Room / What would character say?
« on: March 19, 2013, 04:00:48 PM »
Aside from giving a standard Petrie shuddering moan and fainting?

Petrie: (Thoughts: Oh no, oh no, oh no! A pretty flier says she loves me! What do I do?!)
Petrie's inner Pterano: (Easy now, Petrie! I knew this day would come. Now, do you remember what I taught you to say in this situation?)
Petrie: (Thoughts: Uh, I-I think I do. You sure that will help?)
Petrie's inner Pterano: (Have I ever steered you wro- err, I mean, yes. Yes it will. Now say it, dear nephew!)
Petrie: (Thoughts: Uh, okay then. Here I go!)
Petrie (out loud): Me uncle Pterano the most handsome bachleor in the mysterious beyond and you just his type, baby.
Petrie's inner Pterano: (Excellent, now give her my phone number.)

What would Ruby say if she were asked if she knew what a palindrome was?

LBT Fanart / My Fanart
« on: March 18, 2013, 05:13:06 PM »
Very nice, Nalah. The colors are cool and the proportions are good. Keep it up! I always admire people with artistic talents. Largely because I have none  :lol If I could, I'd be faking landscape art. The most amazing landscapes appear whenever I dream. But, anyway! Getting back on topic, I guess my advise for improvment is to define the lining a little better. Then it'll be looking really cool.

Sound Off! / Saddest song you ever heard?
« on: March 18, 2013, 04:49:59 PM »
Strange Fruit by Billie Holliday. Both the saddest and most terrifying song I have ever heard. When I first listened to it, I literally broke out into a cold sweat, and then in tears.

General Land Before Time / Bron
« on: March 18, 2013, 04:45:39 PM »
While I definitely feel a stronger and, more importantly, a more interesting excuse could have been thought up, the excuse they went with is understandable. Bron comes back to the mysterious wastes and finds the land destroyed by a cataclysmic earthquake, his wife dead, and his son MIA. By all accounts, he came back and found everything he cared about in ruins. Sure, he could have tracked down the ultimate fate of his son, and he did, in fact, give up on him being alive, but he could have been afraid to track him down and find him dead. I've heard some families who've had missing family members talk about how they feel that finding their loved one's body would destroy a lingering hope in them that their family could still be alive, and the fact that that chance is so astronomically small keeps them from pursuing it.

Judging by his reaction, he seemed certain that Littlefoot was dead, and didn't seem too guilt ridden that he had thought he had died. Given this world where people die all the time and the people of this world seem much more resigned to their mortality than the 'anything you can put your mind to' attitude you see in most works, his reaction seems like something a normal person would have. It's not a heroic or amiable response, but it at least a believable one. I certainly think it could have been done much, much better, but as it stands, I think his excuse is passable.

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: March 18, 2013, 10:06:27 AM »
Oh, there are like several songs going on in my head at any given time. Here: *opens hinge on skull*
"Jumpin' Jack Flash, it's a gas gas, gas"
"We'll it's floodin' down in Texas, all of the telephone lines are down."
"I've got it baaaad sooo baaaad, I'm hot for teacher."
"We're still building and burning down love, burning down love"
"Tain't hatcha do, it's the way hatcha do it"
"As Lady and I, look out tonight, on Desolation Row."

The Party Room / Things the LBT cast would NEVER say...
« on: March 18, 2013, 09:42:10 AM »
Littlefoot: "Has anyone seen my Nirvana CDs?"
Petrie: "Me think Ducky's using them."
Littlefoot: "Oh, alright. Where's my Celine Dion records?"
Petrie: "Cera have them."
Littlefoot: "My Barney Sing Along tapes?"
Petrie: "Doc have them."
Littlefoot: "My Village People CDs?"
Petrie: "Those not yours, you stole them from Cera's Dad."
Littlefoot: "They are MINE! MINE I tell you!"

Character Discussion / Ruby
« on: March 17, 2013, 11:59:42 PM »
I like Ruby a lot, but I'll admit they could have played with her role as the responsible one a bit more. One thing I'd have like to have seen was an episode that shows the sacrafices she makes to her free time and personal enjoyment to take care of Chomper. It can't be easy taking care of another kid all by yourself at her age, and to see how hard the job can be for her would have made for some good stories.
 I think they did touch on her sacrafices a little bit where they show how she's had to live away from her family to maintain her obligations, but I can't think of anything big other than that. For me, the angle of her being a young girl with a powerful sense of responsibility and sacrafice is the most interesting way to depict her, and that they could have explored that part of her character more.

General Land Before Time / Which Villain in LBT are you?
« on: March 05, 2013, 06:12:52 PM »
I'm the Plated Sharptooth. I come out of nowhere and bring along a darker edge.

The Fridge / Giant hornets vs Killer Bees
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:56:59 AM »
I'm guessing you're talking about more numerous communal wasps, like yellow jackets. Who ever has the numbers will eventually end up winning, but in my experience wasps are tougher than bees. Now, you throw ants in the mix, and you'll have a battle as epic as the ones in The Lord of the rigs movies.

The Welcome Center / What is up guys
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:51:51 AM »
Welcome to the community, dude. Be yourself, express yourself, and have fun. Your among some really nice people here.

General Land Before Time / Being a Yellowbelly
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:41:23 AM »
Life as a yellow belly would be like having a child character walk around in the Ulysess. Life would be organized in logical-but-illogical patterns, rules would be glanced that and then kicked aside, and there would be no way to predict what happens next.

And by the way, I oppose the idea of this community making people feel like they HAVE to hate the yellow bellies or the thirteenth movie. I hate it, but by god I'd feel great knowing that it brought joy to someone else. If you like the yellow bellies or the thirteenth film, I'll defend your claim till my last e-breath. :smile

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