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Messages - Dima02

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Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: June 28, 2011, 07:39:42 PM »
It wasn't long before Cleve came back into the cave with an armful of branches and twigs.

"Do you need more fuel for the fire, Dan?" Cleve asked, "There's a lot more near the dry river bed. It'll be a quick trip."

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: June 26, 2011, 10:39:53 PM »
"I'll get some firewood," Cleve said. It was becoming a routine for him--getting firewood in the morning. He knew a dry river bed that had a lot of them. Cleve hurried off, moving as quickly as possible in order to avoid any sharpteeth attacks.

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: June 25, 2011, 12:50:31 AM »
Ruby and Chomper woke to the sound of Cera's morning greetings.

"Daylight already?" Chomper whined, "Guess we'd better get up." Chomper slowly got up and walked into the sunlight. The light felt warm and good on his skin. Ruby followed him.

"So why were you asking about Claw Valley last night?" Ruby asked, "Did you ask because you wanted to go there?"

"Well, umm," Cleve hesitated, "we were planning to, but after hearing your descriptions, I'm not so sure."

Role Play Discussion / Idea for a Alpha and Omega roleplay
« on: June 24, 2011, 07:04:19 PM »
Maybe I can play as a Humphrey-Kate pup and maybe one of Humphrey's friends, if that's okay.

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: June 24, 2011, 07:01:24 PM »
"Morning guys," Cleve said as the slowly got up, "How's your leg doing, Frank? The wound on my arm has pretty much healed. It'll probably leave a scar though. Are you planning on going anywhere this morning? I was thinking that we can go back to the wreck of the 109 and salvage the cannon. We might find some other useful things as well."

Cleve was still wondering about the note the German pilot left Frank, and he wanted to search the Bf109 for documents relating to their presence in the dinosaur world. At this point, Cleve became fairly convinced that their appearance had something to do with German experiments involving portal technology. And just in case if they did find something, Frank would be able to translate it. Even if they didn't find anything, they would still be able to salvage the 20mm cannon.

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: June 22, 2011, 10:44:54 PM »
"It might even end up like Operation Tidal Wave," Cleve said, "But Dan's right. Let's sleep and discuss tomorrow. I have lots of questions on my head right now."

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: June 22, 2011, 02:51:34 PM »
Cleve was usually a fairly heavy sleeper. Being a sailor, he was used to sleeping to the sound of waves and diesel engines. Probably due to all the thoughts plaguing his mind, Cleve found it very difficult to stay asleep. He woke up to Frank's heavy breathing.

"Claw valley?" Cleve asked, "Maybe we can ask Ruby. We might as well ask her right now, actually." Cleve slowly walked over to Ruby and tapped her.

"Hey, Ruby," Cleve asked, "Do you know a place called Claw Valley?"

"Yeah, I know such a place," Ruby responded sleepily, "Claw Valley is a big valley of Sharpteeth. It's the most dangerous place I know. Not even Red Claw dares to get close. Why did you ask?"

Cleve looked at Frank. "So, the next portal is in Claw Valley?" Cleve asked, "This is going to be tough."

Role Play Discussion / Idea for a Alpha and Omega roleplay
« on: June 22, 2011, 02:36:33 PM »
I watched the movie a week ago and really liked it. I'm definitely interested.

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: June 19, 2011, 11:56:40 PM »
Cleve rolled over on his side. The incidents of that day never quite left his mind. It has been a confusing day for him. There were so many questions that still had to be solved. How did the German pilot get the engine out of his plane without any help? Or did he actually have help? Who was the skeleton they found? Frank seems to be quite sure that it was the German pilot, but Adam seems to believe that it was a member of his flight. Most importantly, were they in the dinosaur world for a reason?

At this point, Cleve was fairly certain that the experiment he was working on sent him into the new world. The Germans could have somehow attained the technology. Frank said that he was flying above a forest when the Bf 109 appeared. From the wreckage of the 109, the pilot seemed to have lots of confidence--at least enough to paint the nose of his plane in a noticeable yellow. He might have been an ace. The fact that he didn't engage the bombers showed that he was probably protecting something--something very important. Perhaps it was an experiment similar to the one that was conducted on the Eldridge. To verify this, he would have to search the plane the next day and try to find any helpful documents.

He decided that he would ask Frank to translate the rest of the letter later.

Land Before Time Captions / Another Guido Caption
« on: June 08, 2011, 08:36:48 PM »

Guido: But I was told not to take candy from strangers...

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: June 06, 2011, 05:05:50 PM »
Contrasting against the dark sky, the cave was lit as if there was a raging fire inside. Cleve had no trouble identifying the cave from a distance. He walked in silently, careful not to disturb the others. He sat against the wall near the entrance of the cave and drifted to sleep.

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: June 03, 2011, 09:02:10 PM »
Cleve listened to Frank's singing and helped him fill in the hole. He hesitated for a moment about whether or not to keep the harmonica. It was a nice harmonica, and it had a superior sound quality than the one Cleve left on the Eldridge. And what's more, it was of no use to a dead man. But in the end, Cleve decided against taking the harmonica. He buried it in the grave of the pilot. Without looking back, he started walking in the direction of the cave.

"I remember the way here," Cleve said, "I'll lead." He walked into the darkness, not glancing back at the shiny German harmonica buried under three inches of dirt.

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: May 31, 2011, 07:41:16 PM »
Ruby let Chomper fall asleep next to her. She then curled up in a ball and tired to sleep. It has been a long, but exciting, day for them, and Chomper was exhausted.


Cleve started playing the first notes of Taps. A crisp sound came out of the harmonica. It was easy to play too, and fortunately, there was no rust. He thought about keeping the harmonica for himself, but he decided against it. He finished the song without a single mess-up.

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: May 31, 2011, 06:20:39 PM »
While thinking about what to sing, Cleve wondered to the coat of the German pilot. He reached into it, and his hands felt a cold, metallic object. He took it out. It shined brightly under the moonlight. It was a harmonica, and the manufacture name, M.Hohner, was clearly visible.

"Hey Frank," Cleve yelled, "Look what I found. It's a harmonica. I know how to play "Taps" on it. I've seen it played at military burials. You know the lyrics, right?"

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: May 30, 2011, 06:13:37 PM »
"Come along, Adam," Ruby said, "We need to get back to the cave and sleep if we want to sleep on time." Chomper leaned against Ruby's arm and almostly fell asleep. Ruby carefully led Chomper back into the cave.

Cleve helped Frank carry the body to the hole. "If I had my trumpet," Cleve said mournfully, "I'd play a song for this guy. Too bad my trumpet didn't make it here. I guess we just have to burry this guy without any music." Cleve pushed the body into the hole and started filling it with dirt.

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: May 28, 2011, 12:25:04 PM »
"I'll help you too, Frank," Cleve said, grabbing another piece of metal. He stuck it into the ground and tried to dig with it. It was nowhere as efficient as a shovel, but the ground was at least soft.

Chomper yawned and walked next to Ruby. "I'm tired," Chomper complained, "Let's go back to the cave." Ruby slowly led Chomper in the direction of the cave.

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: May 25, 2011, 03:57:29 PM »
"Some herds aren't as lucky as us," Ruby said, "Many of them don't live in the Great Valley, and they wonder out in the Mysterious Beyond. I've herd stories of entire herds being killed."

"It's dangerous in the Mysterious Beyond," Chomper added.

"Exactly the reason I don't want to stay out here for too long," Cleve replied, "If we want to salavage the canon and burry the pilot right now, let's get to work. If we want to return to the cave and wait until tomorrow, we can do that as well.

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: May 24, 2011, 04:15:36 PM »
"Yes, he did attack other herds," Cleve said. It seemed to be an extreme understatement, but Cleve found no better words, "Humans, our species, is divided into races and nations. Races are made up of humans who share a similar characteristic, like blond hair and blue eyes, for example. Nations are made up of a single or multiple races living in a single place, kinda like the Great Valley. Hitler attacked other nations and races."

"Like the fast-biters from the Mysterious Beyond taking over the Great Valley and eating all the leafeaters?" Ruby asked.

"Precisely," Cleve replied, glad that he manged to explain the concepts clearly, "And that's way we need to stop him."

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: May 22, 2011, 09:32:58 PM »
Cleve nodded and replied, "Yeah, just imagine what would happen if Hitler manages to get these things and put them into battle. It sounds like a funny idea, but think about it. Hitler's situation is probably looking fairly bleak as of 1945, right Frank? He's crazy enough to try anything. Imagine those Domeheads charging into Allied troops and ramming them down. We have to stop that from happening."

Random Role Play / Out of time and place
« on: May 22, 2011, 05:44:14 PM »
"And we should keep the others away from them too," Chomper added, "who knows where those portals might lead to?"

Cleve walked closer to the body and saw the bite marks on the bones. "Well, if this is a sharptooth attack," Cleve assumed, "we'd better be careful. I thought the smell was supposed to ward away sharpteeth."

"Some sharpteeth in the Mysterious Beyond are immune to this somehow," Ruby said, "I'm glad that Redclaw isn't one of them."

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