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Messages - vonboy

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Land Before Time Captions / Petrie boogey
« on: October 15, 2017, 12:52:58 PM »
Many flyer did not like the music her kids were dancing to these days.

Petrie: "Me sexy and me know it!"

Starday Wishes / Happy star day, Dalekdino
« on: October 15, 2017, 09:17:49 AM »
We usually keep the same birthday thread for a member going over the years, posting in it every year to wish them a happy starday. Here's DalekDino's birthday thread:

Just letting you know, as you probably don't know. I wonder if a mod could maybe move these posts to the original thread?

Anyway, Happy birthday, DalekDino! :birthday

Hope you get to do something fun today! :DD

Land Before Time Captions / Littlefoot's new pillow
« on: October 14, 2017, 10:54:24 AM »
Usually don't get that kind of reaction. Thanks :)

The Welcome Center / Hello my friends, my friends hello!
« on: October 14, 2017, 06:06:56 AM »
Welcome to the GoF! Hope you enjoy your stay!

Land Before Time Captions / Littlefoot's new pillow
« on: October 14, 2017, 05:01:54 AM »
Quote from: Belmont2500,Oct 14 2017 on  02:55 AM
Finally, a pillow that can double as supper  :unsure:
*In comes Chomper to rest on Littlefoot's side.

Chomper: "I know, right?"

Starday Wishes / Happy Star Day, Fyn16!
« on: October 09, 2017, 04:45:12 PM »
Happy Birthday Fyn!

How have you been?

Land Before Time Captions / Ali has seen too much
« on: October 07, 2017, 08:01:35 PM »
Quote from: Snik,Apr 24 2017 on  12:35 PM

Chomper: "I call dibs!"

Silver Screen / Futurama
« on: October 06, 2017, 12:04:34 PM »
There has been a new bit of Futurama content released. Not a new animated episode, but it's in the form of a podcast, about the length of two of the show's regular episodes, featuring all of the original voice actors, and written by some of the shows writers!

It's really funny, includes some classic styled radio ads for things in the Futurama universe, and does something similar to the episode "Reincarnation", with the main gimmick being something that can't properly be represented in the chosen style/medium, just for the luls.

David X. Cohen said that this project was done to promote the new phone game, but that it basically took as much work as a normal episode would have taken, as far as writing it, table reading it, recording, and doing all the music and sound effect work for it. Everything but animating it, which they obviously didn't do, since it's a podcast.

He also said that he'd be into doing more audio only episodes like this, if there was enough interest, since they'd be much cheaper to make than animated for TV episodes.

Has anyone else had a chance to give this a listen? What do you think of it?

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Regarding ANY Season 2 topics.
« on: October 04, 2017, 12:56:18 PM »
Quote from: rhombus,Oct 4 2017 on  10:22 AM
The videos are now working in the United States so perhaps the re-posting of the videos has something to do with that?
Could Be. Youtube looks like it's really been prioritizing new videos, for showing in searches, recommended videos, etc lately. They might be trying to catch the US viewers who couldn't find them the first time around.

Land Before Time Captions / Scared Cera!
« on: October 02, 2017, 08:10:04 PM »
Quote from: Snik,Oct 2 2017 on  02:44 PM
Cera: Guys, seriously, when will you give me my horns? How many years have passed already? Give me them!!!

Director: ummm, Cera... Just don't be mad. You see... we sold your horns on Ebay last year.

Cera: *caption pic*


Shorty: Yes!!!!!!! I got them!!!! *puts horns on the wall, together with other trophies*

(who else wants to buy original Cera's horns? :3)
Chomper: Dangit! I wanted those horns! It would look so good when I finally had my very own Cera head mounted over my fireplace, in my mansion!"

Cera: "You know you were talking out loud, right? With the entire cast around you?"

Chomper: "Yeah, I know. You also know we just ended filming, right? They just said they aren't gonna make anymore of these."

*Cera makes the same face again.* :lol

Role Play Discussion / LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?
« on: October 02, 2017, 11:12:44 AM »
Quote from: Snik,Oct 2 2017 on  02:52 AM
whoa already?
But wait, I never played roleplay before, I don't know rules! In what order do people post? Can they write other characters' actions or only their own? Who rules the extension of general plot? Only Ducky? What we're allowed to do and what we can't?
I know i'm not in this RP, but I'll answer the best I can.

No, your not supposed to make other member's characters do actions. You're only supposed to make your own characters do actions to them. The only things I have other's do in my posts is very very basic things, if they are really needed in my posts, maybe something like.

"Littlefoot was so embarrassed. As he looked around the group, he saw everyone else staring at him, filling him with shame. He wondered what everyone else must be thinking he was doing."

That doesn't make other peoples characters do too much yourself, and leaves open everyone else to write down their character's thoughts, or what they will say, how they will respond to what you did with your post.

There is usually not a set order for posting, and ducky said setting one up here would be difficult. Just post when you think it's time for your characters to do something, but try to wait for other's to make their posts if you can. You can always make a post in this thread if you have a question, or wondering who should probably post next, etc.

If you wanna do something major, extending the plot, you'd have to discuss it here first, and make sure the others are okay with it first. If you're unsure, ask Ducky123.

Hope I'm not stepping out of line here, or anything. Rhombus asked if I wanted to join, but I think I'll just sit back and watch for now. Don't even know what's going on, really. :p

Character Discussion / Littlefoot
« on: October 02, 2017, 09:07:05 AM »
Yeah, I've always seen Littlefoot and Chomper as brothers that neither ever had.

LBT Fanfiction / Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
« on: October 01, 2017, 08:49:08 PM »
And the next chapter of my fanfic actually is just that. What a coincidence! :DD

More incentive to try to finish it, I guess.

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Regarding ANY Season 2 topics.
« on: October 01, 2017, 10:41:03 AM »
could just be the employee the company has running the channel is doing a bad job/ not realizing what he is doing?

It's Party Time! / Hurt & Heal Game 7
« on: October 01, 2017, 09:48:00 AM »
Heal Chomper
Hurt Ducky

Littlefoot: 24
Cera: 21
Ducky: 26 (-1)
Petrie: 20
Spike: 21
Chomper: 16 (+1)
Ruby: 25
Ali: 23
Guido: 15
Mo: 14
Mama Swimmer: 6
Mama Flyer: 6
Pterano: 11
Sierra: 6
Strut: 3
Mr. Thicknose: 12
Littlefoot's Mother: 13
Shorty: 17
Doc: 4

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Regarding ANY Season 2 topics.
« on: September 30, 2017, 04:09:31 PM »
On a happy sidenote, it looks like the episodes aren't blocked in the US anymore! I can watch them again! :DD

Computer and Electronics / 512 GB Micro SD Card Review
« on: September 30, 2017, 04:04:55 PM »
Still sounds really sketchy to me. I hear there's fake cards, that really only have a very small capacity, but are formatted to make it look like they have a lot of space, like 512 gigs or something. If you try to load up more data then they can really hold, it starts corrupting everything, and you lose your data.

Just to be safe, I would load it up with as much crap as I could find(movies, games, whatever you can copy over that is huge in file size) to see if it actually holds close to 512GB of data, and all of that stuff is still undamaged.

Gamers Zone / Paper Mario
« on: September 30, 2017, 01:30:43 AM »
The sequel, the Thousand Year Door, is my favorite, but I love this game as well.

I remember loving the toy box section. Really unique area that came out of left field, after going through more generic areas like a desert or haunted mansion. One part I really remember is a couple of Bowser's minions there, asking you what Mario is scared of the most, and you can just lie and get free items from the big guy. :D

What's your favorite area in the game?

Character Discussion / Littlefoot
« on: September 28, 2017, 08:59:13 PM »
Quote from: Gentle Sharptooth,Sep 28 2017 on  06:52 PM
Quote from: Longneck3050,Sep 28 2017 on  06:57 PM
Quote from: Gentle Sharptooth,Sep 28 2017 on  06:54 PM
Quote from: vonboy,Sep 28 2017 on  07:43 AM
Quote from: Longneck3050,Sep 27 2017 on  07:33 PM
Quote from: vonboy,Sep 27 2017 on  07:40 PM
Could be like in the Seven Hunter's story. Littlefoot get's a new name when he becomes an adult, basically signifying that he's grown up and ready to handle adult responsibilities, but it is really only a public name. His family and close friends would still call him Littlefoot.

It's just if you were not close to him, you'd be expected to use his new public name, otherwise, expect a stern whacking! :lol
What's a stern whacking?
I mean you'll get hit by a longneck tail, very hard. :p
Longneck tails, you mean whips with 700 Psi!  :cry
Oh my!  :o
The Truth, longnecks are the real villans. The reason we sharpteeth are so cranky, and vicious is the oppression of the Longnecks who tower over us and use their whips to keep us Sharpteeth slaves. Resist! Stand against the Leaf Eater!  :p   :anger
Yes, resist! Take from the rich and fat leafeaters, and give to the poor and starving sharpteeth!

Someday, we'll start a holiday where we remember those that saved us from this oppression by getting together and eating a nice, plump longneck every year. We'll call it... Thanksgiving. :DD

Yeah, I've probably did this bit for too long. :p

Character Discussion / Chomper Theory
« on: September 28, 2017, 08:54:12 AM »
Quote from: Gentle Sharptooth,Sep 28 2017 on  12:48 AM
Quote from: vonboy,Sep 27 2017 on  07:31 PM
That's assuming Chomper stays in the Great Valley all the way until he matures.

Most fanfictions I see of Chomper's future have him either being banished, or choosing to leave himself, so his friends will be safe, and that what I personally believe would happen.

Chomper himself might be worried about his predatory instincts coming to the fore, hence wanting to leave his friends behind in order to keep them safe from him.
Although LBT V shows that Chomper's Parents are able to get past their instincts when they see the Gang of Five help rescue Chomper from drowning. If its possible for Chomper's parents to overhaul their instincts, then I think Chomper could.
Chomper keeping his instincts at bay is a nice thought, but would Chomper still be living with his friends when he's an adult? He'd still have to hunt for his food. Don't know what his friends would think about it. Littlefoot might look past it, and still love him, but not sure aobut the rest of the gang.

Also, what if there's a time he can't find any other food? What if he finds himself stuck with his friends, and there's no other animals around? What would he do then?

I still stink he'd want to move out. Maybe try to keep in contact with his friends somehow, but not living with them anymore.

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