The Gang of Five
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Messages - The Chronicler

Pages: 1 ... 455 456 457 458 459 ... 471
The Welcome Center / Back from the dead...
« on: April 02, 2008, 04:42:15 PM »
A lot of us are new members (myself included). It's nice to know that you're back and not gone for good. :yes

LBT Fanfiction / Forgotten Friends - Canceled
« on: April 01, 2008, 05:06:41 PM »
I kind of saw that coming :rolleyes: . I knew you wouldn't abandon something like this. At least, not entirely. You don't have to spend most of your time working on it, but it is something for you to do when you have nothing else to do (like I do for the fanfic I'm writing).

LBT Fanfiction / The Adventures of Littlefoot and Ali
« on: March 31, 2008, 06:12:08 PM »
No hurry, take your time. I never realized how long it could take to actually write a fanfic until I tried it myself. I started writing in late January and I've finished chapter 11 last Saturday. I thought I would have reached that point before this month. I guess it takes more time to write a story than to read it (surprise surprise :rolleyes: ).

The Welcome Center / im me
« on: March 31, 2008, 05:58:57 PM »
Welcome to the Gang of Five. :wave

LBT Fanfiction / A Sharptooth's Heart II
« on: March 30, 2008, 07:30:07 PM »
I don't have time to read this now, but I will when I get the chance.

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: March 29, 2008, 08:29:50 PM »

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: March 29, 2008, 08:03:19 PM »
(I think I'll revive this game)


The Welcome Center / Hi mates
« on: March 29, 2008, 06:38:11 PM »
I know, I'm late, but I'm here. Welcome to the Gang of Five. :wave

LBT Fanfiction / Quest for the Energy Stones
« on: March 28, 2008, 07:56:03 PM »
I know, the last chapter seemed kind of short, but that was only because it was one of very few parts of this story that I have not put much thought into. I have put more thought into this next chapter and I hope it's good enough.

Chapter 11
Po-Koro, the Village of Stone

“How could it get this hot so quickly?” complained Cera. She wasn't the only one who felt the hot, arid climate. It was strange to walk into another area and quickly feel such a change. At least there was a rocky pathway in this ocean of sand so they wouldn't get lost.

“I'm thirsty,” said Chomper.

“Don't count on finding any water in Po-Koro,” said Takua. “If there's anything a Po-Matoran hates more than anything else, it's water.”

“Why do they hate water so much?” asked Ducky, who could hardly believe such a fact.

“Simple, they can't swim and they'll just sink like a stone.”

They continued down the pathway. They were now approaching a fork in the road, but at that crossroads they saw someone. As they got closer, they noticed that it was a Po-Matoran and a few large rocks. Eventually, they saw that there were three large rocks. One was a block of stone, another was a carved way-sign, and the third was being carved into something by the Po-Matoran.

This Po-Matoran had tan armor on his arms and torso, black armor on his feet and legs, and wore a black Ruru. Using the small pickax in his right hand, he carved away at the stone in front of him. He was so focused on carving that he didn't notice Takua and the others until they actually arrived at the fork in the road.

As they approached, he looked at them and said in a proud voice, “Ah, you must be the visitors. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Hafu, Left Hand of Turaga Onewa and best stone-carver in all of Po-Koro.”

“Stone-carver? What's a stone-carver?” asked Littlefoot.

“Of course! How foolish of me to forget! You're unfamiliar with the art of stone-carving. Us stone-carvers use fine carving tools to cut and shape stone into beautiful works of art. I am currently carving the way-signs for this new pathway. I have finished one and I am now working on the second one. If you wish to see my best masterpiece, just walk down the Path of Prophecies that's just outside the gateway into Po-Koro. Which, by the way, is in that direction.” He pointed towards the path to their right and then resumed his stone-carving.

They thanked him and headed down that path. Once they were far enough away, Cera couldn't help but shake her head and say in a sarcastic tone, “And I thought my dad had too much pride for himself.”

They soon saw Po-Koro. From the outside, it looked like a large cliff-side that had a giant carving of a Matoran head with a gateway at the mouth of the carving. Just outside the gateway were six giant statues shaped like Matoran heads, three on each side of the path that led to the gateway. As they passed these statues, they were amazed at the sheer size of them and how lifelike they seemed to be.

They soon entered the village and saw how different it was from the outside. The huts were made of stone, most of them carved right from the cliffs that surrounded the village. The air was filled with the sounds of bartering and domestic creatures, sounds that were unfamiliar to the gang.

“What are all those Po-Matoran doing?” asked Littlefoot, gesturing towards the area that was the source of the sounds.

“They're bartering,” replied Takua. “That's what they do at the Bazaar there. When you barter, you have to give something in order to get anything there that you want, and the items that are traded have to be accepted by both you and the one you're trading with. You really need to know what you're doing when you barter.”

Such a concept seemed very complicated to them. Then again, it seemed like the kind of thing a grown-up would able to do, so they chose to ignore this for now. As they walked further into the village, they faintly heard different sounds. Sounds like shouting and cheering.

“What's that sound?” asked Ruby.

Takua listened to the faint sounds for a few seconds. He then replied, “Sounds like there's a Koli match today. Come on, the Koli field is this way.” Everyone followed Takua as he headed for another part of the village.

They soon arrived at what had to be the Koli field. Blocks of stone were arranged in such a way that they formed the outline of a large square on the ground. In place of each of the four corners was a large gap with two upright stone blocks on each side of it, as if to show that this was a goal. Surrounding the square-shaped field were stone seats that were packed full of cheering and shouting Po-Matoran. Whatever was going on here must have been some kind of popular game.

In front of each of the four goals was a Po-Matoran. These four Po-Matoran were kicking what looked like large rocks back and forth between each other. Occasionally, a rock would fly past one of the four Po-Matoran and through the goal behind them.

One Po-Matoran, however, seemed to be so good at this game that none of these rocks ever made it past him and into his goal. This Po-Matoran had tan armor on his arms and torso, dull orange armor on his feet and legs, and wore a dull orange Kakama. In this game he was playing, he always managed to kick away any rocks that came in his direction. The other three players were having a hard time trying to match this player's amazing skills.

Within the crowd of Po-Matoran was Turaga Onewa, who wore his tan Noble Komau and held his Stone Hammer staff. Currently, he was the referee of this Koli match. He soon stood up and called time by raising his staff. The four players immediately stopped kicking the rocks around. As Onewa approached the Po-Matoran with the Kakama, he said, “Another well-played game of Koli by all! Once again, the winner of today's match is Huki, the Koli champion!”

The crowd cheered as Huki, the Po-Matoran with the Kakama, held his arms high to accept the cheering. Onewa then noticed Takua with his dinosaur friends, who were wondering what was happening here. Onewa raised his staff to silence the crowd. Once all was silent, he said, “Return to your jobs, fellow Po-Matoran. The visitors have arrived, and I wish to speak with them.” Everyone did as they were told and began leaving the Koli field. Huki, however, stayed behind because he knew that the visitors had watched him playing out there and would likely have questions for him.

Once every Po-Matoran had left, Takua and his dinosaur friends approached Onewa and Huki. “Welcome to Po-Koro,” greeted Onewa. “I assume you have been watching the last few minutes of today's Koli match.”

“Koli? Is that what those Po-Matoran were playing?” asked Littlefoot.

“Yes it is,” replied Huki. “Koli is the most popular sport in all of Mata Nui, our island home. As you already know, I'm Huki, the Koli champion. I am also Right Hand of Turaga Onewa.”

Littlefoot thought that he and his friends could try playing Koli sometime, so he asked, “How do you play Koli?”

“The rules are simple, but it takes a lot of skill to be a good player at it. As you can see, we are currently standing in a Koli field, but all you need is four goals, one at each corner of a square. There are four players, one for each goal. To win, you have to kick Koli balls into any of the other three goals, while at the same time stopping the other players from kicking their Koli balls into your goal. The winner is the player who made the most goals by the end of a time limit.”

“That sounds like a fun game to play! It does, it does!” exclaimed Ducky.

“Me think it sound fun, too,” said Petrie.

“If you want to try it, then you'll need a few Koli balls,” said Takua. “I'd like to get you some, but I don't have anything that's worth trading for them at the Bazaar.”

Huki picked up a Koli ball that was on the ground nearby and said, “Don't worry, you can have this one.” He tossed it to Takua, who caught it. “If you need any more, I've got plenty in my hut.” Takua thanked Huki, who then left to return home.

Turaga Onewa turned his attention back to Takua's dinosaur friends and asked, “Are there any questions you like to ask me before you leave?”

“Just one thing, who is the Toa of this village?” asked Littlefoot.

“That would be Pohatu, the Toa of Stone. His great strength can fell even mountains. He wears the Great Kanohi Kakama, the Great Mask of Speed, which grants him speed greater than any creature known to exist.”

“Thank you, Turaga Onewa,” said Takua. “Now that we have seen everything in this village, we will now leave and go to the next village.” Onewa nodded in agreement as Takua and his friends headed for the gateway of the village.

They left the village, walked past the Path of Prophecies again, and arrived at the crossroads where Hafu was just finishing carving the way-sign. As soon they arrived, Hafu finished the last detail on the carving. He proudly held his pickax over his shoulder and said proudly, “Another Hafu original!”

Everyone took a moment to admire his work. This way-sign looked just like the other one. The middle was carved into what looked like the smooth stone used to represent the Great Spirit, Mata Nui. On either side of it was a block of stone that was adjacent to the path it was next to. Carved onto those blocks were Matoran letters that spelled out the names of the places that each path led to. The one on the left said “Ga-Koro,” and the one on the right said “Onu-Koro.”

“Not bad,” commented Petrie.

Hafu was proud to hear such good comments. He then said, “And now to begin carving the third and final way-sign.” He approached the uncarved block of stone and began carving.

Most of the gang began to head down the left path. This confused Takua, who then asked, “Where are you going? We already went to Ga-Koro.”

“I know,” replied Littlefoot. “But I think we need to stop for a while to get some lunch.” his friends agreed with him.

Takua decided to agree with them, so he said, “Alright, we'll take a break so you can get something to eat. After that, we'll head down the other path and go to Onu-Koro. Besides, I don't want to carry around this Koli ball all day.” Everyone agreed with him and continued heading down the path that would lead them to the lake beneath the thundering falls. They had now visited three villages, and now had three more left to visit.

Read and review, as always. I really want to see more readers reviewing this story.

The Welcome Center / Hello! I am ZENUS-X!
« on: March 27, 2008, 06:23:02 PM »
Welcome to the Gang of Five. :wave  So you're Russian? I think there's one other member here who is also Russian. He isn't as active as most of us, so don't expect to see him sometime soon.

The Welcome Center / Hi im sarah
« on: March 27, 2008, 06:15:56 PM »
Hi, welcome to the Gang of Five. :wave  It's always good to see new members join this site. :yes

Computer and Electronics / Shrinking images?
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:11:43 PM »
Thanks for offering such help. I'm not going to change my avatar yet, but when I do, I can just ask you to shrink the image I'd like to have, and I know it won't take long. I already know which image I'd like to have, by the way.

Silver Screen / Walking With Dinosaurs
« on: March 24, 2008, 07:52:45 PM »
The shape of the letters in the title were a little different from the one in the original version, I think. I watched all three hours of it last night. One major difference was that explanations from different scientists were shown within the program itself, which did not occur at all in the original version. As for buying the DVD, I think you can buy it online at the discovery website (yes, the updated version).

The Fridge / Snow in the UK
« on: March 23, 2008, 05:44:09 PM »
Snow seems to be very persistent this season up here in Vermont. Not to mention we've had freezing rain twice in the last month. At least today is a nice clear day for once.

EDIT: forgot to add in the word rain :slap

The Welcome Center / welcoming my self
« on: March 23, 2008, 05:15:52 PM »
Welcome to the Gang of Five. :wave  Did you just join, or did you join a while ago and never posted until just recently?

Silver Screen / Walking With Dinosaurs
« on: March 22, 2008, 07:41:22 PM »
From what I've seen, the program is exactly the same except that more current research and theories will be included. I think this would only result in a few minor changes (the title had the subtitle "The Next Chapter"). I still think it's worth watching, though.

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / The Gang of Five Awards 2008
« on: March 22, 2008, 07:26:33 PM »
I think I've been here long enough to make some good decisions with this voting.

1. Friendliest Member - Kor
What can I say? He may be new here, but he always has a good attitude. He always welcomes new members with more than one reply each. I can't recall ever seeing him in a bad mood. He always has something good to say, no matter how bad the discussion could get.

2. Most Helpful Member - landbeforetimelover
I've seen countless times how he has helped others when they needed it. Be it a simple avatar or dealing with a major computer problem, he's always willing to lend a hand. In fact, if I ever plan on changing my avatar, I'll likely ask him first.

3. Best Role Play Gamer - (can't decide (not active enough there))

4. Land Before Time Philosopher - Malte279
This decision is almost unanimous. If he has an opinion, he'll say it as clearly as possible, regardless of length. He makes good points that are often agreeable. He even recently stated how good the LBT TV-series really is (from what he's seen so far).

5. Most Proactive Member - AvestheForumFox
Like everyone had said, he virtually revived the RPG forums. After becoming a Mod for that section shortly after he joined, I think he deserves this award.

6. Best Fanart - Sky
This decision was also almost unanimous. I don't think anyone here can come as close to the real animators than this guy. Not only the main characters, but also the fan characters are very well-drawn. He must have had a lot of practice to be able to do artwork like that.

7. Projects Award - landbeforetimelover
Overall, he's done a lot of great things. He has created avatars, backrounds, even his own LBT fansite. And on that fansite, he uploaded all of the LBT TV episodes (which I am very pleased about, thanks for your effort).

8. Best Gamer - lbt/ctylover
He started all kinds of games, including my favorite one here, the geography game. I'm always active on that game, and for starting it, I thank him.

9. Feedback Award - Kor
I have a special reason to vote for him. He comments on just about anything, including the fanfic I'm writing. Only three other people have replied there, and each of them replied only once or twice. Kor, however, has replied for almost every chapter I put up, and that has encouraged me to keep going with it. Posting that fanfic is a big reason I keep coming here, so, in a way, he's responsible for me being such an active member, and for that, I thank him.

Those are the best choices I can come up with, in my opinion. I wonder when the voting will end?

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: March 22, 2008, 06:24:35 PM »

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: March 22, 2008, 05:59:54 PM »

LBT Fanfiction / Quest for the Energy Stones
« on: March 22, 2008, 05:47:52 PM »
Despite all kinds of setbacks, I've finally got this next chapter finished. Here it is.

Chapter 10
Ga-Koro, the Village of Water

The gang, along with Takua, now headed for Ga-Koro. Takua had said that it was near the Thundering Falls, so they knew where to go. They remembered hearing at yesterday's meeting that all Ga-Matoran were female, while all the other kinds of Matoran were all male. Since Matoran were not created the way dinosaurs were and were simply brought into being, it would make sense if all Matoran were just one gender. Only the Great Spirit himself would know why there were male and female Matoran.

They soon reached the Thundering Falls and the giant lake that had formed beneath it. Floating atop that lake was what had to be Ga-Koro. It was a large group of giant lily pads with huts made of seaweed built on top of them. The lily pads were connected by causeways that were also made of seaweed.

There was only one causeway from the village to the shore, so the gang headed for that causeway. There was a stone gateway on the shore end of the causeway, which was currently open. As they walked across the causeways and lily pads, they noticed that this village was actually floating on the water. It felt kind of strange to them, but at least it seemed more welcoming than Ta-Koro.

They soon reached the center of the village, where they saw Turaga Nokama, who wore a light blue Noble Rau and held her Trident staff, speaking with a Ga-Matoran. This Ga-Matoran had light blue armor on her arms and torso, medium blue armor on her feet and legs, and wore a medium blue Rau.

The Ga-Matoran noticed Takua and his dinosaur friends, so she finished her conversation with Nokama and greeted them. “Welcome to Ga-Koro. I'm Kotu, Left Hand of Turaga Nokama.”

Nokama walked up to them and said to Kotu, “It is nice of you to introduce yourself to them, Kotu, but perhaps it is best that I tell them what they would like to know.” Kotu nodded in agreement and walked away. Nokama then turned her attention back to them. “It is always good to have visitors to Ga-Koro, such as yourselves. Your eyes are filled with questions about the ways of the Matoran. I can offer as much knowledge as I can in the short time you have to stay here today.”

“They would like to know about the various jobs of the Ga-Matoran,” said Takua. “I also think you should tell them about the Toa of this village. After that, we'll take a look around this village before we leave.”

Nokama nodded in agreement and began speaking. “Most Ga-Matoran spend their days creating materials that are of good use to us, such as rope and sailcloth for boats. Everyone must work together so that this village remains strong. That is why we value the virtue of unity most of all. Many Ga-Matoran are sailors, who travel across the vast seas surrounding our island home. Now that Ga-Koro resides in a lake instead of on the coast, the tasks the sailors can do will now be very limited. As for the Toa of this village, Gali is the Toa of Water. She is wise, and agile, and quick. She is the protector of the sea, and of the lakes and rivers that feed it. Her Great Kanohi Kaukau, the Great Mask of Water Breathing, allows her to breathe freely beneath the waves. Is there anything more you wish to know?”

“No, that will be all,” replied Takua. Nokama nodded and walked back to her hut. Takua then followed his friends as they began exploring the floating village.

They passed the shipyard, which was full of docked boats that had nowhere to go in a lake like this. As they began to leave the shipyard, Ducky noticed a Ga-Matoran riding in a small boat. “Look! There is a Ga-Matoran over there! There is, there is!” she exclaimed. Everyone turned to look in the direction she was pointing.

The Ga-Matoran had light blue armor on her arms and torso, medium blue armor on her feet and legs, and wore a medium blue Huna. She was paddling her canoe back to the shipyard when she noticed the young dinosaurs looking at her. She paddled until she was close enough to them to be able to speak with them. “You must be the visitors,” she said. “I'm quite amazed that creatures like yourselves are actually real.”

“Who are you?” asked Ducky.

“I'm Maku, Right Hand of Turaga Nokama.”

“What are you doing in that boat?” asked Littlefoot.

“I have always patrolled the seas near Ga-Koro. I just decided to do the same around this entire lake. By the way, if you haven't visited Po-Koro yet, I suggest that you visit that village next. It's not that far away from here.”

“Thanks, Maku,” said Takua. “Come on, let's go.”

Everyone followed Takua out of the village. Before they got even halfway there, however, Ruby noticed a Ga-Matoran was struggling to pull something out of the water. This Ga-Matoran had light blue armor on her arms and torso, dark blue armor on her feet and legs, and wore a blue Kaukau. Ruby decided to help the Ga-Matoran, so she walked up to her and asked, “Can I help you with your problem?”

“Sure,” replied the Ga-Matoran. “Grab that side of the net.” Ruby did as she was told and began pulling the net. They soon managed to pull the net, which was full of fish, onto the lily pad they stood on. As the completely organic fish flopped around in the net, the Ga-Matoran sighed and said, “I don't know if I'll ever get used to catching fish that are like this, but I guess I have to try if we're going to be here for a while.”

“Is this what you do all day?” asked Ruby.

“No, I do all kinds of various chores around Ga-Koro.”


“Tasks that I have to do every day. It's to make sure that the whole village is working together.”

Ruby nodded, understanding what the Ga-Matoran said. “So who are you?”

“I'm Hahli.”

“Nice to meet you, Hahli. I'm Ruby, a Fast-Runner.” Ruby looked a little to the side and noticed that her friends were already at the stone gateway and were waiting for her. “Sorry, I need to leave now. If you would like any help with your chores, I can come and help you tomorrow.”

“That would be great, Ruby. Try to come as early as possible.”

“I will,” said Ruby as she left and quickly headed for the stone gateway where her friends were.

When Ruby arrived, Cera asked, “What were you doing?”

“I was only offering some help, because it looked like she needed some help,” replied Ruby.

“Well now that you're here, we can now go to Po-Koro,” said Takua. “It's a little to the north in the desert area of this valley.”

Everyone followed Takua as he began heading in that direction. As they left, they each took one more look back at Ga-Koro. Although it was only the second village they had seen, they believed that it was probably the most welcoming of all six villages, probably even worth visiting a few more times.

Read and Review, I'd like to see more than one reviewer.

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