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Messages - The Chronicler

Pages: 1 ... 463 464 465 466 467 ... 471
The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 04, 2008, 06:40:49 PM »

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 04, 2008, 06:36:37 PM »
(I think you're right about that, but there are still a lot places we haven't named yet :yes )

Dili - East Timor
(yes I re-edited that back in)

The Welcome Center / Hi!
« on: February 04, 2008, 06:32:01 PM »
Like everyone had already said, welcome to the Gang of Five. :wave

The Fridge / Seems fitting
« on: February 03, 2008, 10:12:39 PM »
Okay, so I'm a little unfamiliar about things that happen here but,

Why are you leaving? What did we (or you) do?

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 03, 2008, 10:06:19 PM »
(amusing, quite amusing :lol )
Aparri - Philippines

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 03, 2008, 09:55:14 PM »
Mumbai - India

The Fridge / Your usernames
« on: February 03, 2008, 09:49:26 PM »
Why did I choose the username I chose? Well, I've been a major fan of Bionicle for a quite a while. When I joined here, I thought about having a username relating to it. My favorite Bionicle character of all time is Takua (a picture of whom is my avatar). He was entitled Chronicler sometime in the first year of Bionicle, so I decided to go by that title as a username. Also, my second-favorite Bionicle character, Kopeke, is currently entitled Chronicler.

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 03, 2008, 09:10:19 PM »
Yangzhou - China

LBT Fanart / Forgotten Friends - LBT Comic
« on: February 03, 2008, 08:11:25 PM »
Great work, these three pages look great. I can't wait to see more.

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 03, 2008, 07:50:29 PM »
Yerevan - Armenia

General Land Before Time / My new theory on the Rainbow Faces
« on: February 02, 2008, 11:08:23 PM »
I was watching Life After People on the History Channel a few hours ago. As I watched it, I came up with a new theory about those Rainbow Faces from LBT 7. It's complex, but interesting.

Basically, this theory states that the Rainbow Faces, as a race, are not aliens but were once just like the rest of the dinosaurs on Earth. At one time, they became so intelligent, they began to develop civilization. Eventually, the dinosaur world resembles the human world, in place of humans are the Rainbow Faces. They eventually realize that by building civilization, they are severely damaging the planet. It soon becomes clear that the only solution is to end civilization. Instead of dieing off, they choose to leave the planet and become citizens of space. Nearly everything they leave behind disappears after only a few hundred years. Some Rainbow Faces chose to stay behind and abandoned civilization, explaining their appearances in LBT 9 and 11. Many dinosaurs become determined to not end up like the Rainbow Faces, so they limit their area of thought.

Like I said, this theory is very complex, but quite interesting. This theory might even inspire some fanfiction. What do you think of this theory?

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 02, 2008, 09:14:35 PM »
Rio de Janeiro

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 01, 2008, 08:21:22 PM »
Xi'an - China

LBT Fanfiction / Quest for the Energy Stones
« on: February 01, 2008, 02:38:59 PM »
I have a snow day here today, so I decided to write the next chapter. Here it is.

Chapter 2
Strange Creatures

The Matoran of Ta-Koro couldn't understand what had just happened. The bright flash of light had lasted only for a few seconds. At first glance, it seemed as if nothing else had happened. However, there were some guards who stood on the walls that surrounded the village. One of them looked out beyond the village and was stunned by what he saw.

“Whatever happened, we're not on Mata Nui anymore,” he announced to the other Ta-Matoran. “Apparently, we're in some sort of giant, lush valley.”

“Turaga Vakama, surely it can't be that dangerous out there. Will I be allowed to leave the village to see what's out there?” asked Takua, who was more than willing to oppose the Turaga's plan of staying inside the village.

“I am sorry, Takua,” replied Vakama, “but this is an entirely different universe. We have no idea what kinds of things may be out there. They may be even more dangerous than the beasts currently unleashed by the evil Makuta.” He then turned his attention to all of the Ta-Matoran. “As I have just said, our only preparation for this is to stay inside the village at all times. That is, of course, until we know that this place isn't dangerous.”

This just didn't seem right to Takua. After all, if everyone stayed locked up inside the village at all times, how would they know if this universe was dangerous or not? Still, he understood why such a precaution was made. No one had any idea at all about where they had ended up. This made it too risky to leave the village, so risky that it would be considered insane to even think about leaving the village during a situation like this.

The crowd began to dissipate. Many Ta-Matoran went back to their homes, as their work required them to go outside the village, a risk none of them were willing to take. After a few minutes, Takua was standing all alone. He couldn't believe that things had come to this. It just didn't seem fair to him.

Takua walked away. He wouldn't let this happen. He had to leave Ta-Koro. Already, he knew this was going to be very difficult. Ta-Koro was built on an island in a giant lake of lava for defense, and its new location was no different. The only way to safely leave the village was to cross a bridge that could be raised or lowered into the lava lake, and there was no doubt that it would be lowered for this situation. Even if the bridge was raised and the gates were open, he still couldn't leave without a guard noticing him.

Takua continued to think about how he could leave the village. Then he got an idea that could work. He rushed to the edge of the village until he reached a ledge not too high above the lava. He looked around to make sure nobody was watching him. He then reached into his backpack and pulled out his lavaboard. It was a special gift given to him by Vakama because he was a Ta-Matoran, and only Ta-Matoran possessed the skills needed to successfully surf on the lava rapids.

Takua held his lavaboard out in front of him and prepared to leap onto the rapidly-moving lava. “What do you think you're doing?” asked someone who stood behind him.

Takua turned around and saw a familiar Ta-Matoran. “Jala,” said Takua. Jala was very well known in Ta-Koro. After all, he was entitled Vakama's Right Hand, the highest honor any Matoran of this village could have, and he had earned that title well. He was very brave and had no time for nonsense, traits that pleased Vakama. Because of this, he was also the Captain of the Ta-Koro Guard, one of the best military forces organized by the Matoran. Unlike most of the Ta-Matoran, however, Jala actually showed respect for Takua, something that wasn't known by most Ta-Matoran for good reasons.

“You're trying to leave the village, aren't you?” asked Jala.

Takua sighed. “Yes,” he admitted, “but I have to. Don't you see, Jala? We can't stay inside the village forever. Someone has to find out if this universe is even dangerous at all, and I'm volunteering to do just that.”

Jala wanted to protest, but he knew Takua was right. The precaution set by the Turaga had a serious flaw, and he knew it. The only way to find out about what this universe was like was to actually leave the village and see what was out there. He also knew that it was better for Takua to do this instead of anyone else. He had too much of a reputation to defy a Turaga's orders, but Takua had almost none. He had also heard, much to his dismay, that there were some Ta-Matoran who wouldn't care if Takua died.

“Alright,” he admitted, “I'll let you leave. But I recommend that you should try to come back as soon as possible. I don't want us to think that you got killed by something.”

“Don't worry, Jala,” said Takua, “I won't be gone for long. I'll try to come back by the middle of the day. And don't worry, nothing bad will happen to me. I promise.” He held his lavaboard in front of him and leaped off the ledge. He then held his lavaboard underneath him and splashed onto the rapidly-moving lava. The current quickly took him away from the village. As Takua disappeared from sight, Jala silently wished him good luck.

Takua continued riding the rapidly-moving lava. He struggled to maintain control of his lavaboard. He wasn't inexperienced. He had done lava surfing before, but he was starting to have difficulty. After only a minute, he noticed the lava rapids were getting very rough. He knew that he had to get out now.

The banks of the fiery river were too high for him to reach the top. Then he noticed a tree root sticking out from the side of one of the banks. He banked to the right to turn his lavaboard in the direction of the tree root. He held out his right hand and grabbed it. The momentum from the current caused the rest of his body to fling forward. He held onto his lavaboard with his left hand and held his feet against the bank to prevent him from falling into the lava. He quickly tossed his lavaboard up onto the top of the bank and grabbed the root with both of his hands. He then climbed up the root and onto the top of the bank.

Takua stood up and took a look at his surroundings. This place looked quite beautiful. He could see all kinds of plants growing in this lush valley. But where were all the creatures? He put his lavaboard into his backpack and began walking. It was time to see what was out here.

The gang soon arrived at the Stone Circle. The grown-ups were already there and discussing what had just happened. There was something different nearby. A strange-looking rock had appeared near the Stone Circle. It looked like a rocky hill with shallow slopes and a level top. There were also four columns of rock, one at each corner of the level top, and stone steps on each of the four slopes.

The grown-ups told the kids not to go near it, since they had no idea what it was. Someone who had seen the large beams of light, like everyone else, had also noticed how this strange rock came to be there. He saw one of those light beams hit the ground nearby. When it had faded, that rock was just there, as if it had magically appeared.

Littlefoot wondered if there were other things in the Great Valley that had suddenly appeared at the places where the other beams of light had hit.

Takua had been walking for many minutes now. The only living creatures he saw were the many plants around him. He was starting to get frustrated. Then he began hearing something. He stopped walking to listen. It was too faint for him to understand, but he knew he was listening to a conversation. That meant there were creatures nearby, intelligent creatures.

Takua followed the noise and approached a clearing. He didn't want to be seen, so he hid behind a bush at the edge of the clearing. What he saw was incredible. The creatures he saw were unlike anything he had seen before. They were completely organic, something he thought was possible only for very small creatures. These creatures were huge! Many of them were easily many times taller than he was. There were so many different kinds of them too. Some were enormous and had very long necks, while others were quite small and had wings. Such diversity was quite fascinating for him.

Takua also noticed a group of them that were noticeably smaller, the tallest of which was only as tall as he was. They seemed like the kind of group that always stayed together. One of them had a long neck like some of the much bigger creatures. He then saw the little long-necked creature look in his direction.

Littlefoot looked around randomly, busy with his own thoughts. Then he suddenly noticed something behind a bush not too far away. He looked at it and was uncertain what to think of it. It looked like some kind of face, but nothing like he had seen before. The strange-looking skin on the face was colored light blue, and its eyes seemed like yellowish-red lights. After a few seconds, the object retreated from sight. Littlefoot continued looking at that bush, wondering what he had just seen.

“Littlefoot? Hey, Littlefoot!” shouted Cera, trying to get his attention. Littlefoot was startled for a second before turning his attention to her. “What were you looking at?” she asked.

“I thought I just saw something behind that bush over there,” he said, gesturing to the bush he had just looked at.

“What was it?” asked Ducky.

“I don't know, but I'm going to find out.” He left the gathering and headed towards the bush.

Takua quickly walked back a little. Many questions went through his mind. Had that little long-necked creature seen him? What if it was dangerous? What if these other creatures were dangerous? What if there were more of them? Takua may have been reckless, but even he knew when a risk was too great to ignore, and this was one of them. He had to stay out of sight of these creatures.

Takua started walking away. He had walked only a few steps when he heard a rustling noise behind him. He turned his head and saw the little long-necked creature was looking through the bush he had just been hiding behind. He quickly stepped out of sight. This creature was following him. He couldn't just keep walking away. He had to hide, but where? The little long-necked creature had four legs but no arms. This gave him an idea. He looked up and saw a tree branch low enough for him to grab. He jumped up, grabbed the branch, and climbed on top of it. The branch was too small for him to stand on without support, so he held onto another branch so he could stand.

Takua hoped that the little long-necked creature wouldn't think of finding him up in a tree. He waited there silently for a few minutes. The creature was now standing beneath him. Then he heard a cracking noise. He looked up to see the branch he was holding onto was starting to break off. Uh-oh, this won't be good, he thought to himself. The branch broke off, causing him to lose his balance and fall off the branch he stood on.

Again, tell me what you think so I can improve this story where needed.

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 01, 2008, 02:31:10 PM »
Zagreb - Croatia

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 01, 2008, 02:00:56 PM »
United States (about time the u became available :lol: )

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 01, 2008, 01:29:39 PM »
(just a reminder, words like those should include what they are)
Atlantic Ocean

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:47:57 PM »
Al Manamah - capital of Bahrain (an island in the Persian Gulf)

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:20:56 PM »
Yaren - capital of the tiny Pacific island of Nauru

Silver Screen / Mythbusters
« on: January 30, 2008, 09:17:23 PM »
It's Wednesday, that means there's another new episode on tonight.

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