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Messages - Saft

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Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:54:32 PM »
My favourite Tolkien work, is of course The Lord of the Rings but I do like the hobbit aswell.  

Didn't Tolkien 'write' the Hobbit for his children originally, then agreed to write the manuscript when someone read it, enjoyed it and requested for him to do so, so it could be published and distributed?

Gamers Zone / World of Warcraft?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:48:26 PM »
World of Warcraft, does anyone else play?

If so, what race, what class, what profession(s) are you?

I am,
A blood elf (female)
Mining and Skinning.
Level 44 coming to 45.

A blood elf(female)
Jewlcrafting and Mining.
Level 12.

Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:44:00 PM »
Although Christopher Lee (who knew Tolkien in life and reads The Lord of the Rings once every year) became an advisor and put input into the movie.

Didn't Tolkien say to Lee that if there was ever a Lord of the Rings movie made, he'd like him to be Gandalf?  It would be interesting to see if Tolkien was alive today, to see if that still stood.

1988 Theatrical Release / What happened to Cera's mother and sisters?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:41:16 PM »

In the Lion King musical the immediate cause for Nala to run off from pride's rock is Scars trying to take her for his wife. I have no idea however if there were any cut scenes from the movie or if that scene was entirely the invention of the musical. In any case it would make Nala's being Scar's daughter unlikely... I hope


But if memory recalls, The Lion King on Broadway (although fabulous in costume, scenery, music and overall) wasn't actually written by those who did the original movie.  After all, they did need a reason to show WHY Nala left Priderock and that isn't shown in the animated movie.  

It had been questioned recently if even Littlefoot told the others about the death of his mother throughout the first movie (personally I suppose he must have), if there are such doubts about him than I suppose Cera is even less likely to talk about it. Not to talk about it to others does not mean absence of emotion however. I don't think we ever saw Cera cry in front of the others, but we did see her cry.

I thought in the original movie, that Littlefoot HAD mentioned his Mother's death to Ducky (atleast).  When Petrie rips the tree star, Ducky says:

"It is very special, very.  His mother gave it to him.  She did'.

I just presumed that meant that Littlefoot atleast had told Ducky.  Also in the fifth sequel during 'Always there' (off topic, one of my favourite songs) Littlefoot mentions his mother.  

The Fridge / How old is everyone here?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:31:56 PM »
I am eighteen and will be nineteen in March.  First saw The Land Before Time around July 1994.

Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:30:21 PM »
If only he was alive today.  

If he was alive today, do you think he would have agreed with Jackson's adaption of The Lord of the Rings?

If memory recalls, I remember that Christopher Tolkien wasn't agreeable with the movie adaption but the estate couldn't do anything since the rights had been sold (I think by Tolkien) in the 1960's or around about then?

1988 Theatrical Release / What happened to Cera's mother and sisters?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:28:07 PM »
I guess that the fan world can expand on these sort of situations.  After all, isn't that what fanfiction is all about?  

There is no denying that The Lion King 2:Simba's Pride was full of 'plot holes'.  It can possibly be said about the Land Before Time sequels too.  Although most of these are and can be slightly explained.

1988 Theatrical Release / What happened to Cera's mother and sisters?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:25:27 PM »
Interesting Pokeplayer.  I like the theory.  Although, why wouldn't the sibling want to take care of her eggs?  

I remember, this was a couple of years ago when I was delving into the world of fanfiction that one of the first stories that I read was a explanation of what happened to the adults after they became seperated from their children.  I remember that Cera's mother died of starvation whilst one of her siblings was killed by a sharptooth.  I can't recall the fanfiction very much as it is a long time since I've read Land Before Time fanfiction plus that particular story. However, that theory could too be plausible.

Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:19:07 PM »
Ah, interesting. I didn't recongnise the name.

May I ask, out of all of Tolkien's Middle Earth works did anyone enjoy or enjoy the least?

1988 Theatrical Release / What happened to Cera's mother and sisters?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:17:11 PM »
Unless Zira was just one of those avid worshippers who never really had any of Scar's children, but imagined that her cubs (Nuka, Vitani and Kovu) WERE Scar's?  As we know and can presume that Kovu wasn't Scar's son, and presume that Vitani and Kovu are both litter mates.  Maybe Nuka could be Scar's son?  

Or maybe Vitani could be Scar and another lioness's daughter (Sarafina, Nala, Sarabi?) cub or even Kovu, that Zira 'adopted' as her own?  After all, Zira is (to put it bluntly) obsessed with Scar.

Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:11:31 PM »
Well if Jackson has a big role in the crafting and how the directing goes, I am not to worried.  I've neverheard of Gulerrmo Del Toro, so it will be interesting to view his work when 'The Hobbit' is released.

Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:05:54 PM »
Johnathan Rhys Davies could be good for the part of Eagle Lord or would he go for (once again) a dwarf part?  

Is Peter Jackson directing the movie?

Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:04:13 PM »
I hope they do the Hobbit in two parts, atleast in two parts.  As it will give explanation and expand the storyline and characters for those who have not read the books.  Like they should have done for Harry Potter...

1988 Theatrical Release / What happened to Cera's mother and sisters?
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:02:52 PM »
I always thought that Nala's father was Scar because, as we know that when a new male takes over the pride he kills the cubs to bring the females into 'heat'.  Scar when he took over didn't kill Nala.  But then, it is disney.  Disney doesn't tend to look into the biological deeper depths of life.  

As for the topic, Dinah and Dana do complicate matters of the The Land before time verse but as avid fans we could always bring theories into why, whom and what.

Like the fact (in my opinion) Cera's mother and siblings died in the earthquake.  

Does anyone think that Cera wasn't very 'bothered' about her mother and sisters deaths?  I was thinking about this last night.  Unlike Littlefoot when his mother died, Cera (and possibly Spike and maybe Petire) was the only  other one who lost a parent (and siblings).  I feel as though that although she (like me incidently) had a sort of a relationship with her mother, she had more of a relationship, a strong relationship with her father as they seem more alike.  Although we don't know what her mother's or sibling's personalities were like.

Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 01:56:56 PM »
What about someone doing the Eagle Lord's voice?  Any suggestions?

Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 12:58:51 PM »
I thought Anthony Hopkins was english?  

As to british casting like the previous films.  Some members of the cast were New Zealanders or Australian.  For example: Celeborn, Galadriel, Faramir, Eowyn, Eomer, Haldir and (I think) Elrond.

The Welcome Center / Hello
« on: February 24, 2009, 12:43:49 PM »
It is no problem Jedi.  Thank you for the welcome.

Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 12:43:19 PM »
I love th troll part of the book and as for the dwarves, I can imagine one of the dwarves being played by Anthony Hopkins....or even Bob Hoskins.  

Ah well, since I have no say in who takes part in this movie, I'll just have to see.  

Eddie Izzard may also be good for a role.  I always imagine him (if they ever made movies out of The Bartimaeus Trilogy or The Old Kingdom Trilogy) to play Barimaeus or Mogget....

1988 Theatrical Release / What happened to Cera's mother and sisters?
« on: February 24, 2009, 12:40:09 PM »
Yes I see your point Malte.  

Or we could presume that Topsy had another 'wife' before Cera's mother?  

Suggestions, suggestions.

I only wish that the producers had put thought into the whole character relations.  It's the same problem with the 'Who is Nala's father?' in the Lion King.

Attic Treasures / Anyone here ever read Tolkien?
« on: February 24, 2009, 12:36:31 PM »
Oh yes, James Earl Jones would be wonderful to play Smaug.  

I remember browsing the internet once and saw a thread that was titled 'Who do you want to play as....'

Over the roles for the characters in the Hobbit.

Some one mentioned Tim Curry.  

Personally, I don't find Tim Curry that evil to begin with nor is he someone who I actually find a decent actor.  James Earl Jones however, oh yes. In my opinion dragons should have deep voices.

What about the trolls: William, Bert and Tom?

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