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Messages - TRex

Pages: 1
General Land Before Time / Sharpteeth battle
« on: February 05, 2009, 01:47:48 PM »
Awesome!  :smile Now I wait for it to finish downloading...

General Land Before Time / Sharpteeth battle
« on: February 05, 2009, 01:28:50 AM »

I've watched some of the excellent music videos that have been posted on here, and some have shown some short clips of the fight between Chomper's parents and the Giganotosaurus in the fifth movie. However, I haven't seen the movie and I haven't been able to find a video of the complete battle anywhere.

Is there anyone here who could post a video of the entire fight?

LBT Multiplayer RPG Project Discussion / Multiplayer LBT RPG game
« on: March 21, 2008, 07:27:04 PM »
Hmm, do you have experience in Blitz3d programming, because this code you posted up is the same language we're writing the game in.

Yes I do, actually. I'd probably still be using it if I'd have backed up my copy before my computer crashed.  :slap

Anyway, why not just go to the Blitz forums to get your questions answered?

LBT Multiplayer RPG Project Discussion / Multiplayer LBT RPG game
« on: March 21, 2008, 12:32:21 AM »
Are you absolutely certain that you know how to program a multiplayer game? If not then your game is likely not going to be multiplayer, if you can get a game done at all. I'm telling you this because I've been working on a similar project myself for a couple years now   :bang  and I'm just now really coming to grips with the fact that I likely NEVER would have been able to do what I was planning on doing.

As far as setting up gravity, here's something I threw together that you might try. I didn't get a chance to test it or anything, but it might give you an idea of what to do:

Function SetupGravity(Character.Character)

   ;Enable gravity on land characters
   If Character/movement = walking

  ;Increase the fall rate only if the character is not touching the ground
  If EntityCollided(Character/model,ground) = False
     If Character/lateral_Speed > maximum_fall_rate
    Character/lateral_Speed = Character/lateral_Speed - 0.1
     Character/lateral_Speed = 0
  If KeyHit(Jump_Key) Then Character/lateral_Speed = 1
   ElseIf Character/movement = flying
  ;Your flying code here
   ;Move the character up or down
   TranslateEntity Character/model,0,Character/lateral_Speed,0
End Function

Pages: 1