The Gang of Five
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Messages - Phil

Pages: 1
The Welcome Center / Hey
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:01:40 AM »
Ah, yes I think Parasaralophus just got stuck in my head from a VHS Land Before Time sing-along. Should have just stuck with Big Mouthed Swimmer :D but eitherway got ya :)

The Welcome Center / Hey
« on: July 05, 2010, 12:39:21 AM »
Thanks everyone!

Nice avatar. I like the colors on that statue. Are you a threehorn fan?

Yeah, Triceratops are probably my second fav, I don't know. I just liked the picture myself when I stumbled upon it. What I'm still looking for are good parasauralophus and other such "swimmer" types pics since that's what Phil is character-wise, the type ducky is :)

Ooh, fanfics! I'd love to see some of those!

Yeah as I soon as I settle on what type of adventure to give the little guy, if you will, I'm even now seeing what I can't get up. Phil's just your...other kid about the Great Valley, I'd say he knows of the Gang because who doesn't :D but I don't know how well yet

Thanks again for the warm welcome, I already feel I'm going to really like posting with you guys :D

The Welcome Center / Hey
« on: July 04, 2010, 03:31:13 PM »
Creative title I know but wow this is a bustling LBT community looks like and I'm glad to find it.

Um, so about me, well the only name I'm going by is my character one, Phil, which is perhaps an odd dinosaur name but I like it.

I write fan fics and might get Phil's up some time, and have role played here and there. Don't all, it's not pretty

So, yeah, well anyway happy to be here and look forward to looking around.

Pages: 1