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Messages - fenroyal

Pages: 1
1988 Theatrical Release / Outcut land before time scenes
« on: April 21, 2011, 06:48:15 PM »
Quote from: Dilopho,Apr 18 2011 on  09:03 AM
I hope the quality of your grandma's tapes isn't too bad after such a number of years.
My own VHS was pretty much the same age and it wasn't atrocious quality, the only real problem was a bit of fuzziness watching it on our big LCD flat screen TV, and the colors seemed more vibrant on the Netflix DVD version.

1988 Theatrical Release / Outcut land before time scenes
« on: April 16, 2011, 05:38:41 PM »
Well, my copy of the VHS appears to run exactly the same as the Netflix DVD version, including only showing the fight with the Sharptooth in silhouette.  BUT.  I do distinctly remember seeing it differently as a child, and I very often watched the movie at my grandmother's house and she had a copy, so i think I will ask her if she still has my old movies, and see if that might be where I remember it from!

1988 Theatrical Release / Outcut land before time scenes
« on: April 16, 2011, 05:20:25 PM »
My VHS has "1 hr. 9 mins." listed for length, so 69 minutes vs. 64 minutes?  I am about to pop it in the VHS player and see, because I watched the DVD-cut version on Netflix and I did notice that the Sharptooth/Littlefoot's mom fight scene was shorter/different than I remembered, etc.  I couldn't tell you how old my VHS tape is, except that I remember watching it from at least 1994, and I believe it might have a preview for LBT3 on it...

1988 Theatrical Release / Outcut land before time scenes
« on: April 08, 2011, 09:06:33 PM »
Hey ya'all, I am 99% sure that my original VHS copy of The Land Before Time is the uncut version, because I distinctly remember that exact same scene with the skin torn from Littlefoot's mother's back.  If someone could guide me as to how to share that scene on YouTube or somehow else, I'd be happy to share it with those who haven't seen it.

Also if there are any other scenes that were edited I can try and share those as well, or even attempt to set up a recording process to send VHS copies via mail, though I'm not a technically savvy person.  I also remember that berry scene with Spike!  100% certain of that.  I must have seen it somehow in my childhood...

Pages: 1