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Ask Pangaea

Pangaea · 530 · 47326


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I’m usually not one to participate in trends, but I like answering questions and talking about myself, :p so I figured, “What the heck! It’s a great idea, and there’s room on the bandwagon for a Permo-Triassic supercontinent, ain’t there?” :p (If you'll pardon me for stating the obvious, Rat_lady7, you were definitely onto something with this concept. ;)) And so those of you who aren’t put off by my weirdness and eccentricity can ask me questions.

If anybody out there wants scientific advice on dinosaurs, prehistoric animals, and the like, (a service I have offered since first officially joining the GoF, exactly two months prior to this day) this would also be an ideal place to ask them. Though I should warn you that even I don’t know everything, and that what I do know is derived from my extensive collection of books, websites, and other secondhand sources (only the most up-to-date and accurate ones I can find). I also reserve the right to decline any questions about myself that I don’t want to answer (or at least send the answers by PM so I don’t have to share them publicly). I’m a bit paranoid when it comes to giving away certain personal information. :p But don't let that discourage you from asking questions!

P.S. The last thing I want is to sound arrogant or pretentious, which I frequently fear my colorful writing style and straightforward attitudeófueled by my eagerness to be useful and desperation to be noticedómay falsely and inadvertently impart. :angel

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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What was the first dinosaur you actively researched to learn more about?


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LettuceBacon&Tomato: I've never really cared for Star Trek myself. For a long time I wasn't into science fiction movies or TV shows, and even when sci-fi did become an interest of mine, it was mostly only because of the aliens, monsters, and other creatures that frequent the genre. (And I'm talking exotic creatures; not just humans with funny-looking heads or distorted facial features. :p) I guess Star Trek just never had enough aliens for me, and thus I never paid much attention to it.

Petrie: Oh boy...that's like asking me for the exact date I first watched The Land Before Time. I've been reading about dinosaurs and looking for information on them for so long that it's impossible for me to remember. :wacko I do recall, however, a project I did in fifth grade on Mongolian dinosaurs, in which I searched online for information on Therizinosaurus and Deinocheirus (two enormous and bizarre theropods known mainly from their forelimbs, which for both dinosaurs measured over six feet long and sported horrifically large claws). I also researched Avimimus (a small birdlike dinosaur related to Ruby) and I believe Tarbosaurus (the Asian version of T. rex), for that project, but I reported on them less extensively. That is my oldest recollection of a specific instance in which I actively looked for written information on a specific dinosaur, though I'm sure I had done so with other prehistoric animals on previous occasions. (Deinocheirus can be seen speculatively reconstructed in two paintings here, while the other three appear in this illustration. Both works belong to one of my favorite paleo-artists of all timeóLuis. V. Reyóand the second link, in fact, was one of the resources I used for the aforementioned project.)

EDIT: I remember the first time I used Google, I searched for information on Diplocaulus, a Permian amphibian with a boomerang-shaped skull, and was disappointed by a lack of results. :rolleyes I don't remember how old I was (I know Google itself must have been very young at the time), but seeing as the critter's not a dinosaur, it probably doesn't count anyway. :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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What's your philosophy about life?


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Uhh...I’m sorry, can you be more specific? (i.e., define “philosophy of life”) One other disclaimer maybe I should have included is that sometimes, if a question is too vague or far outside my zone of expertise, I find myself flummoxed by it unless I am given more details. :oops (It’s hard to explain, and I don’t think I did a very good job just now.) I don’t know if has to do with the convoluted wiring of my brain, or just plain stupidity on my part. :wacko

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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It's okay. :) Sometimes I get tired and I when I try to write something to people, they don't get what I am saying or they completely misinterpet it.

Basically, I meant what do you think the meaning of life is and what are your beliefs to what it is?


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What is your favorite genre of music?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Rat_lady7: To be honest, it’s not something I ever really think about. I’ve personally never seen a reason to apply a meaning to life. (The idiom “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” describes my philosophy quite well. :p) That’s not to say I don’t think our lives are pointless, though. I have a unique, ecologically-inspired philosophy on the “purpose” of living, the short version of which is that everyone and everything lives to ensure and/or improve the survival of others, but the full explanation is so bizarre and complicated to describe that I’ll leave it up to you to decide if you want to hear it. ;)

Serris: I don’t really have a favorite genre of music. I usually don’t bother to differentiate between the different genres, and as such my musical preferences are virtually impossible to describe. In fact, I rarely listen to music on its own at all. (I’ve never used a portable audio deviceóeven an iPodófor anything except recording school lectures, etc.) The soundtracks of audio-visual media such as movies, TV, and computer games represent most of the music I enjoy (the original The Land Before Time being an excellent example :DD).

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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If you could be a dinosaur, what dinosaur would you be? Why would you be that one? And would you let me put a dinosaur saddle on you and ride you around?


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It depends on your definition of "dinosaur". :p If you're using the term broadly, to indicate any sort of large Mesozoic reptile, it would definitely be a pterosaur. Besides being some of my favorite animals ever, their ability to fly would be highly desirable in a world full of sharpteeth on the lookout for an easy meal. To be even more specific, I would probably choose to be one of the big azhdarchids (e.g., Quetzalcoatlus), as they had the greatest freedom of movement on the ground of any known pterosaur, and were so awesomely big (tall enough to make eye contact with a giraffe :blink:) that they could probably FIGHT a large predatory dinosaur if they wanted to. In short, I would feel safest as an azhdarchid pterosaur. ;)

On the other hand, if you're using "dinosaur" in the strictest senseómembers of the group DinosauriaóI think my saurian form of choice would probably be a Therizinosaurus (a humongo relative of the yellow bellies). Again, part of the reason is that it was one of my favorite dinosaurs, but the fact that it was also roughly the size of a T. rex and sported claws measuring nearly three feet long means that the personal safety factor is also there. Also, despite its huge claws, Therizinosaurus was most likely a herbivore, so I wouldn't need to hunt anything (besides plants :p) to survive.

In either case, I probably wouldn't mind being ridden (though I'm not sure even a giant pterosaur could fly with a human on its back), provided I had a say in the matter. I'm an easygoing guy, but I don't like being bossed around. :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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It's like 6 AM right about now, so forgive me if question get it..

I've heard everyone say stuff about how raptors used to have feathers or something like that, and they evolved into birds, is any of true?


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School do you organize your thoughts to write such eloquent paragraphs?


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Alex: An interesting fact about raptors (technically, they’re known as dromaeosaurid deinonychosaurs, but “raptors” is a much simpler and cooler-sounding name :p) is that among the dinosaurs, they are considered to be the most birdlike (though they lived too late in the age of dinosaurs to have been actual bird ancestors). The oft-toted “first bird”, Archaeopteryx, is actually very closely related to raptors, and even possessed small sickle claws on its feet. Incidentally, it has been suggested that raptors may have been able to fly at one time, and that Velociraptor and Deinonychus are actually the flightless descendants of Archaeopteryx-like creatures. The fact that many early raptors were arboreal and exhibited adaptations for gliding lends credence to this hypothesis. (If the theory is correct, then it could be said that, rather than evolving INTO birds, raptors evolved FROM them. :blink:)

Fossil evidence of feathers is not easy to come by, but there are numerous fossils of raptors and closely related dinosaurs preserved with skin impressions that definitively show that they were feathered. One specimen of the small Chinese raptor Sinornithosaurus shows that its entire bodyósave for the fingers, jaws, and feetówas covered in fuzzy unbarbed feathers (similar to what you would see on an emu or kiwi), with barbed, vaned feathers (similar to the feathers birds use for flight) on the arms, legs, and tail. Velociraptor was also recently discovered to have small bumps on its arm bones, similar to the “quill knobs” on the wings of birds, to which large flight feathers attach. Velociraptor certainly couldn’t fly, but the feathers could have been used to display to other raptors, for brooding its young (raptors probably sat on their nests like modern birds, and large feathers could have been used to help conceal the nest), or even for balance when the raptor was running on an incline.

(This is a big and complex topic, and I left out a lot of what I was originally going to say; if you want me to tell you more, just ask. ;))

Petrie: You think my writing is eloquent? Thank you! :) My thoughts are much less organized than they come off as being in my posts, and the main reason they get that way is because I’m so overbearingly perfectionistic when it comes to writing. You know how I call myself a nitpicker, well, no one is more heavily oppressed by my nitpicking than myself. I like to make sure I explain things clearly, to avoid misinterpretation, but I also want my writing to sound good (both to me and the people who read it :p). I rarely post anything unless I’ve looked it over and decided for sure that I’m satisfied with the way it’s written. In most cases there’s an immense amount of editing involved during and after the writing process. Sometimes, if I’m lucky, when I start writing, I already have an idea of what I want to say, and I only need to copy the words in my head onto the computer, with minimal editing afterwards. Then there are the times where my creative juices coagulate, and I have to wrack my brain to come up with the right words to say. (I often turn to the thesaurus when can’t come up with the appropriate word.) Even in cases where the words just come to me, I often have a number of different ideas on how to say something, and I have to choose between them. All this means that I can take a very long time deciding on how to word a particular statement; even a single sentence. And a large paragraph on a complicated topic (like my response to Alex’s question) can take well over an hour.

Like my signature implies, I am far more eloquent when I write than when I speak, because when I’m talking to someone, I have less time to come up with the right words to use, and so I often blank out in the middle of a conversation if I’m trying to explain something complicated or difficult. :wacko

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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You planning to work in a museum?


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As a paleontologist, you mean? Probably not. I'm not very good at delicate, meticulous work like preparing fossils, and I'm so indecisive when it comes to identifying details that I would most likely be useless for studying them. :p

As much as I like talking about prehistoric life, I probably wouldn't make a very good museum tour guide, either. I'm too absentminded, and my social skills are lousy. :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Have you visited any paleontology digs?  If so, then how many?

Cancerian Tiger

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What has been your most embarrassing moment in life thus far?


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Mirumoto_Kenjiro: I'm not as well-traveled as I'd like to be, and have never visited a dig site. I'd certainly enjoy going fossil hunting, but from what I've heard, excavating a large fossil is incredibly tedious business, and if I visited such a site, I would probably either get in the way of the paleontologists working there, quickly become bored, or both. :rolleyes

Cancerian Tiger: I'm bad at isolating and choosing superlatives, and when it comes to embarrassing moments, I've had too many to count. (I'm very easily embarrassed.) Frankly, I'm not very keen on recounting my embarrassing moments either (especially online :p), but there was one incident I'm willing to share, involving an e-mail I sent to the makers of a TV show called The Future is Wild (a documentary of sorts about how animals may evolve in the future), in which I overzealously asked tons of very specific questions about the hypothetical animals in the show. Afterwards I realized that I must have sounded like I was blatantly attempting to plagiarize their work. :slap If the recipients of my message thought the same, they didn't indicate it in their response (the producer, who did the responding, stated that he did not have the information I had asked for). So maybe I'm just paranoid, but still...

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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What do you think should be in a GOOD Land Before Time video game?