The Gang of Five
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Homework question!


  • Administrator
  • Littlefoot
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Hi there GoF!

As some of you might know I'm following a bilingual education, and I wrote an article about gaming parents. It is written for other adults to read, preferably higher educated, age 30-50. Can any of you think of American magazines which would fit into that category so I can say I wrote it for that magazine?

Also, I wonder if anyone of you can think of a title. The basic idea of the article is the bad influence games can have on parents when they start neglecting their children just to play games.

Thank you  :smile

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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Parent & Child Magazine seems to fit that criteria:

“Parent & Child Magazine is a heart-felt publication that is dedicated to “the joy of family living and learning.” Every issue offers readers a plethora of articles with the goal of helping busy parents maximize the joy of their family, the success of their careers, and the growth of their children through the crucial developmental years of 0-12. Parent & Child fills its pages with content on topics including health, happiness, nutrition, fashion, travel, community and more. The editorial team hopes to offer ideas, tips, and suggestions to make the most of time spent with your family and children, with featured recipes, activities, and learning tools. Parent & Child Magazine also knows that the key to being a good parent is being a happy parent, so many of the articles focus on adults’ needs and pastimes as well. Brought to you by the well-respected and reliable Scholastic learning company, you can be sure that Parent & Child will deliver a quality product in every copy.”

A magazine that focuses on maximizing quality time with kids surely can cover topics of when parents are doing the opposite. Teaching about mistakes is excellent for preventing them.

As for a title, possible ones could be:

Hardcore gaming: A Parent’s Wall

Excessive Gaming + Busy Parents = Neglected Children

When Fun Become Neglect

Gaming Versus Parenting

Child-Free Amusement Park

The Blurred Line Between Breaks and Breaking

Gaming Hotel: The Lifetime Vacation

Fit Gamers, Unfit Parents

Sorry if that list isn’t substantial enough.


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