“Very Important Creature”- That song pretty much validates his heart. “They think we mean to do them harm, but we only want what’s best.” He’s like the thief that steals to feed his family. He uses his means to justify his ends. He has a white heart inside a dark body; he commits foul deeds for a noble cause. He reminds me of Cera in a way. It’s minor, but, you know how he feels superior to others, Cera sang a line in XII that shows the same thing. During “One of Kind,” she sings, “Doesn’t he know? Can’t he see? The best Three Horn in the valley is me!” So I think Cera and Pterano both have that complex of being better than others. Pterano was following his inner map to good, but his conceitedness steered him down the wrong path.
Ditto for "Standing Tough", which I think, if "The Mad Song" is on the list, it should be added to the list, too. It's a song that is completely deserving of the analyzation FriendlySharptooth gave "When You're Big", "The Mad Song", and "Very Important Creature". That, and it's one of my all time favorites.
That song showed us the exact same side of Cera's dad that Friendly Sharptooth pointed out in his "Very Important Creature" review---Topps was doing what he felt was right by rationalizing the water, but it was his anger that steered him down the wrong path. To put it simply, he was being cruel to be kind.
And by the way, FriendlySharptooth, I'm not sure if this was a mistake or not, but the line “They think we mean to do them harm, but we only want what’s best.” was a sarcastic line by Sierra...just thought I'd point it out
Gee, we only have 5? Such a shame.
We have 6, if we are to count all antagonist songs. If we are to count villian songs we only have about 3.