Chomper you need to give more thought to your posts than just a couple lines. if you want to stimulate devbates why not pick 10 topics abouy a subject- in this case President Jackson, and bring them up for discussion. these 'hit and run' posdts dont give us much to discuss about. Was he a tyrant? To his enemies, yes he was. he certainly was the first president to veto bills he did not like on personal grounds. his defiance of a Sc decision was calculated, as there is no enfotrrcement mechanism for the courts. Jacksons opinions of the Indians was not a minority, whjile a few resopected them, many considered them savages and the settlers wanted thier land. Jackson is the only presdent to retire the national debt-
it was completely paid off during his time in office. my personal opinion is that he was not a great president in terms of achievement ands on a humanitiarian grounds, he was one of the worst. but in terms of growing the power of the office he was a pioneer, who influenced politics for the next 20 years after his time in office. the Young Hickories were legion..