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:( I feel so behind and outdated

Jrd89 · 31 · 4219


  • Spike
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I kind of felt the same way. I had no handheld gaming devices but an old pink GBA (with no games) and two mini mp3 players with just 30 song limits. Before that I was using a CD player with ugly headphones. Even the two TVs in our house (one me and my brother bought) are standard televisions. I mean, even though we had quite a few gaming systems, including a PS3, in terms of 'being social' and 'like everyone else' we lacked. I had no phone, tablet (which you can use for mp3 anyway), laptop, etc.. And several times I'd go over things I wish I could have and hoped I would get them someday.
But then several things hit me. For one, these things are darn expensive to maintain in the first place. $80 for a smartphone a month (or 35 :p whatev)? I can do most of the things on my computer when I'm at home, and I'm mostly at home anyway. Same with a tablet. It would be 'nice' to play videos, games, music etc on the go and show everyone, but at what cost? $100-$200 for the cheaper tablets, and then some for apps and stuff. See where I'm getting here?

The second thing that hit me was what if I focused on one thing? So, that's what I did, I saved up money I had gotten from Christmas and Birthday, as well as a couple oddjobs and measly allowances during the year, and the next year when it was Christmas, me and my parents jointly bought a computer (with my money, and as present), and then I bought a great video card and power supply for it. During the next year, I would buy a processor and some RAM as well with money I earned from doing surveys online. And I can be proud, because even though it's not the fastest computer ever, it sure as heck beats every computer of my real friends in-real-life! I can play BF3 on max with like low 20-60 fps (Usually in the late 40s and low 50s) and I'll be able to play Guild Wars 2 superbly!

So just think about what you do or can have and how much you'll REALLY use it with the money you're getting. The only thing I would regret is perhaps not having a phone though, because almost EVERYONE has one... but you can use those as a tablet and mp3 player too anyway, as well as calling so. But still! Right now, I... I just don't really need it :)

EDIT: I also bought $65 dollar headphones from last Christmas' money! So see that :). Focus your funds and you'll get somewhere ;D


  • Petrie
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Yes, Ludichris...   i should think.. how much i'm actually going to use the item. If i'm not going to use it hardly, then it's not worth buying to begin with.


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  • Cera
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I know you're well past it, but here's one reason why you don't want an iphone

I know you can turn autocorrect off, but seriously. Crazy stuff happens


  • Petrie
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Well Ptyra, right now I still don't own an I-phone (about 2 weeks ago, my mom got an I-phone 4S (she was aware the I-phone 5 is out and available, but apparently she didn't want to pay the extra money to get it, so she got a 4S rather than the 5.)

However, right now, I still don't own an I-phone. just to update you on that. ;) thanks for the little "tech check-up."


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  • Littlefoot
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Broken autocorrect equals two things. Hilarity and frustration. And sometimes embarrassment.

I don't own an iPhone, but my youngest sister does.


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I think my favorite went as:
"I devoured a baby in a cab today"
"Oops! I mean a delivered a baby in a cab today!"
'Oh cool! Boy or girl?'

Laughed until it physically hurt


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  • Littlefoot
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Quote from: Ptyra,Dec 23 2012 on  01:44 PM
I think my favorite went as:
"I devoured a baby in a cab today"
"Oops! I mean a delivered a baby in a cab today!"
'Oh cool! Boy or girl?'
My only response to that is this:  :lol


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  • Littlefoot
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I owned an iPhone once.  It was such a piece of garbage!  Apple consistently sells 2-3 year old technology as "new."  I went from my iPhone to a 2 year old Motorola Atrix 2 smartphone with Android 4.0 and I've never looked back.  It's sad that a 2 year old Android smartphone is better than the brand new iPhone.  Though not surprising considering the way Apple operates.  My 2 year old Android smartphone has a bigger and better screen than the new iPhone 5 and it will probably beat the iPhone 6 or whatever they want to call the next iPhone.  I'll never own or use another Apple device in my life unless I have to (for business purposes).  

I currently have a Mac Mini, Macbook Pro, iPad, and an iPhone.  I use them so infrequently they all have a thick layer of dust on them.  But I have to have them to repair other Apple devices clients bring in.  For example I just had someone bring in an iPad and they wanted to make sure everything backed up properly because the logic board was dying.  I backed up their entire iPad to my iPad to make sure the transfer went correctly before actually doing it for real on their fixed iPad.  I can't stand Apple devices. :bang


  • Ducky
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Any product that gets that overhyped is bound to lack in quality. It's a simple market law. And that's why I never owned an iAnything and never even wanted to get one.

F-14 Ace

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I don't have any of that crap either.  I have no use for it.


  • Cera
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I have the iPhone 4Gs I think the one with Siri and I like it a lot. It has a built in iPod that's a good think since I don't have to carry around two devices. And I don't need that damn five G that people have what a waste of money. I'm perfectly fine with my iPhone 4G.