The Gang of Five
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Day and Night

Nahla · 1 · 1044


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They said there would be two cubs-sisters. One will have the power of light and the other of darkness,they will hold the power of time in their paws. They could change the world as we know it,question is-would it be for better or for worse? Whatever the result,Uzuri and Safia learn they are more special then just being the children of royalty...they are much more.

A small female cub at sat the tip of Pride Rock,she flicked her tail as she looked around in amazement. She was only 3 months old and only know was she allowed out the den,she tilted her head as she looked over her shoulder and giggling at the rest of the pride who were all still asleep,including her littermate-her sister Safia. The female cubs were the daughters of King Kovu and Queen Kiara of The Pridelands,while Safia looked pretty much like a female version of their father,Uzuri got her pelt colours from her grandmother Nala. She was a creamy colour,but bore a stripe of white on her face that turned into a white underbelly,socks were on her legs. No one knew where she got those traits but that guessed Kovu's side since his background was pretty much unknown. Uzuri had another strange thing about her-she had bi-colored eyes. Her right eye was blue while her left was green. At first Kiara was worried Uzuri would be bullied because of that,but the rest of the pride accepted her for who she was.

A patter of little paws was heard as Safia padded out of the den "Hey,Uzuri!" she greeted tackling her sister growling playfully nearly sending both over the edge.

"Careful!" Uzuri cried glaring at her sister "I don't what to fall and go splat" she huffed flicking her tail.

"You worry to much" Safia replied but moving more towards the den "How about we go play with Taro and Shida later" she asked referring to two trouble making boy cubs who were about a month older,she chuckled when her sister groaned in reply.

"No...anyone but them. They are so annoying"

"Aw,they ain't THAT bad"

"They are!" Uzuri argued "Remember how they threw that spider at me? Uck" she shuddered.

"Aww,don't such a big cub" Safia teased,flicking her tail "And yes,I KNOW we ARE cubs" she added as she saw Uzuri's mouth open to reply "But that is not the point" she stopped talking as the first of the lionesses started coming out ready to go hunting,however Safia and Uzuri still depended on milk mostly so they barely take notice of the hunting.

"Uzuri! Safia!" the voice of their mother was heard as Kiara walked foward and sat in front of them "What are you two up too?" she chuckled,she remembered her cub days and how much she loved adventure. However when she took the throne along with Kovu,things became serious and less fun much to her dismay.

"Nothing" her daughters answered and unison.

"Better not be" Kiara said her eyes flicking from the creamy Uzuri to the brown Safia "Or I'd have to tell your father"

"Oh yeah" Uzuri gigled "We are SOOOO scared of him"she laughed but that soon turned into a scream of surprise as she was picked up by the scruff.

"You should be" Kovu said as he placed his daughter down again "I am very terrifying,you know that right?".

Safia was rolling with laughter "You couldn't scared cowardly hyena"

"Wanna bet?" Kovu challenged with a smile reaching out with his paw and pulling the other cub over "Why,I even outsmarted a whole bunch of crocodiles"

"You did?!" Uzuri exclaimed "How? When?"

"Long ago" Kovu began as he sat down next to his mate "Back when both me and your mother were just cubs like you two,I was an outsider at the time..."

The two sisters glanced at each other,they heard the stories of the battle of the Pridelanders and Outsiders,and how their leader Zira tried to kill their grandfather,Simba.

"What happened?" Safia pressed on.

"Well" it was Kiara who said it instead of Kovu "I left the Pridelands to look for adventure when I bumped into a young scruffy male cub-your father"

"I wasn't scruffy" Kovu protested but Kiara ignored him.

"He taunted me about being 'daddy's little girl before saying he could take care of himself-and walked right onto a crocodile"

"Thats stupid" Safia said "Why would you walk onto a crocodile?"

"I...thought it was a rock..." their father replied making the sisters giggle.

"And then-" Kiara carried on none of the family notice a ghostly from of a cheetah watching them.

"It's them" she said watching Safia and Uzuri "It's the ones in the prophecy...they have been born after 100 years...they are here,the time has come"


Hope you don't mind me posting this on GOF too,I have it on but. Hey xD