The Gang of Five
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The Test of Worthyness


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On a cloudy spring day, the walls of the Great Valley shook several times, not because of some tectonic earthquake but because a vicious fight had broken out in the valley.

It had all started when a certain threehorn got a rather unsuspected visitor...


"Hey Cera, that's MY treesweet! Give it back!"

"Well, you left it unattended..."

"Why... I needed to go to the bushes to..."

"Doesn't matter sis', all mine now. Try to take it back... if you can!"



"Oh alright, you little pipsqueak..."

It was a perfectly normal morning for the threehorn family. Topps was snoring away regardless of the ruckus that Cera and Tricia were causing with their not-so-sisterly quarrel over the best food and Tria was rolling her eyes at these ridiculous shenanigans.

Cera had reached her teenage years, brow horns growing fast, already reaching up to her parent's neck in size. Tricia meanwhile barely reached up to Cera's knees. Growth was quite unfair, Tria mused as she observed Cera tossing the big fruit back to her sister so fast that the pink threehorn got knocked from her feet. First you couldn't wait to grow and then it happened so suddenly that you wished it went a little slower.

Tricia was about to start another fight when Tria stepped inbetween.

"Enough now, both of you, or I'll make you wake up your father for a week!" Tria shouted, stomping over to the sleeping threehorn to get her point across, kneeing him into the side. "Right Topsy?!"

"Yes! Yes..." the dark-grey male shot up from his slumber but fell right back to sleep.

"No thanks, I think I'd rather go back to nest-wetting like Tricia..."

"...And you have the job, dear." Tria drew a devillish grin at this whereas Cera wasn't amused at all.

"I cannot help my nervous tummy..." Tricia spoke sadly, receiving a nuzzle from her mother as Cera strolled away to give her dad another poke.

"Don't worry dear, I'm sure it'll be a passing thing," Tria replied soothingly but little Tricia wasn't convinced.

"And... if not?"

"I promise it'll go away eventually," Tria reassured to which Tricia gave a happy squeal.

"Ok then!"

The rest of the morning went surprisingly calm - even Topps had gotten up after Cera threatened him to clean Tricia's nest. The Bright Circle was hiding but it didn't look like it would be raining so Tricia and Cera soon ran off to meet their friends. Topps and Tria made themself comfortable next to each other enjoying a rare alone moment when they were interrupted by Grandpa Longneck dragging his old body in.

"What is it, longneck?" Topps grunted dismissively as the elderly dinosaur approached him, slow with age. However, he soon realized that this was important, getting to his feet in full business mode. "Something happened that I need to know?"

"Well yes..." the longneck spoke nervously. "There is a visitor for you from the Beyond. He wishes to talk to you in private, Topps."

"Who?" The old threehorn thundered in annoyance.

"He wouldn't tell me his name but it was a threehorn giving the impression of being a higher-up. He must be about your age and has the same colour as you..."

"Rockhorn!?" Some flyers startled from nearby trees and even the longneck jerked slightly as Topps roared in anger. "That old fool, what is he thinking?!"

"Who's that dear?" Tria asked as carefuĺly as she could but still she would receive a snappy reply.

"Someone who'd better leave this valley quick... get the kids just in case Tria!"

The female threehorn exchanged a few clueless glances with Grandpa Longneck as Topps began pacing around like a madman.

"Well... anyway, Topps, you will find him at the northern entrance to the valley..." the longneck informed him hesitantly, slowly backing away.

"Thanks longneck, I'll take care of him!" And with that he was gone, leaving a trail in the underbrush.

"I'd better go fetch the kids then..." Tria sighed. "Though he'd better explain himself..."


Topps' heart raced as he tore through the forests of the Valley. Even though it'd taken him a while to get accustomed to life in the Great Valley, he would Never want to go back to the old ways of living. Life in a traditionalist threehorn herd had shaped him in many ways that still kept causing him trouble in his current life which was different in so many ways that listing them was rather futile. And yet this old life was about to catch up to him again.

"That fool has some nerve to turn up here..." the old threehorn grumbled between gritted teeth, spitting on the ground as he leapt over a log.

Topps covered the remaining distance in record-breaking time, panting heavily as he came to a halt in front of a threehorn he wished he'd never ever see again in his life... a threehorn who evoked painful childhood memories...


Two broken elbows ain't enough to stop me. I'm terribly behind schedule but I've finally started work on my June prompt challenge entry today.

(I'll be sure to enter the prompt here once I can, submitting this from my phone...)

I just started writing, having a rough draft in mind and ended up with a pretty solid plan for this story. Topps wasn't originally going to be the main character here but it just so turns out to be him and I'm very much looking forward to working on this story a lot throughout the next week. Of course it won't just be a short story, my ideas always end up being too long for a short story... oh well I'll do my best to meet the deadline and upload a chapter a day from now on.

Thoughts, expectations? Let me know! ^^spike
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This beginning was a short one but it paved way for some interesting confrontation between Rockhorn and Topps. I have some kind of idea what's the issue between the two but I wonder what follows after the duo's reunion and what brings Rockhorn into the Valley in the first place. The lead-up to this coming confrontation was a pretty good one and I got the feeling there will be something interesting in store for Cera and Tricia too. This prologue did what it attempted and I'll certainly look forward to seeing in which direction this story will continue. :^^spike


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Glad you liked it Sovereign! :D It was a rather random scene as a neat way to introduce the story and place the first hints at what is to come.

Alas, here is the next chapter!


Chapter 1: A foe from the past

"Oh, not wasting a second to see me, are we, Topps?"

Topps glared at the other threehorn which was adressing him with a sneering voice.

"Rockhorn..." Topps growled, aggression and hate radiating off him, muscles tense, horns lowered, while his opponent was laid-back, wearing the same colouration as him and also looking similar in all other features.

He was his goddamn brother after all.

"Topps, why so tense? Are you not happy to see me... dear brother?" Rockhorn thundered with his deep, booming voice, acting as if they were best pals but Mr. Threehorn had a different definition of their relationship.

"What are you doing here? How did you even know that I live here?" Topps asked in a very reserved voice which sounded much more like he was gonna charge at the other threehorn any second.

"Relax, old pal, relax, why don't we..." but Topps interrupted him fiercely.

"Smoking mountains and falling stones, I asked you a question...  brother." Topps spat that word out like a disease. "And you'd better answer me!"

"I've gotta say, Topps," Rockhorn mused as he approached his brother slowly, a hint of a threat hanging in the air. "You grew some backbone after all but can your horns keep up with your mouth, eh?"

If glares could kill, Rockhorn would be in serious trouble. A light cackle escaped from the threehorn as he watched Topps' mind working hard, legs trembling.

"Nothing, as I expected from a someone like you who couldn't even win a single fight in the Test of Worthiness..." Mr. Threehorn was boiling but he knew that he'd stand no chance if he were to break a fight here. "Amazing though, you lived even though they drove you out after you were just eight cold seasons of age? I was rather... surprised when a flyer told us about your whereabouts... So how did you survive? I'm asking you a question, old pal, and I expect it to be answered truthfully and with not a detail missing..."

"You!" Topps could hardly stand still as the sneering laugh of his brother penetrated his ears. "Answer my question, intruder, or we'll drive you out!"

"Answer mine or you won't live to tell anyone..." Only now Topps realized that several more threehorns were hiding behind several rock formations.

"Your herd now, eh?" he hissed in disgust. Rockhorn nodded with a smug grin. He was cornered and he knew it. Considering that, his bravado dropped immediately. He couldn't fight a strong, battle-prone threehorn like him to begin with but with a handicap it would be mere suicide.

"There is more to strength than what meets the eye, Rockhorn!" Topps growled, resigning to answer. "I followed the water like any threehorn would do who's not completely insane. After a few months, another herd took me in after I proved myself worthy of being part of them. It was a small herd but... they at least were reasonable about what is tradition and what is nonsense!"

"Oh, I see," the other threehorn simply nodded. "Well, I have good manners so let me answer your question just as truthfully."

"You'd better..." Topps growled.

"I am formally requesting entrance into this valley for my herd."

"You WHAT!?" The echo of Topps' voice shook several rocks loose. "What does a bunch of idiots want here in the Great Valley of all places? You won't like it here and nobody will like you!"

"Topps, do you know why we uphold these traditions you speak of so disgracefully?" Rockhorn snarled, almost horn to horn with his brother now. "It's so that not a single idiot can tell us what to do and what not to do!" He drew back, having threatened Topps enough to get the desired effect. Casually, he went on. "You'd be a fool to believe we'd come here to stay. We never stay long, surely you still remember that? But with our numbers and our strength, we don't care whether a bunch of old fat threehorns with no guts or some half-dead know-it-all longnecks let us in or not. We charge in anyhow. And this is where you come in handy my friend... "

Topps looked alarmed at this, Rockhorn laughing smugly.

"I'm assuming this... congregation of scumbags that you obviously belong to has some way to keep organised? Eh, Topps? Did you at least take a leading position in this valley?"

"Yes... I'm... part of the leading circle..." Topps admitted in a submissive voice.

"That is good. The herd will assume unresisted entry when the Bright Circle sets for as long as we deem necessary. If... you're not doing your job - and surely even a dimwit like you should be capable of such - and I sense the slightest aggression towards us, including you, I will make sure that you'll regret."

Topps looked as if he was about to faint.

"Regardless, I expect you to meet me at the Rock Circle which, as I heard, is your political... center, tomorrow at noon. You will introduce me to your family as the loving brother that I am and I will then proceed to make you an offer, old pal. Don't. Mess. Up." With that, he shoved Topps from his feet before calling his hidden forces off to walk back out of the valley entrance.


Holy treestars, I really hope that I'm not creating too much of an "Old Threehorns" impression with this story. Not going to deny that some inspiration is coming from Malte's old fanfic but it won't end in a fight for the valley lol.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you guys are rather curious about Topps' past now ;) Admittedly, so essentially know nothing about it so I kinda came up with a darker one for him. Hope you'll continue to enjoy the story :)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 10:56:10 AM by Ducky123 »
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Now this is certainly a promising (and concerning) beginning.  :yes So from what we can determine thus far Topps' long-lost brother has returned, one who abides by the old ways, and he does not appear willing to let Topps' protests stop him and his herd from entry.  I must admit that I was getting some "Old Threehorns" vibes, but things certainly are different from what I can see.  For one Rockhorn is a bit more direct with his intentions and for another it seems that Topps had a much more checkered past than we have been led to believe thus far.  Though it is quite surprising to see Topps being placed on the weaker side in this interaction.  If the full truth is exposed to the valley then I wonder how Cera and Tricia will take it as they no doubt see their father as a symbol of tradition and strength.  This might turn out to be a situation where Topps will need to take strength from his daughter for once.

In any case I look forward to seeing where this is going!  :) And I am impressed with your motivation and drive to keep writing despite the hardship that has befallen you.  I wish you a speedy recovery from your injuries.

(PS. Your first chapter appears to be suffering from a formatting issue.)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Well, the two being related is a certain surprise and overall, Rockhorn's antics were quite well-established. The other grownups most likely want to allow the threehorns in and if that happens, I get the feeling they won't spare Topps from the tales how he's too weak because he hasn't completed the Test. We'll see how things will move on but I thought I'd mention that political isn't a too LBT-like word. Other than that, this story is off to a interesting start! :) (But you should remove the underlining).


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Ugh, this totally wasn't meant to go on a one week hiatus :bolt


Chapter 2: Valley in turmoil

Topps was still pale when he arrived at the longneck's nest. He sent a mute note of gratitude to whatever forces were watching over him when the two oldest dinosaurs of the valley where at home. Time was dire, he couldn't afford to go searching for them.

"Topps..." Grandpa simply stated, a rather surprised look on his face. "How did things g..."

"Longneck..." Topps merely whispered this but it was enough to silence the longneck, his legs giving in.

"Mr. Threehorn, you look as if you've just seen a sharptooth," Grandma Longneck spoke in surprise as she mustered the usually power-laden threehorn with light concern.

"Worse, much worse..." Topps whispered. "Threehorns... traditionalists through and through... they are coming to our valley...and... they have... conditions...... Rock Circle.......... now." That was all he could muster to say before he fainted for real.

"What... was that?" Grandma inquired, perplexed. However, her mate was beginning to grasp on the severity of the situation. He'd never seen Mr. Threehorn in such a weak state, not even during the countless times Cera went missing.

"Dear, there was a threehorn at the northern entrance this morning. A flyer had relayed a message that he requested to meet a leading member of our circle. So I went... and that threehorn looked exactly like Topps and asked straightforward about his whereabouts. He had a sort of authority that gave me the chills so I did as he requested. I informed Topps about this." The old longneck sighed. "Judging by his reaction, he knew that folk and he... he wasn't pleased..."

"Don't you tell anyone that I just fainted..." Weakly, the old threehorn heaved himself back onto his feet. "What are we standing around for, we must gather the whole valley. Everyone needs to be aware of their conditions, no exceptions!!!"

The two longnecks gave each other a meaningful glance before they nodded.

"I'm afraid there is no other choice but to proceed as you suggest," Grandpa sighed, heaving his massive old body up. "Though I am a little surprised that you're not trying to rally a mob to fight them instead..."

"Longneck, this is the herd I was raised in," Topps explained gruffly, though he did not mention how he came to leave it. "I know their strength. They're ruthless and the valley wouldn't be the same, regardless of the outcome. Believe me," he almost begged. "Fighting or resisting is futile..."


A few hours later, the biggest meeting since the departure of Chomper and Ruby was being held, the whole valley including the oldest and the youngest squeezing themselves into the Rock Circle somehow to listen to what Topps had to say. Many wore doubtful expressions and everyone was muttering among themselves.

"Do you know what this is about, Cera?" Littlefoot wondered as their group waited for the meeting to start - Topps was still engaged in a discussion with the leading members of the Circle. They had been tasked to keep an eye on some children for the duration of the meeting, much to their annoyance.

"Not a clue..." the orange threehorn admitted. "But I've never seen my dad this scared before so it's gotta be something..."

"Well, my grandparents seem to be very agitated too," Littlefoot observed, wrinkling his face in thought.

"Me sure he gonna tell us soon..." Petrie shuddered from his perch on Littlefoot's head, keeping a sharp eye on the children, including Tricia and Ducky's younger siblings.


"When you speak of the devil..." Ducky whispered quietly. Luckily, there was no need to keep the kids in line as the sheer authority in Mr. Threehorn's voice was plenty enough to keep a herd in line.

"My friends, dark times are coming for our valley.” The threehorn looked a decade older than he was and the lack of spirit in his voice was quite apparent. “A huge threat is lurking outside our walls! And I'm not talking about Sharpteeth; I'm not talking about locusts or the plague either..."

"Quite dramatic, is he?" Cera mumbled, addressing her little sister. "Just what happened after we left the nest?!"

"I dunno," Tricia shrugged.

"Friends, you know how much pride I wear being a threehorn of strength and duty but the truth is... I'm a tame hatchling compared to what a real threehorn out there in the Beyond, living by our strict standards, would be like. I abandoned most of these long ago in order to grant my daughters," his view brushed across the crowd," and my mate," he nodded towards Tria standing beside him as part of the Circle," a peaceful life here in the Great Valley. However... that peace is going to be disturbed!"

Unrest spread through the crowd and many began to wonder what meaning this unusual speech would hold. Topps suddenly slumped, allowing himself to show weakness, something he would normally avoid but some part of his pride just died that fateful day.

"Friends... this morning a demon from my past showed up in the Valley. I was determined to chase him away before he could disturb our peace but... I was outnumbered, I couldn't do anything. Normally, as most of you know, I would organize a party to get rid of the threat at once! But... this is a threat best to back off from until it's over..."

"Is... this still good ol' Topsy?" Petrie wondered, receiving a sharp glance from Cera.

"Something awful is about to happen, I can feel it..." Littlefoot muttered, the look on the Circle's members faces speaking a thousand words.

"Dad's making a fool of himself up there so it must be worse than losing his pride as a..." But Cera stopped dead in her tracks as her father revealed the nature of the threat.

"This evening, a herd of highly traditionalist threehorns will enter this valley with or without our consent!" Topps waited with a grim expression on his face for the herd to calm down again before he began to explain.

"Many of you probably don't know how dangerous they are... they are a bunch of aggressive lunatics who look down on anyone who's different or weaker than them. Only the strongest survive in these herds and they fight vigorously to ensure their strength. I was raised in this herd and... I was deemed too weak and expelled! There is no way to argue with them and the slightest aggression might lead to bloodshed! They're ruthless and selfish!"

To say the Great Valley residents were upset was an understatement. Unlike most of the times, Topps would have had an easy way rallying a party this time if only he'd suggested that.

"That's just crazy!" Cera thundered, stomping her foot. "We can't just let this bunch of freaks into the valley!"

"Yeah but... you heard your dad..." Littlefoot reminded her in quiet fear. "We'd stand no chance in a fight..."

"Oh, do you believe him?!" Cera shouted angrily, disgust radiating off her. "Ever since Tria came around he's become a softie..."

"I thought you were happy about that..." Littlefoot replied meekly.

"Of course I was! But does he have no pride?!"

"He's trying to protect us all, y'know?" Cera was about to retort when the dark grey threehorn yelled into the Rock Circle to gain their attention.

"Friends, I'm not any less upset and enraged as you but we have no choice but to grant them entry. They are migrating so they won't stay forever, however I, in the name of the whole Circle, will order you to stay away from them and refrain from interacting, bothering or resisting them! If your own safety and the wellbeing of your families is in your interest, you'd better do as we say! That is all, good luck!" And with that, Topps stomped out of view, leaving a very perplexed valley behind. That was when Grandpa Longneck took the word although it took him some time to gain the audience’s attention.

“Friends, we must stick together more than ever before if we want to keep our beautiful valley as it is. As Mr. Threehorn was saying, please keep away from that herd and act submissive if they make any demands or the like. Standing up to them in any way might cause bloodshed.”

“It’s the least we want so please follow these instructions,” Grandma almost begged. “Lest we lose friends and family…”

“It is however likely that they will not interact with us unless we prompt them to take action by bothering them in some ways,” Grandpa finished his explanation, a glint of hope radiating off him. “Let us hope that our valley and our community survives this incident unscathed…”

“My mate is going to greet them in the evening as they will not accept any non-threehorn at all,” Tria explained, taking over from the longnecks. “He is going to try telling them where they can build their nests without bothering anyone as this is the best approach to avoid incidents in the first place. We don’t know whether they will take the offer though so if, by chance, they demand you to leave your home, absolutely do not resist!”

“Those who would like to ask questions, now is your chance!” Petrie’s mother exclaimed loudly over the uprising anger within the Great Valley residents. “Everyone else is dismissed. We will hold daily meetings each morning from now on to keep you informed. Us flyers will keep an eye on them, obviously…”

In the following turmoil, Littlefoot and his friends managed to sneak away, leaving the remaining children under the care of Mrs Maia - everyone but Tricia that was because Tria had ordered them to stay together until further notice, so they could discuss these new circumstances without restrictions. Which included language restrictions as well.

“What a bunch of scumbags!” Cera raged as they were on their way back to their favourite hangout, startling Spike as he took a little snack on the move.

“Cera…” Littlefoot tried to soothe her temper but the threehorn wouldn’t hear any of it.

“What are they thinking!? This is OUR valley! Not bloody theirs!”

“Me know Cera but me rather not be fighting whole herd of hornfaces…” Petrie spoke in a frightful manner.

“But they can’t just take it as they please?!” Cera was so angry that she wouldn't even notice the flyer's slight insult.

“You heard your dad, Cera…” Littlefoot sighed, lacking the spirit to argue against an enraged threehorn. “They aren’t here to stay.”

“Yeah, but there was NO word on how long they’d stay!” Cera shouted aggressively, kicking a rock. “Some herds stay a few days, others stay for whole seasons!”

“I thought you might be happy to meet some threehorns like you, Cera?” Ducky mentioned casually, only to be screamed at.

“Pah! Don’t you remember what kind of idiot I’ve been to you before we reached the valley? That’s how we are raised! And if what dad said is half true, these threehorns will be much worse!!!”

“So… that mean you scared of them?” Petrie teased. Suddenly, the group stopped moving at once in fear of what was to come. Teasing Cera was one thing but teasing an angry Cera was just dangerous. However, not even Littlefoot who knew her best could believe his eyes when Cera suddenly lost all her vigor.

“Yeah, so what? At least they will only look down on you if anything…”

“That be if we not piss them off…” Petrie shuddered.

“Right… but we are threehorns. What if they want to interact with us? I… certainly don’t want to…”

“I understand, Cera, yes I do,” Ducky spoke quietly, trying to reassure her friend. “I am also very scared, it is only normal to be afraid of the unknown, yes it is…”

“I’m actually glad to hear that, you know?” Littlefoot told her straightforward. “At least that means they probably won’t rub off on you and you’ll still be the Cera we all call our friend.”

“Gee… thanks,” Cera didn’t quite return the longneck’s smile but, nevertheless, felt a little better. That was when Tricia, who had kept quiet so far, decided to raise a point everyone else had overlooked so far.

“Cera, what did dad say again? Was he really raised in that herd? I thought… the herd he was in with your mommy fell during the Great Earthshake. Isn’t that what he’d always tell us?”

Cera thought about this for a moment. True, the herd she was born into took such severe losses during the earthshake that the remaining members disbanded to find and join other herds that’d still have the necessary strength to keep going. Which meant…

“Tricia… don’t you find it weird? My dad has never really told me anything about his childhood…”

“He hasn’t told me much either… only some stuff about his dad who’d teach him lots of stuff…” Tricia replied which suddenly gave Cera something completely different to be upset about.

“That old fool… don’t you tell me he grew up in such a herd?!”

“He did,” Ducky spoke up, raising her hand.

“What!?” Cera roared, making the swimmer back away and Spike look up from grazing.

“Did you not listen to him?” Tricia teased, sticking out her tongue.

“I was raised in this herd and... I was deemed too weak and expelled!” Cera sent a death stare at Littlefoot who had recited Topps’ words flawlessly. “That’s what he said, Cera.”

“Wait a second…” Tricia suddenly got very excited. “Does this mean there might be distant relatives of ours in this herd?”

“Tricia, did you not see how dad reacted? He looked so full of hate!” Cera pointed out immediately. “Whoever these distant relatives may be, I won’t like them!”

“Hmm, I guess so…” Tricia pondered, though not entirely convinced.

The group continued their trek, however the conversation and the events of the day had surely spoiled their moods, not just the threehorn’s. Even Ducky couldn’t bring herself to smile as the fretful image of a rampaging herd of threehorns was constantly floating around in her head - and the others weren’t off much better. Littlefoot was really worried about Cera and Petrie, perching on his back, was feeling fretful too.

“On second thought, maybe we should just go home for today,” Littlefoot eventually announced since he honestly couldn’t imagine this day having a joyful outcome. “What do you think?”

“Me no mind, me have enough of this day as is!” Petrie replied, sounding a little exhausted.

“Yep yep yep, I think that is a good idea,” Ducky piped up though without her usual cheerfulness which she hadn’t lost even during her teen years. Spike seemed to be indifferent.

“Well, I think either thing is no good,” Cera grunted. “Hanging around or going home that is.”

“I would like to ask mum and dad some things,” Tricia mentioned which also caused Cera to make up her mind.

“Rrrrrriiiight…” A look of resolution on her face she marched away without telling her goodbyes. “He’d better explain himself once I get home!”

“Well, bye!” Tricia exclaimed hastily before darting after her sister.

“Let us go home too, Spiky,” Ducky sighed.

“Bye Ducky!” Petrie called, taking off himself.

“See you guys tomorrow!” Littlefoot replied before heading towards his nest with gloomy thoughts.



I think I'll just leave this here... too warm here to think straight :P

(but let me not forget the reviews... the reviews!  :^^spike )

Now this is certainly a promising (and concerning) beginning.  :yes So from what we can determine thus far Topps' long-lost brother has returned, one who abides by the old ways, and he does not appear willing to let Topps' protests stop him and his herd from entry.  I must admit that I was getting some "Old Threehorns" vibes, but things certainly are different from what I can see.  For one Rockhorn is a bit more direct with his intentions and for another it seems that Topps had a much more checkered past than we have been led to believe thus far.  Though it is quite surprising to see Topps being placed on the weaker side in this interaction.  If the full truth is exposed to the valley then I wonder how Cera and Tricia will take it as they no doubt see their father as a symbol of tradition and strength.  This might turn out to be a situation where Topps will need to take strength from his daughter for once.

In any case I look forward to seeing where this is going!  :) And I am impressed with your motivation and drive to keep writing despite the hardship that has befallen you.  I wish you a speedy recovery from your injuries.

(PS. Your first chapter appears to be suffering from a formatting issue.)
Ah yeah, I just noticed that the other day.... happens when you upload from phone :P It's fixed now.

I'm glad to see I managed to take a different path than what Old Threehorns did with this story. It was more of a spontaneous idea to add some spice to the story, having Topps brother show up and reveal a dark past. Sometimes simply starting to write a random scene for the prologue leads to great ideas concerning the story as a whole :P

As for Cera and Tricia, I'm not 100% sure how they'd react but I've attempted to portrait that in this chapter. It's just the beginning of the drama as you can surely tell...

Anyway, thank you for the review :)

Well, the two being related is a certain surprise and overall, Rockhorn's antics were quite well-established. The other grownups most likely want to allow the threehorns in and if that happens, I get the feeling they won't spare Topps from the tales how he's too weak because he hasn't completed the Test. We'll see how things will move on but I thought I'd mention that political isn't a too LBT-like word. Other than that, this story is off to a interesting start! :) (But you should remove the underlining).

Thanks for the review :)

Yeah, Topps has a lot coming in this story... this chapter is only the beginning
« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 10:23:21 AM by Ducky123 »
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It truly seems like the coming days will be far from easy for the denizens of the Great Valley. Topps’ desperation about the threehorns is certainly unprecedented which only proves what kind of group they’re dealing with. It seems like Cera is having a lot of problems understanding what kind of life she could be leading if she were born to a different kind of family but it’s probable that the relatives who Tricia mentioned are more than eager to teach her. It is completely possible that some within the herd won’t approve how one of their failed members has raised his children. In the future, we can only hope that the inevitable visit of the threehorns can be concluded without major incidents even if it might be unlikely judging by Topps’ reaction.


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Though I expected an announcement to the valley of what transpired, I am impressed with Topps' blunt honesty about the circumstances concerning the new herd and his relationship to them.  I can only imagine what the rest of the valley is thinking after basically hearing their resident tough guy admit that a herd entered the valley without his consent and that he was too weak as a child so they expelled him from the herd.  That pretty much communicates "do not mess with these people" in much starker terms than Topps' demands ever could.  With the understandable tensions that will now develop, however, I have my doubts that peace can be maintained for long...

Though the joker in me does wonder if Topps might be wishing that Chomper could go back into the valley to take care of a few newcomers.  :OhYou

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.