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My old idea...

Noname · 25 · 4765


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Quote from: Noname,Feb 1 2007 on  10:22 PM
The irony is that much of anime's style comes from Disney. So TLK is, in part, a copy of a copy... in appearence only. I'm sure the themes of TLK and Kimba are quite different.
ehem kimba simba hmm whats that i see ? Any one know how a word like kimba is pronounced in various african cultures? I know some cultures would infact pronouce the k as a s in some useages. Could this be the case with disney ltks simba and the name kimba as well?

Now i wish i was still in school in 10th rade biology as id just ask my old teach if there was any place in africa where kimba would be pronounced simba. My guess is that this is infact the case.


  • The Gang of Five
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Here are two more similar scenes, each one dealing with the death of each movie's parental figure:

Land before time:

Lion King:

(This is a series of clips, so you have to wait for the 2:50 second mark, approx)

Here are two more that I just found:

Land before time:

("What'll I do?")- You have to get past the death scene and wait until the scene with Rooter.

Lion King:

("What am I gonna do?")- To which Scar replies "run away and never return."

Note that I only found these clips, I did not post them. Also, its one thing for Don bluth to make an amage to Bambi, which was a forty-eight year old classic when The Land Before Time was released, but The Lion King was released only six years after The Land Before Time, hardly enough to consider similar scenes to it to be an amage to an old classic.


  • Cera
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That's really interesting! I never noticed that.

Well, I guess great movies inspire one another.

Possibly the best children's movie helping the best disney movie? Sounds possible.


  • Spike
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Firstly, Simba in swahili means Lion. I belive that the african language and swahili are diffrent...I could be wrong. In fact, most of the characters in TLK are from swahili words. Rafiki=Friend, Puumba= Lazy Nuka= Stink

Next, It was all inspiration.
Ideas float around the universe and sometimes diffrent hands grab the same idea. So what if simmilar lines were used? TLK did not rip off TLB, Disney was simply inspired, IMO.
As for Kimba, my vote is that TLK is the american version of it, in some ways than one.


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I tried watching the lion king again, and honestly I had a hard time doing it.  I just don't like children's shows except for LBT.  Anyways as for the movies, they have several similarities, but certainly not enough to go accusing them of copying each other.