The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Update: 2-3-09 - I think I wanna act... :O


  • The Circle
  • Ducky
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Its true. I want to try and do some acting for once! And perhaps even a bit of singing!

I'm thinking of doing some screen test (for the sake of practice): writing my own scripts and improving my appearance a bit more, getting into character, etc, etc. And if I think I'm good enough, I may approach theater work, or do commercials. Build a good profile and what not. As for singing, I'm not aiming to be an American Idol (heck no!). People have always told me I needed to take up singing. And it was one of my new years resolutions. I'll have to admit though. I'm afraid of my own voice. I've always felt clumsy using it. And I don't think it has that certain quality... But this is a chance for me to get over that fear, is it not? Heck, I'm trying something new here! And I'm excited about it. =)

I'll start the screening tests and upload them to the group so I can hear critiques, comments and what not. I'm ready to take criticism, whether it be bad or good. So if you want to tell me to keep my day job (not that I have one at the moment...), then do so! I must see where I stand in this field eventually...

Anyway, on to the other Update related stuff...

This week as some of you may know has been a week of tests. I've been traveling all the way to Lake Shore each day to a testing facility to do a series of written tests to see what I can do and what I cant do concerning a job. They had requested I bring my art portfolio and a literature sample along with a few songs and poems that I've written. They also wanted some information about my last two semesters in college. My GPA was a bit below what was needed for them to put me back into college, but the lady who's running my test says she may be able to put me into a class to raise that GPA score up a bit. This may be some good news, but the word 'maybe' is stressed here. Nothing to raise my hopes about.

I've also been working very hard for the upcoming Literature Episodes of Arkayia. It is in my decision that I'll do the first audio reading for the first released episode. And if my cousin Patrick isn't too busy with his schooling, I may ask him to do the reading of the second episode.

Other things in Arkayia which I'll be submitting for the Friday Update: A first glimpse of the Arkayia Atlas (first draft) and a title logo design which I'll be beginning work on tomarrow. And I may have some thumbnails for a cover page.

The Percy script (first draft) is nearing completion! And I'll soon be doing some simple panel sketches for the first rough comic book. With the permission of Patsy, I may release a finished (comic) page of this work each week along with the Arkayia updates and art updates.

My art projects are now gearing rather smoothly. I've started the practice of making small thumbnails of the piece I'll be working on. The more thumbnails I make, the better the image begins to look. I may be releasing these thumbnails to the private list so everyone here could see what I've been up to =) the first project in this new series of art is labeled: 'A Dwelling of the Fairy Folk' and the thumbnails look simply stunning! These thumbnails will be scanned in and sent in with the Friday Update.

So as everyone can tell, this Friday's update will be the first of many big ones for this year. I'm feeling very ambitious and energetic and I cant wait to get things up and running again!

That is all for now.

Comments are greatly welcome and incouraging!


  • Administrator
  • The Gang of Five
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Keep up the good work aves. Pretty much anyone can sing, and you don't need to be a great singer( see Madonna, Pierce Brosnan, etc) to be an actor. you just have to know your lines and put yourself into them..
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  • Hatchling
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I think my reply will be one of the less happy-go-lucky ones, but I think you need to pick one thing and stick with it.  You've put a lot of time and effort into your drawing ability, you might want to beef up that portfolio, or even your writing.  By taking an exit ramp to see what untapped potential you may have in singing or acting, you're losing focus on the things you are already doing well with, and probably need to pursue further.  I don't have an issue with the odd college course here and there, but I see you losing your focus when you were already making good strides.


  • The Circle
  • The Gang of Five
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Trying out new things can be scary, interesting and fun.  Just don't get to scattered.  Doing many things can get one to unfocused and scattered, but can have some positive outcome also to it.


  • Spike
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If you plan on taking acting as a career choice, make sure it's something you really, really want to do. There's a lot of competition out there, and it won't be that easy.

If it's something you just wanna try out for fun, then I say go for it. It wouldn't hurt to try something new. Just make sure you've done your research and know what to expect.