The Gang of Five
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Reign: Survival

RFZT · 10 · 1734


  • Chomper
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Hey, it's RFZT.
Some of you may have read that I was planning to write a fanfiction trilogy about Rinkus and Sierra. I also said it would be awhile, as I am working on other fanfictions at the moment. Well...looks like I lied.  :p

As you could probably guess, this trilogy is centered around Rinkus and Sierra getting revenge on the Great Valley. Like almost every other Rinkus and Sierra fanfiction out there. So I hope greatly that my trilogy will not be too similar to any of the other Rinkus and Sierra fanfictions.


Something was after Sierra. Again.

Sierra felt no alarm when the bush started rustling. He nonchalantly spread his wings and lit right as a fastbiter burst out of the bush.

He wasn't even miffed that the fastbiter abruptly ended his search for creatures that lived under the snow. This had happened so many times, he got used to it long ago.

Still, he knew how high fastbiters could jump. He ascended gradually as the small sharptooth pursued him. Having accelerated enough to get an extra boost, the fastbiter leapt, jaws clamping. It missed Sierra's leg by inches. Sierra smirked and mockingly flapped higher.

The fastbiter wasn't discouraged. The instant it hit ground, it took off again, screeching as it chased Sierra further.

Sierra flew to a cavern, one with many haphazard towers of stone inside it. Jutting up everywhere, the width between one tower to another varied. Sierra entered the cavern, beginning to maneuver his way around the towers. Despite how narrow some of the spaces were, he glided, tipped, and soared his way through. He was a tall, lean cearadactylus, solidly colored brown. His more petit size enabled him to pass through tight spaces.

The fastbiter was still after him. Pounding forth in the snow, it jumped again, this time latching on to the base of a stone tower. It bounced off, soaring to another, farther away tower. It continued doing this, steadily rising higher and higher until it was almost level with its prey.

What Sierra was about to do was getting old. The end of the cavern was nearing. Just one obstacle to go: two stone towers that were close enough to be conjoined. Hardly a space opened between them; there was only a gap puncturing the middle.

Sierra slowed. He timed his next move, waiting for the snarls of the fastbiter to come perilously close.

Right as he nearly felt the fastbiter's breath on his back, he zoomed forward, wheeling on his side and furling his wings. He shot through the tower's gap, barely missing the fastbiter's second bite.

The fastbiter rammed its head through the gap, lunged, and...didn't get farther. Its shoulder were too widely set apart to pass through. Snapping its jaws in frustration, it squirmed, trying to dislodge itself. It placed its feet on the towers and pushed. With a sliding noise, it popped out backwards, then fell hard on its back in the snow.

Sierra chuckled as he heard the snow crunch. Despite him pulling that stunt so many times, it was still kind of funny.

He spread his wings fully, enjoying the relieving stretch. A few seconds later, he crashed into another flyer.

They both cried out, getting smacked backwards. Sierra caught his balance first. He hovered upright, flapping as he looked scornfully down on the other flyer, who was clumsily righting himself.

"Watch where you're going!" Sierra told Rinkus.

Rinkus managed to assume a normal flying position. "I wanted to know if you caught any food," he said.

"What does it look like?" Sierra yelled. "I hardly had any time to look! If it weren't for those stinking sharpteeth we'd be fed a long time ago." He scowled into the distance.

About a foot below Sierra, Rinkus hovered as well, his wings beating heavily. "I found a way to crack the ice," he said.

Sierra looked down on him. "What?"

"It's very simple."

"Then show me!" Sierra glided away without warning. Rinkus followed, flapping noticeably harder to keep up.

An icy wind kicked up, chilling them both to the bone. Sleet began to shower down from the sky, freezing their scales further, adding to the misery. Sierra could hear Rinkus behind him, blubbering.

Sierra shuddered himself. Cold season in the Mysterious Beyond was torture. He wouldn't have to put up with this, not if he'd never dealt with those brats...


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  • The Gang of Five
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Good start!  Looking forward to the rest.


  • Jedi Knight
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  • Ducky
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This is off to a great start! I like it!


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  • Littlefoot
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Hehe, the beginning was awesome! :lol Your story is making me want to write in my story which has been on hiatus for a looooooooooooooooooooong time.


  • General of the Great Valley
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I like this. Nice start.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Chomper
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Thank you for all the comments! I have the next segment up, too.


Rinkus and Sierra glided over a frozen river.

Sierra tilted and began to descend, but Rinkus shook his head. "Come with me first." Sierra followed him as he flew down along the river.

They stopped at the very end, where the river flowed into the opening of a cave. Or, used to flow. An earthshake had struck not long before the cold season started. During the disaster, Rinkus and Sierra flew high above the Mysterious Beyond, safe. They watched the land dinosaurs run and roll, collapsing on top of each other in a frenzy to find safety. Several sharpteeth ran into the cave at the river's end, both voluntarily and by being rolled inside in a helpless heap.Then chunks of cliff broke off, piling down at the cave's mouth, blocking it. Rinkus commented that there were at least a dozen fewer sharpteeth to worry about. Sierra found it amusing.

Now the two flyers were returning to the cave to carry out Rinkus' plan. Rinkus landed, picked up his tail, and began to waddle through the snow, toward the cave. Sierra hovered a moment, letting out a long grumble as he eyed the snow. He reluctantly planted his feet down.

Icy mush shot up his leg. Sierra curled his beak. He hated the cold. He hoped whatever Rinkus would do would be quick.

His friend had taken a step on the ice. Rinkus slipped. He was divided with one foot still on snow; his legs stretched farther and farther until he flipped over backwards. "Ow!" he spun on the ice, sliding into the pile of rocks blocking the cave.

Sierra had his wings over himself to keep from freezing. "Can you pick up the pace?" Condensed breath seeped out from between his clenched beak.

"Oh yes, hold on." Rinkus put his hands on the rocks and heaved himself up. "I'm going to need your help." Sierra lit, glad to get off the snow.

Rinkus had hopped up the rock pile. He picked meticulously through some small boulders, apparently looking for just the right one. When he found it, he rubbed his hands together, grabbed it and pulled. Slowly, slowly the boulder unwedged from the others. Right as it popped out, the one above it crashed down, filling the gap. Rinkus yiped, yanking his tail back.

Above him, Sierra let out impatient grumble. He liked Rinkus; in fact he was the only other dinosaur Sierra liked, but he was too bumbling.

When Rinkus saw there wasn't going to be a rockslide, he picked up the boulder he rolled out and cradled it up to his chest. "Hold this from under me."

"What?" Sierra said.

"Come on." Rinkus heaved his way up another rock, allowing space for Sierra underneath him. The other flyer glared, then flew over.

"I'll put it on your back," Rinkus started, "and then we fly above the river."

"Hoo boy," Sierra muttered.

He flapped higher, and Rinkus let go of the boulder.

Instantly Sierra was thrown down. He flapped wildly, struggling to stay in the air. "This is your plan?"

Rinkus seemed to be surprised that Sierra hadn't fallen. "I've got you," he said, securing his feet around the boulder.

The next few minutes slogged. Rinkus and Sierra ascended, but slowly, and very agonizingly. Rinkus had to hold the rock on Sierra...and Sierra, he was huffing and puffing, straining against the weight pulling him down. He felt like his spine was breaking.

Between all the strangled grunts Sierra said, "Are...we...ungh...high enough yet?"

"Yes, yes!" Rinkus rasped, sounding excited. Like a hatchling grabbing for tree sweets, he lurched over and took hold of the boulder. Sierra sped out from under it, and Rinkus let it drop, sending in plummeting down on the river.

They heard a loud, tinkly crack, saw the ice kaleidoscoping. Hardly a moment later it gave, caving in.

Seeing the boulder fall through and throw up a wave of water cracked a rare smile from Sierra. "Aah." He and Rinkus dived down.

The sound of flowing water raised Sierra's spirits. He hit ground and bent on all fours, barely noticing the snow melting around his hands. He stuck his beak through the hole in the river, slurping up water. Very icy, but fresh and invigorating.

Rinkus landed beside him, assuming the same position. For a moment they drank, gracious to have something fresh at last.

A fish darted by. Too slow for Sierra. The cearadactylus snapped it up in an instant. Tilting his head back to wriggle the fish down his throat, he afterwards said, "Good plan. At least," he began, darkening, "better than what those brats could think of."

"Oh, please don't think about them." Rinkus pulled up, wiping his beak. He stood up, dangled his tail nervously, then asked, "Up for another go?"

"Not on your life!" Sierra yelled, making Rinkus fall on his back. "I nearly broke my back carrying out your little plan. If you want to do it again, do it on your own."

Rinkus tilted his head at Sierra. After a moment he pushed himself back to a stand. "All right then." Rinkus headed back to the rock pile. It took awhile. Short, fat and hunched, the pink rhamphorynchus was not as physically fit as Sierra.

Rinkus jumped on the rocks, searching for a good one. Far off, Sierra saw him freeze.

"I think I heard something," he said.

"Inside the cave?" Sierra asked.


"That's impossible." Sierra flew to the rocks, landing next to Rinkus. "That old earthshake happened a long--"

"Shhh!" Rinkus pressed his ear against the rocks. Sierra waited.

Small scratching noises came from inside the cave, and then, low growling noises.

Rinkus and Sierra spread their wings and fled.


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  • Ducky
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Oh wow, fascinating :)
I like it so far! Makes me want to start on a fic. Keep it up!


  • Chomper
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Oh wow. I realized I haven't updated in over a month. Sorry about that. It's not that I've forgotten or am discontinuing this fanfiction; I've been doing a lot of schoolwork lately and I've also been grabbed by the accursed WRITER'S BLOCK.

I'm not sure when I will get the next segment up, but I just wanted to tell you all that I haven't forgotten this fanfic. Thanks for your continued interest.


  • Banana Egg
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  • Cera
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great fan-fic!!!



  • Chomper
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Great Job On Making The Story. I Think It's Great.