The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

My School Musical - Titanic


  • Cera
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Well I haven't updated on the musical in a while, so I figured I should. Rehersals have gone into high gear now. Since the begining of March, we go three nights a week three hours a night. It is very tiring, but it is well worth every moment of it! Unfortunately for me, none of my characters survive. My director made some changes and even though Boxhall survives in real life, I get knocked off in the show. Yay me :lol:

We finally started singing with the full pit orchestra, and I gotta say it is unbelievable! This music is extremely hard, both for the chorus and the pit. We are both doing a great job with it, and I'm really excited for us. It's so much more fun when we sing with more than a piano, especially when our choir director likes to complain about banging the keys on the piano too hard :rolleyes:

This show is VERY VERY tiring, and I don't think I've had to work this hard in any of my four years in drama guild. Thank god we have off from practice during spring break, because I need to rest a lot! Again, I definitely will try to upload pictures from the show if I can, and maybe I will record one of the songs for you guys if I can find a good one.

That's all for now :DD


  • Cera
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Almost a month has gone by since my last update, so here's another one.

This week is the last week of rehearsals, because opening night is THIS FRIDAY :D  I am so excited and I can't wait to start because we've put so much work into this production and it is going to be AMAZING! We actually have a ship deck that tilts to emulate the ship sinking which looks COOL!

I know I said I would record some of the songs for you guys, but because I can't find instrumentals of the songs I don't find that possible. Sorry if you were looking forward to it. However, if I am able to, I WILL be posting some pictures from the show for all to see :blink:


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  • Littlefoot
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Okay awesome.

Can't you get anyone to record something with a videocamera or something ? :D Anyway, pics are fine too :) Have fun friday!! :D


  • Cera
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Well, opening night was tonight, and WE DID AWESOME! We sold out EVERY SINGLE seat in the auditorium which was a first for us and it felt so good! We are all so excited to continue tomorrow night!

To answer your question Mumbling, people aren't allowed to bring in cameras/ video cameras to the show because the flash can disrupt the actors. Howeverm our school is videotaping us with non flash cameras, so once those come out I can post links to those videos.


  • Cera
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Well, it was a very emotional weekend, but Titanic is officially over :(  We sold out both Friday and Saturday night, so it was a great weekend to go out on. Unfortunately, Saturday brought the last high school show for seniors, including myself. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, and I failed miserably :rolleyes: . All of the seniors were so sad that this was our last show, but I think the emotion made it our best show in all four years of Drama Guild.

We have a ceremony on closing night where each senior gets a parent/staff member to personally thank in front of everybody. Lucky me, I got my choir teacher. There was no way I could keep myself from crying during my speach because it's because of her that I am the singer I am today. She pushed me to my highest limit, and she believed in me every step of the way. I could and can never repay her for that. :(

Anyway, the seniors all got together and we hugged and cried some more, but it was this passion that helped make closing night the best night we had ever had. I am so proud of our school's accomplishment, but I am very sad that I will no longer be a part of the Drama Guild productions.


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  • The Gang of Five
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well, you could go on to perform on stage in college. I continued singing in college ansd got to be pretty good at it..
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