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rosie · 6 · 1106


  • Chomper
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Most sharpteeth just spit,slobber, grunt and growl.It is considered a tongue and sometimes not real language?  :huh: Flat teeth actually developed speech and sentences. Could sharpteeth tongue be more advanced than flat teeth? Flatteeth are more lingustic learners while sharpteeth could more logicistic learners.  :nyah Maybe their language isn't based on words but on numbers. The computer's computer is based on only two digits, 0 and 1. This could mean they could have music since they have rhythm.  :p


  • General of the Great Valley
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It is canon that Sharpteeth do have a language.

In LBT 5: The Mysterious Island, Chomper's parents are clearly depicted as having a language. There is no reason to suggest why the other Sharpteeth don't have a language. As for why they didn't translate the other Sharptooth's words... I'm pretty sure that what he said was not appropriate for a "G" rating.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • The Circle
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The only time that I can recall when their language is translated besides in 5 wish Chomper talking to his parents or them talking amongst themselves is in the tv episode Escape from the Mysterious Beyond when Chomper & Thud are talking.  As to why they do not translate all the sharpteeth talking, they likely to not see the need and it would be extra work & in some, or many situations the sharpteeth may not be speaking in a g rated manner.  Have you heard how filthy some humans talk even in casual conversations to each other, some sharpteeth may be the same.


  • Spike
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I assume each dinosaur species has its own language, we are just seeing the leaf-eater POV. Probably, to Chomper's parents, the GOF sounded like...the way Spike heard them in the TV series.


  • The Circle
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It appears though that the living conditions have a major impact on whether or not a species develops an own language. With sharpteeth and leafeaters being mostly separated by the laws of nature it sort of makes sense for them to develop independent languages and I think it would be likely for their vocabulary to vary. For example "Sharptooth language" may lack terms describing various plants or fruit ("A couple of those, a couple of these, things from the bushes and things from the trees...") while I could imagine "herbivore language" to be less specific about terms referring to meat (though one might hold "Friends for Dinner" and Cera's bloody, medium, or well done remark (a differentiation which is not likely to be "officially" part of Sharptooth language either) against me here" :lol).
On the other hand I do not think that various kinds of leafeaters speak different languages generally. Even the migrating herds or farwalkers never showed so much as a specific accent or anything. LBT 7, 8 and other movies or episodes go to show that Spike's being mute is his specific disability rather than something that affects his whole species.
The third type of language we encounter in LBT is that of Mo and his kind which seems to be specific to water creatures but is also understood and appreciated by insects like swarming leaf-gobblers (a fact which is significant also for the fact that insects are not quite so unconscious, "soulless" creatures in LBT as one might think in the scenes where they stick out mainly for being "spicy" :p).


  • The Circle
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It seems all the flat teeth have their own language and the sharpteeth theirs, and Mo's kind have their language, instead of each dino species having their own language.   It may only sound like grunts, hisses and not like they could have many words in a language consisting of that, but likely the folks who did the grunts and such were not doing a true language and it may not sound like one to another not use to that.  Look at some folks who do speak a whistle language on earth, or the one with clicks in it, those may sound like you can't have a language of just whistles but there is one, and one may doubt a language that has clicks in it could have some words that are clicks but if you told that the folks who know one of those languages they may look at you like you are not very smart.