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James Cameron's Avatar

jedi472 · 15 · 1560


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Now this looks interesting! I personally can't wait to see this. From what I've heard, it's been in production for quite a while now, and the detail in what's been released shows. It's due sometime in December.

Here's the trailer:


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Wow. Looks like trash. Of course, what else could I expect from an egomaniac of a director who has been out of the business since 1997.
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Why do you say that, WeirdRaptor? (The stuff about the movie. I know Cameron has a reputation)


  • Yet another wordsmith
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    • View Profile not Avatar,I'm not a fan of the cartoon but I've watched it enough to knoe that James Cameron dosen't know that Avatar isn't like Terminator or Aliens.



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Dude, this isn't the last airbender. Just because the title uses the word Avatar doesn't mean it's the same thing. Besides, there's already a live-action Avatar film in production.


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I noticed, it looks good although those mutants look a bit too over-the-top ,but considering its James Cameron who's directing it,it might be worth it.



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What, the blue cat-people? Yeah, they are a bit hard on the eyes in some shots, especially in the lab, but I still think they look awesome.


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I honestly can't wait for this, if only for the amazing visuals. Still, it's a long time away (December 18).


  • Cera
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I think it looks bad because it looks cliche and trite, just like the rest of Cameron's work. I have yet to see a film of his outside of the Terminators and True Lies that I liked. Plus, he sued the guys who are making the Last AirBender film for having "Avatar" in their title and he made them change it. What a prick.

I refuse to support anything he makes by giving it money.
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Ok, Cameron's a hothead, but I still enjoy his works. Besides, cliches aren't necessarily a bad thing, as long as they are presented in a new and interesting way.


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No, cliches are a bad thing. A cliche is an old idea that has been used so many times before that it no longer has any meaning. A trope, however, is a flexible commonly used story-telling tool that can be made interesting with a new spin. Cameron employs cliches, not tropes.

His works are unoriginal and he pushes morals to anvilivious levels, upping the sappy factor ten fold all the while turning his films into individual soap boxes for him to preach at us with.
Terminator was only good because of Arnold. Thankfully, because he had no creative power, he was not able to turn into a ratn against automated industry like I can tell he wanted to.
Aliens was far inferior to Ridley Scott's original. While Scott just used the idea of a greedy company for dramatic license, Cameron got preachy about it.

The Abyss was just an insulting preach-fest on par with Captain Planet about how humans are supposedly ruining the earth just be existing.

Terminator 2 was again only good for Arnold and the cool liquid-metal man. Also had a heavy-handed fantastic aesop about responsibility or some crap like that. Yeah, I'd rather take my responsibility morality lessons from Spider-Man, thank you.

True Lies. Again, Arnold.

Titanic. A travesty to the tragedy almost as bad as Titanic: The Animated Musical.

Upcoming Avatar. Will be no different, and since Arnold has left show business...

I also don't care if he's a hot head. He had no right to do what he did to the creators of Last AirBender. He's just a douche and I refuse to support anymore of his work for he did to them.
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I really don't care about the whole message thing. I still think the story is interesting, and I found most of Cameron's other films interesting, too. So what if he likes to put messages in his works? It's not like you have to love the work only for it's message. I don't really care about the Terminator's warning against automated industry. I just love the action and suspense, plus the time-travel was pretty cool (although 3 and 4 just made it confusing as hell).

Titanic wasn't THAT bad. It's not the best film in the world, but it certainly didn't suck too much.

I'm not trying to persuade you, WR. I'm just stating my reasons. I realize we are different people. I guess I just don't care as much as you.

Don't take that the wrong way. I LOVE movies, obsess over them even, but I guess at the end of the day I tend to ignore bad things more than I focus on them.

As for Cameron, I've never really met the man, so I can't truly judge. Yeah, he was a douche, but I'm not gonna let him spoil a (possibly) cool movie for me. That's like not watching Braveheart because of Mel Gibson. You're just letting one man ruin a collaborative effort. Besides, Cameron'll ruin himself if he's truly bad. Look at Mel now. I saw him on Leno, and he looked like a crack dealer fresh off the street.


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I probably should have explained that I don't like to be preached at by movies, especially featuring former body builders and a sex scene. I also especially dislike messages as blatant as Cameron makes them.
Like when he made the alien at the end of the Abyss into his own personal author avatar about how mankind is destroying the planet and killing the aliens as a side effect of that. Well, excuse me for existing Cameron. This is why I hate Captain Planet, FernGully, and most politcal movies. Anvilicious Aesops! No subtlty, ever!

I won't argue the Titanic thing, although I hate that film with an enpassioned loathing.

I suppose you have a point about not knowing the man, but I have thing about not supporting the works of people I thoroughly dislike, like Tom Cruise.  I can't abide the things they do in real life and will not aid their lifestyles by giving them money.
As for Mel Gibson, Brave Heart happened before the man started falling apart at the seams, so I can see that one without any trouble. Kind of like how I'm willing to pay for and watch Top Gun and Legend. Those were from before Cruise was a grade A douche and a total nutjob.

I, unfortunately, cannot ignore either side of the equation when it comes to fiction. I've been trying to break into the book industry as an author while learning as much about the tricks and techniques of creating works for far too long not to recognize something when I see it on any screen or a page.
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I've been trying to get a few of my own articles and short stories published as well, with little sucess. I have to agree that it does suck when Hollywood works that are worse than what you yourself could have accomplished make millions.

Yeah, Cameron's got a pretty bad rep, but I still will pay for the film. Besides, think of all the other people who worked on the film who aren't douches. I don't wanna screw them over. And his preachiness does suck, but I'm not sure it's entirely irrelevent to the present day's problems. Still, I'm not sure he's helping by shoving it in people's faces so much it pisses them off.


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Getting published sucks, doesn't it? Publishers won't accept things from people who have nothing published on their resumes. So to get published, you have to get published. Its wonder anyone bothers to write books these days.

Yeah...seeing someone who can't do their job worth a darn get millions while I can't get a local newspaper to look at my stuff is frustrating. I'm not a great writer, but I don't think I suck, either. I'm sure that if I can just published, that my works would turn in a buck.

I guess thinking of everyone else on the project is a good consideration, too, though they only get net pay most of the time.
Its true that the topics Cameron preaches are not irrelevent, but its way he does it, like we've just said. What's worse is that these weird soap boxes will suddenly come in at the oddest of moments when you weren't expecting in Abyss. It just about floored me when the alien started in with that, and that was before it registered just how much in bad taste that was.

Now, I can understand his concern over automated industry, though(and thankfully, the studio made him keep the message down to more minimal level), because it takes the human element out of the picture. I've had similar feelings, like when a local train railroad shipping companies at the town where I used to live replaced human engine car operators with A.I.'s in the trains. THey didn't have anyone in the engine car with controls anymore. I was scared stiff to cross railraod tracks in that town and in the surrounding areas after that because I was sure that the A.I.'s would malfunction and tragedy would strike.

Unfortunately, I was right, and I will spare you the grim details of an accident in which the A.I. on one of the trains DID fail on a bridge that has to open to let barges pass through it...
...While the train was carrying explosive and flammable materials....

The point being, at the end of all of this, is that if a message, outside of one in a children's film, must be presented, moderation and subtly should be employed, but have it just obvious enough that the audience picks up that the theme is even there. Its a fine line, but when its played right by the film I'm watching, I actually feel like my brain has been stimulated because I actually had to think in order "get it" which led to me thinking more about the issue and coming to deeper conclusions that I did before, and that my intelligence was respected by the filmmakers.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf