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Living from paycheck to parcheck sucks.


  • Cera
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I live from paycheck to paycheck without additional financial funding now that I'm out of college. I get paid every two weeks. Lasy Friday, between bills, taxes, paying back money owed, and a huge grocery shopping spree due to being in desparate need of them, I wiped myself out financially. I don't get paid until this Friday. That's right. No money AT ALL. None for gas or anything else imaginable. Good thing I took care of my bank debts, bills and food... So, anyway, until then, it's me, my meager cooking skills, my staying at home at all time when I'm not at work putting in overtime at every chance this week, public transportation and carpooling to save my gas, and suffer caffeine withdrawal. I didn't even waste the money, either. It's just that I had a bad luck in the draw in hat things just seemed to pop up that costed me this week. The sad thing? This is the third time this has happened to me...this year so far.

The moral of this story: yeah, if it happens again, I'm putting in for a promotion and a raise.

Yeah, I know there was no point to this rant, but I felt the need to let it out wthout directly bothering anyone.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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If you've just come out of college mate then you've gotta expect this for a while. It's not like you had a vault full of cash to fall back on once you finished. The first couple of years or so will be a financial strain coz you're pretty much at breaking point in terms of what you can afford. I was the same once I finished university. I had to hold down 2 jobs for a while just so that the main job paid for the bills, food etc, and the 2nd job gave me just enough to save away and/or use as disposible income. It's tough man for sure, it's no joyride as you probably know. It took me the best part of 3 years to crawl out of my overdraft and back into the black. Opportunities to save will come but right now living from hand to mouth is all you can do. It's not pleasant but it's the only course of action right now. Try and remain patient with yourself.


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It's tough losing all your money, I know someone else in the same boat as you.

I don't earn a lot with my side job either, then again I do not have to pay my own bills yet next to my cell phone bill, which isn't very high.
I hope you can get out of trouble soon!

Paradise Bird

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I have a side job of selling postcards that I make and I just sell around. Apart from that people pay me to get into fights with people.


  • Ducky
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I feel somewhat guilty, in that I come from a well-off family so I can't really comment on this.  An important thing to remember is that 90% of the time you won't become rich by working for someone else.  The work you do on a weekly basis contributes more to the pockets of your bosses then to your own.

Cancerian Tiger

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I'm a college student, so I know first-hand how much it sucks to seem broke constantly despite working my rear off.  I have a rather difficult but fulfilling job: caring for the elderly.  Nurses aides are, in my opinion, very underpaid for their hard work.  Still, it pays better than flipping burgers, so I've stuck with my job.  I am blessed that I've been allowed to live at home for this long, and I've promised that as soon as I graduate (August) and prepare to begin grad school, I will look for my first place.  Living at home has saved me from having to use student loans, so only using them for grad school won't be so bad ;).  

I've got another problem, though.  I have just about paid off my truck ($500 remaining), and it feels so good to have that monkey off my back.  However, it is unreliable and has had multiple major breakdowns within the last three years.  I paid around $10,000 for the truck, and I have paid at least half of that amount in repairs since getting the vehicle :bang.  It's just one damn thing after another.  On top of that, it's a gas-guzzler (seventeen miles per gallon :crazy).  I'm really considering trading it in soon and getting a vehicle with a better fuel efficiency, and this time, if it's a used vehicle, I will run a Carfax report on it to find out if anything has ever happened to it :bang.

It really sucks to be so broke that I can't even purchase a banana without pondering if it's necessary :slap.


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This is one of the reasons I'm so glad that I'm able to work for myself.  Even if you get a college education and land a great job, you still won't be making a decent living!  $24,000 a year for a job that REQUIRES college education!  I'd rather work double shifts at McDonalds.

Of course, working for yourself sucks in many ways too.  It's hard to stay motivated and your work isn't reliable.  I've only made $117 (profit) in the past three days!  But it's the slow times now and it's near the end of the month.  Things really pick up at the beginning of the month.  And it's not like I haven't been getting calls and appointments.  They just haven't shown up.  At least 65% of first-time clients that make an appointment don't show up. :anger They don't even call and cancel!  I've just been really unfortunate these past three days.  I can typically make anywhere from $300-$500 a day when not in school.  When I'm in school however, I'm really lucky to make $200 a day.  

I've also been cursed with lack of motivation this past week.  I just can't seem to get anything done.  It took me almost a week and a half to wipe out 48 computers.  That's despicable!  But despite all the pitfalls and inconveniences of working for yourself, I'd take that over working for some b******* that takes all your profits and pays you dirt.  :anger


  • Cera
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I'm a bit away from being prepared to work for myself, but I'm trying to work in that direction. Anyway, thank you all for the support.
This week I'm putting in for a second job for the time pizzas. Oh, how I look forward to opening my own publishing company.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Oh, how I look forward to opening my own publishing company.

I'll look ya up when you do. :) I've been wanting to write a book for some time now....more for the pleasure of it than any financial gains.


  • Hatchling
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Are you still in college WR or did you graduate?  I know life's a bitch to have to live with so little.  I lucked out with my job so my education paid off instantly, and for a while I was going to be in some serious debt (and still am...owe the state $20,000 in loans and my bank about $10,000) if I didn't get a job.

Hope you can work your way out of this at least you have SOME money and you don't have to rely on lady luck to make it through the rest of the week. ;)


  • The Circle
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Good luck.  I do hope your life pulls together enough soon for you to not live paycheck to paycheck.  I'm sure you know about living on a budget, even if you are rich, it helps.  Since that is how many folks get into financial trouble.


  • Cera
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I'm out of college at the moment, but I still hope for that Master's Degree...someday.

Thank you, Petrie. It would seem most people are here were or are dead broke while still in college or once they got out. It's nice to see I'm not alone in my struggle. Er, I don't mean that in a "misery loves company" kind of way, if that's how it came out. I'm just thankful for the understanding and reassurance from one and all.

Actually, I'm not in debt anymore. I should have explained this better, but the reason I'm wiped out this paycheck is because I finished off my bank debt this last payment. Then the tax and the bill collectors stepped in, and my little run to Hy-Vee finished me off. Then in two more days, I get paid, and only get taxes deducted. Then I make a light run to Aldi's (it's telling when Hy-Vee is too expensive) to replace whatever food I ate, fill the tank of the piece of crap I call my car, and then save whatever's left, then pay next's months with said savings and try to hold out the following week and a half after that.
And I wanted to grow up so fast when I was little why again...?

And to think, the only frivolous thing I've spent money on between last Sept. and now was a game that costed less than ten bucks.

By the way, I got the pizza delivery job. I am now going to work twelve hours a day: eight hours at my job at the Tourist Center, where I rotate between tech support and tour guiding from 10 A.M. to 6 P. M., plus four hours in my own vehicle drastic raising oil changes and hoping I brought my CDs from 6:30 P.M. to 10:30 P. M. So why am I still up? Insomnia. Pure and simple.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Congratulations on getting a job, hope it works out for you Weirdraptor!


  • Cera
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Thanks. I start delivering tonight.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf