The Gang of Five
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(of the flyer trio) what species would you be?

Jrd89 · 3 · 1043


  • Petrie
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I thought up a poll here. (I've had one long, tiring weekend) I worked 10 hours yesterday... got about  4-5 hours of sleep... then worked for 8 hours more today...

Now I got the next 2 days off. What a relief!

Back to a poll (just for fun):

of the flyer Trio.. if you could be a flyer, what species would you be?

pteranodon, rhamphorhynchus, or cearadactylus..

as a pteranodon: (like Pterano), you get a big crest, no teeth, and a very short tail

as a rhamphorhynchus (like Rinkus) you have no crest, you do have teeth, and a very long tail.

as a cearadactylus (like Sierra) you have no crest, you do have teeth, and a very short tail.

**in all cases**: you can fly, have a long beak, a tail and giant wings and claws.

(I'm gonna guess) pteranodon will win this poll.

If you pick cearadactylus.. I hope you'd be a very nice one and not a nasty, mean one like Sierra.

(BTW.. i'm still having trouble accepting Sierra. He's just so mean and nasty..)


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Ehhh what poll? :p

Anyway...I would like to be a Pteranodon. :3

You don't "have" to accept Sierra, it's just a matter of letting people like what they like. You like Pterano, Rinkus and Petrie, but someone doesn't have to like them, they are fictional characters. I personally love Sierra as well as Rinkus, Pterano, and Petrie but that's just me. :)


  • Petrie
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The reason why I don't like Sierra is his nasty nasty, mean, attitude. He's self-centered and totally careless of anyone else but himself. If he and I ever saw each other. He'd probably figure a plot to kill me.

(I have nothing against the pterosaur (Cearadactylus) itself, though.

Now my funny, silly, cockney-accented pink buddy Rinkus, like you said... I love him. (I've drawn him in my own poses of him. I've drawn him waving hello at me, and i've drawn a big headshot of him from the side looking at me, too.

I like his long tail, (that's my favorite part of him to draw) and I like his, and Pterano's belly colors.

(Sierra is solid brown all over, with no different color for his belly)

I somehow fall asleep faster at night in bed when I think of him.

(you saw my star day drawing of me as a Pteranodon that Ptyra made. Rinkus, Pterano and Petrie are there and Rinkus has a party hat on!  :lol: