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This youtube video I found is a disgrace

Jrd89 · 74 · 7975


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For personal and better reason I'm going to stop responding. This could go on forever, which is why I sometimes pick what I submit carefully.


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It wasn't my intention fight. I had hoped to try to avoid a fight by saying "I apologize if I offended anyone" in my initial post. I wasn't trying to attack anyone. I was just trying to explain why I felt Campion1's post was unfair. I did not mean hostility towards him, and I admit I am surprised that he thinks I was being hostile towards him.

Anyway I'm not really interested in fighting. So that's all I'll say for now.

Edit: I posted this without noticing Campion1's post. I apologize.


  • Cera
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I think this discussion is getting quite off topic. I would advise any more comments like the last few be taken to PM's to avoid a full out battle on the forum.

I've watched the clip and I do agree that it is quite a juvenile thing to put in a children show. However, I do have to agree with Campion1's comment that children will just about like anything. They pretty much laugh at everything, and unfortunately it's material like the one in the clip that they find the most funny. However, while the show is nothing compared to the shows most of us grew up with, it's not a terrible show. There are worse shows out there than this one. I agree, the characters are cute. They actually remind me a lot of the LBT characters.


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Personally I don't feel it was all that juvenile. I have seen the full episode and I feel they handled it well and maturely. Also, it wasn't done out of humor. They didn't do it simply to get a laugh. It was more educational. I don't see what's so bad about teaching kids about that stuff.

And to point out, Dinosaur Train is not the only children's series to have an episode devoted to "relieving oneself". Rugrats had some episodes like that too. Yes they were talking about peeing rather than pooping, still it's the same concept.


  • Petrie
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I do agree. there are shows out there worse than dinosaur train. It's just that I, Jared the flyer-addicted guy, (who is 21, and who has dreams at night about talking or having fun with Rinkus or Petrie or Pterano) didn't mean to write something that would start a forum fight. :(

Once again, I'm sorry.  Please stop arguing and fighting. :(


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I guess since I haven't seen the entire episode I can't really judge it. I think it was easier for Rugrats to get away with it was because all the characters were human babies and that was a natural part of growing up. I'm not saying that dinosaurs never did the same thing, but I guess people are surprised that in a show about dinosaurs, they mention something like that.

I don't know, but it doesn't really matter now. They did it, and we can't do anything about it. I'm glad the fighting has stopped.


  • Petrie
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This is my face after finding it... :blink:  :huh:   That is a kids show? Where is Elmo? Why won't they teach kids their ABC's? I don't mind crazy stuff that is somewhat similar to Family Guy or Robot Chicken but this is just :crazy


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Quote from: oogaboo,Oct 2 2010 on  06:48 AM
Why won't they teach kids their ABC's?
There's an episode where they get to learn dinosaur ABC's. the form of a song. :p


  • Ducky
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You know what? I think kids movies today are an absolute disgrace!! I mean, all these fart and doody jokes and pop culture references. could get the idea that farts are...funny. That's not funny!! That's disgusting!! Farts are not funny and totally not natural!

When I was a kid, I would watch LBT, Balto, Goofy Movie, American Tail. Good movies with good messages for kids! Not this...Alpha and Omega and Shrek BS we get nowadays. Shrek? Ha, it should be called "Dreck". Why would any kid like a movie about a smartass ogre? Shrek should be teaching kids their ABCs and 123s, not making them laugh! AAAAAAGGGUHGUGHGUGHGUGH!!!

Speaking of Alpha and Omega, it's a total disgrace to Balto! I mean, they're both about wolves so obviously they're very much alike! That's why it's such a disgrace! Kids should watch and like Balto, not Alpha and Omega. Why? 'Cause I said so! A kids movie about wolves needing to utterly vulgar!


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I'll just make the comment that this show wasn't TERRIBLE. I mean I didn't like it, but the songs are actually pretty cool. I personally prefer the show Backyardigans  :p


  • Ducky
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This is just an insanely childish topic and I agree with DarkHououmon that it needs to be closed. The way you guys are acting towards this show, you'd think its characters jumped out of your TV and beat up your mom.

I haven't seen anyone provide any real criticism for this show. I've just seen very infantile bashing towards a show that did nothing to deserve it. Don't like Dinosaur Train? Fine, but quite clearly, a lot of kids/parents DO like this show. From what I've heard, it's gotten very good reception, and besides, this show wouldn't have gone on for what, 40 episodes now, if it wasn't well liked.

Now of course there are kids shows/movies I don't like, but I can at least provide reasons as to why I don't like them. I can't stand most Dreamworks movies but that doesn't mean they stop making movies because one guy on the Internet doesn't like their work.

This topic needs to be closed. Simple as that. I think this is nothing more than flaming a show for no real reason whatsoever.


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It appears that upon request this topic has in fact been closed. It's a step which I personally am not particularly fond of. I really think people should be able to get a grip and learn to agree to disagree without disrespecting the opinions of others in doing so. I cannot really say anything on the series dinosaur train having not seen it so far (though I may watch it one of these days), but it does strike me as kind of odd that some people may on the one hand express their support for the free use of profanity in one thread while seeming to have kind of moral qualms about the mention of poop in a kid's show in another. I think there is kind of a double standard there. Personally I think it might be a good idea to reopen this thread in some days. Perhaps tempers will calm down to a level where an exchange of thoughts is possible without anyone ending up offending or being offended.