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Death and Burial in the LBT community....

Saft · 4 · 1251


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Well this is indeed a ''morbid'' topic, which I do apologise for, but as I've just finished reading Death and Burial in ancient Rome for another essay (and taking a break before further reading), it got me thinking how death is dealt with in LBT.  
Whilst, i do indeed realise that actual dinosaurs did not host burials or mourn their dead, mostly like today on studying certain animals (barring elephants and certain apes such as bonnobos (spelling check?), they'd probably would be left to be scavenged and decompose that way...however, LBT is a different world.  Not only is LBT a cartoon but the dinosaur community personifies human characteristics and as human characteristics, burial rituals can be defined as such.. (if that makes sense?)

Well, anyway it'll be interesting in seeing responses to this.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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I would guess that there were not burials in The Land Before Time. Littlefoot’s grandmother spoke of the circle of life in the fourth movie. The circle of life was also spoken about in The Lion King. The Lion King however went into further detail. I haven’t seen it in a few years, but Simba and Mufasa said something like, “When our bodies die, they become the grass, and the antelope eat in the grass.” “But don’t we eat the antelope?” “Yes, and this means that we are all a part, of the circle of life.” I’m sure that’s pretty close.

Anyway, the Lion King characters were personified as well. So being as that they let the dead return to the earth, I would guess the dinosaurs would do the same thing. Everything moves in a cycle. I don’t think an Apatosaurus for example would be able to dig much with all feet. I think that the dead are left to decompose into the ground, though probably moved away if near a nesting area. I do believe though that dinosaurs mourn death. It is very painful to lose one you hold dear. But as for the dead body, I believe they are left to go back to the soil.

certain apes such as bonnobos (spelling check?)
Bonobo, plural being bonobos. You were close, just one n.


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At most they may pile rocks around and perhaps on the person also.  They'd morn then and likely have to stay far away from that area for quite a while.

Though I assume the folks who live in the great valley may normally move around somewhat, instead of living all in 1 place all the time.


  • Ducky
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Yes, obviously a long neck would be able to dig a trench and lower a body of their loved one down....  I didn't mean it like that.  I know that they are animals, even if they are cartoons and thus have human qualities but they are limited.  

From observance of elephants for example who are large animals; when a member of their herd dies, they have been observed to bury the deceased with rocks or branches (mainly branches).

Whilst offtopic; I know what the TLK says.  I've watched it so many times that I don't have to watch the film to know the words:

-But dad, don't we eat the antelope?
-Yes simba, but let me explain, when we die our bodies become the grass and the antelope eats the grass...and so we are all connected in the great circle of life''..

By Mufasa's words, that does not mean to imply that when the lions die then that is it.  Same with Grandma longneck's words about the ''Great circle of life'', doesn't imply that they don't do anything about it...

When we die, we are placed in a casket...we rot, casket rots...we still go to the grass and give back to the that, it doesn't mean that we don't mourn and bury our dead in a way that we just leave our dead to decompose.

Thing is, in the fandom area (which I base it on two fandoms: TLK and LBT), it's all speculation and theory, there can be no right or wrong as it has not been clearly stated this is what happens.