The Gang of Five
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Signs of the Gang Growing Up


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I know that the size of the gang has not increased but does that mean that their maturity and word comprehention has not increased either?  I think that they get more and more mature with each sequal.  In LBT 2, Ducky didn't even know what the word "Influence" meant.  In LBT 7, Cera knew what the word "Hospitable" meant though.  But there are still some examples of immaturity in LBT 7.  Littlefoot didn't know what Petrie's uncle said when he said "They simply had no vision".  He translated it into "The grownups couldn't see very well" with a bewildered expression on his face.  In LBT 12, they didn't know what the whole intro conversation with Guido meant when he was talking to Mr. Threehorn.  Of course, that wasn't really word comprehention.  Littlefoot didn't know what "dignity" was in LBT 8.  Is the gang's maturity increasing with every sequal at equivalent intervals or is the maturtiy level simply randomly fluctuating?  What do you think?


  • Chomper
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if they in fact grow up from one movie to the next, they do very slowly.
all of them constantly gain experience from every adventure.

in fact, something makes me think, the movies are chronologically very close, so the 13 of them include a time of...maybe 3 years of their lives -- maybe even less, because of the less appearance of snow.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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They use big words occasionally in the songs, though usually because it's the best word available that rhymes with something else.


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Talk about reviving an old topic.  I don't even remember making this.  Oh well.  I don't expect this topic to fly, but who knows.  There were only around 120 members when I made this topic.  There's tons more now.


  • The Circle
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I ignore the words and such they use in songs since they do use some words that they don't use elsewhere in the movies.


  • Chomper
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Chomper lose a tooth.For him, that is a sign of losing a baby tooth for a bigger tooth.


  • Ducky
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I also think Chomper got bigger since the first movie. Wasn't he around the same size as Ducky and Petrie when he first appeared?


  • Ruby
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More obviously, he can talk now, and not just in roars like his parents.  Clever little guy, isn't he?


  • The Circle
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^ Aye.
But if it comes to size he outgrew Ducky even in LBT 2. We have seen another case of rapid growth. Remember the first minutes in Spike's life?


  • Chomper
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Remember the first minutes in Spike's life?
oh yes, i do *chuckles*

as for chomper...he really does grow up. first (after hatching) there's nothing but instincts. then he walks and eventually speaks.
but he doesn't seem to grow up further at a certain point. maybe around the same level of the rest of the gang?


  • The Circle
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I guess it was either an animation mistake, or some animators   decided they didn't like Chomper's size so decided to make him larger.  & with Spike they may have noticed he was to small to keep up with Littlefoot & Cera, and being a 4 footer it would be hard for him to ride on either of them and he may be to large for them to carry anyway so they may have decided to just make him as large as Littlefoot & Cera so he could easily keep up with them.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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if they in fact grow up from one movie to the next, they do very slowly.
all of them constantly gain experience from every adventure.

I couldn't agree more Shinji-Lee. Everyone else had excellent points as well. I believe that they are definately maturing, as time goes on. A few things I've noticed point toward that notion very strongly. Here's three examples off the top of my head:

Ducky- In The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze, Spike's, well, ways of doing things began to get on Ducky's nerves, which is typical for all siblings eventually. She ended up losing her temper and in the process made Spike feel unwanted. I'm stopping there because I'm proving a point, not summarizing a plot. Then, in the very next movie, The Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big Water, Spike wasn't being careful and knocks her off his back into the mud. Spike looks worried because he remembers from previously that those kind of things annoy his sister. But Ducky has matured because she doesn't get angry and even laughs to show that she really didn't mind.

Cera- In The Land Before Time, Cera has a serious problem admitting whenever she is afraid of something. I mean, she nearly gets a heart attack from seeing a sharptooth then tells the others how brave she was about it. However, in The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island, it shows that she has begun to look past her pride and admit that things do scare her, during the song "Always There."

Littlefoot- In The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses, he does what most kids do when caught doing something wrong: he lied to get out of trouble. Provided he does make things right in the end, but he caused a lot of trouble. But he's learning. In The Hidden Canyon, when Littlefoot and his friends (excluding Chomper) make a mistake by eating too many sweets and allowing sharpteeth in, lying doesn't even cross Littlefoot's mind. In fact, he decides to tell the grown ups what happened right away. If that isn't maturing, well, I'd really like to hear what is.

As you can see, although they are small steps, they are definately being made by the gang more and more as time passes. And whether they realize it or not, they are preparing themselves for a successful future in the process.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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We have seen another case of rapid growth. Remember the first minutes in Spike's life?

oh yes, i do *chuckles*

What's up w/ that?  :blink:  (I have a whole topic titled "Born this way?" dedicated to this "error"---yes, even the original had its flaws.) Oh, and it's sort of off topic but u know who else grew up too fast? Christina Aguilera! Seriously, I hear with her second album she totally took off from bubble-gum pop to, well, mature sexy stuff! This part of the second album review from allmusic cracks me up:

she has an inflated sense of self-importance, defiantly strutting on the "Stripped Intro" that she's "sorry you can't define me/sorry I break the mold." What she's referring to is anybody's guess, since she hasn't exactly defied expectations since her last album -- releasing a Christmas album and a Spanish-language record of your debut ain't exactly breaking the mold: it is the mold.

 :lol:  :lol:

Anywas I got way off topic. The gang hasn't aged a bit over the series. Which is weird cause Chomper grew up faster then the rest (actually he probably grew up slower then Spike. He seems the same age as the rest in the TV series so he must have done a "Spike" and suddenly become the same age as the rest---after 5 of course, in which he still seems a little younger then the rest and consequentialy was extremely annoying and consequentially movie 5 suffered pretty badly but it did for other reasons of course like the Sharpteeth having subtitles and there being way to many shades of yellows and all that and do you think I'm going on too much???!!  :blink: