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Something I read on the wiki...

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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Because Chomper is so young, the film's creators can get away with a bit more violence with him than with other Sharpteeth. Chomper is so far the only Sharptooth allowed to eat on-screen (a dragonfly in this film), and is the only Sharptooth to have directly injured one of the original five (when he bites Cera).

Reading this really frustrates me... :anger Because other Sharpteeth should be allowed to get violent moments,too! These films are seiously holding back what they are really capable of, only allowing the youngest of Sharpteeth to get so much as a bite onscreen.  :anger


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Bruton the Iguanodon

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It sucks. I feel like I'm being kept from seeing what I want. They hate me.  :anger


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They don't hate you. The movies are just geared towards kids. They don't cater to just one person's desire.

There have been times that I disagree with the way a movie or show is portrayed, but I don't feel like the companies are deliberately keeping me from getting what I want. They're a business after all; they don't care about what one person or small group of people think about the decisions they make in their stuff.


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Yeah right, way too little gore in the world to relish upon :rolleyes
Seriously the movies were made for kids which is why you won't see as graphic violence as in case of movies made for adults. The scenes of Littlefoot's mother's fight with the sharptooth and a little blood in the fight of the LBT 5 sharptooth is as much as you get with the land before time.
You don't always need blood though to make a scene severe (especially if one considers bee stings and injury as I might add ;)). Personally I always found the execution of the unconscious sharpteeth by life burial accompanied by the cheers of the characters in LBT 6 something very tough to swallow; especially given the lesson supposedly learned in the preceeding movie.


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If you want to see more violence than what LBT offers, Bruton, there are other movies available that fulfill that, such as the popular Jurassic Park. You cannot expect Land Before Time to have a lot of violence in it, since it is aimed at younger kids. You may want to see violence in LBT, but not everyone feels the same way, and this was never the intent of LBT. Even the first movie, though darker than the other movies, never overdid the violence.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Nonetheless, the way they're allowed to  "get away with a bit more violence with [Chomper] than with other Sharpteeth." feels...unfair to dedicated fans like me.
And how "Chomper is so far the only Sharptooth allowed to eat on-screen (a dragonfly in this film)," ...what the hell? That's degrading to all the way more awesome Sharpteeth, like the Sharptooth of movie 1, Chomper's parents, and the raptors of 3. But in all fairness, I'm not a person who likes a lot of disgusting moments in LBT---13 was a good example of gross stuff that should not be in the films in the future.


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To me, they didn't really get away with more violence with Chomper. Eating a bug and biting Cera's tail with puny teeth isn't what I call really that violent. He's just a baby sharptooth after all. And plus I don't think anyone really cares that a bug is squashed on screen. It's not considered gory I don't think.

And even if you could say that they got away with more violence with Chomper because he's a baby, well that's the point as I already stated. He's a child and can't do a lot of damage. If they allowed a larger sharptooth get away with that, we could have seen a very graphic, as in seeing organs spilling on the ground or at least a pool of blood, from a victim, or maybe the sight of a sharptooth ripping into a bloody carcass. And a kid friendly scene this does not make, at least that's what they would feel.

I don't really think it was unfair that Chomper got to eat on screen or bite a main character on screen since he's just a baby. As I said, it makes sense. Parents aren't likely to complain about it. But had Universal done what you wanted, Bruton, and let other sharpteeth show more violence, there was the chance that Universal would have been sued by disgruntled parents.


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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I created the Wiki, and I want to agree with what Petrie said. For about a year Kor, myself, and a user named Will did our best to keep all of the fan theory, speculation, and blatant lies off of the pages, and we succeeded so long as we remained vigilant. But since then we have all gone separate ways, and I can't vouch for the current admins.

It's hard to keep a wiki clean of any false material, and I'd be willing to bet that loads of the current content has become unreliable. Frankly what Petrie said in this thread is true for anything, not just LBT 14.