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What in LBT disgusts you the most?

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Okay the results are quite funny. :lol
I agreed with just about everyone else and went with the yellowbellies. :x

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  • Cera
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Yes the Yellow bellies where annoying and horrible. So was there dance song that was another horrible disaster.

F-14 Ace

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The yellowbellies, especially Loofah and Doofah.  These two are too stupid to live and yet for some reason natural selection doesn't seem to take it's natural course and rid the gene pool of these two bozos.  Never before have I wanted a pair of animated cartoon characters to die in an extremely horrible fashion more than these two.


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Rob Paulsen played one of those characters. Man he must have been in dying need for money to have done that god awful movie. Sometimes to me it's not worth the money to be asked to do that. And Cuban Goodwin Jr played the other moron. Wow two stupids made for each other. Don't get my wrong I love Robert Paulsen's work but he was in some pretty bad stuff.

Littlefoot Fan 93

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The Yellowbellies. OK folks!  Every day is Yellowbelly season! So grab your rifles,  shotguns etc because it is going to be a blast!  :DD


  • Cera
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Yes every single fan of the series hates the Yellow Bellies. I don't have any other complaint's with the other stuff.

Bruton the Iguanodon

  • Guest's so obvious the yellowbellies would win...never should have puf them in


  • *feels like Pterano*
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You could repost the poll(or another member could repost it, I would, if you're okay with that). And I guess you forgot Dinah and Danah? You/someone else/I could replace the Yellowbellies with the twins :yes
What do you think about that?
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Bruton the Iguanodon

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yeah! i like that idea!

also, i'd take the “animation of 7" off..


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Quote from: Petrie85,Jun 3 2013 on  03:46 AM
Yes every single fan of the series hates the Yellow Bellies. I don't have any other complaint's with the other stuff.
Excuse me Petrie, you can take me off that list. I don't hate the Yellowbellies.
Also, Rob Paulsen did do the voice of a Yellowbelly, but he did not do Doofah - she was voiced by Sandra Oh. Paulsen was a side Yellowbelly.

I honestly can't make a choice. There is nothing that disgusts me about the LBT series (cept the fact that it is discontinued :() true there are some things I feel 'uncomfortable with' or 'dislike', but 'hate' is way too strong a word.

I don't find Tippy annoying or Dinah and Dana - anyone who works with children knows how spontaneous they are and curious they act, and how they jumble up their words, so I don't think it's fair to dislike them.

As for the Yellowbellies, I don't think it's fair either to hate or flog them the way people do, especially on here - look, it was one movie, it's done and over with. Enough with the hating and the ranting. They really weren't that bad. I can tolerate a little good-natured teasing, but for people to just go on and on about 'finding some horrible way to kill these characters off' is pushing it too far.
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  • Cera
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I avoid that movie with a passion. And Cuban Goodwin Jr also did a yellow belly character as well. I felt sorry about that. And I don't like kids but I can deal with them for a certain period of time. I never thought so I always had that kind of feeling towards characters I hated. So I'm not gonna change my mind about me disliking any annoying god awful characters.


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^ No one said you couldn't avoid it - for heaven's sake, if it "gives you pain" PLEASE avoid it. But for people like myself and any others on here that either like or tolerate the Yellowbellies, please refrain from the bashing.
Seriously, you being a Petrie fan, how would you like it if I said something totally insulting about him? How he doesn't belong in the series because of his oddball tendencies? You'd tell me to sod off, to get a life, right? That I didn't know what I was talking about.

Well, same with me. I don't appreciate people hating on characters I find appealing. Just as you say be respectful, follow your own advice and stop bashing, please.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Petrie
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Eh. I haven't seen the Land Before Time 13, but odds are, I wouldn't hate the Yellow Bellies as much as other people seem to. For some reason, I seem to like characters that other people reserve a burning hatred for; for example, I actually like Scrappy Doo.
Now, what disgusts me? Hmm, I was a little disgusted that the gang used Ducky as live bait for Sharptooth in the first movie, but I suppose it makes sense that it was her, given she was the only one who could swim well (and hence be in a place where the sharptooth couldn't go). Other than that, I suppose it would have to be the Imaginary Song. Didn't like it.


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Wow two stupids made for each other.
I do not think that was called for. It's one thing to hate the characters, but to bash the voice actors for it? Rob Paulsen is an extremely prolific voice actor who is in practically everything on TV right now. He might not have known what the movie would end up being like since he would have had to record the part at least a year in advance. He might not even remember doing the part anyway because he is so busy.

What disgusts me the most about LBT is how Universal treats it. The "Anniversary Edition" DVD release is a joke. I think I've mentioned this before, but it looks like they used an old VHS tape and burned it to a disc. So many scratches and blurry frames.  :cry


  • Cera
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If you read my post Freckled One I said I love his work but he picked some pretty bad stuff. I know not everyone voice actor picks good stuff but I loved a ton of his work. And his voice acting is knowable. I still love his work he did. And that's fine if you like them I never said that you didn't like them. To me they where not good. And if you like them that's great love them. I respect your choices. You're allowed to like what ever characters you like. And yeah I'd defend Petrie because he was also a character that I looked up to. He was small but might. He tried very hard  and he was never a quitter. And so I see what you're saying I will not bash those characters anymore. I will try my best to hold back the assault on them. I didn't mean any harm from what I said a while back.


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What I'm trying to say is that it is okay to not like a character. I mean, I don't like the Yellowbellies either (from what I've seen of them. I haven't actually watched that movie  :oops ). I'm not trying to change your mind about the characters. I just don't like calling the voice actors themselves stupid.

I hate it when I end up creating misunderstandings.  :bang


  • Cera
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No worries and I hope you do get to watch that movie. You can find it online on a movie site. Not sure if it's safe to post a link to the site because I don't wanna break any rules here since I love this place. And no you never did that I mean yes they're not the greatest characters ever I did like the one Robert Paulsen voiced a bit. And no misunderstanding's where made I'm glad this got worked out.


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I have to go with the apparent consensus of the forum on this one and vote for the yellowbellies.  Although I do not hate them with as much vitriol as some of the members have indicated, of the options given they are the item that has disgusted me the most.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I remember not voting for the Yellowbellies but I don't know what I voted for instead :bang

I already said it in another topic yesterday, I watched LBT 13 and really enjoyed it. Maybe, if some members would be thankful for every single piece of LBT material, they would accept the Yellowbellies for what they are and for acting so dumb because the makers of the movie actually HAD a good idea behind that: The wisdoms, respectively: The compromise between rational thinking and making decisions based on feelings and instincts. You'd also notice some pretty funny lines, if you listen closely.
I'm not really happy with some details (green sky, poor animation at some certain scenes, the way the YB's act, the fact that they don't even look like dinosaurs, etc...) but when watching I don't notice them at all because I don't want to or I notice them but don't think about it further.

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I kinda agree, Ducky. I thought they were a little weird, and that the 'wisdoms' and morals of the story were kind of blasted in the viewers' faces, but I just thought the yellowbellies were, well... different lol. They had some funny lines too, yeah.

I think it was because they did dumb things sometimes and were never... well... upset! Or angry. Did they ever get bored? Or sad? I can't remember at this point lol

The stinky place (movie 5)
"Friends for dinner"/Spike as a roasted pig (movie 5)
Animation of movie 7
"Lone Dinosaur" song visuals (Movie 6)
Any scene involving the yellowbellies
Ducky, Spike and Petrie bawling at the end of 11
Animation of the last 4 films
Character bubbles etc. (Friedns for dinner/Boring)
Camera zooming out of Pterano's *ss as he flies away
"Imaginary Friends"
Visuals during "Adventuring"
Visuals during "Big Water
The tinysaureses
Littlefoot's dream at the beginning of 10

Disgust is kind of a big word to say. And I'm not sure if the OP means it as disturbing in the natural sense or loathsome in a character quality sense or something. Anywaaays. I'm going to pick at the choices.

The stinky place wasn't really er disgusting to me. I kinda imagined it as spicy or salty lol cuz of Petrie sniffing the flower.

The spike as a pig was funny but a little unsettling for me at first xD.

I don't recall the animation of the seventh film to be bad. I think the characters moved their heads around more though.

Though not all the visuals were bad in Lone Dinosaur, I DO AGREE WITH YOU. Littlefoot looked QUITE weird there.

I can somewhat agree with the yellowbellies lol. But I wouldn't call it 'disgusting'.

The bawling on 11 was touching and funny, not disgusting xD.

For the last four films, by animation do you mean style and everything else as well? I know the later sequels had brighter colors or what not, but the animation was still great. Traditional animation I guess is more solid though.

The character bubbles on Friends for Dinner and Boring were just kinda funny not disgusting xD.

Tippy was. Annoying at times. I didn't even know Tippy was a boy until checking the wiki... which is kinda creepy since Tippy acted like some girl playmate the whole time (seemingly).

The character zoom out of Pterano was weird, yes.

Imaginary Friends was kinda childish, but I wouldn't call it revolting. While I know it didn't exactly add to the "plot", I don't see how people can't seem to understand it. Didn't you have stuffed animals next to your pillow as a kid :lol

The Adventuring animation was great. Some of the creatures were a little creepy but not by much.

The creatures in Big Water were a little creepy when I watched it when I was young (er. lol). But the visuals were quite good actually, and stylistic too.

The tinysauruses weren't disgusting! They were funny and adorable lol. I guess liberals hate the little guys :p

Littlefoot's dream on 10 was kinda weird at first when I first saw it xD. But not disgusting. Quite surreal though.